909 resultados para k-Means algorithm


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When document corpus is very large, we often need to reduce the number of features. But it is not possible to apply conventional Non-negative Matrix Factorization(NMF) on billion by million matrix as the matrix may not fit in memory. Here we present novel Online NMF algorithm. Using Online NMF, we reduced original high-dimensional space to low-dimensional space. Then we cluster all the documents in reduced dimension using k-means algorithm. We experimentally show that by processing small subsets of documents we will be able to achieve good performance. The method proposed outperforms existing algorithms.


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This paper studies a pilot-assisted physical layer data fusion technique known as Distributed Co-Phasing (DCP). In this two-phase scheme, the sensors first estimate the channel to the fusion center (FC) using pilots sent by the latter; and then they simultaneously transmit their common data by pre-rotating them by the estimated channel phase, thereby achieving physical layer data fusion. First, by analyzing the symmetric mutual information of the system, it is shown that the use of higher order constellations (HOC) can improve the throughput of DCP compared to the binary signaling considered heretofore. Using an HOC in the DCP setting requires the estimation of the composite DCP channel at the FC for data decoding. To this end, two blind algorithms are proposed: 1) power method, and 2) modified K-means algorithm. The latter algorithm is shown to be computationally efficient and converges significantly faster than the conventional K-means algorithm. Analytical expressions for the probability of error are derived, and it is found that even at moderate to low SNRs, the modified K-means algorithm achieves a probability of error comparable to that achievable with a perfect channel estimate at the FC, while requiring no pilot symbols to be transmitted from the sensor nodes. Also, the problem of signal corruption due to imperfect DCP is investigated, and constellation shaping to minimize the probability of signal corruption is proposed and analyzed. The analysis is validated, and the promising performance of DCP for energy-efficient physical layer data fusion is illustrated, using Monte Carlo simulations.


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Esta dissertação apresenta resultados da aplicação de filtros adaptativos, utilizando os algoritmos NLMS (Normalized Least Mean Square) e RLS (Recursive Least Square), para a redução de desvios em previsões climáticas. As discrepâncias existentes entre o estado real da atmosfera e o previsto por um modelo numérico tendem a aumentar ao longo do período de integração. O modelo atmosférico Eta é utilizado operacionalmente para previsão numérica no CPTEC/INPE e como outros modelos atmosféricos, apresenta imprecisão nas previsões climáticas. Existem pesquisas que visam introduzir melhorias no modelo atmosférico Eta e outras que avaliam as previsões e identificam os erros do modelo para que seus produtos sejam utilizados de forma adequada. Dessa forma, neste trabalho pretende-se filtrar os dados provenientes do modelo Eta e ajustá-los, de modo a minimizar os erros entre os resultados fornecidos pelo modelo Eta e as reanálises do NCEP. Assim, empregamos técnicas de processamento digital de sinais e imagens com o intuito de reduzir os erros das previsões climáticas do modelo Eta. Os filtros adaptativos nesta dissertação ajustarão as séries ao longo do tempo de previsão. Para treinar os filtros foram utilizadas técnicas de agrupamento de regiões, como por exemplo o algoritmo de clusterização k-means, de modo a selecionar séries climáticas que apresentem comportamentos semelhantes entre si. As variáveis climáticas estudadas são o vento meridional e a altura geopotencial na região coberta pelo modelo de previsão atmosférica Eta com resolução de 40 km, a um nível de pressão de 250 hPa. Por fim, os resultados obtidos mostram que o filtro com 4 coeficientes, adaptado pelo algoritmo RLS em conjunto com o critério de seleção de regiões por meio do algoritmo k-means apresenta o melhor desempenho ao reduzir o erro médio e a dispersão do erro, tanto para a variável vento meridional quanto para a variável altura geopotencial.


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Nos últimos anos temos vindo a assistir a uma mudança na forma como a informação é disponibilizada online. O surgimento da web para todos possibilitou a fácil edição, disponibilização e partilha da informação gerando um considerável aumento da mesma. Rapidamente surgiram sistemas que permitem a coleção e partilha dessa informação, que para além de possibilitarem a coleção dos recursos também permitem que os utilizadores a descrevam utilizando tags ou comentários. A organização automática dessa informação é um dos maiores desafios no contexto da web atual. Apesar de existirem vários algoritmos de clustering, o compromisso entre a eficácia (formação de grupos que fazem sentido) e a eficiência (execução em tempo aceitável) é difícil de encontrar. Neste sentido, esta investigação tem por problemática aferir se um sistema de agrupamento automático de documentos, melhora a sua eficácia quando se integra um sistema de classificação social. Analisámos e discutimos dois métodos baseados no algoritmo k-means para o clustering de documentos e que possibilitam a integração do tagging social nesse processo. O primeiro permite a integração das tags diretamente no Vector Space Model e o segundo propõe a integração das tags para a seleção das sementes iniciais. O primeiro método permite que as tags sejam pesadas em função da sua ocorrência no documento através do parâmetro Social Slider. Este método foi criado tendo por base um modelo de predição que sugere que, quando se utiliza a similaridade dos cossenos, documentos que partilham tags ficam mais próximos enquanto que, no caso de não partilharem, ficam mais distantes. O segundo método deu origem a um algoritmo que denominamos k-C. Este para além de permitir a seleção inicial das sementes através de uma rede de tags também altera a forma como os novos centróides em cada iteração são calculados. A alteração ao cálculo dos centróides teve em consideração uma reflexão sobre a utilização da distância euclidiana e similaridade dos cossenos no algoritmo de clustering k-means. No contexto da avaliação dos algoritmos foram propostos dois algoritmos, o algoritmo da “Ground truth automática” e o algoritmo MCI. O primeiro permite a deteção da estrutura dos dados, caso seja desconhecida, e o segundo é uma medida de avaliação interna baseada na similaridade dos cossenos entre o documento mais próximo de cada documento. A análise de resultados preliminares sugere que a utilização do primeiro método de integração das tags no VSM tem mais impacto no algoritmo k-means do que no algoritmo k-C. Além disso, os resultados obtidos evidenciam que não existe correlação entre a escolha do parâmetro SS e a qualidade dos clusters. Neste sentido, os restantes testes foram conduzidos utilizando apenas o algoritmo k-C (sem integração de tags no VSM), sendo que os resultados obtidos indicam que a utilização deste algoritmo tende a gerar clusters mais eficazes.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia


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Biometrics deals with the physiological and behavioral characteristics of an individual to establish identity. Fingerprint based authentication is the most advanced biometric authentication technology. The minutiae based fingerprint identification method offer reasonable identification rate. The feature minutiae map consists of about 70-100 minutia points and matching accuracy is dropping down while the size of database is growing up. Hence it is inevitable to make the size of the fingerprint feature code to be as smaller as possible so that identification may be much easier. In this research, a novel global singularity based fingerprint representation is proposed. Fingerprint baseline, which is the line between distal and intermediate phalangeal joint line in the fingerprint, is taken as the reference line. A polygon is formed with the singularities and the fingerprint baseline. The feature vectors are the polygonal angle, sides, area, type and the ridge counts in between the singularities. 100% recognition rate is achieved in this method. The method is compared with the conventional minutiae based recognition method in terms of computation time, receiver operator characteristics (ROC) and the feature vector length. Speech is a behavioural biometric modality and can be used for identification of a speaker. In this work, MFCC of text dependant speeches are computed and clustered using k-means algorithm. A backpropagation based Artificial Neural Network is trained to identify the clustered speech code. The performance of the neural network classifier is compared with the VQ based Euclidean minimum classifier. Biometric systems that use a single modality are usually affected by problems like noisy sensor data, non-universality and/or lack of distinctiveness of the biometric trait, unacceptable error rates, and spoof attacks. Multifinger feature level fusion based fingerprint recognition is developed and the performances are measured in terms of the ROC curve. Score level fusion of fingerprint and speech based recognition system is done and 100% accuracy is achieved for a considerable range of matching threshold


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Any automatically measurable, robust and distinctive physical characteristic or personal trait that can be used to identify an individual or verify the claimed identity of an individual, referred to as biometrics, has gained significant interest in the wake of heightened concerns about security and rapid advancements in networking, communication and mobility. Multimodal biometrics is expected to be ultra-secure and reliable, due to the presence of multiple and independent—verification clues. In this study, a multimodal biometric system utilising audio and facial signatures has been implemented and error analysis has been carried out. A total of one thousand face images and 250 sound tracks of 50 users are used for training the proposed system. To account for the attempts of the unregistered signatures data of 25 new users are tested. The short term spectral features were extracted from the sound data and Vector Quantization was done using K-means algorithm. Face images are identified based on Eigen face approach using Principal Component Analysis. The success rate of multimodal system using speech and face is higher when compared to individual unimodal recognition systems


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The aim of this study is to show the importance of two classification techniques, viz. decision tree and clustering, in prediction of learning disabilities (LD) of school-age children. LDs affect about 10 percent of all children enrolled in schools. The problems of children with specific learning disabilities have been a cause of concern to parents and teachers for some time. Decision trees and clustering are powerful and popular tools used for classification and prediction in Data mining. Different rules extracted from the decision tree are used for prediction of learning disabilities. Clustering is the assignment of a set of observations into subsets, called clusters, which are useful in finding the different signs and symptoms (attributes) present in the LD affected child. In this paper, J48 algorithm is used for constructing the decision tree and K-means algorithm is used for creating the clusters. By applying these classification techniques, LD in any child can be identified


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Global communicationrequirements andloadimbalanceof someparalleldataminingalgorithms arethe major obstacles to exploitthe computational power of large-scale systems. This work investigates how non-uniform data distributions can be exploited to remove the global communication requirement and to reduce the communication costin parallel data mining algorithms and, in particular, in the k-means algorithm for cluster analysis. In the straightforward parallel formulation of the k-means algorithm, data and computation loads are uniformly distributed over the processing nodes. This approach has excellent load balancing characteristics that may suggest it could scale up to large and extreme-scale parallel computing systems. However, at each iteration step the algorithm requires a global reduction operationwhichhinders thescalabilityoftheapproach.Thisworkstudiesadifferentparallelformulation of the algorithm where the requirement of global communication is removed, while maintaining the same deterministic nature ofthe centralised algorithm. The proposed approach exploits a non-uniform data distribution which can be either found in real-world distributed applications or can be induced by means ofmulti-dimensional binary searchtrees. The approachcanalso be extended to accommodate an approximation error which allows a further reduction ofthe communication costs. The effectiveness of the exact and approximate methods has been tested in a parallel computing system with 64 processors and in simulations with 1024 processing element


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Exascale systems are the next frontier in high-performance computing and are expected to deliver a performance of the order of 10^18 operations per second using massive multicore processors. Very large- and extreme-scale parallel systems pose critical algorithmic challenges, especially related to concurrency, locality and the need to avoid global communication patterns. This work investigates a novel protocol for dynamic group communication that can be used to remove the global communication requirement and to reduce the communication cost in parallel formulations of iterative data mining algorithms. The protocol is used to provide a communication-efficient parallel formulation of the k-means algorithm for cluster analysis. The approach is based on a collective communication operation for dynamic groups of processes and exploits non-uniform data distributions. Non-uniform data distributions can be either found in real-world distributed applications or induced by means of multidimensional binary search trees. The analysis of the proposed dynamic group communication protocol has shown that it does not introduce significant communication overhead. The parallel clustering algorithm has also been extended to accommodate an approximation error, which allows a further reduction of the communication costs. The effectiveness of the exact and approximate methods has been tested in a parallel computing system with 64 processors and in simulations with 1024 processing elements.


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Global communication requirements and load imbalance of some parallel data mining algorithms are the major obstacles to exploit the computational power of large-scale systems. This work investigates how non-uniform data distributions can be exploited to remove the global communication requirement and to reduce the communication cost in iterative parallel data mining algorithms. In particular, the analysis focuses on one of the most influential and popular data mining methods, the k-means algorithm for cluster analysis. The straightforward parallel formulation of the k-means algorithm requires a global reduction operation at each iteration step, which hinders its scalability. This work studies a different parallel formulation of the algorithm where the requirement of global communication can be relaxed while still providing the exact solution of the centralised k-means algorithm. The proposed approach exploits a non-uniform data distribution which can be either found in real world distributed applications or can be induced by means of multi-dimensional binary search trees. The approach can also be extended to accommodate an approximation error which allows a further reduction of the communication costs.


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To efficiently and yet accurately cluster Web documents is of great interests to Web users and is a key component of the searching accuracy of a Web search engine. To achieve this, this paper introduces a new approach for the clustering of Web documents, which is called maximal frequent itemset (MFI) approach. Iterative clustering algorithms, such as K-means and expectation-maximization (EM), are sensitive to their initial conditions. MFI approach firstly locates the center points of high density clusters precisely. These center points then are used as initial points for the K-means algorithm. Our experimental results tested on 3 Web document sets show that our MFI approach outperforms the other methods we compared in most cases, particularly in the case of large number of categories in Web document sets.


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Network traffic classification is an essential component for network management and security systems. To address the limitations of traditional port-based and payload-based methods, recent studies have been focusing on alternative approaches. One promising direction is applying machine learning techniques to classify traffic flows based on packet and flow level statistics. In particular, previous papers have illustrated that clustering can achieve high accuracy and discover unknown application classes. In this work, we present a novel semi-supervised learning method using constrained clustering algorithms. The motivation is that in network domain a lot of background information is available in addition to the data instances themselves. For example, we might know that flow ƒ1 and ƒ2 are using the same application protocol because they are visiting the same host address at the same port simultaneously. In this case, ƒ1 and ƒ2 shall be grouped into the same cluster ideally. Therefore, we describe these correlations in the form of pair-wise must-link constraints and incorporate them in the process of clustering. We have applied three constrained variants of the K-Means algorithm, which perform hard or soft constraint satisfaction and metric learning from constraints. A number of real-world traffic traces have been used to show the availability of constraints and to test the proposed approach. The experimental results indicate that by incorporating constraints in the course of clustering, the overall accuracy and cluster purity can be significantly improved.


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Due to the limitations of the traditional port-based and payload-based traffic classification approaches, the past decade has seen extensive work on utilizing machine learning techniques to classify network traffic based on packet and flow level features. In particular, previous studies have shown that the unsupervised clustering approach is both accurate and capable of discovering previously unknown application classes. In this paper, we explore the utility of side information in the process of traffic clustering. Specifically, we focus on the flow correlation information that can be efficiently extracted from packet headers and expressed as instance-level constraints, which indicate that particular sets of flows are using the same application and thus should be put into the same cluster. To incorporate the constraints, we propose a modified constrained K-Means algorithm. A variety of real-world traffic traces are used to show that the constraints are widely available. The experimental results indicate that the constrained approach not only improves the quality of the resulted clusters, but also speeds up the convergence of the clustering process.


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Growing self-organizing map (GSOM) has been introduced as an improvement to the self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm in clustering and knowledge discovery. Unlike the traditional SOM, GSOM has a dynamic structure which allows nodes to grow reflecting the knowledge discovered from the input data as learning progresses. The spread factor parameter (SF) in GSOM can be utilized to control the spread of the map, thus giving an analyst a flexibility to examine the clusters at different granularities. Although GSOM has been applied in various areas and has been proven effective in knowledge discovery tasks, no comprehensive study has been done on the effect of the spread factor parameter value to the cluster formation and separation. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of the spread factor value towards cluster separation in the GSOM. We used simple k-means algorithm as a method to identify clusters in the GSOM. By using Davies–Bouldin index, clusters formed by different values of spread factor are obtained and the resulting clusters are analyzed. In this work, we show that clusters can be more separated when the spread factor value is increased. Hierarchical clusters can then be constructed by mapping the GSOM clusters at different spread factor values.