945 resultados para luminescent excitation spectra
In the present investigation some spectroscopic properties of several lanthanide squarate hydrates are reported. The Raman spectra show the same distinctive Jahn-Teller intensity pattern for non-totally symmetric modes, as previously observed for the free anion. In the case of the terbium salt, the Tb3+ emission is very intense even at room temperature, revealing an efficient excitation via the ligand electronic levels. The Tb3+ dilution in Gd3+ or La3+ hosts increases this excitation efficiency without any appreciable variation in the 5D4 excited-state lifetime. However, the Eu3+ emission is very weak, with excited states located above the 5D2 level (ca. 21 550 cm-1) being completely quenched at room temperature. At lower temperatures higher-lying levels are not so efficiently quenched. The broad band observed in the UV excitation spectra of Eu3+ and Tb3+ is easily assigned to an intra-ligand transition leading to ligand-to-lanthanide ion energy transfer processes. As observed for Tb3+, Eu3+ dilution in Gd3+ or La3+ hosts also increases the relative emission intensity mediated by the ligand, without variation in the 5D0 excited-state lifetime. The Eu3+ 5D0 excitation spectra show vibronic structures that can be interpreted on the basis of the data available from the vibrational spectra. An increase in the vibronic intensities is observed as the lanthanide concentration is increased. © 1994.
Processes involving visible to infrared energy conversion are presented for Pr3+-Yb3+ co-doped fluoroindate glasses. The emission in the visible and infrared regions, the luminescence decay time of the Pr 3+:3P0 → 3H4 (482 nm), Pr3+:1D2 → 3H6 (800 nm), Yb3+:2F5/2 → 2F 7/2 (1044 nm) transitions and the photoluminescence excitation spectra were measured in Pr3+ samples and in Pr3+-Yb 3+ samples as a function of the Yb3+ concentration. In addition, energy transfer efficiencies were estimated from Pr3+: 3P0 and Pr3+:1D2 levels to Yb3+:2F7/2 level. Down-Conversion (DC) emission is observed due to a combination of two different processes: 1-a one-step cross relaxation (Pr3+:3P0 → 1G4; Yb3+:2F7/2 → 2F5/2) resulting in one photon emitted by Pr3+ (1G4 → 3H5) and one photon emitted by Yb3+ (2F7/2 → 2F5/2); 2-a resonant two-step first order energy transfer, where the first part of energy is transferred to Yb3+ neighbor through cross relaxation (Pr3+:3P0 → 1G4; Yb3+:2F7/2 → 2F5/2) followed by a second energy transfer step (Pr 3+:1G4 → 3H4; Yb3+:2F7/2 → 2F5/2). A third process leading to one IR photon emission to each visible photon absorbed involves cross relaxation energy transfer (Pr3+: 1D2 → 3F4; Yb 3+:2F7/2 → 2F5/2). © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Física - FEG
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) is an important technique for the qualitative and quantitative determination of chemical components in a sample. It is based on measurement of the intensity of the emitted characteristic radiation by the elements of the sample, after being properly excited. One of the modalities of this technique is the total reflection x-ray fluorescence (TXRF). In TXRF, the angle of refraction of the incident beam tends to zero and the refracted beam is tangent to the sample-support interface. Thus, there is a minimum angle of incidence that there is no refracted beam and all the incident radiation undergoes total reflection. As it is implemented in very small samples, in a film format, self-absorption effects should not very relevant. In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of using code MCNPX (Monte Carlo N - Particle eXtended), to simulate a measure implemented by the TXRF technique. In this way, it was verified the quality of response of a system by TXRF spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation as excitation beam for a simple setup, by retrieving the characteristic energies and the concentrations of the elements in the sample. The steps of data processing, after obtaining the excitation spectra, were the same as in a real experiment and included the obtaining of the sensitivity curve for the simulated system. The agreement between the theoretical and simulated values of Ka characteristic energies for different elements was lower than 1 % .The obtained concentration of the elements of the sample had high relatively errors ( between 6 and 60 % ) due mainly to lack of knowing about some realistic physical parameters of the sample , such as density . In this way, this result does not preclude the use of MCNPX code for this type of application
The anomalies in the anti-Stokes to Stokes intensity ratios in single-molecule surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering were investigated. Brilliant green and crystal violet dyes were the molecular probes, and the experiments were carried out on an electrochemically activated Ag surface. The results allowed new insights into the origin of these anomalies and led to a new method to confirm the single-molecule regime in surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Moreover, a methodology to estimate the distribution of resonance energies that contributed to the imbalance in the anti-Stokes to Stokes intensity ratios at the electromagnetic hot spots was proposed. This method allowed the local plasmonic resonance energies on the metallic surface to be spatially mapped.
Der erste Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Modifikation der spontanen Emission im Strong Coupling Regime. Hierzu wurden geeignete optische, organische 'Halbleiter'-Mikroresonatoren präpariert.Zunächst wurde das verwendete optisch aktive Material, das J-Aggregat PIC, spektroskopisch charakterisiert. In Transmissionsmessungen an den Mikroresonatoren wurden Vakuum-Rabi-Splitting-Energien zwischen 26 und 52 meV bestimmt. Es wurde die Abhängigkeit der Vakuum-Rabi-Splitting-Energie von der räumlichen Position der optisch aktiven Schicht innerhalb des Mikroresonators untersucht. Durch eine Simulation konnte nachgewiesen werden, daß der Grund für die Asymmetrie des Rabi-Splittings bei einer Verstimmung von 0 meV durch die Asymmetrie des Absorptionsspektrums des optisch aktiven Materials gegeben ist. Weiterhin wurde die Photolumineszenz der Mikroresonatoren untersucht. Es konnte in temperaturabhängigen Messungen gezeigt werden, daß die hochenergetische Bande gegenüber der niederenergetischen Bande bei steigender Temperatur entsprechend einer Boltzmann-Verteilung stärker besetzt wird.Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden die optischen Eigenschaften von dünnen Filmen N´N´Bis (2,6-xylyl)perylene-3,4:9,10-bis(dicarboximide) (DPP-PTCDI) abhängig von der Schichtdicke untersucht. Die Photolumineszenzspektren der dünnen Filme wurden mit zunehmender Dicke durch eine neue Bande bei kleineren Energien bestimmt. Diese Bande kann mit der Emission aus Fallenzuständen erklärt werden. Durch Photolumineszenz-Anregungsspektroskopie konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Fallenzustände auch im Grundzustand existieren. Exzimere können daher als Ursache ausgeschlossen werden.
Seit Frühjahr 2004 wird der Crystal Ball-Detektor am Photonenstrahl des Mainzer Mikrotrons für Koinzidenzexperimente zur Untersuchung der Struktur der Nukleonen genutzt. Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme des Kalorimeters, insbesondere der neuen Detektorelektronik, bilden einen Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit. Komponenten wurden neu konstruiert oder auf ihre Verwendbarkeit geprüft und nögenfalls modifiziert. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Aufbauphase wurden Experimente zur Produktion von $pi$- und $eta$-Mesonen am Proton mit mehr als 2500 Stunden Strahlbetrieb durchgeführt. Den zweiten Schwerpunkt der Dissertation bildet die erstmalige Messung der Helizitätsasymmetrie I$^odot$ in der Photoproduktion zweier neutraler Pionen. Zum Verstädnis des Anregungsspektrums der Nukleonen müssen Experimente mit polarisierten Photonen und/oder polarisierten Targets durchgeführt werden. Da Modelle trotz unterschiedlicher Annahmen unpolarisiert gemessene Größen vergleichbar gut reproduzieren, ist die Bestimmung der auf Modellunterschiede empfindlichen Polarisationsobservablen unumgäglich. Im Gegensatz zur Einpionproduktion tritt in der Zweipionproduktion eine Einfachpolarisationsobservable auf, die mit zirkular polarisierten Photonen am unpolarisierten Proton gemessen werden kann. Diese wurde in der Reaktion $gamma$ p $rightarrow$ p $pi^0$ $pi^0$ und in $gamma$ p $rightarrow$ p $pi^+$ $pi^-$ energie- und winkelabhägig bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse weichen stark von den Modellvorhersagen ab.
Die spektroskopische Untersuchung einzelner konjugierter Polymermoleküle, welche multichromophore Systeme darstellen, bei 1,2K eröffnete den Zugang zu den unterschiedlichen Chromophoren. In Fluoreszenzemissions- wie -anregungsspektren des Poly(2-methoxy-5-(2’-ethylhexyloxy)-rnp-phenylenvinylen) (MEH-PPV) konnten Nullphononenlinien (rein elektronische (0-0)-Übergänge) emittierender Chromophore beobachtet werden, deren Breiten durch das experimentelle Auflösungsvermögen limitiert waren. Dadurch konnte eine obere Grenze für die homogene Linienbreite festgelegt werden. Infolge starker linearer Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung und spektraler Diffusion war die Beobachtung von Nullphononenlinien jedoch auf eine Minderheit der Chromophorernbeschränkt. In geeigneten Probesystemen konnten in Anregungsspektren auch Nullphononenlinien solcher Chromophore identifiziert werden, die als Donoren im intramolekularen Energietransfer fungieren. Aufgrund der dadurch verkürzten Fluoreszenzlebensdauer und der damit verbundenen Linienverbreiterung erlaubte ihre Untersuchung die Ermittlung von Energietransferraten. Eine bei Proben höherer Molmasse auftretenden niederenergetische Subpopulation an Emittern wurde auf Grundlage ihres Fluoreszenzemissions-, -anregungs- und -abklingverhaltens und unter Berücksichtigung theoretischer Arbeiten auf längere chromophore Einheiten zurückgeführt, die sich infolge von Packungseffekten in geordneten Regionen der Polymerkette ausbilden. Die schwächere lineare Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung des leiterartig verknüpften Polypentaphenylen (LPPentP) äußerte sich in einer erhöhten Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens von Nullphononenlinien. Die genaue Bestimmung von Energietransferraten litt allerdings unter einem weiteren signifikanten Beitrag zur Linienbreite neben der Lebensdauer des angeregten Zustandes (möglicherweisernspektrale Diffusion oder schnelle Dephasierungsprozesse).
The excitation spectrum is one of the fundamental properties of every spatially extended system. The excitations of the building blocks of normal matter, i.e., protons and neutrons (nucleons), play an important role in our understanding of the low energy regime of the strong interaction. Due to the large coupling, perturbative solutions of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are not appropriate to calculate long-range phenomena of hadrons. For many years, constituent quark models were used to understand the excitation spectra. Recently, calculations in lattice QCD make first connections between excited nucleons and the fundamental field quanta (quarks and gluons). Due to their short lifetime and large decay width, excited nucleons appear as resonances in scattering processes like pion nucleon scattering or meson photoproduction. In order to disentangle individual resonances with definite spin and parity in experimental data, partial wave analyses are necessary. Unique solutions in these analyses can only be expected if sufficient empirical information about spin degrees of freedom is available. The measurement of spin observables in pion photoproduction is the focus of this thesis. The polarized electron beam of the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) was used to produce high-intensity, polarized photon beams with tagged energies up to 1.47 GeV. A "frozen-spin" Butanol target in combination with an almost 4π detector setup consisting of the Crystal Ball and the TAPS calorimeters allowed the precise determination of the helicity dependence of the γp → π0p reaction. In this thesis, as an improvement of the target setup, an internal polarizing solenoid has been constructed and tested. A magnetic field of 2.32 T and homogeneity of 1.22×10−3 in the target volume have been achieved. The helicity asymmetry E, i.e., the difference of events with total helicity 1/2 and 3/2 divided by the sum, was determined from data taken in the years 2013-14. The subtraction of background events arising from nucleons bound in Carbon and Oxygen was an important part of the analysis. The results for the asymmetry E are compared to existing data and predictions from various models. The results show a reasonable agreement to the models in the energy region of the ∆(1232)-resonance but large discrepancies are observed for energy above 600 MeV. The expansion of the present data in terms of Legendre polynomials, shows the sensitivity of the data to partial wave amplitudes up to F-waves. Additionally, a first, preliminary multipole analysis of the present data together with other results from the Crystal Ball experiment has been as been performed.
We present steady-state absorption and emission spectroscopy and femtosecond broadband photoluminescence up-conversion spectroscopy studies of the electronic relaxation of Os(dmbp)3 (Os1) and Os(bpy)2(dpp) (Os2) in ethanol, where dmbp is 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-biypridine, bpy is 2,2′-biypridine, and dpp is 2,3-dipyridyl pyrazine. In both cases, the steady-state phosphorescence is due to the lowest 3MLCT state, whose quantum yield we estimate to be ≤5.0 × 10–3. For Os1, the steady-state phosphorescence lifetime is 25 ns. In both complexes, the photoluminescence excitation spectra map the absorption spectrum, pointing to an excitation wavelength-independent quantum yield. The ultrafast studies revealed a short-lived (≤100 fs) fluorescence, which stems from the lowest singlet metal-to-ligand-charge-transfer (1MLCT) state and decays by intersystem crossing to the manifold of 3MLCT states. In addition, Os1 exhibits a 50 ps lived emission from an intermediate triplet state at an energy 2000 cm–1 above that of the long-lived (25 ns) phosphorescence. In Os2, the 1MLCT–3MLCT intersystem crossing is faster than that in Os1, and no emission from triplet states is observed other than the lowest one. These observations are attributed to a higher density of states or a smaller energy spacing between them compared with Os1. They highlight the importance of the energetics on the rate of intersystem crossing.
Upconverter materials and upconverter solar devices were recently investigated with broad-band excitation revealing the great potential of upconversion to enhance the efficiency of solar cell at comparatively low solar concentration factors. In this work first attempts are made to simulate the behavior of the upconverter β-NaYF4 doped with Er3+ under broad-band excitation. An existing model was adapted to account for the lower absorption of broader excitation spectra. While the same trends as observed for the experiments were found in the simulation, the absolute values are fairly different. This makes an upconversion model that specifically considers the line shape function of the ground state absorption indispensable to achieve accurate simulations of upconverter materials and upconverter solar cell devices with broadband excitations, such as the solar radiation.
The pigment content of dark-grown primary needles of Pinus jeffreyi L. and Pinus sylvestris L. was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The state of protochlorophyllide a and of chlorophylls during dark growth were analyzed by in situ 77 K fluorescence spectroscopy. Both measurements unambiguously demonstrated that pine primary needles are able to synthesize chlorophyll in the dark. Norflurazon strongly inhibited both carotenoid and chlorophyll synthesis. Needles of plants treated with this inhibitor had low chlorophyll content, contained only traces of xanthophylls, and accumulated carotenoid precursors. The first form of chlorophyll detected in young pine needles grown in darkness had an emission maximum at 678 nm. Chlorophyll-protein complexes with in situ spectroscopic properties similar to those of fully green needles (685, 695, and 735 nm) later accumulated in untreated plants, whereas in norflurazon-treated plants the photosystem I emission at 735 nm was completely lacking. To better characterize the light-dependent chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway in pine needles, the 77 K fluorescence properties of in situ protochlorophyllide a spectral forms were studied. Photoactive and nonphotoactive protochlorophyllide a forms with emission properties similar to those reported for dark-grown angiosperms were found, but excitation spectra were substantially red shifted. Because of their lower chlorophyll content, norflurazon-treated plants were used to study the protochlorophyllide a photoreduction process triggered by one light flash. The first stable chlorophyllide photoproduct was a chlorophyllide a form emitting at 688 nm as in angiosperms. Further chlorophyllide a shifts usually observed in angiosperms were not detected. The rapid regeneration of photoactive protochlorophyllide a from nonphotoactive protochlorophyllide after one flash was demonstrated.
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is widely used as a reporter gene in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. However, the fluorescence levels of wild-type GFP (wtGFP) are not bright enough for fluorescence-activated cell sorting or flow cytometry. Several GFP variants were generated that are brighter or have altered excitation spectra when expressed in prokaryotic cells. We engineered two GFP genes with different combinations of these mutations, GFP(S65T,V163A) termed GFP-Bex1, and GFP(S202F,T203I,V163A) termed GFP-Vex1. Both show enhanced brightness and improved signal-to-noise ratios when expressed in mammalian cells and appropriately excited, compared with wtGFP. Each mutant retains only one of the two excitation peaks of the wild-type protein. GFP-Bex1 excites at 488 nm (blue) and GFP-Vex1 excites at 406 nm (violet), both of which are available laser lines. Excitation at these wavelengths allows for the independent analyses of these mutants by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, permitting simultaneous, quantitative detection of expression from two different genes within single mammalian cells.