989 resultados para hydrothermal treatment


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The TEM study of titanium-containing ZSM-5 zeolite before and after hydrothermal treatment was performed. The use of different TEM techniques, such as conventional TEM, HRTEM and EDX-line scans provides important information about the microscopic structure of the zeolite catalyst consisting from several phases. The hydrothermal treatment of zeolite powder leads to strong changes in the morphology of the constituting particles. They are characterized by a homogeneous structure before hydrothermal treatment while the occurrence of holes after thermal treatment was observed, These changes lead to the enrichment of zeolite with titanium which obviously enhance its catalytic activity. Some of the titanium surplus precipitates as TiO2 anatase nanoparticles within the holes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to investigate the effect of acid properties on the coke behavior and stability of butene aromatization, we prepared the AHZSM-5 samples with various acid properties by the methods of hydrothernial treatment and K addition. The reaction of butene aromatization was carried out at 350 degrees C and 0.5 MPa in a continuous flow fixed bed. The characterization of the fresh/coked catalysts with NH3-TPD, N-2 adsorption-desorption measurement, and TG techniques has shown that a large amount of acid sites (high acid density) of the AHZMS-5 catalyst can cause a large quantity of coke deposit and serious channel blockage, and so result in a rapid loss of aromatization activity. On the contrary, after a great reduction in strong acid sites of AHZSM-5 catalyst resulting from some K-modification, the presence of only many weak acid sites also could not lessen the formation of coke nor improve the reaction stability of butene aromatization. Interestingly, the simultaneous reduction in the strong and weak acid sites to a desirable level by hydrothermal treating the AHZSM-5 catalyst at a proper temperature can effectively suppress the coke formation and channel blockage, and thus improve its olefin aromatization stability. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work reports the successful realization of MoS2 nanotubes by a novel intercalation chemistry and hydrothermal treatment. An inorganic-organic precursor of hexadecylamine (HDA) and molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) were used in synthesizing the nanocomposite comprising laminar MoS2 with HDA intercalated in the interlaminar spacing. The formation of MoS2 nanotubes occurred during hydrothermal treatment (HT) by a self-organized rolling mechanism. The nanotubes were observed to have dimensions 2-12 µm in length and inner diameters typically in the range of 25-100 nm. We also report the formation of amorphous nanocoils of MoS2 obtained during similar procedures.


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Tungsten carbide (WC) with controlled pore size distribution was synthesized using a novel “precursor reassembly” method. The precursor crystal was assembled by mixing ammonium metatungstate (AMT) and ammonium carbonate (AC) in distilled water, followed by hydrothermal treatment. The mesostructure, crystal phase, and amount of deposited graphitic carbon can be conveniently tuned by controlling carburizing atmosphere (CO or a CO/H2 mixture). Moreover, the influence of precursor preparation (AMT/AC mass ratio and hydrothermal temperature) on the materials was also investigated. The resultant materials with low carbon content were mesoporous WCs, which showed high specific surface areas (11.3-20.4 m2 g-1) and adjustable pore-size distributions (average pore size: 15.3-22.3 nm). A mechanism for the formation of WC with a controllable porous framework is proposed. Finally, cyclic voltammetry was used to investigate the inference of different mesoporous structure.


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As propriedades funcionais dos materiais ferroeléctricos tais como a polarização reversível, piroelectricidade, piezoelectricidade, elevada actividade óptica não linear e comportamento dieléctrico não linear são fundamentais para a sua aplicação em sensores, microactuadores, detectores de infravermelhos, filtros de fase de microondas e memórias não-voláteis. Nos últimos anos, motivado pelas necessidades industriais de redução do tamanho dos dispositivos microelectrónicos, aumentando a eficiência volumétrica, tem sido feito um grande esforço ao nível da investigação para desenvolver estruturas ferroeléctricas à escala micro- e nano- métrica. É sabido que a redução de tamanho em materiais ferroeléctricos afecta significamente as suas propriedades. Neste sentido e considerando que foi previsto teoreticamente por cálculos ab initio que estruturas do tipo nanocilindros e nanodiscos apresentariam um novo tipo de ordem ferroeléctrica e, na expectativa de alcançar conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de uma nova geração de dispositivos microelectróncos, existe um grande interesse em desenvolver métodos de fabrico de nanoestruturas ferroeléctricas unidimensionais (1D) tais como nanocilindros e nanotubos. As estratégias de fabrico de nanoestruturas 1D até agora descritas na literatura indicam claramente as dificuldades inerentes à sua preparação. Existem duas grandes vias de síntese destas nanoestruturas: i) o método “topdown” que consiste na redução de tamanho de um dado material até à obtenção duma estrutura 1D; e ii) o método “bottom-up” em que átomos, iões e moléculas são agrupados para formar um material 1D. O método “top down” envolve em geral técnicas de desgaste, como o uso do feixe de electrões, que apesar de permitirem elevada precisão no posicionamento e no controlo do tamanho, falham em termos de resolução, exigem muito tempo e causam facilmente defeitos que deterioram as propriedades físicas destes materiais. Na metodologia “bottom up” a utilização de moléculas ou estruturas “molde” tem sido a mais explorada. As estructuras 1D podem também ser preparadas sem recorrer a “moldes”. Neste caso a agregação orientada é promovida pelo recurso a aditivos que controlam o crescimento dos cristais em direcções preferenciais. Neste contexto, neste trabalho utilizaram-se duas estratégias “bottom up” de baixo custo para a preparação de nanopartículas de titanato de bário (BaTiO3) com morfologia controlada: 1) síntese química (em solução e em fase vapor) com utilização de nanotubos de titanato TiNTs) como “moldes” e precursores de titânio 2) síntese química em solução com presença de aditivos. Os nanotubos de titanato de sódio foram preparados por síntese hidrotermal. Como existiam muitas dúvidas acerca da natureza estrutural e do mecanismo de formação dos NTs, a parte inicial do trabalho foi dedicada à realização de um estudo sistemático dos parâmetros intervenientes na síntese e à caracterização da sua estrutura e microestrutura. Foi demonstrado que os NTs têm a fórmula geral A2Ti2O5 (A = H+ or Na+), e não TiO2 (anátase) com defendido por vários autores na literatura, e podem ser preparados por método hidrotermal em meio fortemente alcalino usando como fonte de titânio TiO2 comercial na forma de anátase ou rútilo. A menor reactividade do rútilo exige temperaturas de síntese superiores ou tempos de reacção mais longos. A forma tubular resulta do tratamento hidrotermal e não de processos de lavagem e neutralização subsequentes. Se os NTs forem tratados após a síntese hidrotérmica em água a 200 ºC, transformam-se em nanocilindros. Uma das partes principais desta tese consistiu na investigação do papel dos NTs de titanato no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3. O potencial funcionamento dos NTs como “moldes” para além de precursores foi testado em reacção com hidróxido de bário em síntese em solução e por reacção com um precursor orgânico de bário em fase vapor. Tendo por base os estudos cinéticos realizados, bem como as alterações estruturais e morfológicas das amostras, é possível concluir que a formação do BaTiO3 a partir de NTs de titanato de sódio, ocorre por dois mecanismos dependendo da temperatura e tempo de reacção. Assim, a baixa temperatura e curto tempo de reacção verifica-se que se formam partículas dendríticas de BaTiO3 cuja superfície é bastante irregular (“wild”) e que apresentam estrutura pseudo-cúbica. Estas partículas formam-se por reacção topotáctica na fronteira dos nanotubos de titanato de sódio. A temperaturas mais altas e/ou reacções mais longas, a reacção é controlada por um mecanismo de dissolução e precipitação com formação de dendrites de BaTiO3 tetragonais com superfície mais regular (“seaweed”). A microscopia de força piezoeléctrica mostrou que as dendrites “seaweeds“ possuem actividade piezoeléctrica superior à das dendrites “wild”, o que confirma o papel desempenhado pela estrutura e pela concentração de defeitos na rede na coerência e ordem ferroeléctrica de nanoestruturas. Os nossos resultados confirmam que os NTs de titanato não actuam facilmente como “moldes” na síntese em solução de BaTiO3 já que a velocidade de dissolução dos NTs em condições alcalinas é superior à velocidade de formação do BaTiO3. Assumindo que a velocidade de reacção dos NTs com o precursor de bário é superior em fase vapor, efectuou-se a deposição de um precursor orgânico de bário por deposição química de vapor sobre um filme de NTs de titnato de sódio depositados por deposição electroforética. Estudou-se a estabilidade dos NTs nas diferentes condições do reactor. Quando os NTs são tratados a temperaturas superiores a 700 ºC, ocorre a transformação dos NTs em nanocilindros de anatase por um mecanismo de agregação orientada. Quando se faz a deposição do precursor de bário, seguida de calcinação a 700 ºC em atmosfera oxidante de O2, verifica-se que a superficie dos NTs fica coberta com nanocristais de BaTiO3 independentemente da concentração de bário. O papel dos NTs de titanato no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3 em fase vapor é assim descrito pela primeira vez. Em relação à metodologias de crescimento de partículas na ausência de “moldes” mas com aditivos fez-se um estudo sistemático utilizando 5 aditivos de natureza differente. As diferenças entre aditivos foram sistematizadas tendo em conta as diferenças estruturais e morfológicas verificadas. Está provado que os aditivos podem funcionar como modificadores de crescimento cristalino por alteração do seu padrão de crescimento ou por alteração da cinética de crescimento das faces cristalográficas do cristal. Entre os aditivos testados verificou-se que o ácido poliacrilíco adsorve em faces específicas do BaTiO3 alterando a cinética de crescimento e induzindo a agregação orientada das partículas. O polivinilpirrolidona, o docecilsulfato de sódio e hidroxipropilmetilcelulose actuam mais como inibidores de crescimento do que como modificadores do tipo de crescimento. A D-frutose aumenta a energia de activação da etapa de nucleação não ocorrendo formação de BaTiO3 para as mesmas condições dos outros aditivos. Esta tese clarifica o papel dos NTs de titanato de sódio enquanto precursores e “moldes” no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3 em solução e em fase vapor. É feita também a abordagem do controlo morfológico do BaTiO3 através do uso de aditivos. As estratégias de preparação de BaTiO3 propostas são de baixo custo, reprodutíveis e fáceis de efectuar. Os resultados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da relação tamanho – morfologia – propriedade em materiais ferroeléctricos nanométricos com vista à sua potencial aplicação.


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This thesis summarizes the results on the growth and characterisation of thin films of HA grown on TiAl6V4 (Ti) implant material at a lower substrate temperature by a combination of Pulsed laser deposition and a hydrothermal treatment to get sufficiently strong crystalline films suitable for orthopaedic applications. The comparison of the properties of the coated substrate has been made with other surface modification techniques like anodization and chemical etching. The in-vitro study has been conducted on the surface modified implants to assess its cell viability. A molecular level study has been conducted to analyze the adhesion mechanism of protein adhesion molecules on to HA coated implants.


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FePt magnetic nanoparticles are an important candidate material for many future magnetic applications. FePt exists as two main phases, that is, a disordered face-centered cubic (fcc) structure, which is generally prepared by chemical methods at low temperatures, and the high-temperature chemically ordered face-centered tetragonal (fct) structure. The fee FePt, with low coercivity but associated with superparamagnetic properties, may find applications as a magnetic fluid or as a nanoscale carrier for chemical or biochemical species in biomedical areas, while fct FePt is proposed for use in ultrahigh-density magnetic recording applications. However, for both of these applications an enhancement of the intrinsically weak magnetic properties, the avoidance of magnetic interferences from neighbor particles, and the improved stability of the small magnetic body remain key practical issues. We report a simple synthetic method for producing FePt nanoparticles that involves hydrothermal treatment of Fe and Pt precursors in glucose followed by calcination at 900 degrees C. This new method produces thermally stable spheroidal graphite nanoparticles (large and fullerene-like) that encapsulate or decorate FePt particles of ca. 5 nm with no severe macroscopic particle coalescence. Also, a low coercivity of the material is recorded; indicative of small magnetic interference from neighboring carbon-coated particles. Thus, this simple synthetic method involves the use of a more environmentally acceptable glucose/aqueous phase to offer a protective coating for FePt nanoparticles. It is also believed that such a synthetic protocol can be readily extended to the preparation of other graphite-coated magnetic iron alloys of controlled size, stoichiometry, and physical properties.


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The synthesis of FDU-1 silica with large cage-like mesopores prepared with a new triblock copolymer Vorasurf 504 (R) (Eo)(38)(BO)(46)(EO)(38) was developed. The hydrothermal treatment temperature, the dissolution of the copolymer in ethanol, the HCl concentration, the solution stirring time and the hydrothermal treatment time in a microwave oven were evaluated with factorial design procedures. The dissolution in ethanol is important to produce a material with better porous morphology. Increases in the hydrothermal temperature (100 degrees C) and HCl concentration (2 M) improved structural, textural and chemical properties of the cubic ordered mesoporous silica. Also, longer times induced better physical and chemical property characteristics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work the synthesis of cubic, FDU-1 type, ordered mesoporous silica (OMS) was developed from two types of silicon source, tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and a less expensive compound, sodium silicate (Na(2)Si(3)O(7)), in the presence of a new triblock copolymer template Vorasurf 504 (EO(38)BO(46)EO(38)). For both silicon precursors the synthesis temperature was evaluated. For TEOS the effect of polymer dissolution in methanol and the acid solution (HCl and HBr) on the material structure was analyzed. For Na(2)Si(3)O(7) the influence of the polymer mass and the hydrothermal treatment time were the explored experimental parameters. The samples were examined by Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and Nitrogen Sorption. For both precursors the decrease on the synthesis temperature from ambient, -25 degrees C, to -15 degrees C improved the ordered porous structure. For TEOS, the SAXS results showed that there is an optimum amount of hydrophobic methanol that contributed to dissolve the polymer but did not provoke structural disorder. The less electronegative Br-ions, when compared to Cl-, induced a more ordered porous structure, higher surface areas and larger lattice parameters. For Na(2)Si(3)O(7) the increase on the hydrothermal treatment time as well as the use of an optimized amount of polymer promoted a better ordered porous structure. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Titanate nanotubes (TiNTs) were obtained by hydrothermal treatment of anatase powder in aqueous NaOH solution and then modified with 2,9,16,23-tertracarboxyl phthalocyanine copper(H) (CuPc). This hybrid organic inorganic nanoscopic system was characterized by X-ray diffraction, microscopy, and spectroscopy. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of pure and modified TiNTs revealed multiwall structures with an average outer diameter of 9 nm and a length of several hundred nanometers. The tubular morphology of the TiNTs was covered with CuPc-film. The amount of CuPc adsorbed onto the TiNTs was quantified by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Using the same technique and spin-trapping methodology, the photogeneration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the TiNTs was systematically investigated. A drastic quenching of photoactivity was observed in the CuPc/TiNT hybrid system. Electron transfer from excited CuPc states to the TiNT conduction band followed by electron recombination may be the cause of this quenching.


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In the present study, the influence of calcium ion deposition on the apatite-inducing ability of porous titanium(Ti) was investigated in a modified simulated body fluid (m-SBF). Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) solutions with five degrees of saturation were used to hydrothermally deposit Ca ions on porous Ti with a porosity of 80%. Apatite-inducing ability of the Ca-ion-deposited porous Ti was evaluated by soaking them in m-SBF for up to 14 days. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD) confirmed that a thin layer of calcium titanate (CaTiO3)/calcium oxide (CaO) mixture with a nanostructured porous network was produced on porous Ti substrates after hydrothermal treatment at 200 °C for 8 h. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results demonstrated that the content of the Ca ions deposited on Ti and the thickness of the CaTiO3/CaO layer increased with increasing saturation degree of the Ca(OH)2 solution. The thickest (over 10 nm) CaTiO3/CaO layer with the highest Ca content was achieved on the Ti treated in an oversaturated Ca(OH)2 solution (0.2 M). SEM, XRD, transmission electron microscopy and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy analysis indicated that the porous Ti samples deposited with the highest content of Ca ions exhibited the best apatite-inducing ability, producing a dense and complete carbonated apatite coating after a 14 day soaking in m-SBF. The present study illustrated the validity of using Ca ion deposition as a pre-treatment to endow desirable apatite-inducing ability of porous Ti for bone tissue engineering applications.


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A combination of AFM, SEM and permeation experiments suggests that the amplitude of corrugation of chemically converted graphene (CCG) sheets in water can be readily controlled by hydrothermal treatment, leading to a new class of permeation-tuneable nanofiltration membranes.


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Novel TiO2 single crystalline nanorods were synthesized by electrospinning and hydrothermal treatment. The role of the TiO2 nanorods on TiO2 nanoparticle electrode in improvement of light harvesting and photovoltaic properties of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) was examined. Although the TiO2 nanorods had lower dye loading than TiO2 nanoparticle, they showed higher light utilization behaviour. Electron transfer in TiO2 nanorods received less resistance than that in TiO2 nanoparticle aggregation. By just applying a thin layer of TiO2 nanorods on TiO2 nanoparticle working electrode, the DSSC device light harvesting ability and energy conversion efficiency were improved significantly. The thickness of the nanorod layer in the working electrode played an important role in determining the photovoltaic property of DSSCs. An energy conversion efficiency as high as 6.6% was found on a DSSC device with the working electrode consisting of a 12 μm think TiO2 nanoparticle layer covered with 3 μm thick TiO2 nanorods. The results obtained from this study may benefit further design of highly efficient DSSCs.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The types of products manufactured calcium silicate blocks are very diversified in its characteristics. They include accessory bricks, blocks, products in dense material, with or without reinforcements of hardware, great units in cellular material, and thermal insulating products. The elements calcium silicate are of great use in the prefabricated construction, being formed for dense masses and hardened by autoclaving. This work has for objective develop formulations that make possible the obtaining of calcium silicate blocks with characteristics that correspond the specifications technical, in the State of the Rio Grande of the North, in finality of obtaining technical viability for use in the civil construction. The work studied the availability raw materials from convenient for the production of calcium silicate blocks, and the effect of variations of the productive process on the developed products. The studied raw materials were: the quartz sand from the city of São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, and two lime, a hydrated lime and a pure lime from the city of Governador Dix-Sept Rosado/RN. The raw materials collected were submitted a testes to particle size distribution, fluorescence of X rays, diffraction of X rays. Then were produced 8 formulations and made body-of-test by uniaxial pressing at 36 MPa, and cured for 7 hours at about 18 kgf/cm2 pressing and temperature of approximately 180 °C. The cure technological properties evaluated were: lineal shrinkage, apparent density, apparent porosity, water absorption, modulus of rupture flexural (3 points), resistance compression, phase analysis (XRD) and micromorphological analysis (SEM). From the results presented the technological properties, was possible say that utilization of hydrated lime becomes more viable its utilization in mass limestone silica, for manufacture of calcium silicate blocks