971 resultados para international organization
Will the Convention on Biological Diversity put an end to biological control? Under the Convention on Biological Diversity countries have sovereign rights over their genetic resources. Agreements governing the access to these resources and the sharing of the benefits arising from their use need to be established between involved parties. This also applies to species collected for potential use in biological control. Recent applications of access and benefit sharing principles have already made it difficult or impossible to collect and export natural enemies for biological control research in several countries. If such an approach is widely applied it would impede this very successful and environmentally safe pest management method based on the use of biological diversity. The International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants has, therefore, created the "Commission on Biological Control and Access and Benefit Sharing". This commission is carrying out national and international activities to make clear how a benefit sharing regime might seriously frustrate the future of biological control. In addition, the IOBC Commission members published information on current regulations and perceptions concerning exploration for natural enemies and drafted some 30 case studies selected to illustrate a variety of points relevant to access and benefit sharing. In this article, we summarize our concern about the effects of access and benefit sharing systems on the future of biological control.
Cyst-based ecotoxicological tests are simple and low-cost methods for assessing acute toxicity. Nevertheless, only a few comparative studies on their sensitivity are known. In the present study, the suitability of the use of two freshwater Anostracan species, Streptocephalus rubricaudatus and S. texanus, was assessed. The impact of 16 priority pollutants (4 heavy metals, 11 organic, and 1 organometallic compounds) on these two species, as well as on Artemia salina (Artoxkit M), Daphnia magna (International Organization for Standardization 6341), and S. proboscideus (Streptoxkit F) was assessed. For indicative comparison, bioassays using Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotoxkit F) and Photobacterium phosphoreum (Microtox) were also performed. For heavy metals (K2Cr2O7, Cd2+, Zn2+, Cu2+), the sensitivity of the two studied Streptocephalus species was slightly higher than that of D. magna. It was significantly more elevated than for the marine A. salina. For organic and organometallic micropollutants [phenol, 3,5-dichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol (PCP), hydroquinone, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate, sodium dodecyl sulfate, tributylphosphate, dimethylphthalate, atrazine, lindane, malathion, tributyltin chloride (TBT-Cl)], the sensitivity of the 4 anostracan species was of the same order of magnitude as that of D. magna. Artemia salina was slightly less sensitive to some organic compounds (PCP, hydroquinone, TBT-Cl). The sensitivity of S. rubricaudatus to organic solvents was low. On the other hand, this anostracan was quite sensitive to NaCl. Thus, its use is restricted to freshwater samples. The evaluation of global practicability of these two tests confirms that cyst-based freshwater anostracans may be used to perform low-cost tests at a sensitivity comparable to that of D. magna (24 h immobilization test).
Recent evidence suggests the human auditory system is organized,like the visual system, into a ventral 'what' pathway, devoted toidentifying objects and a dorsal 'where' pathway devoted to thelocalization of objects in space w1x. Several brain regions have beenidentified in these two different pathways, but until now little isknown about the temporal dynamics of these regions. We investigatedthis issue using 128-channel auditory evoked potentials(AEPs).Stimuli were stationary sounds created by varying interaural timedifferences and environmental real recorded sounds. Stimuli ofeach condition (localization, recognition) were presented throughearphones in a blocked design, while subjects determined theirposition or meaning, respectively.AEPs were analyzed in terms of their topographical scalp potentialdistributions (segmentation maps) and underlying neuronalgenerators (source estimation) w2x.Fourteen scalp potential distributions (maps) best explained theentire data set.Ten maps were nonspecific (associated with auditory stimulationin general), two were specific for sound localization and two werespecific for sound recognition (P-values ranging from 0.02 to0.045).Condition-specific maps appeared at two distinct time periods:;200 ms and ;375-550 ms post-stimulus.The brain sources associated with the maps specific for soundlocalization were mainly situated in the inferior frontal cortices,confirming previous findings w3x. The sources associated withsound recognition were predominantly located in the temporal cortices,with a weaker activation in the frontal cortex.The data show that sound localization and sound recognitionengage different brain networks that are apparent at two distincttime periods.References1. Maeder et al. Neuroimage 2001.2. Michel et al. Brain Research Review 2001.3. Ducommun et al. Neuroimage 2002.
A seletividade de agrotóxicos indicados nas Normas Técnicas Específicas da Produção Integrada de Pêssego (NTE-PIP) foi avaliada sobre Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, utilizando-se da metodologia padronizada internacionalmente pela International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC). Os agrotóxicos (% ingrediente ativo na calda) Orthocide 500 (0,120) e Persist SC (0,160) foram classificados como inócuos; Hokko Cihexatim 500 (0,025) e Roundup WG (1,387) foram levemente nocivos; Assist (1,512) foi moderadamente nocivo; Sevin 480 SC (0,173), Tiomet 400 CE (0,048), Dipterex 500 (0,150) e Kumulus DF (0,480) foram nocivos a adultos de T. pretiosum no teste de toxicidade inicial em laboratório.
A seletividade de oito agrotóxicos recomendados na Produção Integrada da Maçã (PIM) foi avaliada sobre Trichogramma pretiosum Riley em laboratório, utilizando-se da metodologia padronizada pela International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC). Os produtos (% da formulação comercial na calda) Captan 500 PM (0,240) e Delan (0,125) foram inócuos; Promalin (9,000) foi levemente nocivo; Assist (4,000) e Dormex (1,200) foram moderadamente nocivos; Vertimec 18 CE (0,100), Malathion 1000 CE (0,100) e Supracid 400 CE (0,100) foram nocivos a adultos de T. pretiosum no teste de toxicidade em laboratório. Os agrotóxicos classificados como moderadamente nocivos e nocivos requerem testes subseqüentes de persistência biológica do produto em casa de vegetação e de campo.
A persistência (duração da atividade nociva) de cinco agrotóxicos indicados na Produção Integrada de Pêssego (PIP) foi avaliada, expondo-se adultos de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) ao contato com resíduos de inseticidas, pulverizados sobre folhas, a diferentes intervalos de tempo, baseando-se na metodologia sugerida pela International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC). Os resultados obtidos em relação à persistência, permitiu classificar os agrotóxicos, produto comercial/ingrediente ativo (g ou mL de produto comercial 100L-1), Dipterex 500/triclorfom (300), Sumithion 500 CE/fenitrotiona (150) e Tiomet 400 CE/dimetoato (120) como levemente persistentes (5-15 dias); o inseticida Malathion 1000 CE/malationa (200) como moderadamente persistente (16-30 dias) e o fungicida/acaricida Kumulus DF/enxofre (600) como persistente (> 31 dias) a adultos de T. pretiosum.
A seletividade de dezesseis agrotóxicos utilizados na produção integrada e convencional de pêssego foi avaliada sobre a fase adulta de Chrysoperla externa através de bioensaios de exposição residual conduzidos em laboratório (temperatura de 25±1ºC, umidade relativa 70±10% e fotofase 14 horas), utilizando-se de metodologia prescrita pela "International Organization for Biological Control" (IOBC). Os agrotóxicos (% de ingrediente ativo na calda) azoxystrobina (0,016), captana (0,192), dodina (0,126), folpete (0,200), mancozebe (0,256), mancozebe + oxicloreto de cobre (0,140 + 0,096), tebuconazole (0,320), abamectina (0,002), óleo mineral 1 (2,420), óleo mineral 2 (1,920), dicloreto de paraquate (0,300) e glifosato (1,440) foram inócuos; deltametrina (0,002) foi levemente nocivo e dimetoato (0,160), fosmete (0,160) e malationa (0,240) foram nocivos a adultos de C. externa.
Calculation of uncertainty of results represents the new paradigm in the area of the quality of measurements in laboratories. The guidance on the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement of the ISO / International Organization for Standardization assumes that the analyst is being asked to give a parameter that characterizes the range of the values that could reasonably be associated with the result of the measurement. In practice, the uncertainty of the analytical result may arise from many possible sources: sampling, sample preparation, matrix effects, equipments, standards and reference materials, among others. This paper suggests a procedure for calculation of uncertainties components of an analytical result due to sample preparation (uncertainty of weights and volumetric equipment) and instrument analytical signal (calibration uncertainty). A numerical example is carefully explained based on measurements obtained for cadmium determination by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results obtained for components of total uncertainty showed that the main contribution to the analytical result was the calibration procedure.
The uncertainty of any analytical determination depends on analysis and sampling. Uncertainty arising from sampling is usually not controlled and methods for its evaluation are still little known. Pierre Gy’s sampling theory is currently the most complete theory about samplingwhich also takes the design of the sampling equipment into account. Guides dealing with the practical issues of sampling also exist, published by international organizations such as EURACHEM, IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization). In this work Gy’s sampling theory was applied to several cases, including the analysis of chromite concentration estimated on SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) images and estimation of the total uncertainty of a drug dissolution procedure. The results clearly show that Gy’s sampling theory can be utilized in both of the above-mentioned cases and that the uncertainties achieved are reliable. Variographic experiments introduced in Gy’s sampling theory are beneficially applied in analyzing the uncertainty of auto-correlated data sets such as industrial process data and environmental discharges. The periodic behaviour of these kinds of processes can be observed by variographic analysis as well as with fast Fourier transformation and auto-correlation functions. With variographic analysis, the uncertainties are estimated as a function of the sampling interval. This is advantageous when environmental data or process data are analyzed as it can be easily estimated how the sampling interval is affecting the overall uncertainty. If the sampling frequency is too high, unnecessary resources will be used. On the other hand, if a frequency is too low, the uncertainty of the determination may be unacceptably high. Variographic methods can also be utilized to estimate the uncertainty of spectral data produced by modern instruments. Since spectral data are multivariate, methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are needed when the data are analyzed. Optimization of a sampling plan increases the reliability of the analytical process which might at the end have beneficial effects on the economics of chemical analysis,
This diploma thesis has been done to international organization which takes care from the accounting actions of two major companies. In this organization are used three different purchasing tools which are used when new asset master data is wanted to input to SAP R/3- system. The aim of this thesis is to find out how much changing the user interface of one of these three e-procurement programs will affect to overall efficiency in asset accounting. As an addition will be introduced project framework which can be used in future projects and which help to avoid certain steps in the development process. At the moment data needs to be inputted manually with many useless mouse clicks and data needs to be searched from many various resources which slow down the process. Other organization has better tools at the moment than the myOrders system which is under investigation Research was started by exploring the main improvement areas. After this possible defects were traced. Suggested improvements were thought by exploring literature which has been written from usability design and research. Meanwhile also directional calculations from the benefits of the project were done alongside with the analysis of the possible risks and threats. After this NSN IT approved the changes which they thought was acceptable. The next step was to program them into tool and test them before releasing to production environment. The calculations were made also from implemented improvements and compared them to planned ones From whole project was made a framework which can be utilized also to other similar projects. The complete calculation was not possible because of time schedule of the project. Important observation in the project was that efficiency is not improved not only by changing the GUI but also improving processes without any programming. Feedback from end user should be also listened more in development process. End-user is after all the one who knows the best how the program should look like.
Tiivistelmä, Tämä pro gradu tutkielma tutkii ja mallintaa tietopääoman hallinnan sekä johtamisen välineitä kansainvälisissä järjestöissä. Tutkimus on vertaileva tutkimus. Tutkimusaineistona käytetään valittujen yhdeksän kansainvälisten järjestön tuottamia raportteja sekä selontekoja. Tutkimuksen tavoite on tunnistaa ja kuvata kansainvälisissä järjestöissä sekä järjestöjen välisissä ekosysteemeissä nykyisellään käytettäviä tietopääoman johtamisen sekä hallinnan välineitä. Tutkimusaineistoon valikoitui seitsemäntoista tietopääoman hallintaan ja johtamiseen liittyvää kansainvälisten järjestöjen laatimaa raporttia sekä selontekoa. Tutkimuksen tulos on, että kansainvälisille järjestöille on muotoutunut validit kvantitatiiviset sekä kvalitatiiviset menetelmät mitata, hallita, johtaa ja raportoida tietopääomaansa osana globaalia toimintaansa.
Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager is a systems management product for managing large groups of computers and/or mobile devices. It provides operating system deployment, software distribution, patch management, hardware & software inventory, remote control and many other features for the managed clients. This thesis focuses on researching whether this product is suitable for large, international organization with no previous, centralized solution for managing all such networked devices and detecting areas, where the system can be altered to achieve a more optimal management product from the company’s perspective. The results showed that the system is suitable for such organization if properly configured and clear and transparent line of communication between key IT personnel exists.