53 resultados para intraosseous


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BACKGROUND: Although considerable bone fill may occur following treatment of peri-implantitis, re-osseointegration appears to be limited and unpredictable. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of various decontamination techniques and implant surface configurations on re-osseointegration of contaminated dental implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three months after tooth extraction, implants consisting of a basal part and an exchangeable intraosseous implant cylinder (EIIC) were placed in the mandibles of dogs. The EIIC was machined (M), sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA), or titanium plasma sprayed (TPS). Ligature-induced peri-implantitis was initiated 8 weeks post-implantation and lasted until bone loss reached the junction of the two implant parts. Three treatment modalities were applied: (T1) the EIIC was exchanged for a pristine EIIC; (T2) the EIIC was sprayed in situ with saline; and (T3) the EIIC was removed, cleansed outside the mouth by spraying with saline, steam-sterilized, and remounted. A collagen barrier was placed over each fixture, and 3 months later, samples were processed for histology and histomorphometry. RESULTS: T2 revealed the highest bone-to-implant contact (BIC) level (significantly better than T1 and T3). T2 also yielded the highest bone crest level (significantly better than T1), followed by T3 (significantly better than T1). SLA showed the highest BIC level (significantly better than M), followed by TPS. There were no statistically significant differences in bone crest height between implant types. CONCLUSIONS: Both SLA implants and in situ cleansing resulted in the best re-osseointegration and bone fill of previously contaminated implants.


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OBJECTIVES The dental follicle plays an important role in tooth eruption by providing key regulators of osteogenesis and bone resorption. Patients with cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) exhibit delayed tooth eruption in combination with increased bone density in the maxilla and mandible, suggesting disturbances in bone remodeling. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of genes relevant for tooth eruption and bone remodeling in the dental follicles of patients with CCD and normal subjects. MATERIAL AND METHODS Thirteen dental follicles were isolated from five unrelated patients with CCD, and fourteen dental follicles were obtained from 10 healthy individuals. All teeth were in the intraosseous phase of eruption. The expression of RANK, RANKL, OPG, and CSF-1 was determined by quantitative RT-PCR. RESULTS In patients with CCD, the mRNA levels of RANK, OPG, and CSF-1 were significantly elevated compared with the control group. Accordingly, the ratios of RANKL/OPG and RANKL/RANK mRNAs were significantly decreased in patients with CCD. CONCLUSION The observed alterations in the expression and ratios of the aforementioned factors in the dental follicle of CCD individuals suggest a disturbed paracrine signaling for bone remodeling that could be responsible for the impaired tooth eruption seen in these patients.


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Osseous metastases account for most of the morbidity and mortality associated with prostate cancer, for which there are currently no effective therapies. In the skeletal metastatic environment, neoplastic prostatic epithelial cells interact in a bidirectional stimulatory manner with osteoblastic stromal cells. Similarly, the presence of osteoblastic cells is essential for the survival and maintenance of intraosseous prostate cancer cells. In this thesis, I have developed novel gene therapy strategies for the treatment of androgen-independent human prostate cancers in experimental animal models. First, Ad-CMV-p53, a recombinant adenovirus (Ad) containing p53 tumor suppressor gene driven by the universal cytomegalovirus promoter, was effective in inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth, and direct intratumoral injections of Ad-CMV-p53 resulted in tumor regression. Second, because prostate cancer cells as well as osteoblastic cells produce osteocalcin (OC), OC promoter mediated tissue/tumor specific toxic gene therapy is developed to interrupt stromal-epithelial communications by targeting both cell types. Ad-OC-TK, a recombinant Ad containing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene driven by the OC promoter, was generated to inhibit the growth of osteoblastic osteosarcoma with prodrug acyclovir (ACV). Ad-OC-TK/ACV also inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells and suppressed the growth of subcutaneous and intraosseous prostate tumor. In order to combine treatment modalities to maximize tumor cell-kill with minimized host toxicities, Ad-OC-TK/ACV was applied in combination with low dose methotrexate to eradicate osteoblastic osteosarcoma. In targeting of micrometastatic disease, intravenous Ad-OC-TK/ACV treatment resulted in significant tumor nodule reduction and prolonged the survival of animals harboring osteosarcoma lung metastases without significant host toxicity. Ad-OC-TK is a rational choice for the treatment of prostate cancer skeletal metastasis because OC is uniformly detected in both primary and metastatic human prostate cancer specimens by immunohistochemistry. Ad-OC-TK/ACV inhibits the growth not only of prostate cancer cells but also of their supporting bone stromal cells. Targeting both prostate cancer epithelium and its supporting stroma may be most efficacious for the treatment of prostate cancer osseous metastases. ^


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PURPOSE Austrian out-of-hospital emergency physicians (OOHEP) undergo mandatory biannual emergency physician refresher courses to maintain their licence. The purpose of this study was to compare different reported emergency skills and knowledge, recommended by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) guidelines, between OOHEP who work regularly at an out-of-hospital emergency service and those who do not currently work as OOHEP but are licenced. METHODS We obtained data from 854 participants from 19 refresher courses. Demographics, questions about their practice and multiple-choice questions about ALS-knowledge were answered and analysed. We particularly explored the application of therapeutic hypothermia, intraosseous access, pocket guide use and knowledge about the participants' defibrillator in use. A multivariate logistic regression analysed differences between both groups of OOHEP. Age, gender, years of clinical experience, ERC-ALS provider course attendance and the self-reported number of resuscitations were control variables. RESULTS Licenced OOHEP who are currently employed in emergency service are significantly more likely to initiate intraosseous access (OR = 4.013, p < 0.01), they initiate mild-therapeutic hypothermia after successful resuscitation (OR = 2.550, p < 0.01) more often, and knowledge about the used defibrillator was higher (OR = 2.292, p < 0.01). No difference was found for the use of pocket guides.OOHEP who have attended an ERC-ALS provider course since 2005 have initiated more mild therapeutic hypothermia after successful resuscitation (OR = 1.670, p <0.05) as well as participants who resuscitated within the last year (OR = 2.324, p < 0.01), while older OOHEP initiated mild therapeutic hypothermia less often, measured per year of age (OR = 0.913, p <0.01). CONCLUSION Licenced and employed OOHEP implement ERC guidelines better into clinical practice, but more training on life-saving rescue techniques needs to be done to improve knowledge and to raise these rates of application.


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Preclinical in vivo experimental studies are performed for evaluating proof-of-principle concepts, safety and possible unwanted reactions of candidate bone biomaterials before proceeding to clinical testing. Specifically, models involving small animals have been developed for screening bone biomaterials for their potential to enhance bone formation. No single model can completely recreate the anatomic, physiologic, biomechanic and functional environment of the human mouth and jaws. Relevant aspects regarding physiology, anatomy, dimensions and handling are discussed in this paper to elucidate the advantages and disadvantages of small-animal models. Model selection should be based not on the 'expertise' or capacities of the team, but rather on a scientifically solid rationale, and the animal model selected should reflect the question for which an answer is sought. The rationale for using heterotopic or orthotopic testing sites, and intraosseous, periosseous or extraskeletal defect models, is discussed. The paper also discusses the relevance of critical size defect modeling, with focus on calvarial defects in rodents. In addition, the rabbit sinus model and the capsule model in the rat mandible are presented and discussed in detail. All animal experiments should be designed with care and include sample-size and study-power calculations, thus allowing generation of meaningful data. Moreover, animal experiments are subject to ethical approval by the relevant authority. All procedures and the postoperative handling and care, including postoperative analgesics, should follow best practice.


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Giant cell-rich osteolytic lesions may have overlapping clinical, radiologic, and histopathologic features, with an important degree of difficulty of diagnosis and treatment. We report a case of double osteolytic lesion at the middle-finger in a young man without previous history of hand trauma. He underwent en-bloc resection of the bone lesions and reconstruction by graft of hydroxyapatite, resulting in a good morpho-functional result. Histological diagnosis was giant cell reparative granuloma (GCRG), although several features were considered atypical, including the appearance of the giant cells and the areas of the stroma that more closely resembled a giant cell tumor. GCRG is a benign rare intraosseous lesion and the true nature is controversial and unknown. The theories are that it could be a reactive lesion, a developmental anomaly or a benign neoplasm. It appears as an osteolytic lesion that must be considered in the differential diagnosis of other “critical” bone lesions similar in clinical, as well as radiologic and pathological appearance. Further characterization studies are helpful and necessary for the proper management.


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O prognóstico da perda dentária é um dos principais problemas na prática clínica de medicina dentária. Um dos principais fatores prognósticos é a quantidade de suporte ósseo do dente, definido pela área da superfície radicular dentária intraóssea. A estimação desta grandeza tem sido realizada por diferentes metodologias de investigação com resultados heterogéneos. Neste trabalho utilizamos o método da planimetria com microtomografia para calcular a área da superfície radicular (ASR) de uma amostra de cinco dentes segundos pré-molares inferiores obtida da população portuguesa, com o objetivo final de criar um modelo estatístico para estimar a área de superfície radicular intraóssea a partir de indicadores clínicos da perda óssea. Por fim propomos um método para aplicar os resultados na prática. Os dados referentes à área da superfície radicular, comprimento total do dente (CT) e dimensão mésio-distal máxima da coroa (MDeq) serviram para estabelecer as relações estatísticas entre variáveis e definir uma distribuição normal multivariada. Por fim foi criada uma amostra de 37 observações simuladas a partir da distribuição normal multivariada definida e estatisticamente idênticas aos dados da amostra de cinco dentes. Foram ajustados cinco modelos lineares generalizados aos dados simulados. O modelo estatístico foi selecionado segundo os critérios de ajustamento, preditibilidade, potência estatística, acurácia dos parâmetros e da perda de informação, e validado pela análise gráfica de resíduos. Apoiados nos resultados propomos um método em três fases para estimação área de superfície radicular perdida/remanescente. Na primeira fase usamos o modelo estatístico para estimar a área de superfície radicular, na segunda estimamos a proporção (decis) de raiz intraóssea usando uma régua de Schei adaptada e na terceira multiplicamos o valor obtido na primeira fase por um coeficiente que representa a proporção de raiz perdida (ASRp) ou da raiz remanescente (ASRr) para o decil estimado na segunda fase. O ponto forte deste estudo foi a aplicação de metodologia estatística validada para operacionalizar dados clínicos na estimação de suporte ósseo perdido. Como pontos fracos consideramos a aplicação destes resultados apenas aos segundos pré-molares mandibulares e a falta de validação clínica.


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Introdução: Em Endodontia, a anestesia local é o método de controlo de dor mais utilizado, no entanto vários estudos revelaram que as técnicas anestésicas convencionais apresentam uma eficácia reduzida em casos sintomáticos. Existem várias alternativas às técnicas e anestésicos convencionais, assim como anestesias suplementares que podem ser utilizadas para aumentar a profundidade da anestesia pulpar, e que devem fazer parte do arsenal clínico de modo a possibilitar um tratamento indolor ao paciente. Objetivo: O presente trabalho visou reunir e analisar bibliografia sobre anestesia local em Endodontia e fatores que podem influenciar a sua administração. Foram abordadas técnicas e anestésicos utilizados atualmente, assim como outros métodos estudados recentemente, sendo destacada a eficácia destes na anestesia de pacientes diagnosticados com pulpite irreversível. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica no motor de busca Pubmed, tendo sido utilizadas as seguintes palavras chave: “Anesthesia”, “Local anesthesia”, “Anesthesia Technique”, “Anesthetic efficacy”, “Endodontics”, “Lidocaine”, “Articaine”, “Pulpitis”. Estabeleceu-se uma limitação temporal de 2005 a 2016, tendo sido incluídos 54 artigos com ênfase em estudos do tipo meta-análise, revisões bibliográficas e estudos clínicos controlados e randomizados. Conclusão: Em pacientes sintomáticos, de modo a controlar a dor pré-operatória, torna-se muitas vezes necessária a utilização de anestésicos de maior potência e de técnicas suplementares. Aconselham-se, por isso, técnicas como a injeção intraligamentar, intraóssea e infiltrações suplementares para assegurar a anestesia pulpar após técnicas primárias falhadas. Deve-se, ainda, ter em consideração a sensibilidade que alguns pacientes apresentam a determinados componentes presentes nos anestésicos locais, exigindo-se um especial cuidado na seleção e administração destes agentes.