983 resultados para gen CEP72
Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute from February to August 2007. Myogenesis of skeletal muscles in vertebrates is controlled by extracellular signalling molecules together with intracellular transcription factors. Among the transcriptional factors, the members of the myogenic regulatory family play important roles regulating skeletal muscle development and growth. To characterize the gene structure and expression of fish myogenin, we have isolated the myogenin genomic gene and cDNA from gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and analyzed the genomic structure, pattern of expression and the regulation of musclespecific expression. Sequence analysis revealed that the seabream myogenin shares a similar gene structure with other fish myogenins, with three exons, two introns and the highly conserved bHLH domain. Expression studies demonstrated that myogenin is expressed in both slow and fast muscles as well as in muscle cells in primary culture. In situ hybridization showed that myogenin was specifically expressed in developing somites of seabream embryos. Promoter activity analysis demonstrated that the myogenin promoter could drive green fluorescence protein expression in muscle cells of zebrafish embryos, as well as in myofibers of adult zebrafish and juvenile seabream.
Digamacris n. gen. (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Melanoplinae) de la region atlantica meridional de Brasil
Digamacris, a new genus of the Dichroplini (Acrididae, Melanoplinae) is described for the species Pezotettix amoenus Stal, 1878 and Dichroplus fratemus Carl, 1916, both included at present in the genus Dichroplus. These species live in edges and clearings of the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlantica) of Brazil. D. fratemus is found in the states of Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro east of the Bay of Guanabara. D. amoenus in the state of Rio de Janeiro W. of the Bay of Guanabara and in the coastal area of the state of São Paulo. The species are illustrated and redescribed. Both have two neatly different chromatic forms of females, while the males are uniform in coloration and closely correspond with one of the female forms.
Neohilgertia gen. n. proposed for Oxyuridae nematodes from Thylamys venustus cinderellus (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) is described. The hypothesis about the possibility of a secondary parasitism for marsupials and the origin of the genus in the African Sciuridae parasite ancestors is discussed.
A new genus, Travassosnema (Guyanemidae, Dracunculoidea) is proposed to include filariid worms having esophagus divided into muscular and glandular parts, with esophageal appendix near junction with intestine; anus functional; vulva anterior, well developed and functional in mature females. Travassonema travassosi sp. n., a parasite of Acestrorhynchus lacustris Reinhardt, 1874 from Três Marias Reservoir (São Francisco River) in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described. The generic and the specific names are a tribure to Brazilian parasitologist Lauro Travassos at his birth centenary.
A new nematode, the type of a new genus and a new species Laurostrongylus hoineffae, parasitic in the cricetid rodent Gymnuromys roberti in Madagascar, is described. The species belongs to the Graphiidinae subfamily of Trichostrongylidae but some features point to its affinity to certain Libyostrongylinae, especially to two monospecific genera endemic in Madagascar Pararhabdonema and Cnizostrongylus. This ensemble of relict species seems thus to support the concept of a common ancestor for the Libyostrongylinae and Graphidiinae. The two subfamilies were supposed to originate in the Ethipian region. The presence of the three generain Madagascar could either indicate their Madagascan origin or, more likely, a continental origin with an insular niche allowing the preservation of the species.
Hermanlentia n. gen. of Tribe Triatomini, with a List of Species of Triatominae (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) - Hermanlentia n. gen. was established in the tribe Triatomini, based on differences of external morphology, phallic structures and chromatic characters of Triatoma matsunoi Fernandez-Loayza 1989, in relation to other species of Triatoma. The head is long with disproportionally small eyes 1:0,16; the relation of the head and the pronotum is 1: 0,4; and the coloration of the hemelytron is whitish. Characters of the male genitalia that distinguish the new genus are the articulatory apparatus with twice the size of the aedeagus, phallosoma with fingerlike apex, 1 + 1 dorsal conjuntive processes with the inner edge toothed, and absence of endosoma process and vesica
Two new spumellarian radiolarian genera, Mendacastrum and Domuzdagia, are described from the lower Tithonian and lower Pliensbachian respectively. Both have a spherical cortical shell of actinommid type and a spherical or subspherical double medullary shell with the inner medullary shell of hagiastrid s.l. type. The inner medullary shell of Mendacastrum is of dactyliosphaerid or higumastrid s. sit. type, whereas that of Domuzdagia is of angulobracchiid type. Since they cannot be assigned to any described Mesozoic pyloniacean families, they are considered as type genera of two new families: Mendacastridae and Domuzdagiidae respectively.
Hem analitzat la mutació KRAS i els seus subtipus en mostres tumorals de 114 pacients diagnosticats d’un carcinoma de pulmó estadi IV. Un 21,9% dels pacients presentaren la mutació de KRAS. Dels seus subtipus, la més freqüent va ser G12C (44%). Dels pacients tractats amb quimioteràpia s’obtingueren un 4,8% de respostes completes i un 47,6% presentaren progressió de la malaltia. S’observà una tendència significativa a menor temps fins a la progressió i major supervivència global acord amb el performance status i els nivells de RAP 80.Els pacients KRAS-G12C presentaren una tendència no significativa a major supervivència global respecte els altres.
A new genus, Oswaldotrema gen. nov. is proposed. Oswaldotrema nacinovici sp. nov. is descibed from Numenius phaeopus Latham, 1790. Differentiation from the other related genera, namely Philophthalmus, Pygorchis, Proctobium, Parorchis, Echinostephila, Cloacitrema, Pittacium, Ophthalmotrema, Skrjabinovermis and Paratrema, was based on morphological characters, mainly on those referring to the body surface, body shape, head, esophagus, pharynx, acetabulum, vitellaria, vitelline reservoir and seminal vesicle.
La presència de l’haplotip 46/1 del gen JAK2 predisposa a neoplàsies mieloproliferatives associades a la mutació de JAK2V617F, però la seva rellevància clínica és desconeguda. En aquest treball determinem, de forma retrospectiva, la càrrega al•lèlica de JAK2V617F de 62 pacients amb NMP JAK2V617+, en el moment del diagnòstic i en l’últim control. Posteriorment, analizem l’augment de la càrrega al•lèlica de JAK2V617F amb l’objectiu de determinar si aquesta es manté estable o presenta un augment progressiu durant el curs natural de la malaltia. Finalment, analitzem la relació entre els resultats obtinguts i l’evolució clínica dels pacients.
From June 1999 to May 2001, small mammals were captured in three areas of the Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil and examined for ectoparasites. Analysis of ectoparasites revealed the presence of a new chigger genus and species, Caamembecaia gratiosus, from Trinomys gratiosus. This is the first record of a chigger from T. gratiosus.
Leptoconops nosopheris sp. n. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) is described from a blood-filled female biting midge in Early Cretaceous Burmese amber. The new species is characterized by a very elongate terminal flagellomere, elongate cerci, and an indistinct spur on the metatibia. This biting midge contained digenetic trypanosomes (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) in its alimentary tract and salivary glands. These trypanosomes are described as Paleotrypanosoma burmanicus gen. n., sp. n., which represents the first fossil record of a Trypanosoma generic lineage.
The family Nematotaeniidae, tapeworms commonly found in the small intestines of amphibians and reptiles, includes 27 recognised species distributed among four genera: Bitegmen Jones, Cylindrotaenia Jewell, Distoichometra Dickey and Nematotaenia Lühe. The taxonomy of these cestodes is poorly defined, due in part to the difficulties of observing many anatomical traits. This study presents and describes a new genus and species of nematotaeniid parasite found in cane toads (Rhinella marina) from eastern Brazilian Amazonia. The cestodes were collected during the necropsy of 20 hosts captured in the urban area of Belém, Pará. The specimens were fixed and processed for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. Samples were also collected for molecular analyses. The specimens presented a cylindrical body, two testes and paruterine organs. However, they could not be allocated to any of the four existing nematotaeniid genera due to the presence of two each of dorsal compact medullary testes, cirri, cirrus pouches, genital pores, ovaries and vitelline glands per mature segment. Lanfrediella amphicirrus gen. nov. sp. nov. is the first nematotaeniid studied using Historesin analysis, SEM and 3D reconstruction, and it is the second taxon for which molecular data have been deposited in GenBank.
A new genus of Tabanidae mimetic of flies is described: Muscotabanus new genus, Muscotabanus rafaeli new species, based on 12 females collected in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. It is presented a discussion for separating the new genus from Diachlorini species which resemblance with sarcophagids flies. It is characterised by striped thorax, banded abdomen, long slender palpus subequal antenna length, labella predominantly membranous, except for a narrow sclerotised plate, basicosta bare, wing hyaline and stigma brown.