756 resultados para health food store
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Cartel y tríptico
BACKGROUND The effect of the macronutrient composition of the usual diet on long term weight maintenance remains controversial. METHODS 373,803 subjects aged 25-70 years were recruited in 10 European countries (1992-2000) in the PANACEA project of the EPIC cohort. Diet was assessed at baseline using country-specific validated questionnaires and weight and height were measured at baseline and self-reported at follow-up in most centers. The association between weight change after 5 years of follow-up and the iso-energetic replacement of 5% of energy from one macronutrient by 5% of energy from another macronutrient was assessed using multivariate linear mixed-models. The risk of becoming overweight or obese after 5 years was investigated using multivariate Poisson regressions stratified according to initial Body Mass Index. RESULTS A higher proportion of energy from fat at the expense of carbohydrates was not significantly associated with weight change after 5 years. However, a higher proportion of energy from protein at the expense of fat was positively associated with weight gain. A higher proportion of energy from protein at the expense of carbohydrates was also positively associated with weight gain, especially when carbohydrates were rich in fibre. The association between percentage of energy from protein and weight change was slightly stronger in overweight participants, former smokers, participants ≥60 years old, participants underreporting their energy intake and participants with a prudent dietary pattern. Compared to diets with no more than 14% of energy from protein, diets with more than 22% of energy from protein were associated with a 23-24% higher risk of becoming overweight or obese in normal weight and overweight subjects at baseline. CONCLUSION Our results show that participants consuming an amount of protein above the protein intake recommended by the American Diabetes Association may experience a higher risk of becoming overweight or obese during adult life.
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Ciudadanía / Salud Pública / .Esta publicación es una actualización de los contenidos de la "Propuesta didáctica. Promoción de la salud bucodental en el ámbito escolar. Programa Aprende a sonreír" (2003)
OBJECTIVE We investigated the association between the proportion of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in plasma phospholipids from blood samples drawn at enrollment and subsequent change in body weight. Sex, age, and BMI were considered as potential effect modifiers. METHOD A total of 1,998 women and men participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) were followed for a median of 4.9 years. The associations between the proportion of plasma phospholipid long-chain n-3 PUFA and change in weight were investigated using mixed-effect linear regression. RESULTS The proportion of long-chain n-3 PUFA was not associated with change in weight. Among all participants, the 1-year weight change was -0.7 g per 1% point higher long-chain n-3 PUFA level (95% confidence interval: -20.7 to 19.3). The results when stratified by sex, age, or BMI groups were not systematically different. CONCLUSION The results of this study suggest that the proportion of long-chain n-3 PUFA in plasma phospholipids is not associated with subsequent change in body weight within the range of exposure in the general population.
BACKGROUND Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most prevalent form of liver cancer, is difficult to diagnose and has limited treatment options with a low survival rate. Aside from a few key risk factors, such as hepatitis, high alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, and diabetes, there is incomplete etiologic understanding of the disease and little progress in identification of early risk biomarkers. METHODS To address these aspects, an untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomic approach was applied to pre-diagnostic serum samples obtained from first incident, primary HCC cases (n = 114) and matched controls (n = 222) identified from amongst the participants of a large European prospective cohort. RESULTS A metabolic pattern associated with HCC risk comprised of perturbations in fatty acid oxidation and amino acid, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism was observed. Sixteen metabolites of either endogenous or exogenous origin were found to be significantly associated with HCC risk. The influence of hepatitis infection and potential liver damage was assessed, and further analyses were made to distinguish patterns of early or later diagnosis. CONCLUSION Our results show clear metabolic alterations from early stages of HCC development with application for better etiologic understanding, prevention, and early detection of this increasingly common cancer.
With the failure of the traditional mechanisms of distributing bibliographic materials into developing countries, digital libraries show up as a strong alternative in accomplishing such job, despite the challenges of the digital divide. This paper discusses the challenges of building a digital library (DL) in a developing country. The case of Cape Verde as a digital divide country is analyzed, in terms of current digital library usage and its potentiality for fighting the difficulties in accessing bibliographic resources in the country. The paper also introduces an undergoing project of building a digital library at the University Jean Piaget of Cape Verde.
Older Iowans are independent and want to stay that way – even in tough times. Good health is important to staying independent. Food Assistance can help you buy the groceries you need to stay healthy. Everyone deserves a nutritious meal. Food Assistance can help you buy foods that taste good and are good for you! Stay well for yourself and for your family. Call 2-1-1 and get connected to the Food Assistance office that serves your community. They can help you apply for an EBT card. The people who work in the Food Assistance Program really do care about your family’s health. Food Assistance is not a hand out . . . it’s a helping hand.
The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population-scaled epidemiological studies in the absence of genetic knowledge may result in erroneous scientific conclusions and misinformed nutritional recommendations. To circumvent such issues and more comprehensively probe the relationship between genes and diet, the field of nutrition has begun to capitalize on both the technologies and supporting analytical software brought forth in the post-genomic era. The creation of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, two fields with distinct approaches to elucidate the interaction between diet and genes but with a common ultimate goal to optimize health through the personalization of diet, provide powerful approaches to unravel the complex relationship between nutritional molecules, genetic polymorphisms, and the biological system as a whole. Reluctance to embrace these new fields exists primarily due to the fear that producing overwhelming quantities of biological data within the confines of a single study will submerge the original query; however, the current review aims to position nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics as the emerging faces of nutrition that, when considered with more classical approaches, will provide the necessary stepping stones to achieve the ambitious goal of optimizing an individual's health via nutritional intervention.
The study and use of natural pigments in food industries have increased in recent years due to the toxicity presented by artificial pigments. Monascus ruber is a filamentous fungus that produces red, orange, and yellow pigments under different growing conditions. The growth of health food market has increased in parallel with the growth in biofuels production, such as biodiesel, which generates a concomitant increase in the production of glycerin that can be used in bioprocesses. The objective of this study was to use glycerin and glucose as substrates in the production of natural pigments in a bioreactor. The culture of Monascus ruber was carried out in a Bioflo III reactor with 4 L of working volume and pH, temperature, aeration, and agitation control. The highest pigment production was observed after 60 hours of fungal culture with 8.28 UA510 of red pigment. The pH range remained from 5.45 to 6.23 favoring the release of red pigment in the medium. This study shows the feasibility of the production of natural pigments by Monascus ruber in a bioreactor using a co-product of biodiesel without previous treatment as a substrate.
Abstract In order to take full advantage of Tenebrio molitor larvae (yellow mealworm) resources, the supercritical CO2 fluid freeze-dried powder of T. molitor larvae (fdTML) extraction on the immune systems of mice was carried out. The results about the effects of supercritical CO2 fluid fdTML extraction on carbon expurgation and phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages experiments of mice indicated that the fdTML extraction enhanced observably carbon expurgatory index, phagocytic rate and phagocytic index. The fdTML extraction could stimulate response of delayed hypersensitivity. The proliferation of ConA-induced mitogenic reponse for spleen lymphocyte was also increased. The amount of hemolytic antibody in mice serum increased compared with those of the control group mice. The half of hemolysis values in serum of treated mice increased compared to the control group. Furthermore, serum NO content in all treatment groups was higher than that of the control group whereas acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activity was only significantly higher relative to the control group. Our findings suggest that supercritical CO2 fluid the fdTML extraction has potential as a health food supplement.
Objectifs. L’objectif principal est de documenter, auprès de finissants universitaires en nutrition au Québec, leurs motivations professionnelles ainsi que leur perception de la profession et de ses enjeux et comparer certaines données avec celles obtenues chez des diététistes. Méthode. Un sondage électronique a été effectué auprès des étudiants finissants en nutrition des trois universités du Québec offrant le programme. Le questionnaire comprenait 35 questions, dont trois qualitatives. Deux questions référaient à la méthode des incidents critiques. Pour les diététistes, les données colligées par l’OPDQ en 2009 furent utilisées. Résultats. Au total, 72 étudiants ont répondu au questionnaire et 597 diététistes avaient complété le sondage de l’OPDQ. Un intérêt pour la nutrition, la santé, les aliments et le désir d’aider les autres sont les principales motivations pour entreprendre des études en nutrition et plus de la moitié souhaitent poursuivre des études supérieures dans ce domaine. Une majorité d’entre eux privilégient travailler avec une clientèle de moins de 65 ans, ce qui est préoccupant compte-tenu du contexte démographique. Les étudiants ont une vision plutôt positive de la profession et une perception similaire aux diététistes quant aux enjeux pouvant affecter la profession. Conclusion. Cette étude a permis de dresser un portrait des étudiants, de leurs motivations et de leur perception de la profession. Elle souligne l’importance d’exposer les étudiants aux milieux de travail le plus tôt possible dans leur cheminement scolaire.
The microalgae gained importance as food and feed as well as source of fine chemicals since the l960’s. Spirulina became the trend setter due to its easily culturable properties as well as nutritional composition. A rapid expansion of microalgal industry occurred in the Asia-Pacific region as microalgae came to stay as a health food supplement. Microalgae have been an integral component of oxidation ponds usually incorporated with wastewater treatment. Over the last few decades, efforts have been made to apply intensive microalgal cultures to perform biological tertiary treatment of secondary effluents. Given the limited number of species still available for commercial exploitation, it is imperative to isolate and cultivate those photosynthetic organisms with high growth rate and biomass accumulation, which could play the dual role of cleaning the wastewater and also providing useful biomass. This has been the objective of this study ie. 0 To develop pure cultures of local isolates of Cyanobacteria for extraction of biochemicals of commercial value 0 To couple biomass production with effluent treatment
Introducción: Las deficiencias de micronutrientes continúan siendo un problema de salud pública en la población infantil, dentro de las ellas se ha encontrado a la deficiencia de zinc causa importante de morbi-mortalidad en los países en desarrollo, la nutrición adecuada de zinc es esencial para un crecimiento adecuado, inmunocompetencia y desarrollo neuroconductual; se dispone de información insuficiente sobre el estado de zinc en la población preescolar lo cual dificulta la expansión de las intervenciones para el control de su deficiencia. Colombia presenta una deficiencia de este micronutriente, considerándose a nivel mundial como un problema de salud pública moderado a severo. Una evaluación sobre la prevalencia y factores determinantes asociados puede proporcionar datos sobre el riesgo de deficiencia de zinc en una población, considerando factores demográficos, sociales y nutricionales que podrían predisponer a la población preescolar colombiana a sufrir este déficit. Metodología: Estudio observacional de corte transversal que incluyó 4275 niños entre 1 y 4 años, utilizando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional (ENSIN-2010). Se realizaron análisis bivariados y multivariados para determinar factores asociados positiva y negativamente con deficiencia de zinc. Resultados: El 49,1% de los niños encuestados cursaban con deficiencia de zinc. Los factores de riesgo asociados a deficiencia de zinc encontrados fueron menor edad, peso y talla bajos, vivir en región Atlántica, región Central, Territorios Nacionales, vivienda en área de población dispersa, pertenencia a etnia afrocolombiana, pertenencia a etnia indígena, estar afiliado a régimen subsidiado, no estar afiliado a ningún régimen de salud, madre sin educación, no asistencia a programa de alimentación dirigido y el grado severo de inseguridad Conclusiones: El déficit de zinc en los niños entre 1 y 4 años de edad es multifactorial, siendo un reflejo probable de la situación de inequidad de la población colombiana, en especial, la más pobre y vulnerable. Palabras clave: Zinc, Deficiencia de zinc, factores asociados, niños entre 1 y 4 años, Colombia