978 resultados para ne bis in idem


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Added t.p.: Oesterreichisches Museum. Enthaltend die geschichtliche und topographischpitoreske Darstellung aller k.k. österreichischen Staaten.


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From Tasso, Torquato. L'Aminta, favola boschereccia di Torquato Tasso e l'Alceo favola pescatoria di Antonio Ongaro. Padova, presso G. Comino, 1722.


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"Die 1. Aufl. erschien als Band XI der Arbeiten des Kunsthistorischen Institutes der Wiener Universität."


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Enlarged from the author's inaug.-diss., Heidelberg, 1897.


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El estudio pretende establecer los lineamientos establecidos por la Corte Constitucional, los fallos y conceptos de la Procuraduría, la sala disciplinaria del Consejo Superior de la Judicatura y la doctrina entre otros, frente a la ilicitud sustancial, como derrotero para endilgar la responsabilida disciplinaria.


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El lector tiene entre sus manos un manual esencialmente práctico, el interés ha sido sobre todo recopilar y ordenar los datos normativos y jurisprudenciales existentes en nuestro ordenamiento sobre régimen disciplinario de los funcionarios públicos


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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L’oggetto della presente tesi di ricerca è l’analisi della situazione attuale della protezione degli interessi finanziari delle Comunità Europee, oltre che le sue prospettive di futuro. Il lavoro è suddiviso in due grandi parti. La prima studia il regime giuridico del Diritto sanzionatorio comunitario, cioè, la competenza sanzionatoria dell’Unione Europea. Questa sezione è stata ricostruita prendendo in considerazione i precetti normativi del Diritto originario e derivato, oltre che le principali sentenze della Corte di Giustizia, tra cui assumono particolare rilievo le sentenze di 27 ottobre 1992, Germania c. Commissione, affare C-240/90 e di 13 settembre 2005 e di 23 ottobre 2007, Commissione c. Consiglio, affari C-176/03 e C-440/05. A questo segue l’analisi del ruolo dei diritti fondamentali nell’ordinamento comunitario, così come la rilevanza della Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo e la Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo. Il secondo capitolo si sofferma particolarmente sullo studio delle sanzioni comunitarie, classificandole in ragione della loro natura giuridica alla luce anche dei principi generali di legalità, di proporzionalità, di colpevolezza e del non bis in idem. La seconda sezione sviluppa un’analisi dettagliata del regime giuridico della protezione degli interessi finanziari comunitari. Questa parte viene costruita indagando tutta l’evoluzione normativa e istituzionale, in considerazione anche delle novità più recenti (ad esempio, l’istituzione del Pubblico Ministero Europeo). In questo contesto si definisce il contenuto del concetto di interessi finanziari comunitari, dato che non esiste un’analoga definizione comunitaria della fattispecie. L’attenzione del dottorando si concentra poi sulla Convenzione avente ad oggetto la tutela degli interessi finanziari delle Comunità Europee e i regolamenti del Consiglio n. 2988/95 e 2185/96, che costituiscono la parte generale del Diritto sanzionatorio comunitario. Alla fine si esamina la ricezione della Convenzione PIF nel Codice Penale spagnolo e i principali problemi di cui derivano. L’originalità dell’approccio proposto deriva dell’assenza di un lavoro recente che, in modo esclusivo e concreto, analizzi la protezione amministrativa e penale degli interessi finanziari della Comunità. Inoltre, la Carta Europea di Diritti Fondamentali e il Trattato di Lisbona sono due grandi novità che diventeranno una realtà tra poco tempo.


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Sampling by the continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey over the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea has enabled long-term studies of phytoplankton biomass. Analysis of an index of phytoplankton biomass, the phytoplankton colour index (PCI), has previously shown an increase in phytoplankton biomass in the NE Atlantic. In the current study, further investigations were conducted to determine the contribution of diatom and dinoflagellate cell counts to the PCI, their fluctuations over the last 45 yr and their geographical variations in the eastern North Atlantic and the North Sea. An increased contribution of dinoflagellates to the PCI was revealed over the south NE Atlantic and the northern North Sea. In contrast, the contribution of diatoms decreased in the north NE Atlantic and the northern North Sea. No discernible trends were found in the other regions of the North Sea. The relative contributions of diatoms and dinoflagellates to the PCI led to the identification of 3 geographically distinct dynamic regimes in the diatom/dinoflagellate dynamics in the NE Atlantic and the North Sea. Finally, it is stressed that the discrepancy observed in the patterns of PCI and diatom and dinoflagellate cell counts suggests that changes in PCI do not reflect changes in the community structure and that the exclusive use of PCI is not adequate to investigate the long-term trends in the trophic link between phytoplankton and herbivorous zooplankton.


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In this PhD thesis, a multidisciplinary study has been carried out on metagranitoids and paragneisses from the Eastern Rhodope Massif, northern Greece, to decipher the pre-Alpine magmatic and geodynamic evolution of the Rhodope Massif and to correlate the eastern part with the western/central parts of the orogen. The Rhodope Massif, which occupies the major part of NE Greece and S Bulgaria, represents the easternmost part of the Internal Hellenides. It is regarded as a nappe stack of high-grade units, which is classically subdivided into an upper unit and a lower unit, separated by a SSE-NNW trending thrust plane, the Nestos thrust. Recent research in the central Greek Rhodope Massif revealed that the two units correspond to two distinct terranes of different age, the Permo-Carboniferous Thracia Terrane, which was overthrusted by the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Rhodope Terrane. These terranes are separated by the Nestos suture, a composite zone comprising metapelites, metabasites, metagranitoids and marbles, which record high-pressure and even ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in places. Similar characteristic rock associations were investigated during this study along several well-constrained cross sections in vincity to the Ada, Sidiro and Kimi villages in the Greek Eastern Rhodope Massif. Field evidence revealed that the contact zone of the two terranes in the Eastern Rhodope Massif is characterized by a mélange of metapelites, migmatitic amphibolites/eclogites, strongly sheared orthogneisses and marbles. The systematical occurrence of this characteristic rock association between the terranes implies that the Nestos suture is a continuous belt throughout the Greek Rhodope Massif. In this study, a new UHP locality could be established and for the first time in the Greek Rhodope, metamorphic microdiamonds were identified in situ in their host zircons using Laser-Raman spectroscopy. The presence of the diamonds as well as element distribution patterns of the zircons, obtained by TOF-SIMS, indicate metamorphic conditions of T > 1000 °C and P > 4 GPa. The high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure rocks of the mélange zone are considered to have formed during the subduction of the Nestos Ocean in Jurassic times at ~150 Ma. Melting of metapelitic rocks at UHP conditions facilitated the exhumation to lower crustal levels. To identify major crust forming events, basement granitoids were dated by LA-SF-ICPMS and SHRIMP-II U-Pb analyses of zircons. The geochronological results revealed that the Eastern Rhodope Massif consists of two crustal units, a structurally lower Permo-Carboniferous unit corresponding to the Thracia Terrane and a structurally upper Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous unit corresponding to the Rhodope Terrane, like it was documented for the Central Rhodope Massif. Inherited zircons in the orthogneisses from the Thracia Terrane of the Eastern Rhodope Massif indicate the presence of a pre-existing Neoproterozoic and Ordovician-Silurian basement in this region. Triassic magmatism is witnessed by the zircons of few orthogneisses from the easternmost Rhodope Massif and is interpreted to be related to rifting processes. Whole-rock major and trace element analyses indicate that the metagranitoids from both terranes originated in a subduction-related magmatic-arc environment. The Sr-Nd isotope data for both terranes of the Eastern and Central Rhodope Massif suggest a mixed crust-mantle source with variable contributions of older crustal material as already indicated by the presence of inherited zircons. Geochemical and isotopic similarity of the basement of the Thracia Terrane and the Pelagonian Zone implies that the Thracia Terrane is a fragment of a formerly unique Permo-Carboniferous basement, separated by rifting and opening of the Meliata-Maliac ocean system in Triassic times. A branch of the Meliata-Maliac ocean system, the Nestos Ocean, subducted northwards in Late Jurassic times leading to the formation of the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Rhodope magmatic arc on remnants of the Thracia Terrane as suggested by inherited Permo-Carboniferous zircons. The ~150 Ma zircon ages of the orthogneisses from the Rhodope Terrane indicate that subduction-related magmatism and HP/UHP metamorphism occurred during the same subduction phase. Subduction ceased due to the closure of the Nestos Ocean in the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous. The post-Jurassic evolution of the Rhodope Massif is characterized by the exhumation of the Rhodope core complex in the course of extensional tectonics associated with late granite intrusions in Eocene to Miocene times.