714 resultados para inter-organisational


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJETIVO: este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da largura do septo inter-radicular no local de inserção de mini-implantes autoperfurantes sobre o grau de estabilidade desses dispositivos de ancoragem. MÉTODOS: a amostra consistiu de 40 mini-implantes inseridos entre as raízes do primeiro molar e segundo pré-molar superiores de 21 pacientes, com o intuito de fornecer ancoragem para retração anterior. A largura do septo no local de inserção (LSI) foi mensurada nas radiografias pós-cirúrgicas e, sob esse aspecto, os mini-implantes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 (áreas críticas, LSI<3mm) e grupo 2 (áreas não críticas, LSI>3mm). A estabilidade dos mini-implantes foi avaliada mensalmente pela quantificação do grau de mobilidade e a partir dessa variável foi calculada a proporção de sucesso. Avaliou-se também: a quantidade de placa, altura de inserção, grau de sensibilidade e período de observação. RESULTADOS: os resultados obtidos demonstraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa para o grau de mobilidade e proporção de sucesso entre os mini-implantes inseridos em septos de largura mesiodistal crítica e não crítica. A proporção de sucesso total encontrada foi de 90% e nenhuma variável demonstrou estar relacionada ao insucesso dos mini-implantes. No entanto, observou-se maior sensibilidade nos pacientes cujos mini-implantes apresentavam mobilidade, e que a falha desses dispositivos de ancoragem ocorria logo após sua inserção. CONCLUSÃO: a largura do septo inter-radicular no local de inserção não interferiu na estabilidade dos mini-implantes autoperfurantes avaliados neste estudo.


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Este artigo apresenta reflexões teórico-metodológicas sobre processo de investigação de pós-doutorado que objetivava basicamente construir - na ação - estratégia de "psico-sócio-formação" de pessoas envolvidas com a questão do morador de rua; criar e aplicar um recurso metodológico operacional denominado "conto de encontro transformador". Do ponto de vista teórico, sob perspectivas inter e transdisciplinares de produção do conhecimento, essa "pesquisa-ação-formação" baseou-se no encontro dialógico entre os conhecimentos sobre "encontro transformador", "resiliência" e "ágape" e construtos teóricos da área da Educação, com ênfase no processo de autoformação. O projeto contou com vinte participantes: moradores de rua; trabalhadores de instituições de apoio a moradores de rua; técnicos das Secretarias de Assistência Social da Prefeitura de São Paulo e/ou da Secretaria da Saúde; e provenientes da Universidade de São Paulo e de outras Universidades do Brasil, França e Canadá.


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This study analyzed inter-individual variability of the temporal structure applied in basketball throwing. Ten experienced male athletes in basketball throwing were filmed and a number of kinematic movement parameters analyzed. A biomechanical model provided the relative timing of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joint movements. Inter-individual variability was analyzed using sequencing and relative timing of tem phases of the throw. To compare the variability of the movement phases between subjects a discriminant analysis and an ANOVA were applied. The Tukey test was applied to determine where differences occurred. The significance level was p = 0.05. Inter-individual variability was explained by three concomitant factors: (a) a precision control strategy, (b) a velocity control strategy and (c) intrinsic characteristics of the subjects. Therefore, despite the fact that some actions are common to the basketball throwing pattern each performed demonstrated particular and individual characteristics.


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This investigation presents a comprehensive characterization of magnetic and transport properties of an interesting superconducting wire, Nb-Ti -Ta, obtained through the solid-state diffusion between Nb-12 at.% Ta alloy and pure Ti. The physical properties obtained from magnetic and transport measurements related to the microstructure unambiguously confirmed a previous proposition that the superconducting currents flow in the center of the diffusion layer, which has a steep composition variation. The determination of the critical field also confirmed that the flux line core size is not constant, and in addition it was possible to determine that, in the center of the layer, the flux line core is smaller than at the borders. A possible core shape design is proposed. Among the wires studied, the one that presented the best critical current density was achieved for a diffusion layer with a composition of about Nb-32% Ti-10% Ta, obtained with a heat treatment at 700 degrees C during 120 h, in agreement with previous studies. It was determined that this wire has the higher upper critical field, indicating that the optimization of the superconducting behavior is related to an intrinsic property of the ternary alloy.


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The impact of managers' perceptions of their organizational culture (OC) on the relationship between budgetary participation (BP) and managerial job-related outcomes, operationalized as managerial performance and job-related tension (JRT) is examined. Data supported predictions that increasing BP would lower JRT for managers perceiving a high emphasis on innovation within their OC, regardless of their perceptions of an emphasis on attention to detail. When managers perceived low innovation, however, their perception of level of attention to detail had a significant effect on the relationship between BP and JRT.


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The present study was designed to test the utility of a stress-coping model of employee adjustment to organisational change. Specifically, it was proposed that employee adjustment to this type of work stress would be influenced by the characteristics of the change situation, employees' appraisals of the situation, their coping strategies, and the extent of their personal resources. Data were collected from 140 middle managers and supervisors involved in a large-scale public sector integration. The results of the research provided some support for the proposed model: high levels of psychological distress were related to a reliance on informal sources of information, high appraised stress, low appraised certainty, and the use of avoidant rather than problem-focused strategies, whereas poor social functioning was associated with low self-esteem, high levels or disruption across the period of change, a reliance on informal sources of information, and the use of avoidant coping strategies. There was no evidence that coping strategies mediated the effects of the event characteristics, situational appraisals, and personal resources on adjustment; however, there was some evidence linking these variables to coping strategies, in particular, problem-focused coping. There was also some evidence to indicate that the experience of organisational change was different for managers and supervisors: levels of threat were higher for the managers than the supervisors, but there was no difference between the groups of employees in terms of adjustment.


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It is recognized that vascular dispersion in the liver is a determinant of high first-pass extraction of solutes by that organ. Such dispersion is also required for translation of in-vitro microsomal activity into in-vivo predictions of hepatic extraction for any solute. We therefore investigated the relative dispersion of albumin transit times (CV2) in the livers of adult and weanling rats and in elasmobranch livers. The mean and normalized variance of the hepatic transit time distribution of albumin was estimated using parametric non-linear regression (with a correction for catheter influence) after an impulse (bolus) input of labelled albumin into a single-pass liver perfusion. The mean +/- s.e. of CV2 for albumin determined in each of the liver groups were 0.85 +/- 0.20 (n = 12), 1.48 +/- 0.33 (n = 7) and 0.90 +/- 0.18 (n = 4) for the livers of adult and weanling rats and elasmobranch livers, respectively. These CV2 are comparable with that reported previously for the dog and suggest that the CV2 Of the liver is of a similar order of magnitude irrespective of the age and morphological development of the species. It might, therefore, be justified, in the absence of other information, to predict the hepatic clearances and availabilities of highly extracted solutes by scaling within and between species livers using hepatic elimination models such as the dispersion model with a CV2 of approximately unity.


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Engineering This investigation examined the rheological (viscosity and yield stress) and material property (density) characteristics of the thickened meal-time and videofluorscopy fluids provided by 10 major metropolitan hospitals. Differences in the thickness of thickened fluids were considered as a source of variability and potential hazard for inter-hospital transfers of dysphagic patients. The results indicated considerable differences in the viscosity, density, and yield stress of both meal-time and videofluoroscopy fluids. In theory, the results suggest that dysphagic patients transferred between hospitals could be placed on inappropriate levels of fluid thickness because of inherent differences in the rheology and material property characteristics of the fluids provided by different hospitals. Slowed improvement or medical complications are potential worst-case scenarios for dysphagic patients if the difference between the thick fluids offered by 2 hospitals are extreme. The investigation outlines the most appropriate way to assess the rheological and material property characteristics of thickened fluids. In addition, it suggests a plan of quality improvement to reduce the variability of the thickness of fluids offered at different hospitals.


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High performance video codec is mandatory for multimedia applications such as video-on-demand and video conferencing. Recent research has proposed numerous video coding techniques to meet the requirement in bandwidth, delay, loss and Quality-of-Service (QoS). In this paper, we present our investigations on inter-subband self-similarity within the wavelet-decomposed video frames using neural networks, and study the performance of applying the spatial network model to all video frames over time. The goal of our proposed method is to restore the highest perceptual quality for video transmitted over a highly congested network. Our contributions in this paper are: (1) A new coding model with neural network based, inter-subband redundancy (ISR) prediction for video coding using wavelet (2) The performance of 1D and 2D ISR prediction, including multiple levels of wavelet decompositions. Our result shows a short-term quality enhancement may be obtained using both 1D and 2D ISR prediction.


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This paper combines insights from the literature on the economics of organisation with traditional models of market structure to construct a theory of equilibrium firm size heterogeneity under the assumption of a homogenous product industry. It is possible that configurations consisting entirely of small firms (run by entrepreneurs with limited attention) and with larger firms (using managerial techniques to substitute away these limits to allow increasing returns technologies to become profitable) can arise in equilibrium. However, there also exist equilibrium configurations with the co-existence of large and small firms. The efficiency properties of these respective equilibria are discussed. Finally, the implications of an expanding market size are considered.


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Rumors collected from a large public hospital undergoing change were content analyzed, and a typology comprising the following five broad types of change-related rumors was developed: rumors about changes to job and working conditions, nature of organizational change, poor change management, consequences of the change for organizational performance, and gossip-rumors. Rumors were also classified as positive or negative on the basis of their content. As predicted, negative rumors were more prevalent than positive rumors. Finally, employees reporting negative rumors also reported more change-related stress as compared to those who reported positive rumors and those who did not report any rumors. The authors propose that rumors be treated as verbal symbols and expressions of employee concerns during organizational change.