923 resultados para medium-range order


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High-quality nc-Si/a-Si:H diphasic films with improved stability were prepared by using the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition technology. In comparison with typical amorphous silicon, the diphasic silicon films possess higher photoconductivity (two orders larger than that of the amorphous silicon film) and fairly good photosensitivity(the ratio of the photo-to dark-conductivity is about 10) and higher stability (the degradation of the photoconductivity is less than 10% after 24h long light soaking with 50 mW/cm(2) intensity at room temperature). In addition, the diphasic silicon film has a better light spectra response in the longer wavelength range. The improvement in photoelectronic properties may be attributed to: the existence of the disorder within the amorphous matrix, which breaks the momentum selection rule in the optical transition and, consequently, results in the large light absorption coefficient and high photosensitivity; the improved medium range order and low gap states density. Excess carriers generated in the amorphous matrix tend to recombine in the embedded crystallites, which suppresses nonradiative recombination within the amorphous matrix and reduces the subsequent defect creation.


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Diphasic silicon films (nc-Si/a-Si:H) have been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition in the region adjacent of phase transition from amorphous to microcrystalline state. Comparing to the conventional amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), the nc-Si/a-Si:H has higher photoconductivity (sigma(ph)), better stability, and a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength range. It can be found from Raman spectra that there is a notable improvement in the medium range order. The blue shift for the stretching mode and red shift for the wagging mode in the IR spectra also show the variation of the microstructure. By using this kind of film as intrinsic layer, a p-i-n junction solar cell was prepared with the initial efficiency of 8.51 % and a stabilized efficiency of 8.01% (AM 1.5, 100 mw/cm(2)) at room temperature. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Polymorphous silicon (pm-Si:H) films have been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition in the region adjacent of phase transition from amorphous to microcrystalline state. Comparing to the conventional amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), the pm-Si:H has higher photoconductivity (sigma(ph)), better stability, and a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength range. It can be found from Raman spectra that there is a notable improvement in the medium range order. There are a blue shift for the stretching mode of IR spectra and a red shift for the wagging mode. The shifts are attributed to the variation of the microstructure. By using pm-Si:H film as intrinsic layer, a p-i-n junction solar cell was prepared with the initial efficiency of 8.51% and a stabilized efficiency of 8.01% (AM1.5, 100mw/cm(2)) at room temperature (T-R).


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A kind of hydrogenated diphasic silicon films has been prepared by a new regime of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the phase transition regime from amorphous to nanocrystalline. The microstructural properties of the films have been investigated by the micro-Raman and Fourier transformed Infrared (FT-IR) spectra and atom force microscopy (AFM). The obtained Raman spectra show not only the existence of nanoscaled crystallites, but also a notable improvement in the medium-range order of the diphasic films. For the FT-IR spectra of this kind of films, it notes that there is a blueshift in the Si-H stretching mode and a redshift in the Si-H wagging mode in respect to that of typical amorphous silicon film. We discussed the reasons responsible for these phenomena by means of the phase transition, which lead to the formation of a diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries.


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Malgré une vaste littérature concernant les propriétés structurelles, électroniques et ther- modynamiques du silicium amorphe (a-Si), la structure microscopique de ce semi-cond- ucteur covalent échappe jusqu’à ce jour à une description exacte. Plusieurs questions demeurent en suspens, concernant par exemple la façon dont le désordre est distribué à travers la matrice amorphe : uniformément ou au sein de petites régions hautement déformées ? D’autre part, comment ce matériau relaxe-t-il : par des changements homo- gènes augmentant l’ordre à moyenne portée, par l’annihilation de défauts ponctuels ou par une combinaison de ces phénomènes ? Le premier article présenté dans ce mémoire propose une caractérisation des défauts de coordination, en terme de leur arrangement spatial et de leurs énergies de formation. De plus, les corrélations spatiales entre les défauts structurels sont examinées en se ba- sant sur un paramètre qui quantifie la probabilité que deux sites défectueux partagent un lien. Les géométries typiques associées aux atomes sous et sur-coordonnés sont extraites du modèle et décrites en utilisant les distributions partielles d’angles tétraédriques. L’in- fluence de la relaxation induite par le recuit sur les défauts structurels est également analysée. Le second article porte un regard sur la relation entre l’ordre à moyenne portée et la relaxation thermique. De récentes mesures expérimentales montrent que le silicium amorphe préparé par bombardement ionique, lorsque soumis à un recuit, subit des chan- gements structuraux qui laissent une signature dans la fonction de distribution radiale, et cela jusqu’à des distances correspondant à la troisième couche de voisins.[1, 2] Il n’est pas clair si ces changements sont une répercussion d’une augmentation de l’ordre à courte portée, ou s’ils sont réellement la manifestation d’un ordonnement parmi les angles dièdres, et cette section s’appuie sur des simulations numériques d’implantation ionique et de recuit, afin de répondre à cette question. D’autre part, les corrélations entre les angles tétraédriques et dièdres sont analysées à partir du modèle de a-Si.


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Sonohydrolysis of mixtures of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) with different TMOS/(TMOS + TEOS) molar ratio R was carried out to obtain similar to 2.0 x 10(-3) mol SiO2/cm(3) and similar to 86%-volume liquid phase wet gels. Aerogels were obtained by supercritical CO2 extraction in autoclave. The samples were analyzed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and nitrogen adsorption. The structure of the wet gels can be described as a mass fractal structure with fractal dimension D similar to 2.2 and characteristic length increasing from similar to 4.6 nm for pure TEOS to similar to 6.4 nm for pure TMOS. A fraction of the porosity is eliminated with the supercritical process. The fundamental role of the TMOS/(TMOS + TEOS) molar ratio on the structure of the aerogels is to increase the porosity and the pore mean size as R changes from pure TEOS to pure TMOS. The supercritical process increases the mass fractal dimension and shortens the fractality domain in the mesopore region. A secondary structure appearing in the micropore region of the aerogels can be described as a mass/surface fractal structure with correlated mass fractal dimension D-m similar to 2.6 and surface fractal dimension D-s similar to 2.3. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Binary tellurite-based glasses in the TeO2-PbO system were prepared and its structure investigated by means of Raman Scattering and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Both spectroscopies indicate strong modifications of the first coordination shell around tellurium atoms when the PbO content increases revealing for lead its glassy network modifier role. Also, Pb L-3-edge EXAFS measurements reveal this structural role played by lead atoms, but the presence of a medium range order contribution indicates that lead also participates to the glassy network formation. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Erbium L-3-edge extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements were performed on rare earth doped fluorosilicate and fluoroborate glasses and glass ceramics. The well known nucleating effects of erbium ions for the crystallization of cubic lead fluoride (based on x-ray diffraction measurements) and the fact that the rare earth ions are present in the crystalline phase (as indicated by Er3+ emission spectra) seem in contradiction with the present EXAFS analysis, which indicates a lack of medium range structural ordering around the Er3+ ions and suggests that the lead fluoride crystallization does not occur in the nearest neighbor distance of the rare earth ion. Molecular dynamics simulations of the devitrification process of a lead fluoride glass doped with Er3+ ions were performed, and results indicate that Er3+ ions lower the devitrification temperature of PbF2, in good agreement with the experimental results. The genuine role of Er3+ ions in the devitrification process of PbF2 has been investigated. Although Er3+ ions could indeed act as seeds for crystallization, as experiments suggest, molecular dynamics simulation results corroborate the experimental EXAFS observation that the devitrification does not occur at its nearest neighbor distance. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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This article attempts to explore the concept of scientific community at the macro-national level in the context of Iran. Institutionalisation of science and its professional growth has been constrained by several factors. The article first conceptualises the notion of science community as found in the literature in the context of Iran, and attempts to map through some indicators. The main focus, however, lies in mapping some institutional problems through empirical research. This was undertaken in 2002–04 in order to analyse the structure of the scientific community in Iran in the ‘exact sciences’ (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and earth sciences). The empirical work was done in two complementary perspectives: through a questionnaire and statistical analysis of it, and through semistructured interviews with the researchers. There are number of problems confronting scientists in Iran. Facilities provided by institutions is one of the major problems of research. Another is the tenuous cooperation among scientists. This is reported by most of the researchers, who deplore the lack of cooperation among their group. Relationships are mostly with the Ph.D. students and only marginally with colleagues. Our research shows that the more brilliant the scientists, the more frustrated they are from scientific institutions in Iran. Medium-range researchers seem to be much happier about the scientific institution to which they belong than the brighter scholars. The scientific institutions in Iran seem to be built for the needs of the former rather than the latter. These institutions seem not to play a positive role in the case of the best scientists. On the whole, many ingredients of the scientific community, at least at its inception, are present among Iranian scientists: the strong desire for scientific achievement in spite of personal, institutional and economic problems.


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This paper is concerned with the possibility of a direct second-order transition out of a collinear Neel phase to a paramagnetic spin liquid in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we show that such second-order quantum transitions can potentially occur to certain spin liquid states popular in theories of the cuprates. We provide a theory of this transition and study its universal properties in an epsilon expansion. The existence of such a transition has a number of interesting implications for spin-liquid-based approaches to the underdoped cuprates. In particular it considerably clarifies existing ideas for incorporating antiferromagnetic long range order into such a spin-liquid-based approach.


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High temperature superconductivity in the cuprates remains one of the most widely investigated, constantly surprising and poorly understood phenomena in physics. Here, we describe briefly a new phenomenological theory inspired by the celebrated description of superconductivity due to Ginzburg and Landau and believed to describe its essence. This posits a free energy functional for the superconductor in terms of a complex order parameter characterizing it. We propose that there is, for superconducting cuprates, a similar functional of the complex, in plane, nearest neighbor spin singlet bond (or Cooper) pair amplitude psi(ij). Further, we suggest that a crucial part of it is a (short range) positive interaction between nearest neighbor bond pairs, of strength J'. Such an interaction leads to nonzero long wavelength phase stiffness or superconductive long range order, with the observed d-wave symmetry, below a temperature T-c similar to zJ' where z is the number of nearest neighbors; d-wave superconductivity is thus an emergent, collective consequence. Using the functional, we calculate a large range of properties, e. g., the pseudogap transition temperature T* as a function of hole doping x, the transition curve T-c(x), the superfluid stiffness rho(s)(x, T), the specific heat (without and with a magnetic field) due to the fluctuating pair degrees of freedom and the zero temperature vortex structure. We find remarkable agreement with experiment. We also calculate the self-energy of electrons hopping on the square cuprate lattice and coupled to electrons of nearly opposite momenta via inevitable long wavelength Cooper pair fluctuations formed of these electrons. The ensuing results for electron spectral density are successfully compared with recent experimental results for angle resolved photo emission spectroscopy (ARPES), and comprehensively explain strange features such as temperature dependent Fermi arcs above T-c and the ``bending'' of the superconducting gap below T-c.


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A network of ship-mounted real-time Automatic Weather Stations integrated with Indian geosynchronous satellites Indian National Satellites (INSATs)] 3A and 3C, named Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services Real-Time Automatic Weather Stations (I-RAWS), is established. The purpose of I-RAWS is to measure the surface meteorological-ocean parameters and transmit the data in real time in order to validate and refine the forcing parameters (obtained from different meteorological agencies) of the Indian Ocean Forecasting System (INDOFOS). Preliminary validation and intercomparison of analyzed products obtained from the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts using the data collected from I-RAWS were carried out. This I-RAWS was mounted on board oceanographic research vessel Sagar Nidhi during a cruise across three oceanic regimes, namely, the tropical Indian Ocean, the extratropical Indian Ocean, and the Southern Ocean. The results obtained from such a validation and intercomparison, and its implications with special reference to the usage of atmospheric model data for forcing ocean model, are discussed in detail. It is noticed that the performance of analysis products from both atmospheric models is similar and good; however, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts air temperature over the extratropical Indian Ocean and wind speed in the Southern Ocean are marginally better.


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A theory of the order-disorder transformation is developed in complete generality. The general theory is used to calculate long range order parameters, short range order parameters, energy, and phase diagrams for a face centered cubic binary alloy. The theoretical results are compared to the experimental determination of the copper-gold system, Values for the two adjustable parameters are obtained.

An explanation for the behavior of magnetic alloys is developed, Curie temperatures and magnetic moments of the first transition series elements and their alloys in both the ordered and disordered states are predicted. Experimental agreement is excellent in most cases. It is predicted that the state of order can effect the magnetic properties of an alloy to a considerable extent in alloys such as Ni3Mn. The values of the adjustable parameter used to fix the level of the Curie temperature, and the adjustable parameter that expresses the effect of ordering on the Curie temperature are obtained.


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Qens/wins 2014 - 11th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and 6th International Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers / editado por:Frick, B; Koza, MM; Boehm, M; Mutka, H


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Hafnium oxide (HfOx) is a high dielectric constant (k) oxide which has been identified as being suitable for use as the gate dielectric in thin film transistors (TFTs). Amorphous materials are preferred for a gate dielectric, but it has been an ongoing challenge to produce amorphous HfOx while maintaining a high dielectric constant. A technique called high target utilization sputtering (HiTUS) is demonstrated to be capable of depositing high-k amorphous HfOx thin films at room temperature. The plasma is generated in a remote chamber, allowing higher rate deposition of films with minimal ion damage. Compared to a conventional sputtering system, the HiTUS technique allows finer control of the thin film microstructure. Using a conventional reactive rf magnetron sputtering technique, monoclinic nanocrystalline HfOx thin films have been deposited at a rate of ∼1.6nmmin-1 at room temperature, with a resistivity of 1013Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3.5MVcm-1 and a dielectric constant of ∼18.2. By comparison, using the HiTUS process, amorphous HfOx (x=2.1) thin films which appear to have a cubic-like short-range order have been deposited at a high deposition rate of ∼25nmmin-1 with a high resistivity of 1014Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3MVcm-1 and a high dielectric constant of ∼30. Two key conditions must be satisfied in the HiTUS system for high-k HfOx to be produced. Firstly, the correct oxygen flow rate is required for a given sputtering rate from the metallic target. Secondly, there must be an absence of energetic oxygen ion bombardment to maintain an amorphous microstructure and a high flux of medium energy species emitted from the metallic sputtering target to induce a cubic-like short range order. This HfOx is very attractive as a dielectric material for large-area electronic applications on flexible substrates. A remote plasma sputtering process (high target utilization sputtering, HiTUS) has been used to deposit amorphous hafnium oxide with a very high dielectric constant (∼30). X-ray diffraction shows that this material has a microstructure in which the atoms have a cubic-like short-range order, whereas radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering produced a monoclinic polycrystalline microstructure. This is correlated to the difference in the energetics of remote plasma and rf magnetron sputtering processes. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.