971 resultados para molybdenum disulphide
We have measured internal friction and frequency as a function of temperature in molybdenum containing oxygen and nitrogen in solid solution. These measurements were performed by a torsion pendulum operating in the temperature range of 300 K to 700 K with oscillation frequency about 1.0 Hz. The results showed the complex relaxation process identifying the stress induced ordering of oxygen and nitrogen atom around the molybdenum atoms of the metallic matrix.
The complexes (NH4)(2)[ MoO2( C2H2O3)(2)]center dot H2O, (NH4)(2)[MoO2(C8H6O3)(2)] and (NH4)(2) [MoO3(C4H4O6)]center dot H2O were prepared by reaction of MoO3 with glycolic, mandelic and tartaric acids, respectively. The complexes were characterized by elemental and thermal analysis, IR spectroscopy and X- ray diffraction. Crystals of the glycolate and tartarate complexes are orthorhombic and the mandelate complex is monoclinic. Elemental and thermal analysis data showed that the glycolate and tartarate complexes are monohydrated. Hydration water is not present in the structure of the mandelate complex. IR spectra showed COO- is involved in coordination as well as the oxygen atom of the deprotonated hydroxyl group of the alpha-carbon. The glycolate molybdenum complexes with general formula M-2[MoO2(C2H2O3)(2)]center dot nH(2)O, where M is an alkali metal and n=1 or 1/2, were also prepared and characterized. Aqueous solutions of the glycolate complex become blue and mandelate and tartarate complexes change to yellow or brown when exposed to UV- radiation.
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to use photoelastic analysis to compare the system of forces generated by retraction T-loop springs made with stainless steel and titanium-molybdenum alloy (TMA) (Ormco, Glendora, Calif) with photoelastic analysis. Methods: Three photoelastic models were used to evaluate retraction T-loop springs with the same preactivations in 2 groups. In group 1, the loop was constructed with a stainless steel wire, and 2 helicoids were incorporated on top of the T-loop; in group 2, it was made with TMA and no helicoids. Results: Upon using the qualitative analysis of the fringe order in the photoelastic model, it was observed that the magnitude of force generated by the springs in group 1 was significantly higher than that in group 2. However, both had symmetry for the active and reactive units related to the system of force. Conclusions: Both springs had the same mechanical characteristics. TMA springs showed lower force levels. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;140:e123-e128)
Phospholipases D (PLDs) are principally responsible for the local and systemic effects of Loxosceles envenomation including dermonecrosis and hemolysis. Despite their clinical relevance in loxoscelism, to date, only the SMase I from Loxosceles laeta, a class I member, has been structurally characterized. The crystal structure of a class II member from Loxosceles intermedia venom has been determined at 1.7. Å resolution. Structural comparison to the class I member showed that the presence of an additional disulphide bridge which links the catalytic loop to the flexible loop significantly changes the volume and shape of the catalytic cleft. An examination of the crystal structures of PLD homologues in the presence of low molecular weight compounds at their active sites suggests the existence of a ligand-dependent rotamer conformation of the highly conserved residue Trp230 (equivalent to Trp192 in the glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase from Thermus thermophofilus, PDB code: 1VD6) indicating its role in substrate binding in both enzymes. Sequence and structural analyses suggest that the reduced sphingomyelinase activity observed in some class IIb PLDs is probably due to point mutations which lead to a different substrate preference. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
This paper discusses on effect of molybdenum on the Ti6Si2B formation in mechanically alloyed and hot-pressed Ti-xMo-22Si-11B (x= 2, 5, 7 and 10 at%) alloys. High-energy ball milling and hot pressing were utilized to produce homogeneous and dense materials, which were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, electron dispersive spectrometry, and Vickers hardness. The excessive agglomeration during milling was more pronounced in Moricher powders, which was minimized with the formation of brittle phases. Hot pressing of mechanically alloyed Ti-xMo-22Si-11B powders produced dense samples containing lower pore amounts than 1%. Ti6Si2B was formed in microstructure of the hot-pressed Ti-2Mo-22Si-11B alloy only. In Mo-richer quaternary alloys, the Ti3Si and Ti5Si3 phases were preferentially formed during hot pressing. Oppositely to the ternary phase, the Ti3Si phase dissolved a significant Mo amount. Vickers hardness values were reduced in hot-pressed Ti-xMo-22Si-11B alloys containing larger Mo amounts, which were dissolved preferentially in Ti solid solution. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The goal of this thesis work is to develop a computational method based on machine learning techniques for predicting disulfide-bonding states of cysteine residues in proteins, which is a sub-problem of a bigger and yet unsolved problem of protein structure prediction. Improvement in the prediction of disulfide bonding states of cysteine residues will help in putting a constraint in the three dimensional (3D) space of the respective protein structure, and thus will eventually help in the prediction of 3D structure of proteins. Results of this work will have direct implications in site-directed mutational studies of proteins, proteins engineering and the problem of protein folding. We have used a combination of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM), the so-called Hidden Neural Network (HNN) as a machine learning technique to develop our prediction method. By using different global and local features of proteins (specifically profiles, parity of cysteine residues, average cysteine conservation, correlated mutation, sub-cellular localization, and signal peptide) as inputs and considering Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes separately we have reached to a remarkable accuracy of 94% on cysteine basis for both Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic datasets, and an accuracy of 90% and 93% on protein basis for Eukaryotic dataset and Prokaryotic dataset respectively. These accuracies are best so far ever reached by any existing prediction methods, and thus our prediction method has outperformed all the previously developed approaches and therefore is more reliable. Most interesting part of this thesis work is the differences in the prediction performances of Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes at the basic level of input coding when ‘profile’ information was given as input to our prediction method. And one of the reasons for this we discover is the difference in the amino acid composition of the local environment of bonded and free cysteine residues in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes. Eukaryotic bonded cysteine examples have a ‘symmetric-cysteine-rich’ environment, where as Prokaryotic bonded examples lack it.
Die biologische Stickstofffixierung durch Molybdän-haltige Nitrogenasen sowie die Erforschung des zugrundeliegenden komplexen Mechanismus (N2-Aktivierung an Metall-Zentren, 6-fache Protonierung und Reduktion, N–N Bindungsspaltung unter Bildung von Ammoniak) ist von erheblichem Interesse. Insbesondere Molybdän-Komplexe wurden bereits erfolgreich als Modellverbindungen für die Untersuchung elementarer Einzelschritte der N2-Aktivierung eingesetzt. Durch die Verwendung von Triamidoamin-Liganden ist es Schrock et al. sogar gelungen mehrere Katalysezyklen zu durchlaufen und einen Mechanismus zu formulieren. Trotz der sterisch anspruchsvollen Substituenten in den Schrock-Komplexen ist die Umsatzrate dieses homogenen Katalysators, aufgrund Komplex-Deaktivierung infolge intermolekularer Reaktionen wie Dimerisierung und Disproportionierung, limitiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden einige dieser Herausforderungen angegangen und die aktiven Spezies auf einer Festphase immobilisiert, um intermolekulare Reaktionen durch räumliche Isolierung der Komplexe zu unterdrücken.rnEin Polymer-verankertes Analogon des Schrock Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes wurde auf einem neuen Reaktionsweg synthetisiert. Dieser beinhaltet nur einen einzigen Reaktionsschritt, um die funktionelle Gruppe „MoN“ einzuführen. Protonierung des immobilisierten Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes LMoVIN (L = Polymer-verankerter Triamidoamin-Ligand) mit 2,6-Lutidinium liefert den entsprechenden Imido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplex. Durch anschließende Ein-Elektronen-Reduktion mit Cobaltocen wird der Polymer-angebundene Imido-Molybdän(V)-Komplex erhalten, bewiesen durch EPR-Spektroskopie (g1,2,3 = 1.989, 1.929, 1.902). Durch die Immobilisierung und die effektive räumliche Separation der Reaktionszentren auf der Festphase werden bimolekulare Nebenreaktionen, die oft in homogenen Systemen auftreten, unterdrückt. Dies ermöglicht zum ersten Mal die Darstellung des Imido-Molybdän(V)-Intermediates des Schrock-Zyklus.rnEPR-Spektren des als Spin-Label eingeführten immobilisierten Nitrato-Kupfer(II)-Komplexes wurden unter verschiedenen Bedingungen (Lösungsmittel, Temperatur) aufgenommen, wobei sich eine starke Abhängigkeit zwischen der Zugänglichkeit und Reaktivität der immobilisierten Reaktionszentren und der Art des Lösungsmittels zeigte. Somit wurde die Reaktivität von LMoVIN gegenüber Protonen und Elektronen, welches zur Bildung von NH3 führt, unter Verwendung verschiedener Lösungsmittel untersucht und optimiert. Innerhalb des kugelförmigen Polymers verläuft die Protonierung und Reduktion von LMoVIN stufenweise. Aktive Zentren, die sich an der „äußeren Schale“ des Polymers befinden, sind gut zugänglich und reagieren schnell nach H+/e− Zugabe. Aktive Zentren im „Inneren des Polymers“ hingegen sind schlechter zugänglich und zeigen langsame diffusions-kontrollierte Reaktionen, wobei drei H+/e− Schritte gefolgt von einer Ligandenaustausch-Reaktion erforderlich sind, um NH3 freizusetzen: LMoVIN LMoVNH LMoIVNH2 LMoIIINH3 und anschließender Ligandenaustausch führt zur Freisetzung von NH3.rnIn einem weiteren Projekt wurde der Bis(ddpd)-Kupfer(II)-Komplex EPR-spektroskopisch in Hinblick auf Jahn−Teller-Verzerrung und -Dynamik untersucht. Dabei wurden die EPR-Spektren bei variabler Temperatur (70−293 K) aufgenommen. Im Festkörperspektrum bei T < 100 K erscheint der Kupfer(II)-Komplex als gestreckter Oktaeder, wohingegen das EPR-Spektrum bei höheren Temperaturen g-Werte aufzeigt, die einer pseudo-gestauchten oktaedrischen Kupfer(II)-Spezies zuzuordnen sind. Diese Tatsache wird einem intramolekularen dynamischen Jahn−Teller Phänomen zugeschrieben, welcher bei 100 K eingefroren wird.
Severe factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive coagulation disorder affecting one in two million individuals. The aim of the present study was to screen for and analyse F13B gene defects in the German population. A total of 150 patients presenting with suspected FXIII deficiency and one patient with severe (homozygous) FXIII deficiency were screened for mutations in F13A and F13B genes. Twenty-five individuals presented with detectable heterozygous mutations, 12 of them in the F13A gene and 13 of them in the F13B gene. We report on the genotype-phenotype correlations of the individuals showing defects in the F13B gene. Direct sequencing revealed 12 unique mutations including seven missense mutations (Cys5Arg, Ile81Asn, Leu116Phe, Val217Ile, Cys316Phe, Val401Glu, Pro428Ser), two splice site mutations (IVS2-1G>C, IVS3-1G>C), two insertions (c.1155_1158dupACTT, c.1959insT) and one in-frame deletion (c.471-473delATT). Two of the missense mutations (Cys5Arg, Cys316Phe) eliminated disulphide bonds (Cys5-Cys56, Cys316-Cys358). Another three missense mutations, (Leu116Phe, Val401Glu, Pro428Ser) were located proximal to other cysteine disulphide bonds, therefore indicating that the region in and around these disulphide bonds is prone to functionally relevant mutations in the FXIII-B subunit. The present study reports on a fairly common prevalence of F13B gene defects in the German population. The regions in and around the cysteine disulphide bonds in the FXIII-B protein may be regions prone to frequent mutations.
We report molybdenum isotope compositions and concentrations in water samples from a variety of river catchment profiles in order to investigate the influence of anthropogenic contamination, catchment geology, within-river precipitation, and seasonal river flow variations on riverine molybdenum. Our results show that the observed variations in δ98/95Mo from 0‰ to 1.9‰ are primarily controlled by catchment lithology, particularly by weathering of sulfates and sulfides. Erosion in catchments dominated by wet-based glaciers leads to very high dissolved molybdenum concentrations. In contrast, anthropogenic inputs affect neither the concentration nor the isotopic composition of dissolved molybdenum in the rivers studied here. Seasonal variations are also quite muted. The finding that catchment geology exerts the primary control on the delivery of molybdenum to seawater indicates that the flux and isotope composition of molybdenum to seawater has likely varied in the geologic past.
Here we present stable isotope data for vertical profiles of dissolved molybdenum of the modern euxinic water columns of the Black Sea and two deeps of the Baltic Sea. Dissolved molybdenum in all water samples is depleted in salinity-normalized concentration and enriched in the heavy isotope (δ98Mo values up to + 2.9‰) compared to previously published isotope data of sedimentary molybdenum from the same range of water depths. Furthermore, δ98Mo values of all water samples from the Black Sea and anoxic deeps of the Baltic Sea are heavier than open ocean water. The observed isotope fractionation between sediments and the anoxic water column of the Black Sea are in line with the model of thiomolybdates that scavenge to particles under reducing conditions. An extrapolation to a theoretical pure MoS42− solution indicates a fractionation constant between MoS42− and authigenic solid Mo of 0.5 ± 0.3‰. Measured waters with all thiomolybdates coexisting in various proportions show larger but non-linear fractionation. The best explanation for our field observations is Mo scavenging by the thiomolybdates, dominantly — but not exclusively — present in the form of MoS42−. The Mo isotopic compositions of samples from the sediments and anoxic water column of the Baltic Sea are in overall agreement with those of the Black Sea at intermediate depth and corresponding sulphide concentrations. The more dynamic changes of redox conditions in the Baltic deeps complicate the Black Sea-derived relationship between thiomolybdates and Mo isotopic composition. In particular, the occasional flushing/mixing, of the deep waters, affects the corresponding water column and sedimentary data. δ98Mo values of the upper oxic waters of both basins are higher than predicted by mixing models based on salinity variations. The results can be explained by non-conservative behaviour of Mo under suboxic to anoxic conditions in the shallow bottom parts of the basin, most pronounced on the NW shelf of the Black Sea.