426 resultados para maxilla


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The objective of this study was to assess implant therapy after a staged guided bone regeneration procedure in the anterior maxilla by lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve and vessel bundle. Neurosensory function following augmentative procedures and implant placement, assessed using a standardized questionnaire and clinical examination, were the primary outcome variables measured. This retrospective study included patients with a bone defect in the anterior maxilla in need of horizontal and/or vertical ridge augmentation prior to dental implant placement. The surgical sites were allowed to heal for at least 6 months before placement of dental implants. All patients received fixed implant-supported restorations and entered into a tightly scheduled maintenance program. In addition to the maintenance program, patients were recalled for a clinical examination and to fill out a questionnaire to assess any changes in the neurosensory function of the nasopalatine nerve at least 6 months after function. Twenty patients were included in the study from February 2001 to December 2010. They received a total of 51 implants after augmentation of the alveolar crest and lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve. The follow-up examination for questionnaire and neurosensory assessment was scheduled after a mean period of 4.18 years of function. None of the patients examined reported any pain, they did not have less or an altered sensation, and they did not experience a "foreign body" feeling in the area of surgery. Overall, 6 patients out of 20 (30%) showed palatal sensibility alterations of the soft tissues in the region of the maxillary canines and incisors resulting in a risk for a neurosensory change of 0.45 mucosal teeth regions per patient after ridge augmentation with lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve. Regeneration of bone defects in the anterior maxilla by horizontal and/or vertical ridge augmentation and lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve prior to dental implant placement is a predictable surgical technique. Whether or not there were clinically measurable impairments of neurosensory function, the patients did not report them or were not bothered by them.


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Osteopetrosis is characterized by a considerable increase in bone density resulting in defective remodeling, caused by failure in the normal function of osteoclasts, and varies in severity. It is usually subdivided into three types: benign autosomal dominant osteopetrosis; intermediate autosomal recessive osteopetrosis; and malignant autosomal recessive infantile osteopetrosis, considered the most serious type. The authors describe a case of chronic osteomyelitis in the maxilla of a 6-year-old patient with Malignant Infantile Osteopetrosis. The treatment plan included pre-maxilla sequestrectomy and extraction of erupted upper teeth. No surgical procedure was shown to be the best to prevent the progression of oral infection. Taking into account the patient's general condition, if the patient develops severe symptomatic and refractory osteomyelitis surgery should be considered. The patient and his family are aware of the risks and benefits of surgery and its possible complications.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify retrospectively the predictors of implant survival when the flapless protocol was used in two private dental practices. Materials and Methods: The collected data were initially computer searched to identify the patients; later, a hand search of patient records was carried out to identify all flapless implants consecutively inserted over the last 10 years. The demographic information gathered on statistical predictors included age, sex, periodontal and peri-implantitis status, smoking, details of implants inserted, implant locations, placement time after extraction, use of simultaneous guided hard and soft tissue regeneration procedures, loading protocols, type of prosthesis, and treatment outcomes (implant survival and complications). Excluded were any implants that required flaps or simultaneous guided hard and soft tissue regeneration procedures, and implants narrower than 3.25 mm. Results: A total of 1,241 implants had been placed in 472 patients. Life table analysis indicated cumulative 5-year and 10-year implant survival rates of 97.9% and 96.5%, respectively. Most of the failed implants occurred in the posterior maxilla (54%) in type 4 bone (74.0%), and 55.0% of failed implants had been placed in smokers. Conclusion: Flapless dental implant surgery can yield an implant survival rate comparable to that reported in other studies using traditional flap techniques.


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Class II division 1 malocclusion occurs in 3.5 to 13 percent of 7 12 year-old children. It is the most common reason for orthodontic treatment in Finland. Correction is most commonly performed using headgear treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cervical headgear treatment on dentition, facial skeletal and soft tissue growth, and upper airway structure, in children. 65 schoolchildren, 36 boys and 29 girls were studied. At the onset of treatment a mean age was 9.3 (range 6.6 12.4) years. All the children were consequently referred to an orthodontist because of Class II division 1 malocclusion. The included children had protrusive maxilla and an overjet of more than 2mm (3 to 11 mm). The children were treated with a Kloehn-type cervical headgear as the only appliance until Class I first molar relationships were achieved. The essential features of the headgear were cervical strong pulling forces, a long upward bent outer bow, and an expanded inner bow. Dental casts and lateral and posteroanterior cephalograms were taken before and after the treatment. The results were compared to a historical, cross-sectional Finnish cohort or to historical, age- and sex-matched normal Class I controls. The Class I first molar relationships were achieved in all the treated children. The mean treatment time was 1.7 (range 0.3-3.1) years. Phase 2 treatments were needed in 52% of the children, most often because of excess overjet or overbite. The treatment decreased maxillary protrusion by inhibiting alveolar forward growth, while the rest of the maxilla and mandible followed normal growth. The palate rotated anteriorly downward. The expansion of the inner bow of the headgear induced widening of the maxilla, nasal cavity, and the upper and lower dental arches. Class II malocclusion was associated with narrower oro- and hypopharyngeal space than in the Class I normal controls. The treatment increased the retropalatal airway space, while the rest of the airway remained unaffected. The facial profile improved esthetically, while the facial convexity decreased. Facial soft tissues masked the facial skeletal convexity, and the soft tissue changes were smaller than skeletal changes. In conclusion, the headgear treatment with the expanded inner bow may be used as an easy and simple method for Class II correction in growing children.


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A expansão rápida da maxila cirurgicamente assistida tornou-se amplamente utilizada e muito aceitável no tratamento da deficiência maxilar de pacientes adolescentes e adultos. Diversas técnicas cirúrgicas foram propostas ao longo dos anos com o objetivo de solucionar este problema de forma eficiente, com estabilidade dos resultados e baixa morbidade. Controvérsias em relação ao procedimento cirúrgico persistem, principalmente relacionadas a quais osteotomias devem ser realizadas para se obter bons resultados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os resultados da expansão ortocirúrgica da maxila realizando osteotomias nas paredes laterais da maxila e na sutura palatina mediana. Foram selecionados dezessete pacientes adultos portadores de deficiência transversa maxilar, com média de idade de 24 anos e 8 meses; todos foram submetidos a exames de tomografia computadorizada convencional e moldagens maxilares previamente ao procedimento cirúrgico e após três meses, no mínimo, do término de ativação e estabilização do aparelho expansor. As medidas do pós-cirúrgico foram confrontadas com as do pré-cirúrgico e os resultados foram comparados e analisados estatisticamente. Foi obtida a expansão desejada clinicamente em todos os pacientes. No entanto, a quantidade de expansão na região de molares foi estatisticamente maior nas áreas referentes aos dentes, enquanto que os resultados obtidos referentes aos caninos se mostraram similares nas três regiões maxilares avaliadas. Quando comparadas às regiões de caninos e molares entre si, a expansão intercaninos foi maior na altura dos forames palatinos e o inverso ocorreu nas regiões de processo alveolar e dentária, nas quais a expansão intermolar foi maior.


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Esse trabalho teve o objetivo de analisar a fidelidade da referência externa em tecidos moles no auxílio do posicionamento vertical da maxila. Foram selecionados 40 pacientes portadores de deformidade dentofacial e submetidos à osteotomia total da maxila. Os indivíduos foram divididos em 2 grupos no intuíto de avaliar duas técnicas de referência externa: a utilização da sutura em tecidos moles e o uso do fio de Kirschner. Esta última foi utilizada como a técnica do grupo-controle. Os dados foram colhidos em duas fases. Na primeira delas, foi realizada a mensuração da posição vertical da maxila antes da osteotomia Le Fort I e após a fixação da maxila, utilizando a referência externa. A partir desses números, foi obtida a alteração vertical de cada caso, colhida durante a cirurgia. Na segunda fase da coleta de dados, foram realizadas mensurações verticais da maxila baseadas nas radiografias cefalométricas pré e pós-operatórias. Assim, foi obtido o valor da alteração vertical de cada caso, baseado na documentação radiográfica. Após esta etapa, foi calculada a diferença entre a alteração vertical obtida durante a cirurgia e a alteração vertical colhida a partir das radiografias. Dessa forma, foram obtidos valores que correspondem às imperfeições no posicionamento vertical da maxila de cada paciente, tendo como base a posição do incisivo central superior. Os resultados foram comparados e analisados estatisticamente. A média aritmética da precisão no posicionamento vertical da maxila no grupo-controle foi de 0,52mm e do grupo da referência em tecidos moles foi de 0,65mm. A aplicação do teste t de Student a 5% revelou que não houve diferença estatística significativa entre o grau de precisão das duas técnicas de referência externa (P=0,429). Como conclusão, observou-se que as duas técnicas foram eficazes no auxílio ao posicionamento vertical da maxila e que a referência externa em tecidos moles apresentou um grau de precisão semelhante ao valor obtido com a técnica do fio de Kirschner.


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Four zoeal stages and one megalopal stage were identified in laboratory reared semiterrestrial mangrove sesarmine crab Chasmagnathus convexus. At an average salinity and temperature of 20±1% and 19.2±0.2°C, the megalopa was attained 24 days after hatching. Morphologically, the first zoae of C. convexz1s is very similar to those of other species of the genus Chasmagnathus as well as species of the genus Helice, in that view all share the following characteristics: lateral spine on the carapace, three pairs of setae on the posterior margin of the telson furca, one plus five setae on the endopod of the maxillule, and two plus two setae on the endopod of the maxilla. The differences between the first zoea and megalopa of and those of its congeners are discussed.


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A new species Norileca borealis belonging to the family Cymothoidae is described in detail and illustrated. The new species is distinguished from the other members of the genus by the details of maxilla 2, maxilliped, pleotelson and pereopod 1.


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Dental variation in the Chinese golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is here evaluated by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses. Allometric analyses indicate that canines and P3s are positively, but other dimensions negatively scaled to mandible and maxilla, and to body size. With the exception of the mesiodistal dimensions of I-1 and M-3, and the buccolingual dimension of Pq, mandibular dental variables show similar scaling relative to body size. Analysis of residuals shows that males have significantly larger canine, P-3 and buccolingual dimensions of the postcanine teeth (M-2 and M-3) than females. A significant difference in shape between the sexes is found in the buccolingual dimension of the upper teeth, but not in the mandible. Unlike the situation in some other species, Female golden monkeys do nor exhibit relatively larger postcanine teeth than males, in fact, the reverse is true, especially for M(2)s and M(3)s. The fact that most of the dental variables show low negative allometry to body size might be related a cold environment that has led to the development of larger body size with I-educed energy loss. When the raw data are examined by Discriminant Function Analysis the sexes are clearly distinguishable.


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Medicina Dentária.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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The term phacomatosis pigmentovascularis (PPV) refers to the occurrence of vascular nevi with melanocytic or epidermal nevi. We report on monozygotic twins (MZTs) discordant for phacomatosis cesioflammea (PPV type II) providing evidence for the mechanism of twin spotting in the development of PPV. The affected twin had a nevus flammeus on the right arm and the right maxilla, and a pigmented area on the trunk in keeping with a persistent, aberrant Mongolian spot. The affected twin had bilateral ocular melanocytosis with abnormal scleral pigmentation, iris mamillations, increased pigmentation of the trabecular meshwork, and increased fundal pigmentation and secondary glaucoma. DNA testing confirmed monozygosity. This case of MZTs discordant for PPV supports the hypothesis that PPV results from mosaicism due to a post-zygotic mutational event and the concept of twin spotting.


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Resin bonded bridgework (RBB) is a technique often overlooked by practitioners despite a large amount of evidence supporting the technique. In Cork University Dental School an evidence-based, standardised approach for the delivery of RBB by undergraduate students has been developed over the past 10 years. The aim of this study was to evaluate the success of this standardised approach on the delivery of RBB by students. 222 bridges were reviewed which had been delivered over a 6 year time period between 2002 and 2007. A success rate of 84.1% was achieved with a mean survival time of 41 months. This study illustrates that predictable and highly successful RBB can be delivered by inexperienced clinicians using an evidence-based, standardised approach.