943 resultados para international cost comparisons


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We study cross-country differences in rural and urban educational attainment by using a data set comprising 56 countries. We focus on the determinants of rural–urban educational inequality, which is measured by the ratio of rural to urban average years of schooling within each country. We find that riskier human capital investment, less credit availability, a colonial heritage, a legal system of French origin and landlockedness of nations are all associated with relatively lower rural educational levels and greater rural–urban educational inequality. Conversely, larger formal labor markets, better infrastructure and a legal system of British origin are associated with relatively higher rural educational levels and lower rural–urban educational inequality. We also identify an interaction effect between economic development level and some of these factors. In particular, we find that as development level increases, the negative (positive) relationship between French (British) legal systems and rural–urban educational inequality is reversed and becomes positive (negative).


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While there have been many attempts at comparisons of construction performance over the past 50 years, the results have generally been inconclusive and/or contradictory.

Such comparisons are of great interest to industry, governments and theorists alike but there is little agreement as to how they are best done. A variety of methodologies have been used, however, the lack of satisfactory outcomes has been due largely to one factor, the lack of a truly reliable method for comparing construction costs in different currencies

Exchange rates are recognised as being unsuitable, and while purchasing power parity (PPP) has a long history, the method still has many critics. In addition, the nature of the building industry and its products makes the establishment of reliable construction PPPs very difficult. Both the UN’s International Comparison Program (ICP) and the European Union gather data for the production of construction-specific PPP indices, but neither body publishes them, as there is too much doubt about their reliability.

New approaches are being developed and some are soon to be trialled. This paper looks at the problems, describes and discusses some new approaches, and assesses their potential.


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This paper investigates the assessment methods and student results within a first year undergraduate management course offered within the business faculty of an Australian university. This course is compulsory for those studying for a commerce or management degree. The assessment results of full fee paying international students were compared with those of domestic students, during four teaching semesters in 2009 and 2010. Analysis compares 2,682 students’ numerical results for two constructed response assignments to their results for an examination comprising both multiple choice questions and constructed response questions. It also compares the results of international and domestic students across metropolitan, regional and rural campuses. However due to little comparison data for multiple campuses, findings are consolidated by domestic and international students, university-wide. International students were found to achieve lower results than domestic students for constructed response assessment tasks, but higher results than domestic students for multiple choice question assessments. These findings have implications for instructors eager to provide a level assessment playing field for both domestic and international students, enabling both groupings to take advantage of existing strengths but also to improve their weaknesses. This research led to a restructuring and rescheduling of assessment tasks for the 2012 academic year.


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The pursuit of commensurability in international comparative research by imposing general classificatory frameworks can misrepresent valued performances, school knowledge and classroom practice as these are actually conceived by each community and sacrifice validity in the interest of comparability. The “validity-comparability compromise” is proposed as a theoretical concern with significant implications for international cross-cultural research. We draw on current international research to illustrate a variety of aspects of the issue and its consequences for the manner in which international research is conducted and its results interpreted. The effects extend to data generation and analysis and constitute essential contingencies on the interpretation and application of international comparative research.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the current use of Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool (AUSDRISK) as a screening tool to identify individuals at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes for entry into lifestyle modification programs.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: AUSDRISK scores were calculated from participants aged 40-74 years in the Greater Green Triangle Risk Factor Study, a cross-sectional population survey in 3 regions of Southwest Victoria, Australia, 2004-2006. Biomedical profiles of AUSDRISK risk categories were determined along with estimates of the Victorian population included at various cut-off scores. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value, and receiver operating characteristics were calculated for AUSDRISK in determining fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ≥6.1 mmol/L.

RESULTS: Increasing AUSDRISK scores were associated with an increase in weight, body mass index, FPG, and metabolic syndrome. Increasing the minimum cut-off score also increased the proportion of individuals who were obese and centrally obese, had impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and metabolic syndrome. An AUSDRISK score of ≥12 was estimated to include 39.5% of the Victorian population aged 40-74 (916 000), while a score of ≥20 would include only 5.2% of the same population (120 000). At AUSDRISK≥20, the PPV for detecting FPG≥6.1 mmol/L was 28.4%.

CONCLUSIONS: AUSDRISK is powered to predict those with IFG and undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, but its effectiveness as the sole determinant for entry into a lifestyle modification program is questionable given the large proportion of the population screened-in using the current minimum cut-off of ≥12. AUSDRISK should be used in conjunction with oral glucose tolerance testing, fasting glucose, or glycated hemoglobin to identify those individuals at highest risk of progression to type 2 diabetes, who should be the primary targets for lifestyle modification.


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1) International Trade and Transport Profiles of Latin American Countries, by Jan Hoffmann, Gabriel Pérez, and Gordon Wilmsmeier, ECLAC, Serie 19 Manuales www.eclac.cl/transporte/perfil/bti.asp;2) Globalization - the Maritime Nexus, by Jan Hoffmann and Shashi Kumar, in Handbook of Maritime Economics, London, LLP, due to be published in October 2002; and3) Port Efficiency and International Trade, by Ricardo J. Sánchez, Jan Hoffmann, Alejandro Micco, Georgina Pizzolitto, Martín Sgut, and Gordon Wilmsmeier, to be submitted at the "IAME Panama 2002" Conference, November 2002.


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Actualmente son una práctica común los procesos de normalización de métodos de ensayo y acreditación de laboratorios, ya que permiten una evaluación de los procedimientos llevados a cabo por profesionales de un sector tecnológico y además permiten asegurar unos mínimos de calidad en los resultados finales. En el caso de los laboratorios de acústica, para conseguir y mantener la acreditación de un laboratorio es necesario participar activamente en ejercicios de intercomparación, utilizados para asegurar la calidad de los métodos empleados. El inconveniente de estos ensayos es el gran coste que suponen para los laboratorios, siendo en ocasiones inasumible por estos teniendo que renunciar a la acreditación. Este Proyecto Fin de Grado se centrará en el desarrollo de un Laboratorio Virtual implementado mediante una herramienta software que servirá para realizar ejercicios de intercomparación no presenciales, ampliando de ese modo el concepto e-comparison y abriendo las bases a que en un futuro este tipo de ejercicios no presenciales puedan llegar a sustituir a los llevados a cabo actualmente. En el informe primero se hará una pequeña introducción, donde se expondrá la evolución y la importancia de los procedimientos de calidad acústica en la sociedad actual. A continuación se comentará las normativas internacionales en las que se soportará el proyecto, la norma ISO 145-5, así como los métodos matemáticos utilizados en su implementación, los métodos estadísticos de propagación de incertidumbres especificados por la JCGM (Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology). Después, se hablará sobre la estructura del proyecto, tanto del tipo de programación utilizada en su desarrollo como la metodología de cálculo utilizada para conseguir que todas las funcionalidades requeridas en este tipo de ensayo estén correctamente implementadas. Posteriormente se llevará a cabo una validación estadística basada en la comparación de unos datos generados por el programa, procesados utilizando la simulación de Montecarlo, y unos cálculos analíticos, que permita comprobar que el programa funciona tal y como se ha previsto en la fase de estudio teórico. También se realizará una prueba del programa, similar a la que efectuaría un técnico de laboratorio, en la que se evaluará la incertidumbre de la medida calculándola mediante el método tradicional, pudiendo comparar los datos obtenidos con los que deberían obtenerse. Por último, se comentarán las conclusiones obtenidas con el desarrollo y pruebas del Laboratorio Virtual, y se propondrán nuevas líneas de investigación futuras relacionadas con el concepto e-comparison y la implementación de mejoras al Laboratorio Virtual. ABSTRACT. Nowadays it is common practise to make procedures to normalise trials methods standards and laboratory accreditations, as they allow for the evaluation of the procedures made by professionals from a particular technological sector in addition to ensuring a minimum quality in the results. In order for an acoustics laboratory to achieve and maintain the accreditation it is necessary to actively participate in the intercomparison exercises, since these are used to assure the quality of the methods used by the technicians. Unfortunately, the high cost of these trials is unaffordable for many laboratories, which then have to renounce to having the accreditation. This Final Project is focused on the development of a Virtual Laboratory implemented by a software tool that it will be used for making non-attendance intercomparison trials, widening the concept of e-comparison and opening the possibility for using this type of non-attendance trials instead of the current ones. First, as a short introduction, I show the evolution and the importance today of acoustic quality procedures. Second, I will discuss the international standards, such as ISO 145-5, as well the mathematic and statistical methods of uncertainty propagation specified by the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, that are used in the Project. Third, I speak about the structure of the Project, as well as the programming language structure and the methodology used to get the different features needed in this acoustic trial. Later, a statistical validation will be carried out, based on comparison of data generated by the program, processed using a Montecarlo simulation, and analytical calculations to verify that the program works as planned in the theoretical study. There will also be a test of the program, similar to one that a laboratory technician would carry out, by which the uncertainty in the measurement will be compared to a traditional calculation method so as to compare the results. Finally, the conclusions obtained with the development and testing of the Virtual Laboratory will be discussed, new research paths related to e-comparison definition and the improvements for the Laboratory will be proposed.