Metabolomic profiles of hepatocellular carcinoma in a European prospective cohort.

Autoria(s): Fages, Anne; Duarte-Salles, Talita; Stepien, Magdalena; Ferrari, Pietro; Fedirko, Veronika; Pontoizeau, Clément; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Aleksandrova, Krasimira; Tjønneland, Anne; Olsen, Anja; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Boutron-Ruault, Marie-Christine; Severi, Gianluca; Kaaks, Rudolf; Kuhn, Tilman; Floegel, Anna; Boeing, Heiner; Lagiou, Pagona; Bamia, Christina; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Palli, Domenico; Pala, Valeria; Panico, Salvatore; Tumino, Rosario; Vineis, Paolo; Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas; Peeters, Petra H; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Agudo, Antonio; Molina-Montes, Esther; Huerta, José María; Ardanaz, Eva; Dorronsoro, Miren; Sjöberg, Klas; Ohlsson, Bodil; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Wareham, Nick; Travis, Ruth C; Schmidt, Julie A; Cross, Amanda; Gunter, Marc; Riboli, Elio; Scalbert, Augustin; Romieu, Isabelle; Elena-Herrmann, Benedicte; Jenab, Mazda





BACKGROUND Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most prevalent form of liver cancer, is difficult to diagnose and has limited treatment options with a low survival rate. Aside from a few key risk factors, such as hepatitis, high alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, and diabetes, there is incomplete etiologic understanding of the disease and little progress in identification of early risk biomarkers. METHODS To address these aspects, an untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomic approach was applied to pre-diagnostic serum samples obtained from first incident, primary HCC cases (n = 114) and matched controls (n = 222) identified from amongst the participants of a large European prospective cohort. RESULTS A metabolic pattern associated with HCC risk comprised of perturbations in fatty acid oxidation and amino acid, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism was observed. Sixteen metabolites of either endogenous or exogenous origin were found to be significantly associated with HCC risk. The influence of hepatitis infection and potential liver damage was assessed, and further analyses were made to distinguish patterns of early or later diagnosis. CONCLUSION Our results show clear metabolic alterations from early stages of HCC development with application for better etiologic understanding, prevention, and early detection of this increasingly common cancer.


This work was supported by the French National Cancer Institute (L’Institut National du Cancer; INCA; grant number 2009-139; PI: M. Jenab). AF received financial support (BDI fellowship) from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Bruker Biospin. The coordination of EPIC is financially supported by the European Commission (DG-SANCO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The national cohorts are supported by Danish Cancer Society (Denmark); Ligue Contre le Cancer, Institut Gustave Roussy, Mutuelle Générale de l’Education Nationale, and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) (France); Deutsche Krebshilfe, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), and Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany); Hellenic Health Foundation (Greece); Italian Association for Research on Cancer (AIRC), National Research Council, Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro-AIRC-Italy, and AIRE-ONLUS Ragusa, AVIS Ragusa, Sicilian Government (Italy); Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS), Netherlands Cancer Registry (NKR), LK Research Funds, Dutch Prevention Funds, Dutch ZON (Zorg Onderzoek Nederland), World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), and Statistics Netherlands (the Netherlands); European Research Council (ERC;grant number ERC-2009-AdG 232997) and Nordforsk, and Nordic Center of Excellence Programme on Food, Nutrition and Health (Norway); Health Research Fund (FIS), Regional Governments of Andalucía, Asturias, Basque Country, Murcia (No. 6236) and Navarra, and ISCIII RETIC (RD06/0020) (Spain); Swedish Cancer Society, Swedish Scientific Council, and Regional Government of Skåne and Västerbotten (Sweden); Cancer Research UK, Medical Research Council, Stroke Association, British Heart Foundation, Department of Health, Food Standards Agency, and Wellcome Trust (UK). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation presented in this article. They were neither involved in the writing of the manuscript, nor in the decision to submit it for publication


Fages A, Duarte-Salles T, Stepien M, Ferrari P, Fedirko V, Pontoizeau C, et al. Metabolomic profiles of hepatocellular carcinoma in a European prospective cohort. BMC Med 2015;13(1):242

1741-7015 (Online)







BioMed Central


BMC Medicine


Acceso abierto

Palavras-Chave #Epidemiology #European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition #Hepatocellular carcinoma #Liver cancer #Metabolomics #Nuclear magnetic resonance #Carcinoma Hepatocelular #Neoplasias Hepáticas #Metabolómica #Estudios Prospectivos #Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Neoplasms::Neoplasms by Histologic Type::Neoplasms, Glandular and Epithelial::Carcinoma::Adenocarcinoma::Carcinoma, Hepatocellular #Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Neoplasms::Neoplasms by Site::Digestive System Neoplasms::Liver Neoplasms #Medical Subject Headings::Disciplines and Occupations::Natural Science Disciplines::Biological Science Disciplines::Biochemistry::Metabolomics #Medical Subject Headings::Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Epidemiologic Study Characteristics as Topic::Epidemiologic Studies::Cohort Studies::Longitudinal Studies::Prospective Studies #Medical Subject Headings::Psychiatry and Psychology::Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms::Behavior::Drinking Behavior::Alcohol Drinking #Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases::Metabolic Diseases::Glucose Metabolism Disorders::Diabetes Mellitus #Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases::Nutrition Disorders::Overnutrition::Obesity #Medical Subject Headings::Psychiatry and Psychology::Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms::Behavior::Habits::Smoking


