936 resultados para literature survey


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An extensive literature survey of over 17 Journals was carried out on Chinese sponges and their natural products in the period from 1980 to 2001. This review is thus intended to provide the first thorough overview of research on marine sponges from China Ocean territories. Information is provided about the rather-limited taxonomic study of Chinese marine sponges, with an analysis on their distribution and diversity. Research findings on the natural products and their bioactivity screening from Chinese sponges are summarized. The weaknesses, gaps and problems in the past R&D program of Chinese sponges are identified, which point to the future opportunities in exploiting these huge untapped sponge resources. The report is expected to serve as an entry point for understanding Chinese sponges and for furthering R&D on their bioactive compounds for new drug development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The global value chain (GVC) concept has gained popularity as a way to analyze the international expansion and geographical fragmentation of contemporary supply chains and value creation and capture therein. It has been used broadly in academic publications that examine a wide range of global industries, and by many of the international organizations concerned with economic development. This note highlights some of the main features of GVC analysis and discusses the relationship between the core concepts of governance and upgrading. The key dynamics of contemporary global supply chains and their implications for global production and trade are illustrated by: (1) the consolidation of global value chains and the new geography of value creation and capture, with an emphasis on China; (2) the key roles of global supermarkets and private standards in agri-food supply chains; and (3) how the recent economic crisis contributes to shifting end markets and the regionalization of value chains. It concludes with a discussion of the future direction of GVC analysis and a potential collaboration with supply chain researchers. © 2012 Institute for Supply Management, Inc.


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A literature survey of the taxonomically complex taxon Syndesmis Silliman, 1881 is presented, resulting in the recognition of 22 valid species and three species mentioned in several works but not yet described. For each of these species the host(s) are mentioned and the distribution is given. These results are compared with earlier checklists and the differences are discussed.


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This paper presents the extensive literature survey based both on theoretical rationales for hedging as well as the empirical evidence that support the implications of the theory regarding the arguments for the corporate risk management relevance and its influence on the company’s value. The survey of literature presented in this paper has revealed that there are two chief classes of rationales for corporate decision to hedge - maximisation of shareholder value or maximisation of managers’ private utility. The paper concludes that, the total benefit of hedging is the combination of all these motives and, if the costs of using corporate risk management instruments are less than the benefits provided via the avenues mentioned in this paper, or any other benefit perceived by the market, then risk management is a shareholder-value enhancing activity.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar la evolución de los destinos turísticos litorales consolidados a partir del análisis comparado entre Balneario Camboriú y Benidorm. Se trata de dos destinos localizados en contextos territoriales y turísticos diferentes, en los que se contrastan de manera empírica los indicadores de evolución de los destinos y se vinculan las dinámicas evolutivas con el modelo territorial-turístico resultante en cada destino. El análisis realizado permite contrastar los postulados de los modelos evolutivos clásicos (Butler, 1980) e incorporar los nuevos planteamientos de la geografía económica evolutiva. La investigación delimita cronológicamente los periodos de desarrollo de ambos destinos para identificar los factores con mayor incidencia en la evolución de los mismos. Una evolución marcada, fundamentalmente, por la ubicación geográfica, la planificación y gestión urbanoturística a diferentes escalas, la dependencia de determinados mercados emisores y la influencia de factores macroeconómicos. Un conjunto de factores interrelacionados que dibujan trayectorias dispares para los destinos analizados.


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The operation of supply chains (SCs) has for many years been focused on efficiency, leanness and responsiveness. This has resulted in reduced slack in operations, compressed cycle times, increased productivity and minimised inventory levels along the SC. Combined with tight tolerance settings for the realisation of logistics and production processes, this has led to SC performances that are frequently not robust. SCs are becoming increasingly vulnerable to disturbances, which can decrease the competitive power of the entire chain in the market. Moreover, in the case of food SCs non-robust performances may ultimately result in empty shelves in grocery stores and supermarkets.
The overall objective of this research is to contribute to Supply Chain Management (SCM) theory by developing a structured approach to assess SC vulnerability, so that robust performances of food SCs can be assured. We also aim to help companies in the food industry to evaluate their current state of vulnerability, and to improve their performance robustness through a better understanding of vulnerability issues. The following research questions (RQs) stem from these objectives:
RQ1: What are the main research challenges related to (food) SC robustness?
RQ2: What are the main elements that have to be considered in the design of robust SCs and what are the relationships between these elements?
RQ3: What is the relationship between the contextual factors of food SCs and the use of disturbance management principles?
RQ4: How to systematically assess the impact of disturbances in (food) SC processes on the robustness of (food) SC performances?
To answer these RQs we used different methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative. For each question, we conducted a literature survey to identify gaps in existing research and define the state of the art of knowledge on the related topics. For the second and third RQ, we conducted both exploration and testing on selected case studies. Finally, to obtain more detailed answers to the fourth question, we used simulation modelling and scenario analysis for vulnerability assessment.
Main findings are summarised as follows.
Based on an extensive literature review, we answered RQ1. The main research challenges were related to the need to define SC robustness more precisely, to identify and classify disturbances and their causes in the context of the specific characteristics of SCs and to make a systematic overview of (re)design strategies that may improve SC robustness. Also, we found that it is useful to be able to discriminate between varying degrees of SC vulnerability and to find a measure that quantifies the extent to which a company or SC shows robust performances when exposed to disturbances.
To address RQ2, we define SC robustness as the degree to which a SC shows an acceptable performance in (each of) its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) during and after an unexpected event that caused a disturbance in one or more logistics processes. Based on the SCM literature we identified the main elements needed to achieve robust performances and structured them together to form a conceptual framework for the design of robust SCs. We then explained the logic of the framework and elaborate on each of its main elements: the SC scenario, SC disturbances, SC performance, sources of food SC vulnerability, and redesign principles and strategies.
Based on three case studies, we answered RQ3. Our major findings show that the contextual factors have a consistent relationship to Disturbance Management Principles (DMPs). The product and SC environment characteristics are contextual factors that are hard to change and these characteristics initiate the use of specific DMPs as well as constrain the use of potential response actions. The process and the SC network characteristics are contextual factors that are easier to change, and they are affected by the use of the DMPs. We also found a notable relationship between the type of DMP likely to be used and the particular combination of contextual factors present in the observed SC.
To address RQ4, we presented a new method for vulnerability assessments, the VULA method. The VULA method helps to identify how much a company is underperforming on a specific Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in the case of a disturbance, how often this would happen and how long it would last. It ultimately informs the decision maker about whether process redesign is needed and what kind of redesign strategies should be used in order to increase the SC’s robustness. The VULA method is demonstrated in the context of a meat SC using discrete-event simulation. The case findings show that performance robustness can be assessed for any KPI using the VULA method.
To sum-up the project, all findings were incorporated within an integrated framework for designing robust SCs. The integrated framework consists of the following steps: 1) Description of the SC scenario and identification of its specific contextual factors; 2) Identification of disturbances that may affect KPIs; 3) Definition of the relevant KPIs and identification of the main disturbances through assessment of the SC performance robustness (i.e. application of the VULA method); 4) Identification of the sources of vulnerability that may (strongly) affect the robustness of performances and eventually increase the vulnerability of the SC; 5) Identification of appropriate preventive or disturbance impact reductive redesign strategies; 6) Alteration of SC scenario elements as required by the selected redesign strategies and repeat VULA method for KPIs, as defined in Step 3.
Contributions of this research are listed as follows. First, we have identified emerging research areas - SC robustness, and its counterpart, vulnerability. Second, we have developed a definition of SC robustness, operationalized it, and identified and structured the relevant elements for the design of robust SCs in the form of a research framework. With this research framework, we contribute to a better understanding of the concepts of vulnerability and robustness and related issues in food SCs. Third, we identified the relationship between contextual factors of food SCs and specific DMPs used to maintain robust SC performances: characteristics of the product and the SC environment influence the selection and use of DMPs; processes and SC networks are influenced by DMPs. Fourth, we developed specific metrics for vulnerability assessments, which serve as a basis of a VULA method. The VULA method investigates different measures of the variability of both the duration of impacts from disturbances and the fluctuations in their magnitude.
With this project, we also hope to have delivered practical insights into food SC vulnerability. First, the integrated framework for the design of robust SCs can be used to guide food companies in successful disturbance management. Second, empirical findings from case studies lead to the identification of changeable characteristics of SCs that can serve as a basis for assessing where to focus efforts to manage disturbances. Third, the VULA method can help top management to get more reliable information about the “health” of the company.
The two most important research opportunities are: First, there is a need to extend and validate our findings related to the research framework and contextual factors through further case studies related to other types of (food) products and other types of SCs. Second, there is a need to further develop and test the VULA method, e.g.: to use other indicators and statistical measures for disturbance detection and SC improvement; to define the most appropriate KPI to represent the robustness of a complete SC. We hope this thesis invites other researchers to pick up these challenges and help us further improve the robustness of (food) SCs.


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One of the predictions of the ‘challenge hypothesis’ (Wingfield et al., 1990) is that androgen patterns during the breeding season should vary among species according to the parenting and mating system. Here we assess this prediction of the challenge hypothesis both at the intra- and at the inter-specific level. To test the hypothesis at the inter-specific level, a literature survey on published androgen pat- terns from teleost fish with different mating systems was carried out. The results confirm the predicted effect of mating system on andro- gen levels. To test the hypothesis at an intra-specific level, a species with flexible reproductive strategies (i.e. monogamy vs. polygyny), the Saint Peter’s fish was studied. Polygynous males had higher 11- ketotestosterone levels. However, males implanted with methyl-tes- tosterone did not became polygynous and the variation of the ten- dency to desert their pair mates was better explained by the repro- ductive state of the female partner. This result stresses the point that the effects of behaviour on hormones cannot be considered without respect to the social context.


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This thesis objective is to build a cognitive model focused on the diffusion of innovation management and its culture, where the sharing method will be the concept maps. For that construction, in addition to detailing the method, will be also presented the bases of knowledge that served to construct the model. Those bases were built through literature survey that will be also presented. This sharing proposition, proposes to strictly use concept maps instead of texts and the non-hierarchical knowledge construction. Besides the introduction of these guidelines, a navigation tool modeled based on conceptual mapping where the user choices, or better explaining, the user’s possibility to opt, or not, for a certain way, will be based on their own knowledge basis and forward thinking.


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This study explored strategies that Brock University undergraduate students value the most for managing anxiety in academia. Although previous literature indicates services and techniques such as academic advising, physical activity, and educator engagement help students, few if any have ranked students’ perceived value of anxiety-management strategies. The researcher recruited 54 undergraduate student participants (primarily from the Department of Community Health Sciences) through online invitation. Participants completed an online survey to rate their previous experience with anxiety-management strategies discussed in the literature. Survey findings identified the 4 most valuable resources students used to manage anxiety in academia: (a) educators who post academic material posted online (e.g., on Sakai) early in the term, (b) physical activity, (c) socialization, and (d) breaking large assignments into smaller portions. Conversely, student participants found disability services, counseling, and medication to be the least valuable resources. Results suggest higher-education facilities should ensure that the most valuable services are readily available to students seeking them. The study contributes to the field by identifying a broad set of strategies that students find highly valuable in their management of academic related anxiety.


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Ce mémoire est une analyse socio-juridique de la discrimination en milieu de travail et de son impact sur le devoir juridique de représentation syndicale, ou plus précisément, sur la responsabilité syndicale en contexte de diversité. Partant d’une première approche sociométrique du phénomène, suivie d’une deuxième davantage socio-juridique, le constat est à l’effet que la discrimination en milieu de travail a des répercussions jusque dans les milieux syndiqués,où les flux d’immigration semblent, à plusieurs égards, bousculer l’ordre établi. La revue de littérature permet de dégager deux grands axes de recherche : un premier concernant les forums : dans l’état actuel du droit, ce sont les Tribunaux des droits de la personne qui élaborent les normes applicables au devoir juridique de représentation syndicale dans les cas allégués de discrimination au travail, les Commissions des relations de travail s’adaptant mais lentement, sinon avec réticence, à la nouvelle donne ; le deuxième concernant spécifiquement la partie syndicale : cette dernière pondère l’effet des normes applicables en matière de discrimination au travail tant en fonction de ses propres intérêts stratégiques, que de l’attente des membres, que des préjugés et stéréotypes présents dans le milieu de travail. L’analyse globale porte sur 689 décisions en provenance de quatre Commissions des relations de travail — Québec, Fédéral, Ontario et Colombie-Britannique — et ainsi que des quatre Tribunaux des droits de la personne correspondants, sur une période de dix ans, allant du 1er janvier 2000 au 31 décembre 2009. Quant aux forums, la conclusion est à l’effet qu’au cours de la période étudiée, aucune institution n’a de préséance sur l’autre en ce qui a trait aux motifs illicites de discrimination. Les deux se complétent sans presque se chevaucher, et chacune à leur manière, contribuent fortement à faire progresser les droits de la personne. Par contre, les Commissions des relations de travail ont préséance quant au harcèlement, tandis que les Tribunaux des droits de la personne sont prépondérants face aux mesures d’accommodement. Quant à la partie syndicale, si elle a toujours agi, pour des raisons historiques, en fonction de ses intérêts stratégiques, de l’attente des membres, et des préjugés et stéréotypes présents sur les lieux de travail. Mais, ce qui change au fil du temps, c’est tout ce qui entoure le devoir juridique de représentation syndicale, c’est-à-dire tout le climat général d’application, ainsi que tout le contexte d’analyse et d’évaluation des situations. Quel est donc l’impact de la discrimination en milieu de travail sur le devoir juridique de représentation syndicale ? Dans la mesure où le contexte d’analyse et d’évaluation des situations est la lecture que font les agents, du climat général d’application, et des changements qu’ils y apportent en fonction de leurs propres intérêts stratégiques, du point de vue syndical, cet impact est triple : d’abord, devant chaque cas d’espèce, (1) l’acteur syndical doit désormais jongler avec beaucoup plus de facteurs qu’auparavant ; deuxièmement, (2) envers les salariés de l’unité de négociation, la marge de manoeuvre est beaucoup plus restreinte en contexte de lutte contre la discrimination ; enfin, et c’est le point le plus important, (3) l’économie générale des droits de la personne a pour effet d’introduire une hiérarchie dans les normes applicables, ce qui oblige l’acteur syndical à s’adapter, de façon constante, à un climat général d’application sans cesse changeant, auquel tous les agents contribuent, y compris lui-même.


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This research is aimed at developing an instrument for measuring human resource quality in organizations. The researcher has developed the instrument for measuring HRQ based on extensive literature survey and expert opinion. Statistical validity of the Instrument has also been established. This instrument was used to measure the changes in Human Resource Quality in selected organizations wherein quality management practices are being implemented. Data collected was analyzed and presented in this thesis. It has been found that there are significant changes in all the indicators of Human Resource Quality. There is improvement in Cultural Change Index(CCI), Quality of Work Life Index(QWLI) and Employee Satisfaction Index(ESI). The Human Resource Quality index has also increased significantly in all the organizations. It has been observed from the study that implementation of TQM leads to significant changes in Human Resource Quality. This instrument is capable of measuring minor variations in each indicator of HRQ and can be used to identify areas of weakness and strength in the case of Human Resource Quality. The instrument can further be modified by future research. This research work provided excellent opportunities for the researcher for self-development and has made him confident to undertake such activities for the benefit of the learning community.


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Ship recycling has been considered as the best means to dispose off an obsolete ship. The current state of art of technology combined with the demands of sustainable developments from the global maritime industrial sector has modified the status of erstwhile ‘ship breaking’ involving ship scrap business to a modern industry undertaking dismantling of ships and recycling/reusing the dismantled products in a supply chain of pre owned product market by following the principles of recycling. Industries will have to formulate a set of best practices and blend them with the engineering activities for producing better quality products, improving the productivity and for achieving improved performances related to sustainable development. Improved performance by industries in a sustainable development perspective is accomplished only by implementing the 4E principles, ie.,. ecofriendliness, engineering efficiency, energy conservation and ergonomics in their core operations. The present study has done a comprehensive investigation into various ship recycling operations for formulating a set of best practices.Being the ultimate life cycle stage of a ship, ship recycling activities incorporate certain commercial procedures well in advance to facilitate the objectives of dismantling and recycling/reusing of various parts of the vessel. Thorough knowledge regarding these background procedures in ship recycling is essential for examining and understanding the industrial business operations associated with it. As a first step, the practices followed in merchant shipping operations regarding the decision on decommissioning have been and made available in the thesis. Brief description about the positioning methods and important preparations for the most feasible ship recycling method ie.,. beach method have been provided as a part of the outline of the background information. Available sources of guidelines, codes and rules & regulations for ship recycling have been compiled and included in the discussion.Very brief summary of practices in major ship recycling destinations has been prepared and listed for providing an overview of the global ship recycling activities. The present status of ship recycling by treating it as a full fledged engineering industry has been brought out to establish the need for looking into the development of the best practices. Major engineering attributes of ship as a unique engineering product and the significant influencing factors on her life cycle stage operations have been studied and added to the information base on ship recycling. Role of ship recycling industry as an important player in global sustainable development efforts has been reviewed by analysing the benefits of ship recycling. A brief synopsis on the state of art of ship recycling in major international ship recycling centres has also been incorporated in the backdrop knowledgebase generation on ship recycling processes.Publications available in this field have been reviewed and classified into five subject categories viz., Infrastructure for recycling yards and methods of dismantling, Rules regarding ship recycling activities, Environmental and safety aspects of ship recycling, Role of naval architects and ship classification societies, Application of information technology and Demand forecasting. The inference from the literature survey have been summarised and recorded. Noticeable observations in the inference include need of creation of a comprehensive knowledgebase on ship recycling and its effective implementation in the industry and the insignificant involvement of naval architects and shipbuilding engineers in ship recycling industry. These two important inferences and the message conveyed by them have been addressed with due importance in the subsequent part of the present study.As a part of the study the importance of demand forecasting in ship recycling has been introduced and presented. A sample input for ship recycling data for implementation of computer based methods of demand forecasting has been presented in this section of the thesis.The interdisciplinary nature of engineering processes involved in ship recycling has been identified as one of the important features of this industry. The present study has identified more than a dozen major stake holders in ship recycling having their own interests and roles. It has also been observed that most of the ship recycling activities is carried out in South East Asian countries where the beach based ship recycling is done in yards without proper infrastructure support. A model of beach based ship recycling has been developed and the roles, responsibilities and the mutual interactions of the elements of the system have been documented as a part of the study Subsequently the need of a generation of a wide knowledgebase on ship recycling activities as pointed out by the literature survey has been addressed. The information base and source of expertise required to build a broad knowledgebase on ship recycling operations have been identified and tabulated. Eleven important ship recycling processes have been identified and a brief sketch of steps involved in these processes have been examined and addressed in detail. Based on these findings, a detailed sequential disassembly process plan of ship recycling has been prepared and charted. After having established the need of best practices in ship recycling initially, the present study here identifies development of a user friendly expert system for ship recycling process as one of the constituents of the proposed best practises. A user friendly expert system has been developed for beach based ship recycling processes and is named as Ship Recycling Recommender (SRR). Two important functions of SRR, first one for the ‘Administrators’, the stake holders at the helm of the ship recycling affairs and second one for the ‘Users’, the stake holders who execute the actual dismantling have been presented by highlighting the steps involved in the execution of the software. The important output generated, ie.,. recommended practices for ship dismantling processes and safe handling information on materials present onboard have been presented with the help of ship recycling reports generated by the expert system. A brief account of necessity of having a ship recycling work content estimation as part of the best practices has been presented in the study. This is supported by a detailed work estimation schedule for the same as one of the appendices.As mentioned earlier, a definite lack of involvement of naval architect has been observed in development of methodologies for improving the status of ship recycling industry. Present study has put forward a holistic approach to review the status of ship recycling not simply as end of life activity of all ‘time expired’ vessels, but as a focal point of integrating all life cycle activities. A new engineering design philosophy targeting sustainable development of marine industrial domain, named design for ship recycling has been identified, formulated and presented. A new model of ship life cycle has been proposed by adding few stages to the traditional life cycle after analysing their critical role in accomplishing clean and safe end of life and partial dismantling of ships. Two applications of design for ship recycling viz, recyclability of ships and her products and allotment of Green Safety Index for ships have been presented as a part of implementation of the philosophy in actual practice.


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High energy materials are essential ingredients in both rocket and explosive formulations. These can be vulnerable due to maltreatment. During gulf war, several catastrophic accidents have been reported from their own payload munitions. The role of energetic binders here was to wrap the explosive formulations to convert it into insensitive munitions. With the aid of energetic binders, the explosive charges are not only protected from tragic accidents due to fire, bullet impact, adjacent detonation, unplanned transportation, but also form total energy output presumption. The use of energetic binders in rocket propellants and explosive charges has been increased after the Second World War. Inert binders in combination with energetic materials, performed well as binders but they diluted the final formulation. Obviously the total energy output was reduced. Currently, the research in the field of energetic polymers is an emerging area, since it plays crucial role in insensitive munitions. The present work emphasises on the synthesis and characterization of oxetanes, oxiranes and polyphosphazene based energetic polymers. The thesis is structured into six chapters. First part of chapter 1 deals with brief history of energetic polymers. The second part describes a brief literature survey of energetic polymers based on oxetanes and oxiranes. Third and fourth parts deal with energetic plasticizers and energetic polyphosphazenes. Finally, the fifth part deals with the various characterization techniques adopted for the current study and sixth part includes objectives of the present work.


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The thesis consists of seven chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction on rice by-products, their composition and utilization at present. The different milling processes adopted in paddy and the major by-products obtained from these processes viz. rice husk, rice bran, rice bran oil and rice husk ash are described. The physical properties and chemical composition of the rice husk and its general uses are given in detail. The chemical composition of the rice bran and its separation from paddy is also included. The details of solvent extraction process used for obtaining rice bran oil and also its chemical constitution is discussed in this chapter. Also described is the preparation and the different uses of rice husk ash. A literature survey is also done on the utilization of rice by-products in rubber and plastics as on today. The scope and objectives of the present study is also included at the end of this chapter.


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Biodegradation is the chemical degradation of materials brought about by the action of naturally occurring microorganisms. Biodegradation is a relatively rapid process under suitable conditions of moisture, temperature and oxygen availability. The logic behind blending biopolymers such as starch with inert polymers like polyethylene is that if the biopolymer component is present in sufficient amount, and if it is removed by microorganisms in the waste disposal environment, then the base inert plastic should slowly degrade and disappear. The present work focuses on the preparation of biodegradable and photodegradable blends based on low density polyethylene incorporating small quantities of ionomers as compatibilizers. The thesis consists of eight chapters. The first chapter presents an introduction to the present research work and literature survey. The details of the materials used and the experimental procedures undertaken for the study are described in the second chapter. Preparation and characterization of low density polyethylene (LDPE)-biopolymer (starch/dextrin) blends are described in the third chapter. The result of investigations on the effect of polyethylene-co-methacrylic acid ionomers on the compatibility of LDPE and starch are reported in chapter 4. Chapter 5 has been divided into two parts. The first part deals with the effect of metal oxides on the photodegradation of LDPE. The second part describes the function of metal stearates on the photodegradation of LDPE. The results of the investigations on the role of various metal oxides as pro-oxidants on the degradation of ionomer compatibilized LDPE-starch blends are reported in chapter 6. Chapter 7 deals with the results of investigations on the role of various metal stearates as pro-oxidants on the degradation of ionomer compatibilized LDPE-starch blends. The conclusion of the investigations is presented in the last chapter of the thesis.