948 resultados para intentional self-harm
The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training Programme for Northern Ireland has been adapted from the original MHFA programme established in Australia by Betty Kitchener and Anthony Jorm. MHFA is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem or who is currently in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until professional help is available or until the crisis resolves. More than 4,500 people have attended MHFA training in Northern Ireland since it began in 2009 following a successful pilot in 2005. The aims of MHFA are to: preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or others; provide help to prevent the mental health problem becoming more serious; promote the recovery of good mental health; provide comfort to a person experiencing a mental health problem. MHFA teaches participants: how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems; how to provide initial help; how to go about guiding a person towards appropriate professional help. The training programme is available to people from all backgrounds and has proved successful with different professional groups. MHFA training involves teaching participants how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and psychosis. Each course is delivered by two MHFA instructors, usually over two consecutive days and four sessions to a maximum of 20 delegates. The course can also be delivered one day a week for two weeks or in four three-hour sessions. To apply for the training programme, people should contact their local Health and Social care Trust. Each Trust runs MHFA training several times a year. Topics covered include: What is meant by mental health/mental ill health? Dealing with crisis situations such as suicidal behaviour, self-harm, panic attacks and acute psychotic behaviour. Recognising the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems including depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis and substance use disorders. Where and how to get help. Self help strategies.
The Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Mr Edwin Poots MLA, asked Department officials and the Public Health Agency to organise a workshop to support the implementation of the Protect Life Strategy and to consider what further action is needed in order to tackle the high level of suicides and self harm in Northern Ireland.The resulting report from the event is attached below.The event primarily provided an opportunity to explore the views and perspectives of the community and voluntary sector. Community�and Voluntary (C&V) organisations funded through the Northern Ireland�Suicide Prevention Strategy Protect Life - A Shared Vision (DHSSPS 2006) were personally invited to the workshop along with key representatives from the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS), the Public Health Agency (PHA), the Health�and Social Care Trusts (HSCT), the Health�and Social Care Board (HSCB) and members of the NI Executive Health Committee.In total, there were 118 participants, 54 from the statutory sector and 64 from the C&V sector. A full list of attendees is detailed in Appendix 1.
This leaflet lists the wide range of local support available in the Northern area to help improve mental health and emotional wellbeing and reduce the number of deaths by suicide. This leaflet is aimed at individuals and organisations to raise awareness of the support for individuals and communities.
Work to help communities prevent suicide has taken a further step forward with over 50 ASIST Trainers from across Northern Ireland completing the new ASIST 11 upgrader trainer course.The Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) enables people in a position of trust to recognise risk and learn how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide.The Public Health Agency (PHA) funded the upgrading training as part of their ongoing commitment to supporting quality training for a range of individuals, communities and organisations.Madeline Heaney, the PHA's strategic lead for Suicide Prevention, explained: "This programme enables people who have been trained to become more willing, ready and able to help those at risk of suicide, which can be vital in a crisis situation.�"We want to empower people who are in position of responsibility and care to know what to do if they find themselves in a situation where someone is at risk of taking their own lives."�ASIST has been delivered in Northern Ireland since 2003 and the course is designed for all caregivers or any person in a position of trust, making it useful for a range of people. The training is suitable for mental health professionals, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, teachers, counsellors, youth workers, police and prison staff, school support staff, clergy, community volunteers and the general public.This most recent training, which ASIST Trainers must complete, builds on previous editions and offers advances that help meet current challenges and provides new opportunities in helping to reduce suicides within communities.The intensive Trainer Upgrade was held in Derry/ Londonderry.More information on looking after your mental health and the support which is available across Northern Ireland can be found at www.mindingyourhead.info��You can also talk to your GP for advice.If you or someone you know is in distress or despair, call Lifeline on 0808 808 8000. This is a confidential service, where trained counsellors will listen and help immediately on the phone and follow up with other support if necessary. The helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also access the Lifeline website at www.lifelinehelpline.info
This pocket-sized leaflet advises young men on the steps they can take to promote good mental health, such as keeping active, talking through problems and taking time to relax.�
A guidance poster for newsrooms which includes ten things to remember when reporting suicide. The poster is taken from Samaritans and Irish Association of Suicidology's Media Guidelines for Reporting Suicide.
En milieu pédopsychiatrique, les infirmières connaissent bien le phénomène de l’automutilation des adolescentes parce qu’elles sont souvent appelées à intervenir lorsque ce type de situation survient. Cependant, puisqu’elles ont parfois une mauvaise compréhension du phénomène, des perceptions erronées et des attitudes négatives quant à celui-ci, les infirmières deviennent moins aptes à intervenir auprès de cette clientèle. Cette étude a pour objectifs d’explorer le phénomène de l’automutilation auprès des infirmières œuvrant en milieu pédopsychiatrique et de décrire les interventions infirmières privilégiées en cas d’automutilation ainsi que les facteurs du contexte organisationnel susceptible d’avoir une influence sur la façon dont ces interventions sont prodiguées. L’étude privilégie un devis qualitatif de type exploratoire. Plusieurs méthodes de collecte des données ont été sélectionnées pour mener à bien cette étude entre autres des entrevues auprès des participantes et une période d’observation au sein de l’unité où la recherche a eu lieu. L’analyse des verbatim selon les étapes élaborées par Tesch (1990) a permis d’identifier sept catégories d’interventions infirmières : les interventions de relation d’aide, d’accompagnement, d’évaluation, de sécurité, d’enseignement, les interventions en lien avec les émotions et les perceptions de l’automutilation ainsi que les interventions pour éviter la contamination sociale. En ce qui a trait aux facteurs ayant une influence sur ces interventions infirmières, trois catégories sont ressorties des données : la constitution de l’équipe interpersonnelle, la lourdeur des tâches de l’infirmière en pédopsychiatrie ainsi que la culture organisationnelle dans laquelle évoluent les membres de l’équipe soignante. Les résultats qui sont issus de cette étude permettront aux infirmières de mieux comprendre le phénomène de l’automutilation chez les adolescentes. Cette étude suggère également des pistes d’interventions qui pourraient aider les infirmières œuvrant en milieu pédopsychiatrique à mieux intervenir. De plus, cette étude serait susceptible de permettre aux gestionnaires des établissements d’apporter certains ajustements notamment en ce qui a trait à l’organisation du travail et à la formation des infirmières.
Objectives To evaluate the effectiveness of integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy in addition to standard care for patients with psychosis and a co-morbid substance use problem. Design Two-centre, open, rater-blind randomised controlled trial Setting UK Secondary Care Participants 327 patients with clinical diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizophreniform or schizoaffective disorder and DSM-IV diagnoses of drug and/or alcohol dependence or abuse Interventions Participants were randomly allocated to integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy or standard care. Therapy has two phases. Phase one – “motivation building” – concerns engaging the patient, then exploring and resolving ambivalence for change in substance use. Phase two –“Action” – supports and facilitates change using cognitive behavioural approaches. Up to 26 therapy sessions were delivered over one year. Main outcomes The primary outcome was death from any cause or admission to hospital in the 12 months after therapy. Secondary outcomes were frequency and amount of substance use (Timeline Followback), readiness to change, perceived negative consequences of use, psychotic symptom ratings, number and duration of relapses, global assessment of functioning and deliberate self harm, at 12 and 24 months, with additional Timeline Followback assessments at 6 and 18 months. Analysis was by intention-to-treat with robust treatment effect estimates. Results 327 participants were randomised. 326 (99.7%) were assessed on the primary outcome, 246 (75.2%) on main secondary outcomes at 24 months. Regarding the primary outcome, there was no beneficial treatment effect on hospital admissions/ death during follow-up, with 20.2% (33/163) of controls and 23.3% (38/163) of the therapy group deceased or admitted (adjusted odds-ratio 1.16; P= 0.579; 95% confidence interval 0.68 to 1.99). For secondary outcomes there was no treatment effect on frequency of substance use or perceived negative consequences, but a statistically significant effect of therapy on amount used per substance-using day (adjusted odds-ratios: (a) for main substance 1.50; P=0.016; 1.08 to 2.09, (b) all substances 1.48; P=0.017; 1.07 to 2.05). There was a statistically significant treatment effect on readiness to change use at 12 months (adjusted odds-ratio 2.05; P=0.004; 1.26 to 3.31), not maintained at 24 months. There were no treatment effects on assessed clinical outcomes. Conclusions Integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy for people with psychosis and substance misuse does not improve outcome in terms of hospitalisation, symptom outcomes or functioning. It does result in a reduction in amount of substance use which is maintained over the year’s follow up. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials: ISRCTN14404480
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur ungdomar med självskadebeteende upplever bemötandet från vårdpersonalen. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt där sju kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar samt en kvantitativ vetenskaplig artikel användes. Datainsamlingen gjordes i databaserna PubMed, Psyc INFO och CINAHL Resultat: Resultatet av denna studie visade på att de flesta av ungdomarna med självskadebeteende inte sökte vård då de antingen var rädda för att förvärra sina problem eller för att de inte visste vart de skulle vända sig. De valde att i första hand söka hjälp hos sina vänner. Resultatet visade på tre kategorier. Dessa var: rädsla för vården, negativa upplevelser av bemötandet och positiva upplevelser av bemötandet. I resultatet framkom att av de som sökte hjälp inom sjukvården kände sig många missnöjda. Dessa ungdomar upplevde att det största problemet under vårdtiden var negativa attityder och dåligt bemötande från personalen. De ungdomar som tagit överdoser var övervägande positiva till det bemötande och den vård de fått till skillnad från de som inte tagit överdoser. Slutsats: Studien visade att ungdomar inte söker hjälp av sjukvården för sitt självskadebeteende då de är rädda för att deras problem ska förvärras eller att de inte ska bli förstådda eller tagna på allvar. De som ändå söker hjälp upplever att de får en annan hjälp än den de önskar.
Deliberate self harm as defined pathologically as well as socially is becoming an increasing phenomenon within forensic psychiatry. Nurses working with patients who have self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic psychiatry face different challenges which affect their feelings and attitudes in different ways, in their nursing practice. Purpose: To explore nurses’ experiences of caring for patients who suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic psychiatry. Method: Qualitative semi- structured interview s from eight nurses working within the forensic psychiatric clinic. Interviews were analysed by using a qualitative content analysis. Results: They worked strategically and emphasized the importance of teamwork, good communication and urged for the need to get necessary education, staff focused tutoring and patient focused therapy. Conclusion: Need for necessary education, patient focused therapy and staff focused tutor is needed to empower staff working with patients who are confined within forensic psychiatry and suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour.
Background There is a lack of international research on suicide by drug overdose as a preventable suicide method. Sex- and age-specific rates of suicide by drug self-poisoning (ICD-10, X60-64) and the distribution of drug types used in 16 European countries were studied, and compared with other self-poisoning methods (X65-69) and intentional self-injury (X70-84). Methods Data for 2000-04/05 were collected from national statistical offices. Age-adjusted suicide rates, and age and sex distributions, were calculated. Results No pronounced sex differences in drug self-poisoning rates were found, either in the aggregate data (males 1.6 and females 1.5 per 100,000) or within individual countries. Among the 16 countries, the range (from some 0.3 in Portugal to 5.0 in Finland) was wide. 'Other and unspecified drugs' (X64) were recorded most frequently, with a range of 0.2-1.9, and accounted for more than 70% of deaths by drug overdose in France, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain. Psychotropic drugs (X61) ranked second. The X63 category ('other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system') was least frequently used. Finland showed low X64 and high X61 figures, Scotland had high levels of X62 ('narcotics and hallucinogens, not elsewhere classified') for both sexes, while England exceeded other countries in category X60. Risk was highest among the middle-aged everywhere except in Switzerland, where the elderly were most at risk. Conclusions Suicide by drug overdose is preventable. Intentional self-poisoning with drugs kills as many males as females. The considerable differences in patterns of self-poisoning found in the various European countries are relevant to national efforts to improve diagnostics of suicide and appropriate specific prevention. The fact that vast majority of drug-overdose suicides came under the category X64 refers to the need of more detailed ICD coding system for overdose suicides is needed to permit better design of suicide-prevention strategies at national level.
This is a pilot study whose objective was to collect data on attempted suicide in 5 districts of Shanghai and to test the feasibility of introducing an ongoing monitoring of attempted suicide. Data on a total of 363 cases were collected. The mean age of the patients was 33 years, 67% being female. Ingesting drugs or other chemical substances was the main method used for self-harm. Reasons for attempted suicide in these districts of Shanghai often appear to be related to family conflicts and unemployment. In spite of methodological limitations, the recorded data allow some preliminary conclusions regarding the characteristics of patients in districts of Shanghai admitted after a suicide attempt. Continuous monitoring of attempted suicide in this urban area of China should be established and data collection improved to raise awareness in health professionals and to develop preventive measures geared toward the needs of these patients.
Background: Adjustment disorders (also known as mental distress in response to a stressor) are among the most frequently diagnosed mental disorders in psychiatry and clinical psychology worldwide. They are also commonly diagnosed in clients engaging in deliberate self-harm and in those consulting general practitioners. However, their reputation in research-oriented mental health remains weak since they are largely underresearched. This may change when the International Statistical Classification of Diseases-11 (ICD-11) by the World Health Organization is introduced, including a new conceptualization of adjustment disorders as a stress-response disorder with positively defined core symptoms. Objective: This paper provides an overview of evidence-based interventions for adjustment disorders. Methods: We reviewed the new ICD-11 concept of adjustment disorder and discuss the the rationale and case study of an unguided self-help protocol for burglary victims with adjustment disorder, and its possible implementation as an eHealth intervention. Results: Overall, the treatment with the self-help manual reduced symptoms of adjustment disorder, namely preoccupation and failure to adapt, as well as symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Conclusions: E-mental health options are considered uniquely suited for offering early intervention after the experiences of stressful life events that potentially trigger adjustment disorders.
La salud, como derecho primordial de toda persona, adquiere una connotación especial cuando la persona tiene una discapacidad. El término Discapacidad describe una restricción o ausencia, debido a una deficiencia, de la capacidad de realizar una actividad en la forma o dentro del margen que se considera normal para el ser humano. Si nos referimos concretamente a la salud bucal, podemos decir, que presentan alta incidencia de patologías por lo que constituyen un grupo de riesgo con una gran necesidad de cuidados dentales. Es importante destacar que gran parte de las personas con Discapacidad, no pueden expresar en palabras o determinar claramente su proceso patológico y así toleran importantes dolores demostrados mediante el aumento de la irritabilidad, la inactividad, la pérdida de apetito, los problemas de sueño, la autoagresión, etc. Esta falta de certeza y reacciones adversas genera una situación familiar de alteración de la vida cotidiana y desconcierto, además de comenzar a realizar una serie de consultas a psiquiatra, otorrinolaringólogo, neurólogo, clínico, entre otros especialistas. Dicha situación puede ser previsible mediante controles odontológicos periódicos, derivación temprana a exámenes bucales por parte de médicos y/u otros especialistas tratantes, interconsulta con odontólogo ante cambios de conducta o autoagresión. La prevención y el cuidado de la salud dental en los pacientes con discapacidad favorecen el mantenimiento de la salud general y proporcionan una mayor calidad de vida. La intervención del odontólogo en patologías ya instaladas consiste en la eliminación de la sintomatología, detención y tratamiento de las lesiones, restauración de la función y la estética.
Culture is a central but debated concept in many disciplines and its complexity may become an even bigger source of argument in Suicidology. In spite of the intricacy of the study of this construct, the paper illustrates that various scholars have recognised the relevance of culture and ethnicity in the understanding of suicidal behaviour. The author provides evidence of the need to pay more attention to the meaning and interpretation of suicide in cross-cultural research and underlines the necessity to establish cultural-sensitive prevention strategies. The paper closes by providing methodological considerations and suggestions for future research on cultural aspects of suicidal behaviour.