634 resultados para misfit dislocations


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We have used phase field simulations to study the effect of misfit and interfacial curvature on diffusion-controlled growth of an isolated precipitate in a supersaturated matrix. Treating our simulations as computer experiments, we compare our simulation results with those based on the Zener–Frank and Laraia–Johnson–Voorhees theories for the growth of non-misfitting and misfitting precipitates, respectively. The agreement between simulations and the Zener–Frank theory is very good in one-dimensional systems. In two-dimensional systems with interfacial curvature (with and without misfit), we find good agreement between theory and simulations, but only at large supersaturations, where we find that the Gibbs–Thomson effect is less completely realized. At small supersaturations, the convergence of instantaneous growth coefficient in simulations towards its theoretical value could not be tracked to completion, because the diffusional field reached the system boundary. Also at small supersaturations, the elevation in precipitate composition matches well with the theoretically predicted Gibbs–Thomson effect in both misfitting and non-misfitting systems.


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Tutkimuksen punaisena lankana kulkee kysymys siitä, millainen on bikerkulttuurin eetos? Miten se on syntynyt, miten sitä ylläpidetään ja miten Misfit MC:n jäsenet sitä tulkitsevat ja toteuttavat omassa elämässään? Tarkastelen eetosta kahdenlaisen aineiston valossa. i) Kenttätyöllä (vuosina 1995-1998 ja 2000-2001) kerätyn aineiston valossa tarkastelen yhtä pääkaupunkiseudulla toimivaa HD-moottoripyöräkerhoa, vuonna 1989 toimintansa aloittanutta Misfit MC:tä. Jäsenet kutsuvat kerhoaan useimmiten talliksi, joskus pajaksi, kerhoksi tai klubiksi. Puhuessaan tallista, miehet voivat viitata kerhorakennukseen ("tuut sä tallille?") mutta myös ryhmään ("meidän talli") ja sen olemassaoloon ajallisesti ja paikallisesti. Aloittaessani kenttätyön vuonna 1995 Misfit MC:n kuului kymmenen 25-30-vuotiasta miestä. ii) Kenttätyöllä kerätyn aineiston lisäksi käytän materiaalia, joka koostuu Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörän ympärille rakentuneen bikerkulttuurin historiasta ja kulttuurituotteista, kuten kertomuksista, elokuvista, musiikista, kuvataiteesta ja moottoripyörälehdistä. Aineiston avulla valotan bikerkulttuurin eetoksen syntyä, alkuvaiheita, leviämistä ja keskeisiä elementtejä. Lähdeaineiston monimuotoisuus ja runsaus palautuu kenttätyöhöni jolloin vakuutuin siitä, että tutkimusmatka bikerkulttuurin historiaan, perinteisiin ja median välittämiin (mieli)kuviin on välttämätöntä, sillä menneisyys ja Harrikkaan ajan kuluessa varastoituneet merkitykset vaikuttavat ja ovat vahvasti läsnä Misfit MC:n toiminnassa ja talliin kuuluvien miesten elämäntyylissä. Tutkimus etenee seuraavanlaisesti. Luku I on Johdanto. Luvussa II Etnografia käsittelen etnografisen tiedon luonnetta niin tutkimusasenteena kuin kenttätyön valossa. Pohdin kenttätyötä ja sen suhdetta etnografian kirjoittamiseen eli miten kenttätyöllä kerätty aineisto muuntuu etnografiseksi monografiaksi. Käsittelen myös kenttätyöni reunaehtoja, kuten tyttöystävyyden ja sukupuolen merkitystä, ja tarkastelen tutussa kulttuurissa tehdyn kenttätyön ominaispiirteitä. Reunaehtojen kuvailu toimii myös johdatuksena bikerkulttuuriin sellaisena kuin se ilmenee Misfit MC:n tallielämässä ja käytänteissä. Lopuksi pohdin "tiheän kuvauksen" mahdollisuuksia ja vaateita aineistoni puitteissa. Luvussa III Bikerkulttuurin eetosta kartoittamassa, kuvailen Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörän ympärille rakentuneen elämäntavan syntyä, levittäytymistä ja keskeisiä elementtejä. Tarkastelen media- ja populaarikulttuurisia tekstejä (elokuvien kertomat tarinat, musiikkikappaleiden sanoitukset ja HD- ja bikerlehtien artikkelit) ja kuvia (elokuvien audiovisuaaliset aspektit, kuvataide ja HD- ja bikerlehtien kuvitus), jotka ovat vaikuttaneet bikerkulttuurin eetokseen. Luvun keskeisiä - aineistosta nousevia ja miessukupuoleen vahvasti sidoksissa olevia - käsitteitä ovat biker, outlaw ja chopper, jotka ovat bikerkulttuurissa säilyneet alkuperäisessä muodossa maantieteellisestä tai kielialueesta riippumatta. Luvussa IV Misfit MC ja bikerkulttuurin eetos temaattinen painopiste siirtyy Suomeen ja Misfit MC:hen. Aluksi käyn läpi suomalaisen bikerkulttuurin muotoutumista ja ominaispiirteitä. Alkukappaleiden jälkeen keskityn Misfit MC:n jäsenten elämäntyylin sävyihin ja heidän käsityksiinsä bikerkulttuurin eetoksesta. Analyysin kiintopisteitä ovat Misfit MC:n jäsenten näkemys bikeriydestä ja tallitoiminnasta, miesten elämäntyylin moraaliset ja esteettiset sävyt, tallirakennus miesyhteisöllisyyttä ja bikerkulttuurin eetosta luovana ja ylläpitävänä sosiaalisena tilana ja Misfit MC miesten yhteisönä. Luvussa V Eetoksen ytimessä: mies ja Harley-Davidson keskityn bikerkulttuurin ytimeen: miehen ja Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörän väliseen suhteeseen. Luvun alussa esittelen ruotsalaisen yhteiskuntatieteilijä Lars Lagergrenin moottoripyörään soveltamaa työkalu - leikkikalu - toteemi - välittäjä -typologiaa ja tarkastelen moottoripyörän olemusta sukupuolittavana ja sukupuolittuvana artefaktina. Johdanto-osion jälkeen siirryn kuvailemaan Misfit MC:n jäsenten suhdetta Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörään. Lähestyn miesten ja moottoripyörien suhdetta kahden toiminnan - moottoripyörän kunnostamisen ja rakentamisen sekä moottoripyörällä ajamisen - kautta. Avainsanat: aineellinen kulttuuri, arvot, biker, bikerkulttuuri, chopper, eetos, elämäntapa, etnografia, Harley-Davidson-moottoripyörä, Harley-Davidson-moottoripyöräkerho, kenttätyö, maskuliinisuus, mieskulttuuri, mieskuva, moottoripyöräily, osakulttuurit, outlaw, populaarikulttuuri, sukupuoliroolit, yhteisöt


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The activation area and activation enthalpy are determined as a function of stress and temperature for alpha titanium. The results indicated that plastic flow below about 700°K occurs by a single thermally activated mechanism. Activation area determined by differential-stress creep tests falls in the range 80−8b2 and does not systematically depend on the impurity content. The total activation enthalpy derived from the temperature and strain-rate dependence of flow stress is 1.15 eV. The experimental data support a lattice hardening mechanism as controlling the low-temperature deformation in alpha titanium.


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The density-wave theory of Ramakrishnan and Yussouff is extended to provide a scheme for describing dislocations and other topological defects in crystals. Quantitative calculations are presented for the order-parameter profiles, the atomic configuration, and the free energy of a screw dislocation with Burgers vector b=(a/2, a/2, a/2) in a bcc solid. These calculations are done using a simple parametrization of the direct correlation function and a gradient expansion. It is conventional to express the free energy of the dislocation in a crystal of size R as (λb2/4π)ln(αR/‖b‖), where λ is the shear elastic constant, and α is a measure of the core energy. Our results yield for Na the value α≃1.94a/(‖c1’’‖)1/2 (≃1.85) at the freezing temperature (371 K) and α≃2.48a/(‖c1’’‖)1/2 at 271 K, where c1’’ is the curvature of the first peak of the direct correlation function c(q). Detailed results for the density distribution in the dislocation, particularly the core region, are also presented. These show that the dislocation core has a columnar character. To our knowledge, this study represents the first calculation of dislocation structure, including the core, within the framework of an order-parameter theory and incorporating thermal effects.


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Zinc Oxide doped only with Cu shows highly nonlinear I–V characteristics. Microstructural observations of these ceramics reveal the presence of extensive dislocation network. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates that the dislocations are impurity decorated which arise as a result of limited solubility of CuO in ZnO. It is envisaged that the depletion region is generated in the region containing the dislocations because of the presence of acceptor type traps.


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The scattering of carriers by charged dislocations in semiconductors is studied within the framework of the linearized Boltzmann transport theory with an emphasis on examining consequences of the extreme anisotropy of the cylindrically symmetric scattering potential. A new closed-form approximate expression for the carrier mobility valid for all temperatures is proposed. The ratios of quantum and transport scattering times are evaluated after averaging over the anisotropy in the relaxation time. The value of the Hall scattering factor computed for charged dislocation scattering indicates that there may be a factor of two error in the experimental mobility estimates using the Hall data. An expression for the resistivity tensor when the dislocations are tilted with respect to the plane of transport is derived. Finally, an expression for the isotropic relaxation time is derived when the dislocations are located within the sample with a uniform angular distribution.


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The dynamics and interactions of edge dislocations in a nearly aligned sheared lamellar mesophase is analysed to provide insights into the relationship between disorder and rheology. First, the mesoscale permeation and momentum equations for the displacement field in the presence of external forces are derived from the model H equations for the concentration and momentum field. The secondary flow generated due to the mean shear around an isolated defect is calculated, and the excess viscosity due to the presence of the defect is determined from the excess energy dissipation due to the secondary flow. The excess viscosity for an isolated defect is found to increase with system size in the cross-stream direction as L-3/2 for an isolated defect, though this divergence is cut-off due to interactions in a defect suspension. As the defects are sheared past each other due to the mean flow, the Peach-Koehler force due to elastic interaction between pairs of defects is found to cause no net displacement relative to each other as they approach from large separation to the distance of closest approach. The equivalent force due to viscous interactions is found to increase the separation for defects of opposite sign, and decrease the separation for defects of same sign. During defect interactions, we find that there is no buckling instability due to dilation of layers for systems of realistic size. However, there is another mechanism, which is the velocity difference generated across a slightly deformed bilayer due to the mean shear, which could result in the creation of new defects. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The molecular dynamics method is used to simulate microcrack healing during heating or/and under compressive stress. A centre microcrack in Cu crystal would be sealed under compressive stress or by heating. The role of compressive stress and heating in crack healing was additive. During microcrack healing, dislocation generation and motion occurred. When there were pre-existing dislocations around the microcrack, the critical temperature or compressive stress necessary for microcrack healing would decrease, and, the higher the number of dislocations, the lower the critical temperature or compressive stress. The critical temperature necessary for microcrack healing depended upon the orientation of the crack plane. For example, the critical temperature for the crack along the (001) plane was the lowest, i.e. 770K.


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Numerical study of three-dimensional evolution of wake-type flow and vortex dislocations is performed by using a compact finite diffenence-Fourier spectral method to solve 3-D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. A local spanwise nonuniformity in momentum defect is imposed on the incoming wake-type flow. The present numerical results have shown that the flow instability leads to three-dimensional vortex streets, whose frequency, phase as well as the strength vary with the span caused by the local nonuniformity. The vortex dislocations are generated in the nonuniform region and the large-scale chain-like vortex linkage structures in the dislocations are shown. The generation and the characteristics of the vortex dislocations are described in detail.


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The effects of the dislocation pattern formed due to the self-organization of the dislocations in crystals on the macroscopic hardening and dynamic internal friction (DIF) during deformation are studied. The classic dislocation models for the hardening and DIF corresponding to the homogeneous dislocation configuration are extended to the case for the non-homogeneous one. In addition, using the result of dislocation patterning deduced from the non-linear dlislocation dynamics model for single slip, the correlation between the dislocation pattern and hardening as well as DIF is obtained. It is shown that in the case of the tension with a constant strain rate, the bifurcation point of dislocation patterning corresponds to the turning point in the stress versus strain and DIF versus strain curves. This result along with the critical characteristics of the macroscopic behavior near the bifurcation point is microscopically and macroscopically in agreement with the experimental findings on mono-crystalline pure aluminum at temperatures around 0.5T(m). The present study suggests that measuring the DIF would be a sensitive and useful mechanical means in order to study the critical phenomenon of materials during deformation.


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Structure and dynamical processes of vortex dislocations in a kind of wake-type flow are described clearly by vortex lines, which are directly constructed from data of three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of the flow evolution.


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The behaviors of a crack in body-centered-cubic metal Mo under different loading modes were studied using the molecular dynamics method. Dislocation emission was observed near the crack tip in response to mode II loading with theta = 0 degrees in which theta is the inclination angle of the slip plane with respect to the crack plane, and two full dislocations were observed at the stress level of K-II = 1.17 MPa m(1/2) without any evidence of crack extension. Within the range of 0 degrees less than or equal to theta less than or equal to 45 degrees, crack extension was observed in response to mode I loading, and the effect of crystal orientation on the crack propagation was studied, The crack propagated along the [111] slip direction without any evidence of dislocations emission.


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Low-dimensional systems are constructed to investigate dynamics of vortex dislocations in a wake-type shear flow. High-resolution direct numerical simulations are employed to obtain flow snapshots from which the most energetic modes are extracted using proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The first 10 modes are classified into two groups. One represents the general characteristics of two-dimensional wake-type shear flow, and the other is related to the three-dimensional properties or non-uniform characteristics along the span. Vortex dislocations are generated by these two kinds of coherent structures. The results from the first 20 three-dimensional POD modes show that the low- dimensional systems have captured the basic properties of the wake-type shear flow with vortex dislocation, such as two incommensurable frequencies and their beat frequency.