996 resultados para knowledge retention


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In this work we investigate knowledge acquisition as performed by multiple agents interacting as they infer, under the presence of observation errors, respective models of a complex system. We focus the specific case in which, at each time step, each agent takes into account its current observation as well as the average of the models of its neighbors. The agents are connected by a network of interaction of Erdos-Renyi or Barabasi-Albert type. First, we investigate situations in which one of the agents has a different probability of observation error (higher or lower). It is shown that the influence of this special agent over the quality of the models inferred by the rest of the network can be substantial, varying linearly with the respective degree of the agent with different estimation error. In case the degree of this agent is taken as a respective fitness parameter, the effect of the different estimation error is even more pronounced, becoming superlinear. To complement our analysis, we provide the analytical solution of the overall performance of the system. We also investigate the knowledge acquisition dynamic when the agents are grouped into communities. We verify that the inclusion of edges between agents (within a community) having higher probability of observation error promotes the loss of quality in the estimation of the agents in the other communities.


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Recent studies on the ecology of marine larvae suggest that retention near coastal areas and self-recruitment are probably much more common than previously thought. In light of this, the advective potential of pelagic stages can be partially determined by the timing of propagule release. We sampled the upper-shore levels of a subtropical coastline in southeastern Brazil to examine the temporal patterns of propagule release for the common barnacle Chthamalus bisinuatus and the periwinkle Nodilittorina lineolata. The release timing in both species was very consistent between sites a few kilometers apart. Barnacles released nauplii in a rhythmic pattern, mostly coinciding with neap tides, when the speed of tidal currents was lowest. There was no variation in propagule release in relation to diel or flood-ebb tidal cycles. Periwinkles released propagules in a very irregular pattern, which remarkably matched a time series of wave heights. Egg capsules were released during periods of rough seas, when onshore surface currents were expected to prevail. Eggs were released mostly during ebb tides, and there was no diel variation. Propagule release rhythms are usually viewed as a means to ensure fast offshore advection, thus avoiding presumed hazardous conditions for larvae. However, propagule release strategies in these upper-shore species would more likely contribute to the retention of offspring close to parental stocks.


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To facilitate the implementation of evidence-based skin and pressure ulcer (PU) care practices and related staff education programs in a university hospital in Brazil, a cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate nurses` knowledge about PU prevention, wound assessment, and staging. Of the 141 baccalaureate nurses (BSN) employed by the hospital at the time of the study, 106 consented to participate. Using a Portuguese version of Pieper`s Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test (PUKT), participants were asked to indicate whether 33 statements about PU prevention and eight about PU assessment and staging were true or false. For the 33 prevention statements, the average number answered correctly was 26.07 (SD 4.93) and for the eight assessment statements the average was 4.59 (SD 1.62). Nurses working on inpatient clinical nursing units had significantly better scores (P = 0.000). Years of nursing experience had a weak and negative correlation with correct PUKT scores (r = -0.21, P = 0.033) as did years of experience working in the university hospital (r = -.179, P <071). Incorrect responses were most common for statements related to patient positioning, massage, PU assessment, and staging definitions. The results of this study confirm that nurses have an overall understanding of PU prevention and assessment principles but important knowledge deficits exist. Focused continuing education efforts are needed to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based care.


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PIBIC-CNPq-Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Technologico


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge of results (KR) frequency and task complexity on motor skill acquisition. The task consisted of throwing a bocha ball to place it as close as possible to the target ball. 120 students ages 11 to 73 years were assigned to one of eight experimental groups according to knowledge of results frequency (25, 50, 75, and 100%) and task complexity (simple and complex). Subjects performed 90 trials in the acquisition phase and 10 trials in the transfer test. The results showed that knowledge of results given at a frequency of 25% resulted in an inferior absolute error than 50% and inferior variable error than 50, 75, and 100 I frequencies, but no effect of task complexity was found.


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Aims: To identify factors associated with retention in treatment of alcohol-dependent individuals and to compare treatment retention between men and women. Methods: Analysis of the treatment attendance records and baseline characteristics of 833 men and 218 women who undertook to attend follow-up treatment in an alcoholism treatment centre. Results: Retention after 4 weeks of treatment is more likely to occur among those using adjuvant medication (the most frequent of which was disulfiram), those presenting severe alcoholism and those who are older and tend to be frequent drinkers. There was no gender difference regarding treatment retention. Conclusion: Such results suggest possibilities for developing specific strategies to reduce the risk of early dropout from treatment.


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Some peculiarities of water retention in a tropical lateritic soil of clayey nature are presented and discussed. The typical soil microstructure is shown through thin-layer plates emphasizing soil microaggregation and pore distribution and their repercussion on the soil-water retention curve and on hysteresis. It is shown that the clayey soil has a behavior that to a large extent resembles sandy soil, which is characterized by the relatively high saturated hydraulic conductivity, low air-entry value, and small suction range at which water drainage takes place. The severe weathering processes that originated this soil have produced an altered soil that seems to be homogeneous in terms of physical indices, hydraulic conductivity, and soil-water retention characteristics, up to 4.5 m in depth.


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This study evaluated two different support materials (polystyrene and expanded clay) for biohydrogen production in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR) treating synthetic wastewater containing glucose (4000 mg L(-1)). The AFBRs contained either polystyrene (R1) or expanded clay (R2) as support materials were inoculated with thermally pre-treated anaerobic sludge and operated at a temperature of 30 degrees C and a pH of approximately 5.5. The AFBRs were operated with a range of hydraulic retention times (HRTs) between 1 and 8 h. For R1 with an HRT of 2 h, the maximum hydrogen yield (HY) was 1.90 mol H(2) mol(-1) glucose, with 0.805 mg of biomass (as total volatile solids, or TVS) attached to each g of polystyrene. For R2 operated at an HRT of 2 h, the maximum HY was 2.59 mol H(2) moll glucose, with 1.100 mg of attached biomass (as TVS) g(-1) expanded clay. The highest hydrogen production rates (HPR) were 0.95 and 1.21 L h(-1) L(-1) for R1 and R2, respectively, using an HRT of 1 h. The H(2) content increased from 16-47% for R1 and from 22-51% for R2. No methane was detected in the biogas produced throughout the period of AFBR operation. These results show that the values of HY, HPR, H(2) content, and g of attached biomass g(-1) support material were all higher for AFBRs containing expanded clay than for reactors containing polystyrene. (C) 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports a research that evaluated the product development methodologies used in Brazilian small and medium-sized metal-mechanic enterprises (SMEs), in a specific region of Sao Paulo. The tool used for collecting the data was a questionnaire, which was developed and applied through interviews conducted by the researchers in 32 companies. The main focus of this paper can be condensed in the synthesis-question ""Is only the company responsible for the development?"" which was analyzed thoroughly. The results obtained from this analysis were evaluated directly (through the respective percentages of answers) and statistically (through the search of an index which demonstrates if two questions are related). The results point to a degree of maturity in SMEs, which allows product development to be conducted in cooperation networks. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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How does knowledge management (KM) by a government agency responsible for environmental impact assessment (EIA) potentially contribute to better environmental assessment and management practice? Staff members at government agencies in charge of the EIA process are knowledge workers who perform judgement-oriented tasks highly reliant on individual expertise, but also grounded on the agency`s knowledge accumulated over the years. Part of an agency`s knowledge can be codified and stored in an organizational memory, but is subject to decay or loss if not properly managed. The EIA agency operating in Western Australia was used as a case study. Its KM initiatives were reviewed, knowledge repositories were identified and staff surveyed to gauge the utilisation and effectiveness of such repositories in enabling them to perform EIA tasks. Key elements of KM are the preparation of substantive guidance and spatial information management. It was found that treatment of cumulative impacts on the environment is very limited and information derived from project follow-up is not properly captured and stored, thus not used to create new knowledge and to improve practice and effectiveness. Other opportunities for improving organizational learning include the use of after-action reviews. The learning about knowledge management in EIA practice gained from Western Australian experience should be of value to agencies worldwide seeking to understand where best to direct their resources for their own knowledge repositories and environmental management practice. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A great deal of attention in the supply chain management literature is devoted to study material and demand information flows and their coordination. But in many situations, supply chains may convey information from different nature, they may be an important channel companies have to deliver knowledge, or specifically, technical information to the market. This paper studies the technical flow and highlights its particular requirements. Drawing upon a qualitative field research, it studies pharmaceutical companies, since those companies face a very specific challenge: consumers do not have discretion over their choices, ethical drugs must be prescribed by physicians to be bought and used by final consumers. Technical information flow is rich, and must be redundant and early delivered at multiple points. Thus, apart from the regular material channel where products and order information flow, those companies build a specialized information channel, developed to communicate to those who need it to create demand. Conclusions can be extended to supply chains where products and services are complex and decision makers must be clearly informed about technology-related information. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of drying parameters on the retention of the enzymatic activity and on the physical properties of spray-dried pineapple stem extract. A Box and Behnken experimental design was used to investigate the effects of the processing parameters on the product properties. The parameters studied were the inlet temperature of drying gas (Tgi), the feed flow rate of the pineapple extract relative to evaporative capacity of the system (Ws /Wmax), and the concentration of maltodextrin added to the extract (MD). Significant effects of the processing parameters on the retention of the proteolytic activity of the powdered extract were observed. High processing temperatures lead to a product with a smaller moisture content, particle size, and lower agglomerating tendency. A product with insignificant losses of the proteolytic activity ( 10%) and low moisture content (less than 6.5%) is obtained at selected conditions.


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In this study was developed a new nano drug delivery system (NDDS) based on association of biodegradable surfactants with biocompatible magnetic fluid of maguemita citrate derivative. This formulation consists in a magnetic emulsion with nanostructured colloidal particles. Preliminary in vitro experiments showed that the formulation presents a great potential for synergic application in the topical release of photosensitizer drug (PS) and excellent target tissue properties in the photodynamic therapy (PDT) combined with hyperthermia (HPT) protocols. The physical chemistry characterization and in vitro assays were carried out by Zn(II) Phtalocyanine (ZnPc) photosensitizer incorporated into NDDS in the absence and the presence of magnetic fluid, showed good results and high biocompatibility. In vitro experiments were accomplished by tape-stripping protocols for quanti. cation of drug association with different skin tissue layers. This technique is a classical method for analyses of drug release in stratum corneum and epidermis+ dermis skin layers. The NDDS formulations were applied directly in pig skin (tissue model) fixed in the cell`s Franz device with receptor medium container with a PBS/EtOH 20% solution (10mM, pH 7.4) at 37 degrees C. After 12 h of topical administration stratum corneum was removed from fifty tapes and the ZnPc retained was evaluated by solvent extraction in dimetil-sulphoxide under ultrasonic bath. These results indicated that magnetic nanoemulsion (MNE) increase the drug release on the deeper skin layers when compared with classical formulation in the absence of magnetic particles. This could be related with the increase of biocompatibility of NDDS due to the great affinity for the polar extracelullar matrix in the skin and also for the increase in the drug partition inside of corneocites wall. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we evaluated the photophysical and in vitro properties of Foscan (R), a second-generation photosensitizer drug (PS) widely used in systemic clinical protocols for cancer therapy based on Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). We employed biodegradable nanoemulsions (NE) as a colloidal vehicle of the oil/water (o/w) type focusing in topical administration of Foscan (R) and other photosensitizer drugs. This formulation was obtained and stabilized by the methodology described by Tabosa do Egito et al.,(30) based on the mixture of two phases: an aqueous solution and an organic medium consisting of nonionic surfactants and oil. The photodynamic potential of the drug incorporated into the NE was studied by steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic techniques. We also analyzed the in vitro biological behavior carried out in mimetic biological environment protocols based on the animal model. After topical application in a skin animal model, we evaluated the Foscan (R)/NE diffusion flux into the skin layers (stratum corneum and epidermis + dermis) by classical procedures using Franz Diffusion cells. Our results showed that the photophysical properties of PS were maintained after its incorporation into the NE when compared with homogeneous organic medium. The in vitro assays enabled the determination of an adequate profile for the interaction of this system in the different skin layers, with an ideal time lag of 6 h after topical administration in the skin model. The Foscan (R) diffusion flux (J) was increased when this PS was incorporated into the NE, if compared with its flux in physiological medium. These parameters demonstrated that the NE can be potentially applied as a drug delivery system (DDS) for Foscan (R) in both in vitro and in vivo assays, as well as in future clinical applications involving topical skin cancer PDT.


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The aim of the present work was to obtain an ophthalmic delivery system with improved mechanical and mucoadhesive properties that could provide prolonged retention time for the treatment of ocular diseases. For this, an in situ forming gel comprised of the combination of a thermosetting polymer, poly (ethylene oxide)-poly (propylene oxide)-poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO, poloxamer), with a mucoadhesive agent (chitosan) was developed. Different polymer ratios were evaluated by oscillatory rheology, texture and mucoadhesive profiles. Scintigraphy studies in humans were conduced to verify the retention time of the formulations developed. The results showed that chitosan improves the mechanical strength and texture properties of poloxamer formulations and also confers mucoadhesive properties in a concentration-dependent manner. After a 10-min instillation of the poloxamer/chitosan 16:1 formulation in human eyes, 50-60% of the gel was still in contact with the cornea surface, which represents a fourfold increased retention in comparison with a conventional solution. Therefore, the developed formulation presented adequate mechanical and sensorial properties and remained in contact with the eye surface for a prolonged time. In conclusion, the in situ forming gel comprised of poloxamer/chitosan is a promising tool for the topical treatment of ocular diseases. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.