978 resultados para mathematical content


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This research presents a study on mathematics teacher education, examining the bibliographic production in 15 years of the journal Zetetiké (1993-2007), totalizing 140 papers. From these, 49 were classified as ‘teacher formation’, thus constituting the corpus of the investigation. The research focused on three units of recording and analysis: (i) problems of research; (ii) the meanings of ‘being a teacher’ and their ‘duties’; and (iii) the meanings of ‘teacher’s education’. For the processes of categorization we use Textual Analysis, which allowed us to observe some trends. Regarding the problems of research we found that the research actions involve a range from: to report, disclose, describe, identify up to study, discuss, understand, evaluate. With reference to ‘being teacher’ and its ‘duties’ in the whole period of this study it were pointed problems related to the mathematical content and to the pedagogical project of the school unit, with 30 papers giving prescriptions for the teachers actions in its educational context. With regard to the meanings on teacher education, the most frequent references concern: the functions of teacher formation; what is expected of the teacher during and after the education processes; and the emphasis on the importance of initial formation for mathematics teacher’s education.


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The complex analysis is, in actuality, a fundamental mathematical object, given its applicability to various areas of science. This paper proposes a more interesting intertwining of mathematical content to the Visual Arts, through computer graphics. The presentation of aesthetic standards, using the “domain coloring” for viewing a complex function, shows that algebraic and geometric properties can be “colored” which makes its study more human, contextualized, pleasant and dynamic, leading to greater ability to understand, to absorb and to create concepts. This work shows the contribution to the interdisciplinarity to study of mathematics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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L’oggetto di questa tesi è un fenomeno didattico osservato in due valutazioni standardizzate nazionali INVALSI, legato all’atteggiamento degli studenti mentre svolgono task di matematica. L’effetto, che abbiamo denotato effetto “età della Terra”, è stato interpretato in questa ricerca attraverso l’interazione e il confronto di diversi costrutti teorici che spiegano come questo effetto, che può essere considerato come una tipica situazione di contratto didattico, è generato dalla relazione studente-insegnante ma può diventare più strettamente legato al rapporto che hanno gli studenti con la matematica. Inizialmente abbiamo condotto uno studio dei risultati statistici delle valutazioni standardizzate nazionali (Rash Analysis). Il primo step della sperimentazione è consistito nella preparazione, validazione e somministrazione di 612 questionari a studenti di diversi livelli scolastici e basandoci sui risultati dei questionari abbiamo condotto interviste di gruppo. L’analisi quantitativa e qualitativa dei risultati ha confermato la presenza dell’effetto “età della Terra” e ha mostrato che questo effetto è indipendente dal livello scolastico e dall’età degli studenti, dal contenuto matematico e dal contesto dei task proposti. La seconda parte della ricerca è stata volta ad indagare la cause di questo effetto. Abbiamo infatti individuato un principio regolativo che condizione l’azione degli studenti mentre fanno attività matematica e abbiamo condotto molte interviste individuali per indagarlo. Il comportamento degli studenti intervistati è stato così studiato e classificato con i costrutti del quadro teorico.


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El diseño de tareas en los programas de formación de maestros se vincula al desarrollo del conocimiento necesario para realizar diferentes tareas profesionales- organizar el contenido matemático, interpretar el aprendizaje, gestionar la enseñanza. Se ejemplifica esta perspectiva en el caso del diseño de tareas matemáticas considerando la tarea profesional del maestro de analizar libros de texto.


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Un dominio particular del conocimiento matemático para la enseñanza es el conocimiento de matemáticas especializado. Este estudio se centra en examinar el conocimiento de matemáticas especializado en el ámbito del razonamiento proporcional de un grupo de estudiantes para maestro de Educación Primaria. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes para maestro tienen un conocimiento especializado sobre el razonamiento proporcional limitado puesto de manifiesto por la dificultad en identificar situaciones no proporcionales, en desarrollar formas de razonar en relación a la construcción de la unidad y en manejar el significado multiplicativo de la idea de operador.


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Sammanfattning Studiens fokus var dels vilka kategorier av innehåll som framkom i lärarnas kommunikation dels vilka förändringar i innehållet som uttolkades i matematiklärares kommunikation i början och i slutet av ett kompetensutvecklingsprojekt. Kontexten i kompetensutvecklingsprojektet var i form av modellen learning study, där sju lärarlag, sammanlagt 20 lärare deltagit. Ramverket i studien var tematisk analys, analys av matematiska kompetenser samt funktionell textanalys. Studiens resultat visar på flera förändringar, till exempel att de fem uttolkade huvudkategorierna innefattade fler underkategorier i slutet av kompetensutvecklingsprojektet. När det gäller matematiskt innehåll så visar analysen att lärarna kommunicerade matematika kompetenser på ett mer mångfacetterat sätt i slutet av kompetensutvecklingsprojektet. Då lärarna kommunicerade matematikundervisning använde de sig till viss del av ett annat sätt att uttrycka sig i slutet än i början av kompetensutvecklingsprojektet. I början talade de till exempel om att höra vad eleverna uttrycker till att i slutet använda sig av ordet lyssna. Resultatet visade även förändringar avseende hur lärarna samtalade om laborativt material. Fokus har flyttats från det laborativa materialet till att lärarna funderade över vilken matematik som eleverna uttryckte med hjälp av det laborativa materialet.  


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Hard real-time systems are a class of computer control systems that must react to demands of their environment by providing `correct' and timely responses. Since these systems are increasingly being used in systems with safety implications, it is crucial that they are designed and developed to operate in a correct manner. This thesis is concerned with developing formal techniques that allow the specification, verification and design of hard real-time systems. Formal techniques for hard real-time systems must be capable of capturing the system's functional and performance requirements, and previous work has proposed a number of techniques which range from the mathematically intensive to those with some mathematical content. This thesis develops formal techniques that contain both an informal and a formal component because it is considered that the informality provides ease of understanding and the formality allows precise specification and verification. Specifically, the combination of Petri nets and temporal logic is considered for the specification and verification of hard real-time systems. Approaches that combine Petri nets and temporal logic by allowing a consistent translation between each formalism are examined. Previously, such techniques have been applied to the formal analysis of concurrent systems. This thesis adapts these techniques for use in the modelling, design and formal analysis of hard real-time systems. The techniques are applied to the problem of specifying a controller for a high-speed manufacturing system. It is shown that they can be used to prove liveness and safety properties, including qualitative aspects of system performance. The problem of verifying quantitative real-time properties is addressed by developing a further technique which combines the formalisms of timed Petri nets and real-time temporal logic. A unifying feature of these techniques is the common temporal description of the Petri net. A common problem with Petri net based techniques is the complexity problems associated with generating the reachability graph. This thesis addresses this problem by using concurrency sets to generate a partial reachability graph pertaining to a particular state. These sets also allows each state to be checked for the presence of inconsistencies and hazards. The problem of designing a controller for the high-speed manufacturing system is also considered. The approach adopted mvolves the use of a model-based controller: This type of controller uses the Petri net models developed, thus preservIng the properties already proven of the controller. It. also contains a model of the physical system which is synchronised to the real application to provide timely responses. The various way of forming the synchronization between these processes is considered and the resulting nets are analysed using concurrency sets.


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This work presents a proposal to build a Mathematics Teaching Laboratory (MTL) whose main theme is the study, construction and use of instruments for navigation and location of mathematical content in an interdisciplinary way approach, and develop a notebook of activities focused on navigational instruments. For this it was necessary a literature review to understand the different conceptions of MTL and its pedagogical implications. The methodology used was literature research, construction and handling of instruments, and pedagogical experimentation. Lorenzato (2006) highlights the importance of an environment and suitable for a professional who can do a good job instruments. The implementation of an LEM can find some obstacles. The lack of support from other teachers or the management, the lack of a suitable place to store the materials produced, the lack of time in the workload of the teacher to prepare the lab activity, etc. Even in unfavorable or adverse conditions, according Lorenzato (2006), its implementation will benefit teachers and students. The lack of teacher training in their initial and continuing education, to use materials, and the lack of manuals with lab activities are also mentioned as factors that keep teachers from MTL. With propóposito assist the teacher of elementary or middle school in building a theme MTL prepared and we are providing a notebook of activities that provides a didactic sequence involving History and Mathematics. The book consists of four accompanied by suggestions for teachers activities, however the teacher has full autonomy to adapt the activities to the reality of your school. Among the instruments of navigation presented in this study chose to build the quadrant due to its simplicity, low cost of material and great teaching potential that this instrument has. But a theme lab is always being built and rebuilt as it is a research environment


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This dissertation describes the construction of a alternative didactic incorporating a historical approach with the use of the Roman abacus for teaching multiplication to students of 2nd year of elementary school, through activities ranging from the representation of numbers to multiplying with the Roman abacus, for learning the multiplication algorithm. Qualitative research was used as a methodological approach since the research object fits the goals of this research mode. Concerning the procedures, the research can be seen as a teaching experiment developed within the school environment. The instruments used for data collection were: observation, logbook, questionnaires, interviews and document analysis. The processing and analysis of data collected through the activities were classified and quantified in tables for easy viewing, interpretation, understanding, analysis of data and then transposed to charts. The analysis confirmed the research objectives and contributed to indicate the pedagogical use of the Roman abacus for teaching multiplication algorithm through several activities. Thus, it can be considered that this educational product will have important contributions for the teaching of this mathematical content, in Basic Education, particularly regarding to the multiplication process


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As for the Education for Youth and Adult (EYA), the challenge of training these teachers is to provide tools to understand and act on the teaching of mathematics. It is realized just how special education in this modality and as such teaching is lacking in an adequate and solid training in the area of knowledge. One of the major problems affecting this type of education is the high dropout and failure rates, and lack of motivation among students. Thus the need to provide differentiated profile with a professional to teach youth and adults students, so that they are able to mobilize didactic-pedagogic knowledge, methodologies and theoretical frameworks that serve as a basis for school-developed teaching practice. This thesis aims to investigate how the math teacher, who acts in adult education from elementary school, has developed its didactic and pedagogical action, and that professional knowledge has been mobilized to teach? It has highlighted the importance of initial and continuing training and professionalization of teachers dedicated to this specific type of education, when teachers should be the protagonists of their professional development. The methodological approach was begun with a literature review, then the research was anchored mainly on the ideas by Gauthier, Nuñez and Ramalho (2004); Imbernon (2011), Garcia (2006); Perrenoud (2000); Tardif (2007 ); Haddad, Di Pierro (2000), D'Ambrosio (2002), Mendes (2006, 2009), Freire (1996, 2011), and other theorists and official documents of field of adult education here and abroad. That work leads us to the understanding of the present moment from a foray into historical and conceptual aspects, as well as educational policies of EYA, as well as training, professionalism, knowledge and skills necessary for professional practice. Then, the subjects and the locus of research and the instrument for data collection were set up and led by the object of study. To consolidate the study was selected a sample of 27 mathematics teachers, working in municipal EYA Network Teaching of Natal. This research is in an investigative nature, within the quantitative and qualitative approaches focused on the responses of study subjects from the content analysis by Bardin (1977). Results from the analyzes have revealed that the initial training of mathematics teachers of adult education needs to be reconfigured in order to formalize the knowledge base of professionals (the mathematical content, didactics and professional knowledge). Thus the study suggests that this base knowledge is embedded in the pedagogical practice of these teachers, so that there is a completion of the teaching and learning process for young people and adults. The study also has pointed out that there is a need for teachers to participate in a continuing education plan that prioritizes learning situations of mathematical content considering the previous knowledge of the students. The final analyses thus indicate that knowledge of mathematics and the didactic and pedagogical strategies to be mobilized by teachers must be able to motivate the students in such a way that they feel need to incorporate in their knowledge, mathematical knowledge capable of making them more likely to have access to social, economic and labor market


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Lettres àune Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie (Letters to a Princess of Germany on various topics of physics and philosophy) is the work taken as an object of study of this thesis. It is a literary success written in the eighteenth century by the Swiss mathematician and physicist Leonhard Paul Euler (1707-1783) in order to meet a request from the Prussian king, Frederick II, the Great (1712-1786) to accept to guide the intellectual education of his niece, the young princess Anhalt-Dessau (1745-1808). The method of teaching and learning through letters elected to the education of the German monarch resulted in a collection of 234 matches in which Euler theory is about music, Philosophy, Mechanics, Optics, Astronomy, Theology and Ethics among others. The research seeks to point out mathematical content contained in this reference work based on the exploitation and adaptation of original historical works as an articulator of development activities for teaching mathematics in basic education and in accordance with the National Curriculum Parameters of Mathematics (NCP) work. The general objective point out the limits and didactic potential of Lettres à une Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie as a source of support for teachers of basic education in developing activities for teaching mathematics. The discussions raised point to concrete possibilities of entanglement between the extracted mathematical content of the bulge of the work with current teaching methodologies from resizing the use of letters according to Freire's pedagogical perspective of the correspondence, and especially the use of new communication channels in the century XXI, both aimed at dialogue and approximation between those who write and those who read.


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O presente trabalho descreve uma proposta de atividade educacional direcionada para professores de Matemática, envolvendo situações-problema no ensino de Matemática Financeira para ser aplicado com alunos do Ensino Médio. Tais atividades tem como objetivo fornecer um contexto real, no qual o estudante esteja inserido. O trabalho se divide em quatro partes: a introdução de uma situaçãoproblema envolvendo juros simples, o conhecimento matemático, a resolução da situação-problema e a proposta de atividade educacional. Diferenciando-se do que usualmente é encontrado nos livros didáticos, a proposta aqui apresentada propõe estudar conteúdos matemáticos de forma articulada, envolvendo o conceito de porcentagem vinculado com funções lineares e juros simples com função afim e progressão aritmética. Dessa forma, é apresentada uma sequência de aulas envolvendo situações-problema através de atividades, adequadas para os alunos.


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Previous studies have reported on primary children’s algebraic thinking and generalising in a range of problem settings but there is little evidence of primary teachers’ knowledge of algebraic thinking. In this paper the development in algebraic thinking of one primary teacher who taught a research lesson in a Japanese Lesson Study project involving teachers from three primary schools is presented. The findings suggest the need for professional learning in algebra and reasoning and indicate the value of Lesson Study.


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Fresh persimmon has a high moisture content (about 85% wet basis) making it highly perishable and requiring adequate drying conditions to obtain an acceptable dehydrated product. Drying kinetics of persimmon cv. Rama Forte was studied in a fixed bed dryer at temperatures ranging from 50 to 80 degreesC and air velocity of 0.8 m/s. Shrinkage during drying was described by a linear correlation with respect to water content. Evaluation of effective diffusivity as a function of moisture content, with undergoing shrinkage during drying was based on Fourier series solution of Fick's diffusion equation. Effective diffusivity values at moisture contents between 0.09 - 4.23 kg water/kg dry matter were found to be in the range of 2.6 x 10(-10) m(2)/s to 5.4 x 10(-10) m(2)/s, and its dependence on air drying temperature was represented by an Arrhenius type equation. Activation energy increased with decreasing water content in persimmons.