751 resultados para membranas celulósicas


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La transferencia de proteínas solubles a la interfase de la membrana lipídica es un paso clave en varios procesos celulares. Esta traslocación resulta en un importante cambio en el ambiente de la proteína con consecuencias sobre su conformación, estabilidad y actividad biológica. En este proyecto estudiamos las condiciones que determinan la unión a la membrana, particularmente el balance entre interacciones electrostáticas e hidrofóbicas, y los factores que determinan la conformación, estabilidad y dinámica de la proteína en interfaces. Particularmente, estudiaremos la interacción con membranas de la proteína transportadora de ácido cólico de hígado de ave L-BABP, la proteína beta-2 glicoproteína humana y la proteína asociada a microtúbulos SL21. Hemos encontrado que el estado de fase del lípido determina la conformación y estabilidad de L-BABP unida periféricamente. En este proyecto estudiaremos la naturaleza de las interacciones que determinan esta dependencia. beta-2 glicoproteína humana se une a membranas aniónicas e induce cambios estructurales en el lípido cuando ocurre la transición al estado desplegado de la proteína. El proyecto contempla estudiar comparativamente las interacciones del estado nativo y parcialmente desplegado de beta-2 glicoproteína con membranas. Estudiaremos los cambios conformacionales de proteínas y lípidos utilizando espectroscopia infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), espectroscopia de emisión de fluorescencia y espectroscopia de dicroísmo circular (CD). Utilizaremos calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC) para estudios de estabilidad y espectroscopia de fosforescencia para estudiar dinámica rotacional de proteínas en la membrana.


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Com o intuito de se estudarem as alterações nos teores lipídicos, constituintes das membranas lisossômicas, em fígados, durante a fase inicial da agressão esquistossomótica, foram utilizados camundongos infectados com 30 cercárias e 30 dias de infecção. Os triaglicerídios passaram de 200 ± 48 µg/mg de proteínas totais nos controles, para 165 ± 22 µg/mg, nos infectados. Na mesma ordem também diminuiram o colesterol livre de 539 ± 80, para 396 ± 54 µg/mg; os ésteres do colesterol de 270 ± 35, para 216 ± 36 µg/mg e os colinafosfatídios de 44 ± 5,7 para 31 ± 4,9 µg/mg. Os serinafosfatídios, os etanolaminafosfatídios e os esfingofosfatídios aumentaram, respectivamente de 58 ± 9,7 para 60 ± 8,5, de 72 ± 7,8 para 111 ± 15,7 e de 36 ± 4,9 para 63 7,1 µg/mg. Os ácidos graxos livres não se alteram significativamente, passaram de 1,7 ± 0,35 µEq/g, nos controles, para 1,8 ± 0,29 Eq/g nos animais infectados. Esses resultados padecem indicar que na fase inicial de esquistossomose mansônica hepática, antes da formação dos granulomas, são detectadas alterações importantes na constituição lipídica das membranas do compartimento lisossônico. Elas, talvez, sejam devidas a produtos catabólicos, excretados por vermes imaturos ou adultos, presentes em vasos do sistema portal.


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La microdiàlisi és una tècnica de neuromonitoratge que permet el mostreig continu del contingut molecular i iònic de l’espai intersticial cerebral. Aquesta tècnica es basa en la implantació d’un catèter en el parènquima cerebral humà de manera mínimament invasiva. Actualment, la microdiàlisi s’ha implantat de manera rutinària en moltes unitats de cures intensives pel neuromonitoratge de pacients amb lesions cerebrals agudes. No obstant, l’estudi in vivo del perfil temporal del proteoma en aquestes lesions i la correcta avaluació de la concentració de les molècules d’interès en el líquid extracel•lular cerebral requereix la determinació prèvia in vitro del percentatge de recuperació relativa de les proteïnes d’estudi.


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El presente grupo ha recorrido ya un largo camino trabajando en el estudio de sistemas enzimáticos, diseño y simulación de biorreactores con enzimas en soluble e inmovilizadas, comprobando la seria dificultad de separación y eliminación de las mismas en la etapa final del proceso, así como las problemáticas de preparación y uso de las enzimas inmovilizadas en los mas diversos tipos de soportes. En este estudio se investigo la aplicación de ultrafiltración y ósmosis inversa en soluciones modelo de zumos para su clarificación y concentración, también en la eliminación de melanoidinas en concentrados de zumos. A partir de esta investigación se elaboraron membranas con enzimas pectinoliticas inmovilizadas. Al igual que se determino las condiciones óptimas de aplicación en sistemas modelo a escala de laboratorio y planta piloto.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração da vinhaça por meio da microfiltração (MF) seguida de nanofiltração (NF). Os experimentos foram conduzidos em laboratório, a 60ºC e 500 rpm, com uso de vinhaça com 2,8% de sólidos totais (ST), para avaliação da influência da pressão no fluxo de permeado e na retenção de ST. Apressão variou de 1,0 a 3,4 bar, para MF, e de 15 a 35 bar, para NF. Utilizou-se membrana de celulose, com massa molecular de corte de 100 kDa, para MF, e membrana de poliestersulfona (PES), de 300, 500 e 1.000 Da, para NF. A MF realizada a 1,8 bar foi selecionada, por ter apresentado bom fluxo e menor consumo de energia, e o permeado obtido foi submetido à NF. ANF apresentou retenções de ST de 47-75%, e o fluxo mais elevado foi obtido com a PES 1.000 Da, a 35 bar. O concentrado final apresenta 4% de ST e é considerado adequado para uso em solo, em termosde demanda química deoxigênio e de teores de ST.


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Membrane reactors are reviewed with emphasis in their applications in catalysis field. The basic principles of these systems are presented as well as a historical development. The several kinds of catalytic membranes and their preparations are discussed including the problems, needs and challenges to be solved in order to use these reactors in commercial processes. Some applications of inorganic membrane reactors are also shown. It was concluded that these systems have a great potential for improving yield and selectivity of high temperature catalytic reactions. However, it is still an imerging technology with a need for a lot of fundamental research; several challenges should be overcome for the successful commercial application of these systems.


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Peracids are strong oxidant species and their use is being largely studied in the delignification and cellulose pulp bleaching. Some of them has already an industrial application, specially in non-conventional bleaching sequences like ECF (Elemental chlorine free) and TCF (Totally chlorine free). This review presents the main aspects of the structure, properties, preparation and reaction of peracids (peracetic acid, peroxymonosulfuric acid and their mixture) with lignin, specially for peracetic acid. Information about bleaching and delignification of wood pulps with peracids and the factors affecting its efficiency are also presented.


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In this work we obtained microporous and mesoporous silica membranes by sol-gel processing. Tetraethylortosilicate (TEOS) was used as precursor. Nitric acid was used as catalyst. In order to study the affect of N,N-dimethylformamide (NDF) as drying additive, we used a molar ratio TEOS/NDF of 1/3. The performance of N,N-dimethylformamide was evaluated through monolithicity measurements. The structural evolutions occurring during the sol-gel transition and in the interconnected network of the membranes during thermal treatment were monitored by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analyses and nitrogen sorption. We noted that in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide, polymerization goes through a temporary stabilization of oligomers. The Si-O(H) bonds are stronger and belong to a more cross-linked structure for the N,N-dimethylformamide containing sol. The membranes obtained in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide have larger surface area and its pore structure is in the range of mesoporous. The membranes obtained without additive have pore structure in the range of microporous.


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The literature carries many theories about the mechanism of action of local anesthetics (LA). We can highlight those focusing the direct effect of LA on the sodium channel protein and the ones that consider the interaction of anesthetic molecules with the lipid membrane phase. The interaction between local anesthetics and human erythrocyte membranes has been studied by ¹H and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. It was found that lidocaine (LDC) and benzocaine (BZC) bind to the membranes, increase the mobility of the protons of the phospholipid's acyl chains, and decrease the mobility and/or change the structure of the polar head groups. The results indicate that lidocaine molecules are inserted across the polar and liquid interface of the membrane, establishing both electrostatic (charged form) and hydrophobic (neutral form) interactions. Benzocaine locates itself a little deeper in the bilayer, between the interfacial glycerol region and the hydrophobic core. These changes in mobility or conformation of membrane lipids could affect the Na+-channel protein insertion in the bilayer, stabilizing it in the inactivated state, thus causing anesthesia.


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The behaviour of Nafion® polymeric membranes containing acid-base dyes, bromothymol blue (BB) and methyl violet (MV), were studied aiming at constructing an optical sensor for pH measurement. BB revealed to be inadequate for developing sensing phases due to the electrostatic repulsion between negative groups of their molecules and the negative charge of the sulfonate group of the Nafion®, which causes leaching of the dye from the membrane. On the other hand, MV showed to be suitable due to the presence of positive groups in its structure. The membrane prepared from a methanolic solution whose Nafion®/dye molar ratio was 20 presented the best analytical properties, changing its color from green to violet in the pH range from 0.6 to 3.0. The membrane can be prepared with good reproducibility, presenting durability of ca. 6 months and response time of 22 s, making possible its use for pH determination in flow analysis systems.


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Many theories about the mechanism of action of local anesthetics (LA) are described in the literature. Two types of theories can be distinguished: those that focus on the direct effects of LA on their target protein in the axon membranes, i.e. the voltage-gated sodium channel and the ones that take into account the interaction of anesthetic molecules with the lipid membrane phase for the reversible nerve blockage. Since there is a direct correlation between LA hydrophobicity and potency, it is crucial to take this physico-chemical property into account to understand the mechanism of action of LA, be it on the sodium channel protein, lipid(s), or on the whole membrane phase.


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The composite membranes prepared via incorporation of 12.5% of molecular sieves 3A, 4A, 5A and 13X into chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) (1:1). The composite membranes were immersed in the cross-linker sulfuric acid in order to acquire high proton conductivity for applications in electrolytes in PEMCF and DMF. The influence of the molecular sieves on the structural, optical, thermal, mechanical, morphologic and protonic conductivity properties and water/methanol swelling degree of membranes were investigated.


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Cellulose acetate polymeric membranes had been prepared by a procedure of two steps, combining the method of phase inversion and the technique of hydrolysis-deposition. The first step was the preparation of the membrane, and together was organomodified with tetraethylortosilicate and 3-aminopropyltrietoxysilane. Parameters that exert influence in the complexation of the metallic ion, as pH, time of complexation, metal concentration, had been studied in laboratory using tests of metal removal. The membranes had presented resistance mechanics and reactivity to cations, being able to be an alternative for the removal, daily pay-concentration or in the study of the lability of metals complexed.


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This paper presents a review of different chemical compositions that are used in the production of mixed ionic-electronic conducting membranes with the perovskite structure. In these dense membranes, oxygen from the air is permeated through ionic and electronic processes, and high oxygen permeation fluxes are observed at high temperatures (800-900 ºC). Various membranes were compared for their performance and properties after being synthesized by different methods.