990 resultados para movement systems
In 3D human movement analysis performed using stereophotogrammetric systems and skin markers, bone pose can only be estimated in an indirect fashion. During a movement, soft tissue deformations make the markers move with respect to the underlying bone generating soft tissue artefact (STA). STA has devastating effects on bone pose estimation and its compensation remains an open question. The aim of this PhD thesis was to contribute to the solution of this crucial issue. Modelling STA using measurable trial-specific variables is a fundamental prerequisite for its removal from marker trajectories. Two STA model architectures are proposed. Initially, a thigh marker-level artefact model is presented. STA was modelled as a linear combination of joint angles involved in the movement. This model was calibrated using ex-vivo and in-vivo STA invasive measures. The considerable number of model parameters led to defining STA approximations. Three definitions were proposed to represent STA as a series of modes: individual marker displacements, marker-cluster geometrical transformations (MCGT), and skin envelope shape variations. Modes were selected using two criteria: one based on modal energy and another on the selection of modes chosen a priori. The MCGT allows to select either rigid or non-rigid STA components. It was also empirically demonstrated that only the rigid component affects joint kinematics, regardless of the non-rigid amplitude. Therefore, a model of thigh and shank STA rigid component at cluster-level was then defined. An acceptable trade-off between STA compensation effectiveness and number of parameters can be obtained, improving joint kinematics accuracy. The obtained results lead to two main potential applications: the proposed models can generate realistic STAs for simulation purposes to compare different skeletal kinematics estimators; and, more importantly, focusing only on the STA rigid component, the model attains a satisfactory STA reconstruction with less parameters, facilitating its incorporation in an pose estimator.
Solid oral dosage form disintegration in the human stomach is a highly complex process dependent on physicochemical properties of the stomach contents as well as on physical variables such as hydrodynamics and mechanical stress. Understanding the role of hydrodynamics and forces in disintegration of oral solid dosage forms can help to improve in vitro disintegration testing and the predictive power of the in vitro test. The aim of this work was to obtain a deep understanding of the influence of changing hydrodynamic conditions on solid oral dosage form performance. Therefore, the hydrodynamic conditions and forces present in the compendial PhEur/USP disintegration test device were characterized using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. Furthermore, a modified device was developed and the hydrodynamic conditions present were simulated using CFD. This modified device was applied in two case studies comprising immediate release (IR) tablets and gastroretentive drug delivery systems (GRDDS). Due to the description of movement provided in the PhEur, the movement velocity of the basket-rack assembly follows a sinusoidal profile. Therefore, hydrodynamic conditions are changing continually throughout the movement cycle. CFD simulations revealed that the dosage form is exposed to a wide range of fluid velocities and shear forces during the test. The hydrodynamic conditions in the compendial device are highly variable and cannot be controlled. A new, modified disintegration test device based on computerized numerical control (CNC) technique was developed. The modified device can be moved in all three dimensions and radial movement is also possible. Simple and complex moving profiles can be developed and the influence of the hydrodynamic conditions on oral solid dosage form performance can be evaluated. Furthermore, a modified basket was designed that allows two-sided fluid flow. CFD simulations of the hydrodynamics and forces in the modified device revealed significant differences in the fluid flow field and forces when compared to the compendial device. Due to the CNC technique moving velocity and direction are arbitrary and hydrodynamics become controllable. The modified disintegration test device was utilized to examine the influence of moving velocity on disintegration times of IR tablets. Insights into the influence of moving speed, medium viscosity and basket design on disintegration times were obtained. An exponential relationship between moving velocity of the modified basket and disintegration times was established in simulated gastric fluid. The same relationship was found between the disintegration times and the CFD predicted average shear stress on the tablet surface. Furthermore, a GRDDS was developed based on the approach of an in situ polyelectrolyte complex (PEC). Different complexes composed of different grades of chitosan and carrageenan and different ratios of those were investigated for their swelling behavior, mechanical stability, and in vitro drug release. With an optimized formulation the influence of changing hydrodynamic conditions on the swelling behavior and the drug release profile was demonstrated using the modified disintegration test device. Both, swelling behavior and drug release, were largely dependent on the hydrodynamic conditions. Concluding, it has been shown within this thesis that the application of the modified disintegration test device allows for detailed insights into the influence of hydrodynamic conditions on solid oral dosage form disintegration and dissolution. By the application of appropriate test conditions, the predictive power of in vitro disintegration testing can be improved using the modified disintegration test device. Furthermore, CFD has proven a powerful tool to examine the hydrodynamics and forces in the compendial as well as in the modified disintegration test device. rn
Nella prima parte di questo progetto di tesi, ho analizzato tutte le nozioni teoriche rilevanti in merito alla teoria della transizione. Il primo concetto condiviso in questa trattazione è quello di transizione. Nella parte finale del capitolo, il focus si sposta sul ruolo, in una generica transizione, delle nicchie. Lo strumento centrale in questa struttura sono gli esperimenti di transizione, i quali forniscono un approccio alternativo ai progetti di innovazione classica che sono incentrati nell'ottenimento di soluzioni a breve termine. Vi è dunque una forte relazione tra nicchia e sperimentazione. Infine la trattazione si concentra sul tema dello Strategic Niche Management. Nel secondo capitolo, analizzo il tema della sostenibilità inserita in un contesto universitario. Questa sezione si focalizza sulle strategie di alto livello richieste per dare avvio alla transizione universitaria verso la sostenibilità, identificando gli ostacoli e gli elementi portanti, e definendo una vision al fine di concretizzarla. Il capitolo guida, passo per passo, le università che tentano di mettere in pratica il proprio obiettivo e la vision di sviluppo sostenibile. Una delle problematiche principali per stimare gli sforzi verso la sostenibilità nelle università è costituita in modo particolare dagli strumenti di valutazione. Per questo motivo, è stata sviluppata la valutazione grafica della sostenibilità nell'università (GASU). Al fine di riassumere quanto detto fin qui ed avere un quadro generale più chiaro dell'organizzazione di un campus universitario che mira a diventare sostenibile, ho utilizzato lo strumento gestionale della SWOT Analysis. Negli ultimi due capitoli, infine, analizzo nel dettaglio il modello Green Office. La teorizzazione di questo modello e l'elaborazione dei 6 principi del Green Office sono state effettuate da rootAbility. Le seguenti pagine presentano 3 casi studio di come i 6 principi dei Green Office sono stati adattati alle 3 unità di sostenibilità guidate da studenti e supportate da staff qualificato. L'oggetto della trattazione sono i principali GO affermatisi nei Paesi Bassi. A seguito dell'introduzione del modello relativo al Green Office e dell'illustrazione degli esempi presi in esame, è stato sfruttato lo strumento della feasibility analysis al fine di giudicare se l'idea di business sia praticabile. Il mezzo con cui ho condotto l'analisi sotto riportata è un questionario relativo al modello di Green Office implementato, nel quale viene chiesto di valutare gli aspetti relativi alla organizational feasibility e alla financial feasibility. Infine nella sezione finale ho considerato i Green Office come fossero un unico movimento. L'analisi mira a considerare l'impatto globale del Green Office Movement nei sistemi universitari e come, a seguito del loro consolidarsi nella struttura accademica, possano divenire prassi comune. La struttura proposta contiene elementi sia da il SNM (Strategic Niche Management) che dal TE (Transition Experiment).
Mouse molars undergo distal movement, during which new bone is formed at the mesial side of the tooth root whereas the preexisting bone is resorbed at the distal side of the root. However, there is little detailed information available regarding which of the bones that surround the tooth root are involved in physiological tooth movement. In the present study, we therefore aimed to investigate the precise morphological differences of the alveolar bone between the bone formation side of the tooth root, using routine histological procedures including silver impregnation, as well as by immunohistochemical analysis of alkaline phosphatase and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase activity, and immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of the osteocyte markers dentin matrix protein 1, sclerostin, and fibroblast growth factor 23. Histochemical analysis indicated that bone formation by osteoblasts and bone resorption by osteoclasts occurred at the bone formation side and the bone resorption side, respectively. Osteocyte marker immunoreactivity of osteocytes at the surface of the bone close to the periodontal ligament differed at the bone formation and bone resorption sides. We also showed different specific features of osteocytic lacunar canalicular systems at the bone formation and bone resorption sides by using silver staining. This study suggests that the alveolar bone is different in the osteocyte nature between the bone formation side and the bone resorption side due to physiological distal movement of the mouse molar.
Biogeochemical processes in the coastal region, including the coastal area of the Great Lakes, are of great importance due to the complex physical, chemical and biological characteristics that differ from those on either the adjoining land or open water systems. Particle-reactive radioisotopes, both naturally occurring (210Pb, 210Po and 7Be) and man-made (137Cs), have proven to be useful tracers for these processes in many systems. However, a systematic isotope study on the northwest coast of the Keweenaw Peninsula in Lake Superior has not yet been performed. In this dissertation research, field sampling, laboratory measurements and numerical modeling were conducted to understand the biogeochemistry of the radioisotope tracers and some particulate-related coastal processes. In the first part of the dissertation, radioisotope activities of 210Po and 210Pb in a variability of samples (dissolved, suspended particle, sediment trap materials, surficial sediment) were measured. A completed picture of the distribution and disequilibrium of this pair of isotopes was drawn. The application of a simple box model utilizing these field observations reveals short isotope residence times in the water column and a significant contribution of sediment resuspension (for both particles and isotopes). The results imply a highly dynamic coastal region. In the second part of this dissertation, this conclusion is examined further. Based on intensive sediment coring, the spatial distribution of isotope inventories (mainly 210Pb, 137Cs and 7Be) in the nearshore region was determined. Isotope-based focusing factors categorized most of the sampling sites as non- or temporary depositional zones. A twodimensional steady-state box-in-series model was developed and applied to individual transects with the 210Pb inventories as model input. The modeling framework included both water column and upper sediments down to the depth of unsupported 210Pb penetration. The model was used to predict isotope residence times and cross-margin fluxes of sediments and isotopes at different locations along each transect. The time scale for sediment focusing from the nearshore to offshore regions of the transect was on the order of 10 years. The possibility of sediment longshore movement was indicated by high inventory ratios of 137Cs: 210Pb. Local deposition of fine particles, including fresh organic carbon, may explain the observed distribution of benthic organisms such as Diporeia. In the last part of this dissertation, isotope tracers, 210Pb and 210Po, were coupled into a hydrodynamic model for Lake Superior. The model was modified from an existing 2-D finite difference physical-biological model which has previously been successfully applied on Lake Superior. Using the field results from part one of this dissertation as initial conditions, the model was used to predict the isotope distribution in the water column; reasonable results were achieved. The modeling experiments demonstrated the potential for using a hydrodynamic model to study radioisotope biogeochemistry in the lake, although further refinements are necessary.
ims: Periodic leg movements in sleep (PLMS) are a frequent finding in polysomnography. Most patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) display PLMS. However, since PLMS are also often recorded in healthy elderly subjects, the clinical significance of PLMS is still discussed controversially. Leg movements are seen concurrently with arousals in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) may also appear periodically. Quantitative assessment of the periodicity of LM/PLM as measured by inter movement intervals (IMI) is difficult. This is mainly due to influencing factors like sleep architecture and sleep stage, medication, inter and intra patient variability, the arbitrary amplitude and sequence criteria which tend to broaden the IMI distributions or make them even multi-modal. Methods: Here a statistical method is presented that enables eliminating such effects from the raw data before analysing the statistics of IMI. Rather than studying the absolute size of IMI (measured in seconds) we focus on the shape of their distribution (suitably normalized IMI). To this end we employ methods developed in Random Matrix Theory (RMT). Patients: The periodicity of leg movements (LM) of four patient groups (10 to 15 each) showing LM without PLMS (group 1), OSA without PLMS (group 2), PLMS and OSA (group 3) as well as PLMS without OSA (group 4) are compared. Results: The IMI of patients without PLMS (groups 1 and 2) and with PLMS (groups 3 and 4) are statistically different. In patients without PLMS the distribution of normalized IMI resembles closely the one of random events. In contrary IMI of PLMS patients show features of periodic systems (e.g. a pendulum) when studied in normalized manner. Conclusions: For quantifying PLMS periodicity proper normalization of the IMI is crucial. Without this procedure important features are hidden when grouping LM/PLM over whole nights or across patients. The clinical significance of PLMS might be eluded when properly separating random LM from LM that show features of periodic systems.
Manure scrapers are widely used in dairy cow loose-housing systems. In order to evaluate the effects of the scrapers on the cows, we assessed their impact on the animals' cardiac activity, feeding behaviour, and the behavioural reactions of cows confronted with different types of scrapers. In part I of the study, we measured cardiac activity (mean R–R interval and RMSSD, a parameter of heart-rate variability) whilst observing the behaviour of 29 focal cows on three farms during situations with and without active manure scrapers. Lower RMSSD values were observed during scraping events while cows were either lying, standing or walking in the alleyway, standing completely in the lying cubicle, or standing half in the lying cubicle (P=0.03), but only tended to differ while directly confronted with the scraper (P=0.06). This indicates that dairy cows experienced at least some mild stress during manure-scraping events. In part II, the feeding behaviour of 12 cows on each of two farms was recorded by means of a jaw-movement sensor and compared between situations with the manure-scraping event following forage provision either within or outside the main daily feeding period (i.e. within 1 or after 2 h from forage provisioning, respectively). The duration of night-time feeding (P=0.049) and the number of feeding bouts (P=0.036) were higher when a manure-scraping event took place within the main daily feeding period, indicating that the cows' feeding behaviour had been disturbed. In part III, we observed the cows' behaviour on 15 farms during eight manure scraping events per farm, where each of five farms had one of three different scraper types. We assessed the cows' immediate reactions when confronted with the scraper. In addition, we recorded the number of animals present in the alleyways before and after the manure-scraping events. The more cows that were present in the alleyways before the scraping event, the lower the proportion of cows showing direct behavioural reactions both with (P=0.017) and without (P=0.028) scraper contact, and the higher the number of cows that left the alleyways (P<0.001). Scraper type did not influence the proportion of cows showing behavioural reactions. In conclusion, our results show that dairy cows perceive the manure-scraping event negatively in some situations, that feeding behaviour may be disturbed when scrapers are active during the main feeding period, and that cows avoid the scraper during crowded situations.
Tourette Syndrome begins in childhood and is characterized by uncontrollable repetitive actions like neck craning or hopping and noises such as sniffing or chirping. Worst in early adolescence, these tics wax and wane in severity and occur in bouts unpredictably, often drawing unwanted attention from bystanders. Making matters worse, over half of children with Tourette Syndrome also suffer from comorbid, or concurrent, disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These disorders introduce anxious thoughts, impulsivity, inattention, and mood variability that further disrupt children with Tourette Syndrome from focusing and performing well at school and home. Thus, deficits in the cognitive control functions of response inhibition, response generation, and working memory have long been ascribed to Tourette Syndrome. Yet, without considering the effect of medication, age, and comorbidity, this is a premature attribution. This study used an infrared eye tracking camera and various computer tasks requiring eye movement responses to evaluate response inhibition, response generation, and working memory in Tourette Syndrome. This study, the first to control for medication, age, and comorbidity, enrolled 39 unmedicated children with Tourette Syndrome and 29 typically developing peers aged 10-16 years who completed reflexive and voluntary eye movement tasks and diagnostic rating scales to assess symptom severities of Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, and OCD. Children with Tourette Syndrome and comorbid ADHD and/or OCD, but not children with Tourette Syndrome only, took longer to respond and made more errors and distracted eye movements compared to typically-developing children, displaying cognitive control deficits. However, increasing symptom severities of Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, and OCD correlated with one another. Thus, cognitive control deficits were not specific to Tourette Syndrome patients with comorbid conditions, but rather increase with increasing tic severity, suggesting that a majority of Tourette Syndrome patients, regardless of a clinical diagnosis of ADHD and/or OCD, have symptoms of cognitive control deficits at some level. Therefore, clinicians should evaluate and counsel all families of children with Tourette Syndrome, with or without currently diagnosed ADHD and/or OCD, about the functional ramifications of comorbid symptoms and that they may wax and wane with tic severity.
The ability to determine what activity of daily living a person performs is of interest in many application domains. It is possible to determine the physical and cognitive capabilities of the elderly by inferring what activities they perform in their houses. Our primary aim was to establish a proof of concept that a wireless sensor system can monitor and record physical activity and these data can be modeled to predict activities of daily living. The secondary aim was to determine the optimal placement of the sensor boxes for detecting activities in a room. A wireless sensor system was set up in a laboratory kitchen. The ten healthy participants were requested to make tea following a defined sequence of tasks. Data were collected from the eight wireless sensor boxes placed in specific places in the test kitchen and analyzed to detect the sequences of tasks performed by the participants. These sequence of tasks were trained and tested using the Markov Model. Data analysis focused on the reliability of the system and the integrity of the collected data. The sequence of tasks were successfully recognized for all subjects and the averaged data pattern of tasks sequences between the subjects had a high correlation. Analysis of the data collected indicates that sensors placed in different locations are capable of recognizing activities, with the movement detection sensor contributing the most to detection of tasks. The central top of the room with no obstruction of view was considered to be the best location to record data for activity detection. Wireless sensor systems show much promise as easily deployable to monitor and recognize activities of daily living.
Increasing attention has been given to the problem of medical errors over the past decade. Included within that focused attention has been a strong interest in reducing the occurrence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Acting concurrently with federal initiatives, the majority of U.S. states have statutorily required reporting and public disclosure of HAI data. Although the occurrence of these state statutory enactments and other state initiatives represent a recognition of the strong concern pertaining to HAIs, vast differences in each state’s HAI reporting and public disclosure requirements creates a varied and unequal response to what has become a national problem.^ The purpose of this research was to explore the variations in state HAI legal requirements and other state mandates. State actions, including statutory enactments, regulations, and other initiatives related to state reporting and public disclosure mechanisms were compared, discussed, and analyzed in an effort to illustrate the impact of the lack of uniformity as a public health concern.^ The HAI statutes, administrative requirements, and other mandates of each state and two U.S. territories were reviewed to answer the following seven research questions: How far has the state progressed in its HAI initiative? If the state has a HAI reporting requirement, is it mandatory or voluntary? What healthcare entities are subject to the reporting requirements? What data collection system is utilized? What measures are required to be reported? What is the public disclosure mechanism? How is the underlying reported information protected from public disclosure or other legal release?^ Secondary publicly available data, including state statutes, administrative rules, and other initiatives, were utilized to examine the current HAI-related legislative and administrative activity of the study subjects. The information was reviewed and analyzed to determine variations in HAI reporting and public disclosure laws. Particular attention was given to the seven key research questions.^ The research revealed that considerable progress has been achieved in state HAI initiatives since 2004. Despite this progress, however, when reviewing the state laws and HAI programs comparatively, considerable variations were found to exist with regards to the type of reporting requirements, healthcare facilities subject to the reporting laws, data collection systems utilized, reportable measures, public disclosure requirements, and confidentiality and privilege provisions. The wide variations in state statutes, administrative rules, and other agency directives create a fragmented and inconsistent approach to addressing the nationwide occurrence of HAIs in the U.S. healthcare system. ^
It is essential to remotely and continuously monitor the movements of individuals in many social areas, for example, taking care of aging people, physical therapy, athletic training etc. Many methods have been used, such as video record, motion analysis or sensor-based methods. Due to the limitations in remote communication, power consumption, portability and so on, most of them are not able to fulfill the requirements. The development of wearable technology and cloud computing provides a new efficient way to achieve this goal. This paper presents an intelligent human movement monitoring system based on a smartwatch, an Android smartphone and a distributed data management engine. This system includes advantages of wide adaptability, remote and long-term monitoring capacity, high portability and flexibility. The structure of the system and its principle are introduced. Four experiments are designed to prove the feasibility of the system. The results of the experiments demonstrate the system is able to detect different actions of individuals with adequate accuracy.
La diabetes comprende un conjunto de enfermedades metabólicas que se caracterizan por concentraciones de glucosa en sangre anormalmente altas. En el caso de la diabetes tipo 1 (T1D, por sus siglas en inglés), esta situación es debida a una ausencia total de secreción endógena de insulina, lo que impide a la mayoría de tejidos usar la glucosa. En tales circunstancias, se hace necesario el suministro exógeno de insulina para preservar la vida del paciente; no obstante, siempre con la precaución de evitar caídas agudas de la glucemia por debajo de los niveles recomendados de seguridad. Además de la administración de insulina, las ingestas y la actividad física son factores fundamentales que influyen en la homeostasis de la glucosa. En consecuencia, una gestión apropiada de la T1D debería incorporar estos dos fenómenos fisiológicos, en base a una identificación y un modelado apropiado de los mismos y de sus sorrespondientes efectos en el balance glucosa-insulina. En particular, los sistemas de páncreas artificial –ideados para llevar a cabo un control automático de los niveles de glucemia del paciente– podrían beneficiarse de la integración de esta clase de información. La primera parte de esta tesis doctoral cubre la caracterización del efecto agudo de la actividad física en los perfiles de glucosa. Con este objetivo se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis que determinen las respuestas ante varias modalidades de ejercicio para pacientes con T1D, abordando esta caracterización mediante unas magnitudes que cuantifican las tasas de cambio en la glucemia a lo largo del tiempo. Por otro lado, una identificación fiable de los periodos con actividad física es un requisito imprescindible para poder proveer de esa información a los sistemas de páncreas artificial en condiciones libres y ambulatorias. Por esta razón, la segunda parte de esta tesis está enfocada a la propuesta y evaluación de un sistema automático diseñado para reconocer periodos de actividad física, clasificando su nivel de intensidad (ligera, moderada o vigorosa); así como, en el caso de periodos vigorosos, identificando también la modalidad de ejercicio (aeróbica, mixta o de fuerza). En este sentido, ambos aspectos tienen una influencia específica en el mecanismo metabólico que suministra la energía para llevar a cabo el ejercicio y, por tanto, en las respuestas glucémicas en T1D. En este trabajo se aplican varias combinaciones de técnicas de aprendizaje máquina y reconocimiento de patrones sobre la fusión multimodal de señales de acelerometría y ritmo cardíaco, las cuales describen tanto aspectos mecánicos del movimiento como la respuesta fisiológica del sistema cardiovascular ante el ejercicio. Después del reconocimiento de patrones se incorpora también un módulo de filtrado temporal para sacar partido a la considerable coherencia temporal presente en los datos, una redundancia que se origina en el hecho de que en la práctica, las tendencias en cuanto a actividad física suelen mantenerse estables a lo largo de cierto tiempo, sin fluctuaciones rápidas y repetitivas. El tercer bloque de esta tesis doctoral aborda el tema de las ingestas en el ámbito de la T1D. En concreto, se propone una serie de modelos compartimentales y se evalúan éstos en función de su capacidad para describir matemáticamente el efecto remoto de las concetraciones plasmáticas de insulina exógena sobre las tasas de eleiminación de la glucosa atribuible a la ingesta; un aspecto hasta ahora no incorporado en los principales modelos de paciente para T1D existentes en la literatura. Los datos aquí utilizados se obtuvieron gracias a un experimento realizado por el Institute of Metabolic Science (Universidad de Cambridge, Reino Unido) con 16 pacientes jóvenes. En el experimento, de tipo ‘clamp’ con objetivo variable, se replicaron los perfiles individuales de glucosa, según lo observado durante una visita preliminar tras la ingesta de una cena con o bien alta carga glucémica, o bien baja. Los seis modelos mecanísticos evaluados constaban de: a) submodelos de doble compartimento para las masas de trazadores de glucosa, b) un submodelo de único compartimento para reflejar el efecto remoto de la insulina, c) dos tipos de activación de este mismo efecto remoto (bien lineal, bien con un punto de corte), y d) diversas condiciones iniciales. ABSTRACT Diabetes encompasses a series of metabolic diseases characterized by abnormally high blood glucose concentrations. In the case of type 1 diabetes (T1D), this situation is caused by a total absence of endogenous insulin secretion, which impedes the use of glucose by most tissues. In these circumstances, exogenous insulin supplies are necessary to maintain patient’s life; although caution is always needed to avoid acute decays in glycaemia below safe levels. In addition to insulin administrations, meal intakes and physical activity are fundamental factors influencing glucose homoeostasis. Consequently, a successful management of T1D should incorporate these two physiological phenomena, based on an appropriate identification and modelling of these events and their corresponding effect on the glucose-insulin balance. In particular, artificial pancreas systems –designed to perform an automated control of patient’s glycaemia levels– may benefit from the integration of this type of information. The first part of this PhD thesis covers the characterization of the acute effect of physical activity on glucose profiles. With this aim, a systematic review of literature and metaanalyses are conduced to determine responses to various exercise modalities in patients with T1D, assessed via rates-of-change magnitudes to quantify temporal variations in glycaemia. On the other hand, a reliable identification of physical activity periods is an essential prerequisite to feed artificial pancreas systems with information concerning exercise in ambulatory, free-living conditions. For this reason, the second part of this thesis focuses on the proposal and evaluation of an automatic system devised to recognize physical activity, classifying its intensity level (light, moderate or vigorous) and for vigorous periods, identifying also its exercise modality (aerobic, mixed or resistance); since both aspects have a distinctive influence on the predominant metabolic pathway involved in fuelling exercise, and therefore, in the glycaemic responses in T1D. Various combinations of machine learning and pattern recognition techniques are applied on the fusion of multi-modal signal sources, namely: accelerometry and heart rate measurements, which describe both mechanical aspects of movement and the physiological response of the cardiovascular system to exercise. An additional temporal filtering module is incorporated after recognition in order to exploit the considerable temporal coherence (i.e. redundancy) present in data, which stems from the fact that in practice, physical activity trends are often maintained stable along time, instead of fluctuating rapid and repeatedly. The third block of this PhD thesis addresses meal intakes in the context of T1D. In particular, a number of compartmental models are proposed and compared in terms of their ability to describe mathematically the remote effect of exogenous plasma insulin concentrations on the disposal rates of meal-attributable glucose, an aspect which had not yet been incorporated to the prevailing T1D patient models in literature. Data were acquired in an experiment conduced at the Institute of Metabolic Science (University of Cambridge, UK) on 16 young patients. A variable-target glucose clamp replicated their individual glucose profiles, observed during a preliminary visit after ingesting either a high glycaemic-load or a low glycaemic-load evening meal. The six mechanistic models under evaluation here comprised: a) two-compartmental submodels for glucose tracer masses, b) a single-compartmental submodel for insulin’s remote effect, c) two types of activations for this remote effect (either linear or with a ‘cut-off’ point), and d) diverse forms of initial conditions.
Functional anatomical and single-unit recording studies indicate that a set of neural signals in parietal and frontal cortex mediates the covert allocation of attention to visual locations, as originally proposed by psychological studies. This frontoparietal network is the source of a location bias that interacts with extrastriate regions of the ventral visual system during object analysis to enhance visual processing. The frontoparietal network is not exclusively related to visual attention, but may coincide or overlap with regions involved in oculomotor processing. The relationship between attention and eye movement processes is discussed at the psychological, functional anatomical, and cellular level of analysis.
The Brn-3 subfamily of POU domain genes are expressed in sensory neurons and in select brainstem nuclei. Earlier work has shown that targeted deletion of the Brn-3b and Brn-3c genes produce, respectively, defects in the retina and in the inner ear. We show herein that targeted deletion of the Brn-3a gene results in defective suckling and in uncoordinated limb and trunk movements, leading to early postnatal death. Brn-3a (-/-) mice show a loss of neurons in the trigeminal ganglia, the medial habenula, the red nucleus, and the caudal region of the inferior olivary nucleus but not in the retina and dorsal root ganglia. In the trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia, but not in the retina, there is a marked decrease in the frequency of neurons expressing Brn-3b and Brn-3c, suggesting that Brn-3a positively regulates Brn-3b and Brn-3c expression in somatosensory neurons. Thus, Brn-3a exerts its major developmental effects in somatosensory neurons and in brainstem nuclei involved in motor control. The pheno-types of Brn-3a, Brn-3b, and Brn-3c mutant mice indicate that individual Brn-3 genes have evolved to control development in the auditory, visual, or somatosensory systems and that despite differences between these systems in transduction mechanisms, sensory organ structures, and central information processing, there may be fundamental homologies in the genetic regulatory events that control their development.