893 resultados para likelihood to publication


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Comparative effectiveness research (CER) allows evidence to be evaluated on the effectiveness, benefits, and detriments of management options, diagnostic tests, or ways to deliver health care. This process can be achieved in different ways, such as with well-designed randomized controlled trials or by meta-analyses. Several medical subspecialties are increasingly using CER, but CER remains underused by the neurosurgical community. Meta-analysis is a highly accurate method that permits results from multiple well-designed research studies to be quantitatively compared. Meta-analysis can be performed in many settings, such as the evaluation of treatment or of a diagnostic test or prognostic factor. Meta-analyses of randomized controlled treatment trials are well known, but there is a paucity of papers describing the ways to perform a meta-analysis of a diagnostic test. The aim of this paper is to improve neurosurgeons' familiarity with the meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy by describing and detailing each stage leading to publication.


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In polyandrous species females produce successive clutches with several males. Female barn owls (Tyto alba) often desert their offspring and mate to produce a 2(nd) annual brood with a second male. We tested whether copulating during chick rearing at the 1(st) annual brood increases the male's likelihood to obtain paternity at the 2(nd) annual breeding attempt of his female mate in case she deserts their brood to produce a second brood with a different male. Using molecular paternity analyses we found that 2 out of 26 (8%) second annual broods of deserting females contained in total 6 extra-pair young out of 15 nestlings. These young were all sired by the male with whom the female had produced the 1(st) annual brood. In contrast, none of the 49 1(st) annual breeding attempts (219 offspring) and of the 20 2(nd) annual breeding attempts (93 offspring) of non-deserting females contained extra-pair young. We suggest that female desertion can select male counter-strategies to increase paternity and hence individual fitness. Alternatively, females may copulate with the 1(st) male to derive genetic benefits, since he is usually of higher quality than the 2(nd) male which is commonly a yearling individual.


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We empirically contribute to the debate on business education in building on a decision frame perspective of decision making in corporate responsibility settings. Business schools have been accused to teach amoral theories, leading their students to behave less morally and engendering corporate responsibility scandals. Research has also pointed toward self-selection: business students would differ from non-business students before entering business school. We examine the role of socioeconomic status, core self-evaluations in this regard. Further, we investigate the belief in a free market as a distal influence triggering a business frame, and moral intensity as a proximal influence triggering a moral frame on responsible decision making by business and non-business students. Cross-sectional data obtained from 566 students on two decision making scenarios mostly supported our hypotheses. Socioeconomic status but not core self-evaluations explain the belief in a free market, and had indirect effects on the likelihood to make a less responsible decision. Importantly, the relationship between business studies and the belief in a free market remained significant after accounting for these variables. Our study thus contributes to the socialization and self-selection arguments. We discuss theoretical and practical implications for research on decision frames and for business education, respectively.


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BACKGROUND: In published case reports, tocilizumab (TCZ) has shown good efficacy for AA amyloidosis in almost all patients. We investigated the efficacy and safety of TCZ in AA amyloidosis in a multicentre study of unselected cases. METHODS: We e-mailed rheumatology and internal medicine departments in France, Switzerland and North Africa by using the Club Rhumatismes Inflammation (CRI) network and the French TCZ registry, Registry RoAcTEmra (REGATE), to gather data on consecutive patients with histologically proven AA amyloidosis who had received at least one TCZ infusion. Efficacy was defined as a sustained decrease in proteinuria level and/or stable or improved glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and by TCZ maintenance. RESULTS: We collected 12 cases of AA amyloidosis treated with TCZ as monotherapy (mean age of patients 63 ± 16.2 years, amyloidosis duration 20.6 ± 31.3 months): eight patients had rheumatoid arthritis (RA), six with previous failure of anti-tumor necrosis factor α (anti-TNF-α) therapy. In total, 11 patients had renal involvement, with two already on hemodialysis (not included in the renal efficacy assessment). For the nine other patients, baseline GFR and proteinuria level were 53.6 ± 32.8 mL/min and 5 ± 3.3 g/24 h, respectively. The mean follow-up was 13.1 ± 11 months. TCZ was effective for six of the eight RA patients (87.5%) according to European League Against Rheumatism response criteria (four good and two moderate responders). As expected, C-reactive protein (CRP) level decreased with treatment for 11 patients. Renal amyloidosis (n = 9) progressed in three patients and was stabilized in three. Overall, three patients showed improvement, with sustained decrease in proteinuria level (42%, 82% and 96%). Baseline CRP level was higher in subsequent responders to TCZ than other patients (p = 0.02). Among the six RA patients with previous anti-TNF-α therapy, amyloidosis was ameliorated in one and stabilized in three. Three serious adverse events occurred (two diverticulitis and one major calciphylaxia due to renal failure). Finally, 7 of 12 (58%) patients continued TCZ. CONCLUSIONS: The efficacy of TCZ for AA amyloidosis varies depending on the inflammatory status at treatment onset. Discrepancies between our study of unselected consecutive patients and reported cases may be due to publication bias. These results support further prospective trials of TCZ for AA amyloidosis.


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BACKGROUND: The impact of early valve surgery (EVS) on the outcome of Staphylococcus aureus (SA) prosthetic valve infective endocarditis (PVIE) is unresolved. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between EVS, performed within the first 60 days of hospitalization, and outcome of SA PVIE within the International Collaboration on Endocarditis-Prospective Cohort Study. METHODS: Participants were enrolled between June 2000 and December 2006. Cox proportional hazards modeling that included surgery as a time-dependent covariate and propensity adjustment for likelihood to receive cardiac surgery was used to evaluate the impact of EVS and 1-year all-cause mortality on patients with definite left-sided S. aureus PVIE and no history of injection drug use. RESULTS: EVS was performed in 74 of the 168 (44.3%) patients. One-year mortality was significantly higher among patients with S. aureus PVIE than in patients with non-S. aureus PVIE (48.2% vs 32.9%; P = .003). Staphylococcus aureus PVIE patients who underwent EVS had a significantly lower 1-year mortality rate (33.8% vs 59.1%; P = .001). In multivariate, propensity-adjusted models, EVS was not associated with 1-year mortality (risk ratio, 0.67 [95% confidence interval, .39-1.15]; P = .15). CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective, multinational cohort of patients with S. aureus PVIE, EVS was not associated with reduced 1-year mortality. The decision to pursue EVS should be individualized for each patient, based upon infection-specific characteristics rather than solely upon the microbiology of the infection causing PVIE.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisiin yliopistoihin valikoitumista 2000-luvun alussa. Tarkastelu pohjautuu yliopistoon hakeneiden, opiskelemaan hyväksyttyjen ja opiskelupaikkaa ilman jääneiden taustojen vertailuun. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten koulutuksellinen tasa-arvo toteutuu opiskelemaan pääsyssä. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään sukupuolten, eri-ikäisten, sosiaalisten ryhmien sekä eri alueella asuvien opiskelijavalinnoissa pärjäämiseen. Lisäksi pohditaan, millaiset taustatekijät ovat yhteydessä opiskelemaan pääsyyn ja miten suomalainen yliopistokenttä on lohkoutunut yliopistoittain ja aloittain hakijoiden ja sisään päässeiden taustojen perusteella. Tutkimuksen pääaineistona on henkilöpohjainen rekisteriaineisto, joka on laadittu valtakunnallisen hakijarekisterin (HAREK) ja Tilastokeskuksen yhteistyönä. Aineisto käsittää 40 %:n satunnaisotoksen vuonna 2003 suomalaisiin yliopistoihin hakeneista (N = 55 790). Aineiston muuttujat kuvaavat hakijoiden taustoja, elämäntilannetta, aiempaa koulutusta ja lapsuudenperheen asemaa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään lisäksi kokonaisjoukosta muodostettua taulukkoaineistoa (N = 139 668). Yliopistoihin hakevat eivät ole yhtenäinen ryhmä. Vaikka suurin osa hakijoista oli nuoria, oli joukossa myös varttuneempia hakijoita, jotka olivat ehtineet hankkia koulutusta ja muuta elämänkokemusta. Päävalinnat toimivat siten myös aikuishakijoiden hakuväylänä; erillisvalintoja eivät hyödynnä läheskään kaikki, joilla siihen olisi mahdollisuus. Klusterianalyysin avulla hakijoista voitiin erottaa neljä ryhmää: 1) nuoret ylioppilaat, 2) toisen tutkinnon suorittajat, 3) koulutuspääoman kartuttajat sekä 4) aikuiset lisäkouluttautujat. Opiskelemaan pääsyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä analysoitiin logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla. Analyysin mukaan hakijan iällä oli muista taustatekijöistä riippumaton vaikutus opiskelemaan pääsyyn niin, että todennäköisyys päästä yliopistoon vähenee hakijan iän kohotessa. Parhaiten opiskelemaan pääsivät kaikkein nuorimmat, alle 20-vuotiaat hakijat, jotka siis useimmiten ovat saman kevään ylioppilaita. Vanhemmille hakijoille oli usein kertynyt jo koulutusta, mutta aiemmat tutkinnot paransivat sisäänpääsyn mahdollisuuksia vain, mikäli ne olivat korkea-asteelta. Alemmilla ammatillisilla tutkinnoilla oli pikemminkin opiskelemaan pääsyä heikentävä vaikutus. Myös se, mitä hakija oli tehnyt ennen valintakokeita, vaikutti sisäänpääsyn mahdollisuuksiin. Parhaiten valinnoissa pärjäsivät päätoimiset opiskelijat, heikoiten työttömät hakijat. Vaikka miesten hyväksymisprosentit olivat keskimäärin korkeammat kuin naisten, sukupuoli ei osoittautunut itsenäiseksi opiskelemaan pääsyä selittäväksi tekijäksi. Naisten huonompi pärjääminen valinnoissa selittyykin pitkälti sukupuolten eriytyneillä alavalinnoilla. Naisten suosimat alat kun ovat pääsääntöisesti vaikeapääsyisempiä kuin miesten. Tutkimuksessa selvisi myös, että kaupunkilaisuus lisäsi todennäköisyyttä tulla hyväksytyksi. Toisaalta opiskelemaan pääsy erosi myös asuinmaakunnittain, mikä kertoo lähinnä siitä, että eri yliopistojen sisäänpääsyasteissa on varsin suuria eroja. Yliopistojen lohkoutuminen hakijoiden sosiaalisen taustan mukaan oli paljon selvempää kuin alojen. Kaikki pääkaupunkiseudun yliopistot – lukuun ottamatta Teatterikorkeakoulua – luokittuivat isän asemalla mitaten elitistisiksi. Matalimmista taustoista haettiin Lapin, Joensuun ja Vaasan yliopistoihin. Alojen paikka elitistisyyskansanomaisuus -ulottuvuudella vaihteli suuresti yliopistoittain. Teknillistieteellinen, matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen ja kauppatieteellinen ala sijoittuivat kuitenkin keskimääräistä ylemmäs, kun taas kasvatustiede ja farmasia olivat kansanomaisimpia hakukohteita. Opiskelijaksi valikoitumisen peruselementit toistuivat myös tässä tutkimuksessa: koulutetuimpien ja hyvässä asemassa olevien vanhempien jälkeläiset saivat opiskelupaikan useammin kuin muut. Yliopistolaitoksessa vuosikymmenten saatossa toteutetut rakenteelliset muutokset eivät siis ole muuttaneet valikoitumisen peruslinjaa, joskin uutena huomiona nousi maanviljelijöiden jälkeläisten hyvä valinnoissa pärjääminen. Maanviljelijäperheestä tulevien opiskelemaan pääsyn todennäköisyys oli kaikkein suurin.


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Background: Atherosclerosis begins in early life progressing from asymptomatic to symptomatic as we age. Although substantial progress has been made in identifying the determinants of atherosclerosis in middle to older age adults at increased cardiovascular risk, there is lack of data examining determinants and prediction of atherosclerosis in young adults. Aims: The current study was designed to investigate levels of cardiovascular risk factors in young adults, subclinical measures of atherosclerosis, and prediction of subclinical arterial changes with conventional risk factor measures and novel metabolic profiling of serum samples. Subjects and Methods: This thesis utilised data from the follow-ups performed in 2001 and 2007 in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study, a Finnish population-based prospective cohort study that examined 2,204 subjects who were aged 30-45 years in 2007. Subclinical atherosclerosis was studied using noninvasive ultrasound measurements of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), carotid arterial distensibility (CDist) and brachial flow-mediated dilation (FMD). Measurements included conventional risk factors and metabolic profiling using highthroughput nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods that provided data on 42 lipid markers and 16 circulating metabolites. Results: Trends in lipids were favourable between 2001 and 2007, whereas waist circumference, fasting glucose, and blood pressure levels increased. To study the stability of noninvasive ultrasound markers, 6-year tracking (the likelihood to maintain the original fractile over time) in 6 years was examined. IMT tracked more strongly than CDist and FMD. Cardiovascular risk scores (Framingham, SCORE, Finrisk, Reynolds and PROCAM) predicted subclinical atherosclerosis equally. Lipoprotein subclass testing did not improve the prediction of subclinical atherosclerosis over and above conventional risk factors. However, circulating metabolites improved risk stratification. Tyrosine and docosahexaenoic acid were found to be novel biomarkers of high IMT. Conclusions: Prediction of cardiovascular risk in young Finnish adults can be performed with any of the existing risk scores. The addition of metabonomics to risk stratification improves prediction of subclinical changes and enables more accurate targeting of prevention at an early stage.


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In Finland, vocationally oriented medical rehabilitation (ASLAK®) is a common preventive rehabilitation measure with the primary goal of preserving and improving work ability. The ASLAK® programme has been used for almost 30 years, although limited data exist on its effectiveness. The aims of this study were to determine whether the increased risk of work disability predicts the participants’ likelihood to be granted ASLAK® rehabilitation and to assess the effectiveness of the programme in decreasing the risk of work disability and modifying health-risk behaviours. This study is a part of the on-going Finnish Public Sector Study conducted by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Data on 53 416 employees (81% women) were gathered from employers’ records, national health registers and repeated survey responses. During the 5-year follow-up, increased levels of the risk factors for work disability did not predict participation in the rehabilitation programme. During the 2.8-year followup (range 0.04–5.0 years), the risk of long-term work disability (sick leave >90 days or retirement) overall or, more specifically, due to musculoskeletal or mental diseases did not differ between the rehabilitants who participated in ASLAK® in 1997–2005 and their propensity score matched controls. There was no evidence of ASLAK® being effective in changing participants’ health-risk behaviours or in improving perceived general or mental health. The results suggest that potential participant recognition, mainly taking place in occupational health care, may fail to identify those with a higher risk of work disability. No evidence on the effectiveness of the programme was found in the study cohort when measured by the selected indicators.


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A simple model is proposed, using the method of maximum likelihood to estimate malformation frequencies in racial groups based on data obtained from hospital services. This model uses the proportions of racial admixture, and the observed malformation frequency. It was applied to two defects: postaxial polydactyly and cleft lip, the frequencies of which are recognizedly heterogeneous among racial groups. The frequencies estimated in each racial group were those expected for these malformations, which proves the applicability of the method.


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In 1995, a pioneering MD-PhD program was initiated in Brazil for the training of medical scientists in experimental sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The program’s aim was achieved with respect to publication of theses in the form of papers with international visibility and also in terms of fostering the scientific careers of the graduates. The expansion of this type of program is one of the strategies for improving the preparation of biomedical researchers in Brazil. A noteworthy absence of interest in carrying out clinical research limits the ability of young Brazilian physicians to solve biomedical problems. To understand the students’ views of science, we used qualitative and quantitative triangulation methods, as well as participant observation to evaluate the students’ concepts of science and common sense. Subjective aspects were clearly less evident in their concepts of science. There was a strong concern about "methodology", "truth" and "usefulness". "Intuition", "creativity" and "curiosity" were the least mentioned thematic categories. Students recognized the value of intuition when it appeared as an explicit option but they did not refer to it spontaneously. Common sense was associated with "consensus", "opinion" and ideas that "require scientific validation". Such observations indicate that MD-PhD students share with their senior academic colleagues the same reluctance to consider common sense as a valid adjunct for the solution of scientific problems. Overcoming this difficulty may be an important step toward stimulating the interest of physicians in pursuing experimental research.


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Abstract: Research has primarily focused on depression and mood disorders, but little research has been devoted to an examination of mental health services use amongst those with diagnosable anxiety disorder (Wittchen et al., 2002; Bergeron et al., 2005). This study examined the possible predicting factors for mental health services utilization amongst those with identifiable anxiety disorder in the Canadian population. The methods used for this study was the application of Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use, where predisposing, need and enabling characteristics were regressed on the dependent variable of mental health services use. This study used the Canadian Community Health Survey (cycle 1.2: Mental Health and Well-Being) in a secondary data analysis. Several multiple logistics models predicted the likelihood to seek and use mental health services. Predisposing characteristics of gender and age, Enabling characteristics of education and geographical location, and those with co-occurring mood disorders were at the greatest increased likelihood to seek and use mental health services.


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"Weathering a Hidden Storm": An App~ication of Andersen's Behaviora~ Mode~ of Hea~th, and Hea~th Services Use for Those With Diagnosab~e Anxiety Disorder Research has primarily focused on depression and mood disorders, but little research has been devoted to an examination of mental health services use amongst those with diagnosable anxiety disorder (Wittchen et al., 2002; Bergeron et al., 2005). This study examined the possible predicting factors for mental health services utilization amongst those with identifiable anxiety disorder in the Canadian population. The methods used for this study was the application of Andersen's Behavioral Model of Health Services Use, where predisposing, need and enabling 111 characteristics were regressed on the dependent variable of mental health services use. This study used the Canadian Community Health Survey (cycle 1.2: Mental Health and Well- Being) in a secondary data analysis. Several multiple logistics models predicted the likelihood to seek and use mental health services. Predisposing characteristics of gender and age, Enabling characteristics of education and geographical location, and those with co-occurring mood disorders were at the greatest increased likelihood to seek and use mental health services.


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In this thesis, I examined the relevance of dual-process theory to understanding forgiveness. Specifically, I argued that the internal conflict experienced by laypersons when forgiving (or finding themselves unable to forgive) and the discrepancies between existing definitions of forgiveness can currently be best understood through the lens of dual-process theory. Dual-process theory holds that individuals engage in two broad forms of mental processing corresponding to two systems, here referred to as System 1 and System 2. System 1 processing is automatic, unconscious, and operates through learned associations and heuristics. System 2 processing is effortful, conscious, and operates through rule-based and hypothetical thinking. Different definitions of forgiveness amongst both lay persons and scholars may reflect different processes within each system. Further, lay experiences with internal conflict concerning forgiveness may frequently result from processes within each system leading to different cognitive, affective, and behavioural responses. The study conducted for this thesis tested the hypotheses that processing within System 1 can directly affect one's likelihood to forgive, and that this effect is moderated by System 2 processing. I used subliminal conditioning to manipulate System 1 processing by creating positive or negative conditioned attitudes towards a hypothetical transgressor. I used working memory load (WML) to inhibit System 2 processing amongst half of the participants. The conditioning phase of the study failed and so no conclusions could be drawn regarding the roles of System 1 and System 2 in forgiveness. The implications of dual-process theory for forgiveness research and clinical practice, and directions for future research are discussed.


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L’insomnie, une condition fréquemment retrouvée dans la population, se caractérise d’abord par une difficulté à initier ou à maintenir le sommeil et/ou par des éveils précoces le matin ou encore par un sommeil non-réparateur. Lorsqu’elle n’est pas accompagnée par des troubles psychiatriques ou médicaux ou un autre trouble de sommeil et qu’elle perdure plus de 6 mois on parle alors d’insomnie primaire chronique. Selon certains, cette condition serait associée à un état d’hyperéveil caractérisé par une augmentation de l’activité autonome sympathique durant le sommeil et l’éveil. Le baroréflexe est un important mécanisme de contrôle à court terme des fluctuations de la tension artérielle (TA) et de la fréquence cardiaque agissant sur le cœur et les vaisseaux sanguins par l’entremise du système nerveux autonome. On appelle sensibilité baroréceptive (SBR) la capacité du baroréflexe de réagir et de contrôler les fluctuations de TA en modulant le rythme cardiaque. De manière générale, la SBR serait augmentée durant la nuit par rapport à la journée. Aussi, il semblerait que le baroréflexe soit impliqué dans le phénomène de baisse physiologique de la TA pendant la nuit. Or, des données de notre laboratoire ont démontré une augmentation de la TA systolique au cours de la nuit ainsi qu’une atténuation de la baisse nocturne de TA systolique chez des sujets avec insomnie primaire chronique comparé à des témoins bons dormeurs. De plus, il a été démontré que le baroréflexe était altéré de façon précoce dans plusieurs troubles cardiovasculaires et dans l’hypertension artérielle. Or, il semblerait que l’insomnie soit accompagnée d’un risque accru de développement de l’hypertension artérielle. Ces études semblent aller dans le sens d’une altération des mécanismes de régulation de la TA dans l’insomnie. Par ailleurs, une réduction de la SBR serait aussi impliquée dans des états associés à une augmentation de l’activité autonome sympathique. Ainsi, nous nous sommes demandé si le baroréflexe pouvait constituer un des mécanismes de contrôle de la TA qui serait altéré dans l’insomnie et pourrait être impliqué dans l’augmentation de l’activité sympathique qui semble accompagner l’insomnie. Jusqu’à présent, le baroréflexe reste inexploré dans l’insomnie. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire était d’évaluer de façon non-invasive la SBR à l’éveil et en sommeil chez 11 sujets atteints d’insomnie primaire chronique comparé à 11 témoins bons dormeurs. L’évaluation du baroréflexe a été effectuée de façon spontanée par la méthode de l’analyse en séquence et par le calcul du coefficient alpha obtenu par l’analyse spectrale croisée de l’intervalle RR et de la TA systolique. De façon concomitante, les paramètres de la variabilité de l’intervalle RR en sommeil et à l’éveil ont aussi été comparés chez ces mêmes sujets. Aucune différence significative n’a été notée au niveau des index de la SBR entre le groupe d’insomniaques et celui des bons dormeurs, à l’éveil ou en sommeil. Cependant, on observe des valeurs légèrement plus faibles de la SBR chez les insomniaques ayant mal dormi (efficacité de sommeil (ES) < 85%) comparés aux insomniaques ayant bien dormi (ES≥ 85%) à la nuit expérimentale durant l’éveil et en sommeil. Par ailleurs, aucune différence n’a été notée entre le groupe d’insomniaques et celui des bons dormeurs au niveau des paramètres de la variabilité RR considérés (intervalle RR, PNN50, LF et HF en valeurs normalisées). En effet, les insomniaques tout comme les bons dormeurs semblent présenter une variation normale de l’activité autonome en sommeil, telle que représentée par les paramètres de la variabilité RR. Ces résultats préliminaires semblent suggérer que les mécanismes du baroréflexe sont préservés chez les sujets atteints d’insomnie primaire chronique tels que diagnostiqués de manière subjective. Cependant, il est possible qu’une altération des mécanismes du baroréflexe ne se révèle chez les insomniaques que lorsque les critères objectifs d’une mauvaise nuit de sommeil sont présents.


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L’essor continu de l’économie canadienne repose grandement sur l’immigration. Toutefois, le Canada a encore du chemin à faire pour assurer l’intégration des nouveaux arrivants sur le marché du travail. Notre recherche porte sur un moyen souvent considéré comme essentiel pour accomplir cette intégration : la formation liée à l’emploi. L’expression « formation liée à l’emploi » fait référence aux activités d’apprentissage en lien avec un emploi et parrainées par l’employeur. Nous avons deux objectifs. Le premier est de déterminer si les immigrants et les Canadiens de naissance ont les mêmes chances de participer à des activités de formation liée à l’emploi. Le deuxième est d’examiner l’effet du sexe et de la durée depuis l’immigration sur la probabilité qu’un immigrant participe à la formation liée à l’emploi. Notre analyse est de type quantitatif et utilise les données de l’Enquête sur l’éducation et la formation des adultes de l’année 2003, menée par Statistiques Canada. Concernant le premier objectif, il ressort de nos analyses que les travailleurs immigrants sont moins susceptibles que les Canadiens de naissance de participer à la formation liée à l’emploi. Même si d'autres études ont remarqué un écart semblable entre ces deux groupes, notre recherche a la particularité de contrôler l'impact de six variables qui, selon la littérature, affectent le niveau de participation à la formation liée à l’emploi. Cette particularité réduit la probabilité que la différence observée entre les immigrants et les Canadiens de naissance puisse être le résultat d'un facteur autre que le statut d'immigrant. Quant au deuxième objectif, notre étude montre que la durée depuis l'immigration augmente les chances qu'un immigrant participe à la formation liée à l’emploi. Néanmoins, la question concernant l'impact du sexe de l’immigrant demeure ouverte. En effet, à l’encontre de nos attentes, nous n’avons pas observé d’effet statistiquement significatif du sexe sur la relation entre le statut d’immigrant et la participation à la formation liée à l’emploi. Notre recherche permet d'attirer le regard sur un possible facteur modérateur qui mérite plus de réflexion de la part des chercheurs.