987 resultados para new categorical imperative


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In this article, we offer a new way of exploring relationships between three different dimensions of a business operation, namely the stage of business development, the methods of creativity and the major cultural values. Although separately, each of these has gained enormous attention from the management research community, evidenced by a large volume of research studies, there have been not many studies that attempt to describe the logic that connect these three important aspects of a business; let alone empirical evidences that support any significant relationships among these variables. The paper also provides a data set and an empirical investigation on that data set, using a categorical data analysis, to conclude that examinations of these possible relationships are meaningful and possible for seemingly unquantifiable information. The results also show that the most significant category among all creativity methods employed in Vietnamese enterprises is the “creative disciplines” rule in the “entrepreneurial phase,” while in general creative disciplines have played a critical role in explaining the structure of our data sample, for both stages of development in our consideration.


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China has been the world’s fastest growing economy in the past 30 years with its enterprises rapidly emerging and becoming leading players globally. In particular, the progressive integration into the international system has been spurred by China’s entry into the global trading regime of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. The 'go global' policy has been facilitating the rapidly growing engagement on the African continent of Chinese multinational companies (MNCs). As a promising tri-polar global economic entity, its growth of relations with Africa has been both unprecedented and impressive. As the Sino-Africa economic and business partnership surges forward, the matter of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly becoming an imperative ingredient for any successful business. It is noteworthy that responsible corporate citizens should take account of the impact of their investment on both economic and social arenas. However, it still remains uncertain what role Chinese MNCs have been playing in the continent’s sustainable development.
A Sino-Congo deal seems a positive way forward, accelerating the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (hereinafter referred to as Congo) regional economy, depressed due to years of war. Meanwhile, the escalating investment into Congo has raised controversies for its no-attachment policy, with increasing pressure imposed on China’s MNCs to take CSR more seriously. Particular concerns are focused on the multinationals’ inadequate environmental and human rights protection. The recent massive infrastructure investment is arguably perceived as a different interpretation of CSR, which has aroused a hot debate about whether China is heading for status as a responsible stakeholder in the international community. It is conducive to clarifying the paradoxical issue by addressing whether China’s recent approaches have the potential to facilitate CSR initiatives or hinder them in the long run.


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Traditionally trades unions have accepted and promoted orthodox economic growth as a policy imperative. In recent years there has been a noticeable ‘greening’ of trade unions in relation to initiatives such as the ‘Green new deal’ and the creation of ‘green collar’ employment and the focus on a ‘just transition’ to a low carbon economy. Yet given the growing evidence of the negative impacts of economic growth in terms of environmental, resource and pollution impacts as well as the inability of economic growth to tackle (as opposed to managed) socio-economic inequality, it is timely to review the case for trades unions to fundamentally rethink the commitment to orthodox economic growth. That is, for trades unions to consider going beyond their current ‘green/sustainability’ strategies to consider more radical ‘post-growth’ policy positions. This chapter will explore some of the dimensions of a ‘post-growth’ trade union agenda by considering the evidence for going beyond growth from within the trade union movement (specifically looking at the International Labor Organization’s 2004 report on Economic Security, to internal union discussions around trades unionism and climate change) and external evidence ranging from Wilkinson and Pickett’s The Spirit Level (which suggests amongst other things that in the developed world what is needed is not economic growth but greater redistribution and lowering inequality – issues also of traditional interest to the Trades Union movement) to Tim Jackson’s Prosperity without Growth (which suggests that economic growth is ecologically unsustainable as well having passed a threshold beyond which it is contributing to human well-being in the developed world). As well as discussing the relationship between trades unionism and what may be called ‘green political economy’ (such as the ‘degrowth’ and ‘limits to growth’ perspectives) this chapter will also discuss the practical/policy implications of this ‘post-growth’ perspective in relation to trades unionism’s analysis of capitalism and its transformation in the context of a climate changed, carbon constrained world, including implications for ideas such as basic income, a shorter working week and what a trades unionism focused on how to achieve high quality of life within a low carbon context might look like.


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O presente trabalho teve como principal objectivo estudar a modificação química heterogénea controlada de fibras de celulose com diferentes reagentes de modo a alterar as suas propriedades de superfície, em especial em termos da criação de um carácter hidrofóbico e lipofóbico, preservando, sempre que possível, as suas propriedades mecânicas e, consequentemente, abrindo novas perspectivas de aplicação. O desenvolvimento do trabalho envolveu três abordagens principais, envolvendo, em cada caso, o estudo de diferentes condições reaccionais. Na primeira abordagem foram utilizados como reagentes de modificação compostos perfluorados, nomeadamente o anidrido trifluoroacético (TFAA), o cloreto de 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzoílo (PFBz) e o cloreto de 3,3,3- trifluoropropanoílo (TFP), para promover a acilação heterogénea da superfície das fibras. A segunda estratégia usada consistiu na preparação de híbridos de celulose do tipo orgânico-inorgânico classe-II, através da modificação das fibras de celulose com o (3-isocianatopropil)trietoxissilano (ICPTEOS), um reagente organossilano bifuncional. A ligação às fibras de celulose foi efectuada através das funções isocianato e, posteriormente, os grupos etoxissilano foram sujeitos a tratamentos de hidrólise ácida, como tal ou na presença de outros siloxanos, nomeadamente o tetraetoxissilano (TEOS) e o 1H,1H,2H,2Hperfluorodeciltrietoxissilano (PFDTEOS). Finalmente, a última abordagem foi baseada na modificação das fibras com triclorometilssilano (TCMS), através de uma reacção gás-sólido, que dispensou assim o uso de solventes orgânicos. A ocorrência de modificação química foi em cada caso confirmada por Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier e Reflectância Total Atenuada (FTIR-ATR), Análise Elementar (EA) e determinação de ângulos de contacto. Adicionalmente, e dependendo de cada caso específico, diversas outras técnicas foram empregues na caracterização aprofundada dos materiais preparados, nomeadamente Ressonância Magnética Nuclear CPMAS no Estado Sólido (RMN), Espectroscopia de Difracção de Raios-X (XRD), Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA), Espectrometria de Massa de Iões Secundários com Análise de Tempo de Vôo (ToF-SIMS), Espectroscopia Fotoelectrónica de Raios-X (XPS) e Microscopia Electrónica de Varrimento (SEM). Relativamente à acilação das fibras de celulose com reagentes perfluorados, o sucesso da reacção foi comprovado por FTIR-ATR, EA, XPS e ToF-SIMS. Neste contexto, obtiveram-se fibras modificadas possuindo graus de substituição (DS) compreendidos entre 0.006 e 0.39. Verificou-se por XRD que, em geral, mesmo para os valores de DS mais elevados, a cristalinidade das fibras não foi afectada, indicando que a modificação foi limitada às camadas mais superficiais das mesmas ou a regiões amorfas das suas camadas mais internas. Adicionalmente, observou-se por ToF-SIMS que a distribuição dos grupos perfluorados à superfície das fibras foi, de facto, bastante heterogénea. Todos os derivados de celulose perfluorados apresentaram elevada hidrofobicidade e lipofobicidade, tendo-se atingido ângulos de contacto com água e diiodometano de 126º e 104º, respectivamente. Um aspecto interessante relativo a estes materiais é que a elevada omnifobicidade foi observada mesmo para valores de DS muito reduzidos, não se mostrando significativamente afectada pelo aumento dos mesmos. Em consonância, verificou-se por XPS que a cobertura da superfície das fibras de celulose com grupos perfluorados aumentou apenas ligeiramente com o aumento do DS, apontando para a esterificação de camadas mais internas das fibras, associada, neste caso, predominantemente aos seus domínios amorfos. No que diz respeito à estabilidade hidrolítica destes derivados, obtiveram-se dois tipos distintos de comportamento. Por um lado, as fibras de celulose trifluoroacetiladas são facilmente hidrolisáveis em meio neutro, e, por outro, as fibras pentafluorobenzoiladas e trifluoropropanoiladas mostram-se bastante resistentes face a condições de hidrólise em meio neutro e ácido (pH 4), podendo, contudo, ser facilmente hidrolisadas em meio alcalino (pH 9 e 12, para derivados do PFBz e do TFP, respectivamente). Na segunda abordagem verificou-se a ocorrência de reacção por FTIR-ATR e EA. Em geral, a modificação química com ICPTEOS ocorre predominantemente nas zonas mais superficiais das fibras de celulose ou em regiões amorfas. Contudo, em condições reaccionais mais severas (maior quantidade de reagente e tempo de reacção), esta atingiu também regiões cristalinas, afectando, consequentemente, a estrutura cristalina das fibras, como verificado por XRD. Por RMN de 29Si observou-se que após reacção com o ICPTEOS já existiam indícios de alguma hidrólise dos grupos etoxissilano, e que a sua subsequente condensação parcial tinha levado à formação de uma película inorgânica em redor das fibras (verificado por SEM), constituída maioritariamente por estruturas lineares, com uma contribuição mais modesta de estruturas “diméricas” e outras mais ramificadas. Consequentemente, este revestimento inorgânico transformou as fibras de celulose em materiais híbridos com elevada hidrofobicidade (ângulos de contacto com água entre 103-129º). A hidrólise ácida dos restantes grupos etoxissilano, como tal ou na presença de TEOS, originou híbridos de celulose com elevada hidrofilicidade, sendo impossível medirem-se os ângulos de contacto com água dos produtos finais, devido à presença maioritária de grupos silanol (Si-OH) e ligações Si-O-Si à superfície, os quais contribuíram para o consequente aumento de energia de superfície. No entanto, quando a hidrólise foi realizada na presença de PFDTEOS, obtiveram-se materiais híbridos com elevada hidrofobicidade e lipofobicidade (ângulos de contacto com água e diiodometano de 140º e 134º, respectivamente), devido à combinação da presença de grupos perfluorados e micro- e nano-rugosidades na superfície das fibras de celulose, conforme confirmado por SEM. Finalmente, a última abordagem permitiu preparar materiais derivados de celulose altamente hidrofóbicos e lipofóbicos (ângulos de contacto com água e diiodometano de 136º e 109º, respectivamente) por um processo simples, envolvendo tempos de tratamento tão curtos como 0.5 min. Este comportamento omnifóbico foi gerado pelo efeito sinergético entre a diminuição de energia de superfície das fibras, devido à presença de grupos metilo dos resíduos de TCMS ligados a estas, e a condensação dos resíduos de TCMS na forma de micro- e nano-partículas inorgânicas, que levou à criação de um revestimento rugoso à superfície das fibras, conforme observado por RMN de 29Si e SEM, respectivamente. A pré-humidificação das fibras de celulose demonstrou desempenhar um importante papel de “acelerador” dos processos de hidrólise e condensação das moléculas de TCMS. Nestas condições, o tempo de tratamento foi um dos parâmetros mais relevantes, pois para tempos de tratamento muito curtos (0.5 min) os materiais resultantes não apresentaram quaisquer diferenças a nível de propriedades físico-químicas em relação ao substrato de partida (a humidade em excesso consumiu todo o TCMS antes que este conseguisse reagir com os grupos hidroxilo das fibras de celulose), possuindo, por exemplo, valores de ângulos de contacto com água idênticos. Para tempos de tratamento mais longos, como 30 min, os materiais finais apresentaram a maior quantidade de componentes inorgânicos, tal como verificado por EA e TGA. Assim, o controlo da humidade das fibras é imperativo para se poder moldar as propriedades finais dos produtos. Esta última abordagem é particularmente promissora uma vez que tem como base um sistema simples e “verde” que pode ser facilmente implementado. Em conclusão, este trabalho permitiu demonstrar que a modificação química heterogénea controlada das fibras de celulose representa uma iniciativa promissora para a preparação de novos materiais obtidos a partir de recursos renováveis, com propriedades interessantes e passíveis de ser potencialmente aplicados em diferentes áreas. Para além do mais, as estratégias de modificação estudadas podem também ser precursoras de novos estudos que possam vir a ser desenvolvidos dentro do mesmo âmbito.


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Research on cluster analysis for categorical data continues to develop, new clustering algorithms being proposed. However, in this context, the determination of the number of clusters is rarely addressed. We propose a new approach in which clustering and the estimation of the number of clusters is done simultaneously for categorical data. We assume that the data originate from a finite mixture of multinomial distributions and use a minimum message length criterion (MML) to select the number of clusters (Wallace and Bolton, 1986). For this purpose, we implement an EM-type algorithm (Silvestre et al., 2008) based on the (Figueiredo and Jain, 2002) approach. The novelty of the approach rests on the integration of the model estimation and selection of the number of clusters in a single algorithm, rather than selecting this number based on a set of pre-estimated candidate models. The performance of our approach is compared with the use of Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (Schwarz, 1978) and Integrated Completed Likelihood (ICL) (Biernacki et al., 2000) using synthetic data. The obtained results illustrate the capacity of the proposed algorithm to attain the true number of cluster while outperforming BIC and ICL since it is faster, which is especially relevant when dealing with large data sets.


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If we are to understand how we can build machines capable of broad purpose learning and reasoning, we must first aim to build systems that can represent, acquire, and reason about the kinds of commonsense knowledge that we humans have about the world. This endeavor suggests steps such as identifying the kinds of knowledge people commonly have about the world, constructing suitable knowledge representations, and exploring the mechanisms that people use to make judgments about the everyday world. In this work, I contribute to these goals by proposing an architecture for a system that can learn commonsense knowledge about the properties and behavior of objects in the world. The architecture described here augments previous machine learning systems in four ways: (1) it relies on a seven dimensional notion of context, built from information recently given to the system, to learn and reason about objects' properties; (2) it has multiple methods that it can use to reason about objects, so that when one method fails, it can fall back on others; (3) it illustrates the usefulness of reasoning about objects by thinking about their similarity to other, better known objects, and by inferring properties of objects from the categories that they belong to; and (4) it represents an attempt to build an autonomous learner and reasoner, that sets its own goals for learning about the world and deduces new facts by reflecting on its acquired knowledge. This thesis describes this architecture, as well as a first implementation, that can learn from sentences such as ``A blue bird flew to the tree'' and ``The small bird flew to the cage'' that birds can fly. One of the main contributions of this work lies in suggesting a further set of salient ideas about how we can build broader purpose commonsense artificial learners and reasoners.


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The proportional odds model provides a powerful tool for analysing ordered categorical data and setting sample size, although for many clinical trials its validity is questionable. The purpose of this paper is to present a new class of constrained odds models which includes the proportional odds model. The efficient score and Fisher's information are derived from the profile likelihood for the constrained odds model. These results are new even for the special case of proportional odds where the resulting statistics define the Mann-Whitney test. A strategy is described involving selecting one of these models in advance, requiring assumptions as strong as those underlying proportional odds, but allowing a choice of such models. The accuracy of the new procedure and its power are evaluated.


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Readers need to easily discriminate between different letters, so typefaces are designed to make these differences distinctive. But there is also a uniformity of style within a typeface. These styles are recognised by typographic designers and may be categorised to enable more efficient discrimination among typefaces. The manner in which designers perceive typefaces is explored using the paradigm of Categorical Perception (CP). A continuum of fonts is created by interpolating between two typefaces and two tasks (identification and discrimination) are used to test for CP. As the application of CP to typefaces is a new approach, various methodological issues are pursued. The experiments reveal that the conditions required to demonstrate CP are quite specific and CP was only evident in Times and Helvetica and not Garamond and Bodoni. Possible reasons for this difference are the characteristics of the two typefaces and their context of use. Speculation as to the purpose of CP in non-designers raises the under-researched question of how we identify letters in different typefaces when reading.


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This paper applies a reading of the postmodernisation of law to the incremental reform of agricultural holdings legislation over the last century. In charting the shifting legal basis of agricultural tenancies, from ‘black letter’ positivism to the cultural contextuality of sumptuary law, the paper theorises that the underlying political imperative has been allied to the changing significance of property ownership and use. Rather than reflecting the long-term official desire to maintain the let sector in British agriculture, however, the paper argues that this process has had other aims. In particular, it has been about an annexation of law to legitimise the retention of landowner power while presenting a rhetorical ‘democratisation’ of farming, away from its plutocratic associations and towards a new narrative of ‘depersonalised’ business.


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The reality of the current international order makes it imperative that a just and effective climate regime balance the historical responsibility of developed countries with the increasing absolute emissions from many developing nations. In this short outlook article, key pillars are proposed for a new international climate architecture that envisions replacing the current annex system with two new annexes –Annex α, for countries with high current emissions and historically high emissions, and Annex β, for countries with high current emissions and historically low emissions. Countries in both annexes would implement legally binding targets under this framework. Additionally, this proposal includes tweaks and revisions to funding and technology transfer mechanisms to correct for weaknesses and inequities under the current Kyoto architecture. The proposed framework stems from a belief that a top-down, international approach to climate policy remains the most effective for ensuring environmental integrity. Given the slow rate of institutional learning, reforming and improving the current system is held as a more efficient course of action than abandoning the progress already achieved. It is argued that the proposed framework effectively accommodates key equity, environmental integrity and political feasibility concerns.


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This paper examines the role of a key group of primary refiners in the socialisation of new entrants to journalism: that is, the trainers, generally called cadet counsellors or editorial training managers. While the paper highlights the historical and structural tensions still current in the training of young journalists in Australia, it identifies the two main determining forces as technology and the increasingly virulent commercial imperative driving modern journalism. This paper also taps into continuing and current debates surrounding accreditation and professionalism. It confirms the fundamental identity crisis for trainers: should they confirm and consolidate current practice or be innovators and catalysts for change within the newsroom?


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Rural finance has been a mltior policy in alleviating poverty in developing countries. Of specific interest are the micro credit programmes that target the poorest segment of the population. Despite some successes in particular settings, the efficacy of micro credit programmes has been a mltior concern in recent years. This paper evaluates the success of the Grameen Bank, the premier micro credit provider in rural areas in Bangladesh in the context of contemporary development philosophies. Only a few studies have evaluated the performance of the Grameen Bank from a poverty alleviation perspective. Many have evaluated the efficiency of the Grameen Bank's micro credit programmes using attributes such as the repayment rate. In this paper, we add a new dimension to the literature by arguing that if poverty alleviation is the ultimate objective, then the bank's micro credit programme should be assessed from the borrowers' perspective. Rural credit should be conceptualised not as just an input to production but as a mechanism for rural transformation. Our analysis reveals that while Grameen Bank is an efficient provider of micro credit in rural Bangladesh, its programmes fall short of achieving poverty alleviation for a multitude of borrowers and reshaping the process is hence a critical imperative.


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Engaging students' lifeworlds and the concerns of their communities in globalised, semiotic and information societies is imperative in New Times. As youth continue to exhibit their proficiency with new literacies emerging from Internet communication technologies (leTs), education-particularly curriculum and instruction-remains largely focused around monomodal, print-only literacy practices, often ignoring students' hybrid multiple voices. This paper reports on two curricular interruptions to the progressive reading and writing workshop that acknowledged adolescents' engagement with digital technologies and their new multimodalliteracy practices in a year eight public classroom within a small urban academy of technology.


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The objective of this study was to conduct research to inform the development of standards for nurse practitioner education in Australia and New Zealand and to contribute to the international debate on nurse practitioner practice.
The research was conducted in all states of Australia where the nurse practitioner is authorised and in New Zealand.
The research was informed by multiple data sources including nurse practitioner program curricula documents from all relevant universities in Australia and New Zealand, interviews with academic convenors of these programs and interviews with nurse practitioners.
Primary argument:
Findings from this research include support for master's level of education as preparation for the nurse practitioner. These programs need to have a strong clinical learning component and in-depth education for the sciences of specialty practice. Additionally an important aspect of education for the nurse practitioner is the centrality of student directed and flexible learning models. This approach is well supported by the literature on capability.
There is agreement in the literature about the lack of consistent standards in nurse practitioner practice, education and nomenclature. The findings from this research contribute to the international debate in this area and bring research informed standards to nurse practitioner education in Australia and New Zealand.


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Distributional and habitat information on eight introduced bird species in north Sulawesi, Indonesia, is presented. The accounts are based on our observations as well as being gathered from published sources and unpublished trip reports. Three species (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita, Sooty-headed Bulbul Pycnonotus aurigaster and Red-collared Dove Steptopelia tranquebarica) have not previously been reported in north Sulawesi in the published literature, while the continued presence and status of Java Sparrow Padda oryzivora, Zebra Dove Geopelia striata and Rock Dove Columba livia was considered uncertain in the published literature. Further work is required systematically to document the distribution, status and spread of introduced species in the north and other parts of Sulawesi—an imperative from both an economic and conservation perspective.