64 resultados para intrigue


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The idea of "Asian space" is undergoing a transformation as a result of rapid technological, economic, social and cultural changes. Following the shift to a global economy and an urban population explosion, Asian cities have been presented as a mainstay of progress, national pride, identity, and positioning on the global stage. The extraordinary pace and intensity of the changes have created a situation unique in the history of urban development. Despite the immense diversity of Asian countries, "Asia-ness" is often treated as a distinctive quality that has emerged from unique recent circumstances affecting Asian urbanizations as a whole. In Future Asian Space, 15 authors explore broad concepts relating to the creation and re-creation of "Asian space" and contemporary Asian identity, and their examination of different sites and research approaches highlights the difficulty of pinpointing what Asia-ness is, or might become. Appropriate design and planning of cities is a critical element in building a sustainable future and coping with environmental, social and cultural problems. Future Asian Space is designed to stimulate interest and engagement in discussions of the Asian city, and its trajectories in architecture and urbanism. The authors' conclusions are important for academics, theorists and practitioners, but they will also intrigue anyone interested in the future of cities and urban life in Asia.


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This research aims to acknowledge the virtual dating phenomenon. The research deals with this phenomenon in Orkut, a social networking website. Thus, it considers debates and forums that were present in a Brazilian Orkut online community called Conheci meu amor pela internet (I met my love through the Internet). As a staring point the research dealt with issues such as: what are the debates about? How can we deal with practices that question their own dating process? According to the initial hypothesis, these debates reveal different contemporary social aspects: 1) they emerge as a response to demands on behalf of a society that is rather reflexive. This reflexive element is fundamental for the constitution of the self 2) these debates work as support elements in social relations that are built upon this sphere. In this context, individuals write about themselves and constitute themselves as real individuals that acquire a sense as subjects; and 3) people discuss online dating as form reconstructing former experiences. Empirical analysis demonstrates that these forums and polls present themselves as a social phenomenon that allows a particular form of self presentation on the internet. In order for these subjects to present themselves they built their own self narratives. What is possible to acknowledge considering these narratives is that there is a predominance of the element of intrigue that is further solved and demonstrate a satisfactory result. These narrators then choose online dating situation that present happy endings and happiness that are associated to romantic ideals that are worthwhile being shown. The contents present in these narratives are dealt with by the research. Thus, this work defends the thesis that the online dating narratives are a mixture of facts and fiction once all experiences deal with romantic imaginary as well as personal dating experience. Thus, the research is an attempt to understand what goes on the forums and debates that deal with the fictionalized and dramatized daily experiences in the performances that are similar to games. This is possible due to the fact that there is use of romantic fables and concrete experiences realized by online dating


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The daily teaching invokes us to answer questions that surround the educational action, they are ethic and political exercises of us teachers, considering the responsibility that is presented to us in circumstance of perspective that we create as for our students´ formation. Considering the public school Terezinha Paulino as stage of the daily teaching which we invested, and finally, the school gymnastic group (GGTP), as pedagogical practice specifically attended during this study, we launch the following questions: 1. What are the ethic indicators present in the experience lived by GGTP members? 2. What s the meaning of these indicators for the GGTP members? 3. Do these meanings configure a socio-political dimension of the individuals involved formation ? What socio-political dimension is that? And What is its contribution to think of Physical Education in school? From these issues, we highlight our goals in this research: investigate the educational experience lived in GGTP, with a focus on the ethical elements that characterize and reflect the relationship of these elements in the socio-political dimension of Physical Education in school. To answer the initial questions and achieve our goals, we use the Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2004) as a methodological contribution of this research. From this methodological contribution we got two strands of the discussion here related: relational behavior of living and undesirable relational conduct and non-social. typical examples of good living are: union, cooperation, solidarity, fraternity, conversation, dialogue, love, trust, responsibility, commitment, dedication, application, respect, partition, sharing, gratitude, companionship, kindness Correspond to undesirable behaviors conduct: intrigue, strife (dispute), vanity, arrogance, anger, rage, fury, nervousness, anxiety and fear. Permeates the categories discussion, The group of knowledge produced by different authors, Humberto Maturana predominate among them, sometimes related to some of its main partners, , José Varela, Gerda Verden-Zöller and Sima Nisis de Rezepka. Although less frequent, we broach other authors, including Edgar Morin and Paulo Freire, to enlarge, articulate, and thus contribute to support the notes, contents of this study. Besides the introductory chapter, is the content of this dissertation: ethics: textual understanding, the methodological way; relational behaviors of living; undesirable conduct relational and non-social; gymnastics as an ethical and political bet on training human. In ethics: textual understandings, we make a brief introduction to distinguish the ethical field which we are advancing; In the methodology way, we briefly describe the implementation of the analysis content (BARDIN,2007); in relational behaviors of living, as well as, in undesirable relational conduct and non-social, we point out the meanings discussing them supported on theoretical contribution of this research. Finally, in gymnastics as an ethical and political bet on training human, we point out some possibilities for the gymnastic practice and physical education at school, as well as to think about education by training human bias.


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Le présent ouvrage comprend des versions comparatives de neuf contes de Perrault, parmi les plus célèbres, publiés dans des éditions intégrales, au Brésil, entre 1934 et 2005. L analyse comparative donne la priorité à l identification des éléments relatifs à l oralité, comme ceux qui appartiennent, selon Ong (1998) et Havelock (1996), à des contextes de cultures antérieures à l épanouissement de l écriture et qui donc élaboraient ses propres structures de pensée et d expression pour interagir dans la vie pratique comme dans la création, dans la transmission et la manutention des coutumes et traditions. Issus des premiers récits, les contes de Perrault, traduits ou adaptés au Brésil, gardent en eux l esprit du langage narratif auquel l auteur français a consagré une attention spéciale, pour transposer dans l écrit quelques récits de la grande expérience humaine née dans le milieu populaire et qui désormais intègrent l espace de l écriture à chaque nouvelle version produite. Les bagages formulaires, comme les épithètes, les interventions du narrateur et la propre relation des signifations de l intrigue avec les structures de l imaginaire toujours présentes dans l humanité, démontrent le rapprochement entre l oralité et écriture. En suivant les discussions théoriques de Zumthor (1993, 1997, 2000) et par l interation du lecteur avec le texte, on constate que ces éléments relatifs à l oralité rendent possibl existence d une performance dans l écrit a partir des impressions cinesthésiques qui chaque lecture provoque chez le lecteur et récepteur d un texte narratif qui revendique, automatiquement, la construction d une ouvrage seulement possible à chaque instant de l interation, par le processus esthétique de la réception. Même au niveau d écrit, ou l intensité de sa présence est diminuée en raison de l absence d un corps physique qui transmet, qui développe, qui opere littéralement le texte par la voix et qui réunit l écoute et la vision de l auditeur, la performance produite s interpose entre le corps du lecteur qui agit sur le texte et en même temps reçoit les sensations lui permettant l expérience esthétique. Ainsi, dans l expérience de la lecture de Contes de Perrault est possible percevoir les éléments qui renvoient à la forme du conte de tradition populaire. Même déjà influencée par l écrit, le lecteur peut identifier, dans cette oeuvre, les possibilités determinantes de la dynamique perpétuel dans la transmission de ses textes: le plaisir de la pratique de l écoute des histoires contées oralement et le plaisir de la pratique de lectures silencieuses et solitaires. Dans ce chemin le lecteur devoit chercher les sens perdus, ici, rencontrés avec l aide des discours littéraires, linguistique, folklorique, anthropologique et psycanalytique sur la surface du texte narratif merveilleux. Outre cela, ces discours collaborent avec le lecteur qui retrouvent les voix emprisonnées par l écrit dans la virtualité et dans émergence d une performance


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Nell'ambito di un'indagine sull'identità del rivoluzionario nel XIX secolo, calata tra gli attivisti coinvolti nella Comune di Parigi, si è trattato di selezionare quelle autobiografie scritte e pubblicate da comunardi come parte integrante della loro attività politica, e così porre il problema del rapporto tra pratica autobiografica e rivoluzione, ovvero chiarire le condizioni del passage au récit, la scelta autobiografica e insieme la mise en intrigue tra esperienze individuali e rivoluzione. Questa ricerca si presenta dunque come un lavoro sulle pratiche autobiografiche all'interno delle pratiche di attivismo politico, ovvero più specificamente sulla relazione tra autobiografia e rivoluzione. In altri termini si analizza il modo in cui i rivoluzionari narravano la loro identità in pubblico, perché lo avessero fatto e cosa veicolavo in termini di stili di vita e convinzioni particolari. In quanto rivoluzionari, l'autobiografia diviene fonte e parte di ciò che essi reputavano in quel momento la propria traiettoria rivoluzionaria, la narrazione di quella che in quel momento ritenevano comunicare al pubblico come propria identità narrativa. La ricerca si articola in tre momenti. Nel primo capitolo analizzo le biografie, o meglio un piccolo gruppo tra la massa di biografie di comunardi edite all'indomani della Comune da parte della pubblicistica tanto ostile quanto partigiana della Comune. Queste narrazioni biografiche diffuse nei mesi successivi alla repressione della rivoluzione comunalista consentono di affrontare una delle condizioni fondamentali del passage au récit autobiografico che si manifesterà solo posteriormente. Il secondo e il terzo capitolo sono dedicati a due progetti autobiografici di diversa natura: la trilogia autobiografica di Jules Vallès (1879, 1881, 1886) e le Mémoires di Louise Michel (1886).


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Contiene: Le philinte de Molière .- L'intrigue épistolaire .- Les précepteurs.


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v. 1. Les brigands -- Fiesque -- L'intrigue et l'amour -- Don Carlos --Marie Stuart.


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continued: ... XII. Historical documents and remarks (from December, 1799 to March, 1801) ; Trial of Cooper ; Emigration Society ; Washington's death ; Proceedings in Congress during the session which began December, 1799 ; Board of Commissioners ; Defence of the Quakers of Pennsylvania ; Farewell advertisement ; Prison eclogue ; Republican morality ; Jefferson's election ; Adam's public conduct ; Jefferson's character ; Convention concluded between America and France, in 1800 ; Proceedings in Congress during the session which ended in March, 1801 ; Index.


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Introduction.--Le sacre.--L'occupation de Rome.--Le conseil ecclésiastique de 1809.--Le conseil ecclésiastique de 1811.--Le concile national de 1811.--L'intrigue de Savone.--Le concordat de Fontainebleau.--Les derniers jours à Fontainebleau.--Le retour à Rome.


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t. 1. Scarron : Jodelet. Don Japhet d'Armenie. Montfleury: La femme juge et partie. La fille capitaine. La Fontaine: Le florentin. Boursault: Le mercure galant. Baron: L'homme à bonnes fortunes. - t. 2. Dancourt: Le chevalier à la mode. Le marie retrouvé. Les trois cousines. Le galant jardinier. Les bourgeoises de qualité. Dufresny: L'esprit de contradiction. Le double veuvage. La coquette de village. Le mariage fait en rompu. - t. 3. Brueys et Palaprat: Le grondeur. L'avocat Patelin. Le Sage: Crispin rival de son maître. Turcaret. D'Allainval: L'école des bourgeois. La Chaussée: Le préjujé à la mode. L'école des mères. - t. 4. Destouches: Le philosophe marié. Le glorieux. Le dissipateur. La fausse Agnès. Fagan: La pupille. Les originaux. Boissy: Les dehors trompeurs. - t. 5. Marivaus: Le legs. Les fausses confidances. Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard. Piron: Le métromanie. Gresset: Le Méchant. Voltaire: Nanine. Rousseau, J. J.: Le devin du village. - t. 6. Desmahis: L'impertinent. La Noue: La coquette corrigée. Saurin: Les moeurs du temps. Favart: Les trois sultanes. La chercheuse d'esprit. Les amours de Bastien et Bastienne. Annette et Lubin. Ninette à la coeur. Les reveries renouvelées des grecs. Barthe: Les fausses infidélités. Poinsinet de Sivry: Le cercle. - t. 7. Sedaine: Le philosophe sans le savoir. Le gageure imprévue. Marmontel: L'ami de la maison. Collé: La partie de chasse de Henri IV. Monvel: L'amant bourru. Andrieux: Les étourdis. Le rêve du mari. Anaximandre. Chéron: Le tartuffe de moeurs. - t. 8. Collin d'Harleville: Les châteaux en Espagne. Le vieux célibataire. Fabre d'Eglantine: La philinte de Molière. L'intrigue épistolaire. Desforges: Le sourd. Lemercier: Plaute. Pinto.


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This paper examines a number of French middle-brow novels, usually called at the time romans de murs, from the period 1880-1910. It shows how, in these stories, doctors are shown to foretell the course of narrative through the diagnosis of certain pathologies, especially psychosexual ones. These pathologies are thus represented as implacable narrative programmes. In effect, most of these novels renounce the standard fictional resources of intrigue and suspense in favour of the relentless working out of their initial prognosis. The authority of medical discourse is therefore not just confirmed and disseminated: it is elaborated as fatality in the very terms of the novel. Copyright © SAGE Publications.