972 resultados para metabolic parameters
Introdução: Estruturalmente, a marcha é modificada de acordo com as características de cada individuo, sua natureza morfológica, tipo de atividade, idade e a presença de determinadas doenças, entre outros fatores. Devidas as alterações fisiológicas de envelhecimento, o custo energético da marcha normal por si só é superior nos idosos comparativamente com os jovens. Objetivo: Analisar a influência do uso de andarilho com rodas e fixo nos parâmetros metabólicos de indivíduos com mais de 60 anos e em jovens. Metodologia: realizou-se um estudo analítico transversal numa amostra de 21 voluntários, sendo 11adultos jovens (idade compreendida entre 18 e 25 anos) e 10 são adultos com idade superior a 60 anos. Utilizou-se o sistema K4b2 COSMED de forma a recolher os dados relativos ao consumo energético, quociente respiratório e volume de CO2 produzido. Os participantes realizaram os diferentes tipos de marcha (marcha normal, a três pontos com andarilho fixo, a três pontos modificada com andarilho fixo, a três pontos com andarilho com rodas e a três pontos modificada com andarilho com rodas) durante 10 minutos num percurso rectilíneo de 20 metros. Para a análise estatística recorreu-se ao software IBM SPSS Statistics v20 com um nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: observou-se que á exceção da marcha normal em todos os outros tipos de marcha com andarilho, os participantes com mais de 60 anos, apresentam valores significativamente superiores aos dos jovens, nomeadamente nas marchas com andarilho fixo, a 3 pontos e a 3 pontos modificada e com andarilho de rodas, na marcha a 3ponto modificada. Verificaram-se diferenças apenas no grupo dos jovens, pois a marcha normal apresentou valores significativamente maiores que as restantes. Conclusão: A idade influenciou os parâmetros metabólicos da marcha normal e com andarilhos fixo e móvel apresentando os idosos um maior gasto energético, bem como os METS utilizados.
Introdução: A marcha implica o controlo do equilíbrio. Usando bengalas é aumentada a base de sustentação e reduzida a carga nos membros inferiores. No entanto, estão associadas ao aumento dos gastos metabólicos. Objetivo: Analisar a influência da idade nos parâmetros metabólicos na marcha com uma e duas bengalas, 3 pontos e 3 pontos modificada. Métodos: Estudo analítico transversal. Amostra: 11 jovens e 10 com idade superior a 60 anos, voluntários. Realizaram-se cinco recolhas de 10 minutos, medindo, através do aparelho “Cosmed K4b2”: consumo de oxigénio (VO2), dióxido de carbono expirado (VCO2) e quociente respiratório (R - substrato utilizado). Resultados: O CE foi significativamente inferior nos jovens relativamente ao “grupo de maiores de 60 anos” na 1BN (U=14.0 p=0.003), 2BN (U=10.0 p=0.001) e 2BM (U=18.0 p=0.008). No “grupo de maiores de 60 anos” o CE foi significativamente inferior, no sexo feminino em 1BM (U=15.0 p=0.008). A marcha 2BM apresenta CE e VCO2 significativamente mais elevado que a MN no “grupo de maiores de 60 anos”. No VCO2 não se observaram diferenças significativas entre grupos (p>0.05). No “grupo de mais de 60 anos”, na marcha 1BM (U=16.0 p=0.016), o VCO2 é significativamente superior no sexo masculino. O R apresenta-se signitivamente superior no grupo dos jovens em todas as marchas 1BN (U=0.00 p<0.05), 1BM (U=2.00 p<0.05), 2BN (U=2.00 p<0.05) e 2BM (U=0.00 p<0.05). Conclusão: A idade infuencia o CE na marcha com uma ou duas bengalas seja qual o tipo de marcha, consumindo os jovens menos O2 que o “grupo de maiores de 60 anos” e o tipo de substrato utilizado, tendo sido as proteinas o substrato mais utilizado nos jovens enquanto que nos maiores de 60 anos o substrato mais utilizado foi os lípidos.
Os ácidos gordos desempenham um papel fisiológico importante como componentes indispensáveis na estrutura celular, bem como fontes de energia. Nas últimas décadas, tem havido um aumento notável do interesse público nos ácidos gordos polinsaturados ómegas 3 e 6 e no seu impacto sobre a saúde humana, especialmente em doenças metabólicas e cardiovasculares. Estes ácidos gordos específicos podem prevenir e/ou tratar várias patologias metabólicas, atuando nomeadamente como compostos anti-inflamatórios. A menopausa é um fator de risco para doença cardiovascular, a diminuição de estrogénio, que ocorre neste estado fisiológico, provoca disfunção endotelial e stresse oxidativo. Consequentemente há uma redução dos níveis de ácidos gordos polinsaturados ómegas 3, o que contribui para o aparecimento de aterosclerose e doença cardiovascular. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e caracterizar o perfil lipídico de ácidos gordos de uma amostra de mulheres pós-menopausa e com este, estudar as associações entre o perfil lipídico determinado e parâmetros metabólicos de risco (parâmetros clínicos e bioquímicos). Inicialmente, os ácidos gordos foram extraídos da matriz plasmática através da derivatização destes e a sua composição percentual no plasma foi determinada com recurso a cromatografia gasosa com deteção de ionização de chama. De seguida, através do software IBM SPSS Statistics 21, foram estabelecidas associações entre os parâmetros clínicos e bioquímicos e o perfil lipídico determinado. A população em estudo foi divida em dois grupos consoante o período de entrada na menopausa (há menos de 7 anos e há 7 anos ou mais). Não há conhecimento de estudos semelhantes ao apresentado, que relacionem todo o perfil de ácidos gordos com parâmetros metabólicos de risco considerando o estado menopausal. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o perfil lipídico influencia vários marcadores metabólicos / endócrinos com relevância clínica que devem ser explorados em futuros ensaios clínicos. Para as mulheres na menopausa há menos de 7 anos foram estabelecidas as seguintes relações: i) entre os ácidos gordos saturados e insaturados cis e os níveis de ALP; ii) entre os ácidos gordos mono e polinsaturados cis e os níveis de GGT, IL10 e estradiol; iii) entre os ácidos gordos polinsaturados trans e o IMC e os níveis de IL6; iv) entre os ómegas 3 e os níveis de IL10 e ácido úrico; v) entre os ómegas 6 e os níveis de estradiol, ALP e GGT; vi) entre os ómegas 9 e os níveis de estradiol e GGT; vi) entre os ácidos gordos de curta cadeia e os níveis de colesterol total, LDL, triglicerídeos e IL10; vii) entre os ácidos gordos saturados de cadeia longa e o ΣÁcido láurico, mirístico, palmítico e esteárico e os níveis de triglicerídeos, ALP e GGT; viii) os níveis de IL10 podem ser simultaneamente associados com os ácidos gordos de curta cadeia e os ómegas 3. Para as mulheres na menopausa há 7 anos ou mais foram estabelecidas relações: i) entre os ómegas 3 e o IMC e os níveis de triglicerídeos; ii) entre os ácidos gordos monoinsaturados cis e os ómegas 9 com os níveis de ALT. Relações independentes do estado menopausal também foram estabelecidas, nomeadamente: i) entre os ácidos gordos polinsaturados cis e ómegas 6 e os níveis de ALT, triglicerídeos e AST; ii) entre os níveis de ácidos gordos monoinsaturados cis e ómegas 9 e os níveis de AST e triglicerídeos. O perfil lipídico de ácidos gordos pode ser considerado um biomarcador para a condição de saúde da mulher na menopausa.
The allometric scaling relationship observed between metabolic rate (MR) and species body mass can be partially explained by differences in cellular MR (Porter & Brand, 1995). Here, I studied cultured cell lines derived from ten mammalian species to determine whether cells propagated in an identical environment exhibited MR scaling. Oxidative and anaerobic metabolic parameters did not scale significantly with donor body mass in cultured cells, indicating the absence of an intrinsic MR setpoint. The rate of oxygen delivery has been proposed to limit cellular metabolic rates in larger organisms (West et al., 2002). As such cells were cultured under a variety of physiologically relevant oxygen tensions to investigate the effect of oxygen on cellular metabolic rates. Exposure to higher medium oxygen tensions resulted in increased metabolic rates in all cells. Higher MRs have the potential to produce more reactive oxygen species (ROS) which could cause genomic instability and thus reduced lifespan. Longer-lived species are more resistant to oxidative stress (Kapahi et al, 1999), which may be due to greater antioxidant and/or DNA repair capacities. This hypothesis was addressed by culturing primary dermal fibroblasts from eight mammalian species ranging in maximum lifespan from 5 to 120 years. Only the antioxidant manganese superoxide dismutases (MnSOD) positively scaled with species lifespan (p<0.01). Oxidative damage to DNA is primarily repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. BER enzyme activities showed either no correlation or as in the case of polymerase p correlated, negatively with donor species (p<0.01 ). Typically, mammalian cells are cultured in a 20% O2 (atmospheric) environment, which is several-fold higher than cells experience in vivo. Therefore, the secondary aim of this study was to determine the effect of culturing mammalian cells at a more physiological oxygen tension (3%) on BER, and antioxidant, enzyme activities. Consistently, standard culture conditions induce higher antioxidant and DNA ba.se excision repair activities than are present under a more physiological oxygen concentration. Therefore, standard culture conditions are inappropriate for studies of oxidative stress-induced activities and species differences in fibroblast DNA BER repair capacities may represent differences in ability to respond to oxidative stress. An interesting outcome firom this study was that some inherent cellular properties are maintained in culture (i.e. stress responses) while others are not (i.e. MR).
Thèse réalisée dans le cadre d'une cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université d'Auvergne en France
Mit ansteigenden Jahresmilchleistungen werden die Kühe einer hohen metabolischen Belastung ausgesetzt, die bei einer suboptimalen Gestaltung der Lebensbedingungen mit einer Erhöhung der Inzidenzrate von Faktorenkrankheiten einhergehen kann. Im Vordergrund der Untersuchungen stand die Frage, inwieweit metabolische Belastungszustände von Milchkühen in der Phase des Puerperiums und in Abhängigkeit von der Milchleistung sowie Belastungen durch eine klinische Erkrankung zu Beginn der Laktation mit Hilfe von Parametern der immunologischen Abwehr und der Reaktion des Immunsystems auf eine Challenge dargestellt werden können. In die Untersuchung wurden insgesamt 68 klinisch gesunde sowie 20 klinisch erkrankte Milchkühe der Rasse Holstein Friesian einbezogen. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten in den Zeiträumen 10-21 Tage sowie 14-15 Wochen nach der Kalbung. Dazu wurden an jeweils drei Untersuchungstagen (Tag 0, 2, 7) Blutproben aus der Vena jugularis entnommen. Zur Stimulierung des unspezifischen Immunsystems wurde in beiden Versuchszeiträumen an den Untersuchungstagen 0 und 2 der Paramunitätsinducer Zylexis® appliziert. Ferner wurde den Kühen zu Beginn der Laktation der Tollwutimpfstoff Rabisin® verabreicht. Für die Auswertung wurden die untersuchten Milchkühe in Gruppen unterteilt. Die klinisch gesunden Kühe wurden anhand der nach Fett und Eiweiß korrigierten 305-Tage-Leistung in die Gruppe M = mittleres Leistungsniveau (Milchmengenleistung 6.500-8.990 kg) und die Gruppe H = hohes Leistungsniveau (Milchmengenleistung 9.000-12.500 kg) aufgeteilt. Die klinisch erkrankten Kühe wurden in der Gruppe K zusammengefasst. Zur Beurteilung der Immunabwehr wurden die Parameter Phagozytoseaktivität der isolierten Neutrophilen Granulozyten, die Vollblutbakterizidie, die Lymphozytenproliferation mit den Mitogenen ConA, PHA und PWM sowie die spezifische Antikörperbildung gegen Tollwut untersucht. Anhand der Parameter Phagozytoseaktivität, Vollblutbakterizidie und Lymphozytenproliferation wurde zusätzlich die Reaktion auf die Challenge mit dem Paramunitätsinducer Zylexis® überprüft. Zur Erfassung der metabolischen Belastungszustände wurden verschiedene Stoffwechselparameter und hämatologische Parameter erfasst. Zu Beginn der Laktation konnten bei den Kühen in der mittleren und hohen Leistungsgruppe signifikant höhere Konzentrationen an ß-Hydroxybuttersäure und Freien Fettsäuren im Vergleich zu der Laktationsmitte festgestellt werden. Die Kühe mit einem hohen Leistungsniveau zeigten darüber hinaus eine signifikant höhere Bilirubinkonzentration am Laktationsanfang gegenüber der Laktationsmitte. Die mittlere Konzentration der freien Fettsäuren lag bei den Kühen in beiden Leistungsgruppen oberhalb des Referenzbereiches und wies auf eine negative Energiebilanz zu Laktationsbeginn hin. Die mittleren Konzentrationen bzw. Enzymaktivitäten der Parameter Cholesterol, Harnstoff, AST, GLDH, γ-GT, Gesamtprotein, Kalzium und Phosphor wiesen in der Laktationsmitte signifikant höhere Werte als am Laktationsanfang auf. Dabei lagen die mittleren Enzymaktivitäten von AST und GLDH sowie die Konzentrationen von Harnstoff und Gesamtprotein in der Laktationsmitte oberhalb des Referenzbereiches. Die untersuchten Stoffwechselparameter wurden durch die Challenge mit einem Paramunitätsinducer nicht signifikant beeinflusst. Hinsichtlich der Immunparameter zeigten die Milchkühe mit einem mittleren Leistungsniveau in Abhängigkeit vom Laktationszeitpunkt zu Beginn der Laktation eine signifikant höhere Phagozytoseaktivität gegenüber der Laktationsmitte (p < 0,05). Die Gruppe mit einem hohen Leistungsniveau wies dagegen keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Phagozytoseaktivität zwischen den beiden Untersuchungszeiträumen auf. Bei den Immunparametern Vollblutbakterizidie und Lymphozytenproliferation konnten bei den Kühen beider Gruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit vom Laktationszeitpunkt festgestellt werden. Im Hinblick auf die Milchleistung wiesen die Kühe in den beiden Leistungsgruppen am Untersuchungstag 0 weder zu Beginn noch in der Mitte der Laktation signifikante Unterschiede bezüglich der untersuchten Immunparameter auf. Nach der Challenge durch den Paramunitätsinducer reagierten einzig die Kühe mit einer mittleren Leistung zu Beginn der Laktation auf die Challenge mit einer signifikanten Reduzierung der mittleren Phagozytoseaktivität von Tag 0 zu Tag 2 (p < 0,05). Bei den weiteren untersuchten Immunparametern konnten weder bei den Kühen mit einer mittleren noch mit einer hohen Leistung eine signifikante Reaktion auf die Challenge nachgewiesen werden. Die klinisch erkrankten Kühe zeigten im Vergleich zu den klinisch gesunden Kühen keine unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen bzw. Aktivitäten der untersuchten Stoffwechselparameter. Auch konnten anhand der immunologischen Parameter und der Reaktion auf die Challenge keine Unterschiede zwischen den klinisch gesunden Kühen festgestellt werden. Die in der vorliegenden Untersuchung geprüften metabolischen Belastungen konnten weder anhand der Immunparameter noch durch die Reaktion der Immunparameter auf eine Challenge dargestellt werden. Es wird geschlussfolgert, dass das immunologische Reaktionsvermögen nicht geeignet ist, um als Indikator für Belastungszustände bei der Milchkuh herangezogen zu werden.
A Fluxometria por Laser Doppler (LDF) é uma técnica não invasiva usada para medir o fluxo microvascular da pele humana. No fluxo é possível isolar componentes oscilatórias em gamas de frequências características que se encontram relacionadas com as actividades cardíaca, respiratória, miogénica, simpática e metabólica. A LDF permite assim estudar a fisiologia do fluxo sanguíneo. Neste trabalho foram realizadas medições de LDF nos tornozelos de 9 mulheres saudáveis numa situação de restrição à perfusão, usando uma braçadeira nos tornozelos. Os dados foram analisados com Transformada de Wavelet e Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) de modo a estudar os rácios das amplitudes das componentes de Wavelet e os respectivos expoentes . Estes parâmetros foram comparados nas situações de repouso, de restrição à perfusão e de recuperação após remoção da braçadeira. Observou-se que durante a restrição à perfusão houve um aumento significativo dos rácios de amplitude e dos expoentes a para as componentes cardíaca, respiratória e miogénica, o que pode reflectir vasoconstrição. Os parâmetros da componente metabólica apresentaram uma diminuição que se pode relacionar com variações na libertação de NO por parte do endotélio. Após a libertação da braçadeira, os parâmetros das componentes respiratória, miogénica e metabólica retornaram aos valores iniciais. Aanálise combinada de Wavelet com DFAoferece uma nova visão sobre a regulação do fluxo microvascular.
The present study investigated the effects of exercise training on arterial pressure, baroreflex sensitivity, cardiovascular autonomic control and metabolic parameters on female LDL-receptor knockout ovariectomized mice. Mice were divided into two groups: sedentary and trained. Trained group was submitted to an exercise training protocol. Blood cholesterol was measured. Arterial pressure (AP) signals were directly recorded in conscious mice. Baroreflex sensitivity was evaluated by tachycardic and bradycardic responses to AP changes. Cardiovascular autonomic modulation was measured in frequency (FFT) and time domains. Maximal exercise capacity was increased in trained as compared to sedentary group. Blood cholesterol was diminished in trained mice (191 +/- 8 mg/dL) when compared to sedentary mice (250 +/- 9 mg/dL, p<0.05). Mean AP and HR were reduced in trained group (101 +/- 3 mmHg and 535 +/- 14 bpm, p<0.05) when compared with sedentary group (125 +/- 3 mmHg and 600 +/- 12 bpm). Exercise training induced improvement in bradycardic reflex response in trained animals (-4.24 +/- 0.62 bpm/mmHg) in relation to sedentary animals (-1.49 +/- 0.15 bpm/mmHg, p<0.01); tachycardic reflex responses were similar between studied groups. Exercise training increased the variance (34 +/- 8 vs. 6.6 +/- 1.5 ms(2) in sedentary, p<0.005) and the high-frequency band (HF) of the pulse interval (IP) (53 +/- 7% vs. 26 +/- 6% in sedentary, p<0.01). It is tempting to speculate that results of this experimental study might represent a rationale for this non-pharmacological intervention in the management of cardiovascular risk factors in dyslipidemic post-menopause women. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
A regimen of low-protein diet induces a reduction of pancreatic islet function that is associated with development of metabolic disorders including diabetes and obesity afterward. In the present study, the influence of leucine supplementation on metabolic parameters, insulin secretion to glucose and to amino acids, as well as the levels of proteins that participate in the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate kinase (PI3K) pathway was investigated in malnourished rats. Four groups were fed with different diets for 12 weeks: a normal protein diet (17%) without (NP) or with leucine supplementation (NPL) or a low (6%)-protein diet without (LP) or with leucine supplementation (LPL). Leucine was given in the drinking water during the last 4 weeks. As indicated by the intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, LPL rats exhibited increased glucose tolerance as compared with NPL group. Both NPL and LPL rats had higher circulating insulin levels than controls. The LPL rats also showed increased insulin secretion by pancreatic islets in response to glucose or arginine compared with those observed in islets from LP animals. Glucose oxidation was significantly reduced in NPL, LP, and LPL isolated islets as compared with NP; but no alteration was observed for leucine and glutamate oxidation among the 4 groups. Western blotting analysis demonstrated increased PI3K and mammalian target protein of rapamycin protein contents in LPL compared with LP islets. A significant increase in insulin-induced insulin receptor substrate I associated PI3K activation was also observed in LPL compared with LP islets. These findings indicate that leucine supplementation can augment islet function in malnourished rats and that activation of the PI3K/maminalian target protein of rapamycin pathway may play a role in this process. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study examines the physical and chemical composition and the pharmacological effects of brown seaweed FRF 0.8 Lobophora variegata. Fractionation of the crude extract was done with the concentration of 0.8 volumes of acetone, obtaining the FRF 0.8. The physicochemical characterization showed that it was a fucana sulfated. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by paw edema model by the high rates of inhibition of the edema and the best results were in the fourth hour after induction (100 ± 1.4% at the dose of 75 mg / kg) and by the strong inhibitory activity of the enzyme myeloperoxidase (91.45% at the dose of 25 mg / kg). The hepataproteção was demonstrated by measurements of enzymatic and metabolic parameters indicative of liver damage, such as bilirubin (reduction in 68.81%, 70.68% and 68.21% for bilirubin total, direct and indirect, respectively at a dose of 75 mg / kg), ALT, AST and γ-GT (decrease of 76.93%, 44.58% and 50% respectively at a dose of 75 mg / kg) by analysis of histological slides of liver tissue, confirming that hepatoprotective effect the polymers of carbohydrates, showing a reduction in tissue damage caused by CCl4 and the inhibition of the enzyme complex of cytochrome P 450 (increasing sleep time in 54.6% and reducing the latency time in 71.43%). The effectiveness of the FRF 0.8 angiogenesis was examined in chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of fertilized eggs, with the density of capillaries evaluated and scored, showing an effect proangigênico at all concentrations tested FRF (10 mg- 1000 mg). The FRF showed antioxidant activity on free radicals (by inhibiting Superoxide Radical in 55.62 ± 2.10%, Lipid Peroxidation in 100.15 ± 0.01%, Hydroxyl Radical in 41.84 ± 0.001% and 71.47 Peroxide in ± 2.69% at concentration of 0.62 mg / mL). The anticoagulant activity was observed with prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) at 50 mg (> 240 s), showing that its action occurs in the intrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade. Thus, our results indicate that these sulfated polysaccharides are an important pharmacological target
This study investigated the influence of partial colectomy associated with hepatectomy on the biodistribution of the 99mTc-phytate, on metabolic parameters, as well as labeling and morphology of red blood cells. Wistar rats were distributed into three groups (each with 6), nominated as colectomy, colectomy+hepatectomy and sham. In the 30th postoperative day all rats were injected with 99mTc-phytate 0.1mL i.v. (radioactivity 0.66 MBq). After 15 minutes, liver sample was harvested and weighed. Percentage radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g) was determined using an automatic gamma-counter. Serum AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase and red blood cells labeling were determined. The liver %ATI/g and red blood cells labeling were lower in colectomy and colectomy+hepatectomy rats than in sham rats (p <0.05), and no difference was detected comparing the colectomy and colectomy+hepatectomy groups. Red blood cells morphology did not differ among groups. Serum levels of AST, ALT and alkaline fosfatase were significantly higher in colectomy+hepatectomy than in colectomy rats (p<0.001). Hepatectomy associated with colectomy lowered the uptake of radiopharmaceutical in liver and in red blood cells in rats, coinciding with changes in liver enzymatic activity
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Leaf decoctions of Cissus sicyoides (princess vine) are taken widely as a popular remedy for diabetes mellitus in Brazil, where its common name is 'vegetal insulin'. However, there have been practically no attempts so far to determine scientifically whether it has antidiabetic effects and we decided to administer leaf decoctions, over extended periods, to normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats, and investigate the effects of this treatment on the physiological and metabolic parameters that are altered in diabetic animals. The experimental model adopted was shown to be appropriate by running a parallel treatment with insulin, which led to expected improvements in several abnormal parameter values. The decoction treatment significantly reduced the intake of both food and fluid and the volume of urine excreted, as well as the levels of blood glucose, urinary glucose and urinary urea, in comparison with controls. Lipid metabolism was not affected by the treatment; nor was the level of hepatic glycogen in diabetic animals, which indicated that the mechanism responsible for the improvement in carbohydrate metabolism, observed in animals treated with the decoction, could not involve inhibition of glycogenolysis and/or stimulation of glycogenesis. The fact that normal animals treated with C. sicyoides exhibited no changes in any of the measured parameters suggests that its mode of action in diabetic animals does not resemble those of sulphonylurea or insulin. It may, however, act in a similar way to biguanide, via inhibition of gluconeogenesis.
The effects of using Bauhinia forficata leaf decoction (150 g leaf/l water; 35.2+/-7.8 ml/100 g body weight mean daily dose) as a drinking-water substitute for about I month on streptozotocin-diabetes (STZ-diabetes) in male Wistar rats were investigated. The physico-metabolic parameters measured were: body weight, food and liquid intake, urinary volume, hepatic glycogen, serum triglycerides and cholesterol, plasma glucose, urinary glucose and urea, and the weight of epididymal and retroperitoneal adipose tissue and soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles. The STZ-diabetic rats treated with decoction showed a significant reduction in serum and urinary glucose and urinary urea as compared to the STZ-diabetic control, no difference being seen between decoction-treated and -untreated non-diabetic rats. The other physico-metabolic factors showed no changes in treated STZ-diabetic rats. The improvement in carbohydrate metabolism seen in the rats treated with Bauhinia forficata decoction does not appear to be linked to the inhibition of glycogenolysis or the stimulation of glycogenesis nor does it appear to act in a way similar to insulin or the sulfonylureas, although it may act by the inhibition of neoglycogenesis in a manner similar to that of the biguanides. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The fruit of Indian Eugenia jambolana have been shown to have therapeutic properties, but because the therapeutic potential of a plant is related to the geographic region in which the plant was grown and to the part of the plant used, we investigated Brazilian Eugenia jambolana fruit using the same preparation and experimental methods as have been used in India. The well-established metabolic cage model was used to evaluate the physiological and metabolic parameters associated with streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats (n = 10) which had been administered, by gavage, 50 mg per day of lyophilised Eugenia jambolana fruit-pulp extract for 41 days. We found that, compared to untreated controls, rats treated with the lyophilised fruit-pulp showed no observable difference in body weight, food or water intake, urine volume, glycaemia, urinary urea and glucose, hepatic glycogen, or on serum levels of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol or triglycerides. No change was observed in the masses of epididymal or retroperitoneal adipose tissue or of soleus or extensor digitorum longus muscles. This lack of any apparent effect on the diabetes may be attributable to the regional ecosystem where the fruit was collected and/or to the severity of the induced diabetes. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.