991 resultados para mathematical reasoning


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This study highlights the importance of cognition-affect interaction pathways in the construction of mathematical knowledge. Scientific output demands further research on the conceptual structure underlying such interaction aimed at coping with the high complexity of its interpretation. The paper discusses the effectiveness of using a dynamic model such as that outlined in the Mathematical Working Spaces (MWS) framework, in order to describe the interplay between cognition and affect in the transitions from instrumental to discursive geneses in geometrical reasoning. The results based on empirical data from a teaching experiment at a middle school show that the use of dynamic geometry software favours students’ attitudinal and volitional dimensions and helps them to maintain productive affective pathways, affording greater intellectual independence in mathematical work and interaction with the context that impact learning opportunities in geometric proofs. The reflective and heuristic dimensions of teacher mediation in students’ learning is crucial in the transition from instrumental to discursive genesis and working stability in the Instrumental-Discursive plane of MWS.


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This paper examines the development of student functional thinking during a teaching experiment that was conducted in two classrooms with a total of 45 children whose average age was nine years and six months. The teaching comprised four lessons taught by a researcher, with a second researcher and classroom teacher acting as participant observers. These lessons were designed to enable students to build mental representations in order to explore the use of function tables by focusing on the relationship between input and output numbers with the intention of extracting the algebraic nature of the arithmetic involved. All lessons were videotaped. The results indicate that elementary students are not only capable of developing functional thinking but also of communicating their thinking both verbally and symbolically.


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In this article we explore young children's development of mathematical knowledge and reasoning processes as they worked two modelling problems (the Butter Beans Problem and the Airplane Problem). The problems involve authentic situations that need to be interpreted and described in mathematical ways. Both problems include tables of data, together with background information containing specific criteria to be considered in the solution process. Four classes of third-graders (8 years of age) and their teachers participated in the 6-month program, which included preparatory modelling activities along with professional development for the teachers. In discussing our findings we address: (a) Ways in which the children applied their informal, personal knowledge to the problems; (b) How the children interpreted the tables of data, including difficulties they experienced; (c) How the children operated on the data, including aggregating and comparing data, and looking for trends and patterns; (c) How the children developed important mathematical ideas; and (d) Ways in which the children represented their mathematical understandings.


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This thesis explored the knowledge and reasoning of young children in solving novel statistical problems, and the influence of problem context and design on their solutions. It found that young children's statistical competencies are underestimated, and that problem design and context facilitated children's application of a wide range of knowledge and reasoning skills, none of which had been taught. A qualitative design-based research method, informed by the Models and Modeling perspective (Lesh & Doerr, 2003) underpinned the study. Data modelling activities incorporating picture story books were used to contextualise the problems. Children applied real-world understanding to problem solving, including attribute identification, categorisation and classification skills. Intuitive and metarepresentational knowledge together with inductive and probabilistic reasoning was used to make sense of data, and beginning awareness of statistical variation and informal inference was visible.


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A newspaper numbers game based on simple arithmetic relationships is discussed. Its potential to give students of elementary algebra practice in semi-ad hoc reasoning and to build general arithmetic reasoning skills is explored.


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The relationship between mathematics and statistical reasoning frequently receives comment (Vere-Jones 1995, Moore 1997); however most of the research into the area tends to focus on mathematics anxiety. Gnaldi (2003) showed that in a statistics course for psychologists, the statistical understanding of students at the end of the course depended on students’ basic numeracy, rather than the number or level of previous mathematics courses the student had undertaken. As part of a study into the development of statistical thinking at the interface between secondary and tertiary education, students enrolled in an introductory data analysis subject were assessed regarding their statistical reasoning, basic numeracy skills, mathematics background and attitudes towards statistics. This work reports on some key relationships between these factors and in particular the importance of numeracy to statistical reasoning.


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The relationship between mathematics and statistical reasoning frequently receives comment (Vere-Jones 1995, Moore 1997); however most of the research into the area tends to focus on maths anxiety. Gnaldi (Gnaldi 2003) showed that in a statistics course for psychologists, the statistical understanding of students at the end of the course depended on students’ basic numeracy, rather than the number or level of previous mathematics courses the student had undertaken. As part of a study into the development of statistical thinking at the interface between secondary and tertiary education, students enrolled in an introductory data analysis subject were assessed regarding their statistical reasoning ability, basic numeracy skills and attitudes towards statistics. This work reports on the relationships between these factors and in particular the importance of numeracy to statistical reasoning.


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Despite compulsory mathematics throughout primary and junior secondary schooling, many schools across Australia continue in their struggle to achieve satisfactory numeracy levels. Numeracy is not a distinct subject in school curriculum, and in fact appears as a general capability in the Australian Curriculum, wherein all teachers across all curriculum areas are responsible for numeracy. This general capability approach confuses what numeracy should look like, especially when compared to the structure of numeracy as defined on standardised national tests. In seeking to define numeracy, schools tend to look at past NAPLAN papers, and in doing so, we do not find examples drawn from the various aspects of school curriculum. What we find are more traditional forms of mathematical worded problems.


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Drawing on participatory action research, this study identifies the pedagogies necessary to advance reasoning, which is one of the proficiencies from the Australian Curriculum Mathematics, and explores how reasoning leads to greater productive disposition. With the current emphasis on STEM in schools, this research is timely. This thesis makes an original and substantive contribution to the understanding of why and how teachers can most effectively advance student proficiency in reasoning through targeted instructional strategies and style of instruction. The study explores the ways in which teacher practices, when focused on reasoning, enhance the disposition of students towards greater mathematical proficiency.


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Fuzzy-reasoning theory is widely used in industrial control. Mathematical morphology is a powerful tool to perform image processing. We apply fuzzy-reasoning theory to morphology and suggest a scheme of fuzzy-reasoning morphology, including fuzzy-reasoning dilation and erosion functions. These functions retain more fine details than the corresponding conventional morphological operators with the same structuring element. An optical implementation has been developed with area-coding and thresholding methods. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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Fuzzification is introduced into gray-scale mathematical morphology by using two-input one-output fuzzy rule-based inference systems. The fuzzy inferring dilation or erosion is defined from the approximate reasoning of the two consequences of a dilation or an erosion and an extended rank-order operation. The fuzzy inference systems with numbers of rules and fuzzy membership functions are further reduced to a simple fuzzy system formulated by only an exponential two-input one-output function. Such a one-function fuzzy inference system is able to approach complex fuzzy inference systems by using two specified parameters within it-a proportion to characterize the fuzzy degree and an exponent to depict the nonlinearity in the inferring. The proposed fuzzy inferring morphological operators tend to keep the object details comparable to the structuring element and to smooth the conventional morphological operations. Based on digital area coding of a gray-scale image, incoherently optical correlation for neighboring connection, and optical thresholding for rank-order operations, a fuzzy inference system can be realized optically in parallel. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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In college courses dealing with material that requires mathematical rigor, the adoption of a machine-readable representation for formal arguments can be advantageous. Students can focus on a specific collection of constructs that are represented consistently. Examples and counterexamples can be evaluated. Assignments can be assembled and checked with the help of an automated formal reasoning system. However, usability and accessibility do not have a high priority and are not addressed sufficiently well in the design of many existing machine-readable representations and corresponding formal reasoning systems. In earlier work [Lap09], we attempt to address this broad problem by proposing several specific design criteria organized around the notion of a natural context: the sphere of awareness a working human user maintains of the relevant constructs, arguments, experiences, and background materials necessary to accomplish the task at hand. We report on our attempt to evaluate our proposed design criteria by deploying within the classroom a lightweight formal verification system designed according to these criteria. The lightweight formal verification system was used within the instruction of a common application of formal reasoning: proving by induction formal propositions about functional code. We present all of the formal reasoning examples and assignments considered during this deployment, most of which are drawn directly from an introductory text on functional programming. We demonstrate how the design of the system improves the effectiveness and understandability of the examples, and how it aids in the instruction of basic formal reasoning techniques. We make brief remarks about the practical and administrative implications of the system’s design from the perspectives of the student, the instructor, and the grader.


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In work that involves mathematical rigor, there are numerous benefits to adopting a representation of models and arguments that can be supplied to a formal reasoning or verification system: reusability, automatic evaluation of examples, and verification of consistency and correctness. However, accessibility has not been a priority in the design of formal verification tools that can provide these benefits. In earlier work [Lap09a], we attempt to address this broad problem by proposing several specific design criteria organized around the notion of a natural context: the sphere of awareness a working human user maintains of the relevant constructs, arguments, experiences, and background materials necessary to accomplish the task at hand. This work expands one aspect of the earlier work by considering more extensively an essential capability for any formal reasoning system whose design is oriented around simulating the natural context: native support for a collection of mathematical relations that deal with common constructs in arithmetic and set theory. We provide a formal definition for a context of relations that can be used to both validate and assist formal reasoning activities. We provide a proof that any algorithm that implements this formal structure faithfully will necessary converge. Finally, we consider the efficiency of an implementation of this formal structure that leverages modular implementations of well-known data structures: balanced search trees and transitive closures of hypergraphs.


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We present an analysis of the inductive reasoning of twelve Spanish secondary students in a mathematical problem-solving context. Students were interviewed while they worked on two different problems. Based on Polya´s steps and Reid’s stages for a process of inductive reasoning, we propose a more precise categorization for analyzing this kind of reasoning in our particular context. In this paper we present some results of a wider investigation (Cañadas, 2002).