941 resultados para functional recovery
Introduction: Decompressive hemicraniectomy, clot evacuation, and aneurysmal interventions are considered aggressive surgical therapeutic options for treatment of massive cerebral artery infarction (MCA), intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and severe subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) respectively. Although these procedures are saving lives, little is actually known about the impact on outcomes other than short-term survival and functional status. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of personal and social consequences of surviving these aggressive surgical interventions in order to aid acute care clinicians in helping family members make difficult decisions about undertaking such interventions. Methods: An exploratory mixed method study using a convergent parallel design was conducted to examine functional recovery (NIHSS, mRS & BI), cognitive status (Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale, MoCA), quality of life (Euroqol 5-D), and caregiver outcomes (Bakas Caregiver Outcome Scale, BCOS) in a cohort of patients and families who had undergone aggressive surgical intervention for severe stroke between the years 2000–2007. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, univariate and multivariate analysis of variance, and multivariate logistic regression. Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative interviews conducted with stroke survivors and family members. Results: Twenty-seven patients and 13 spouses participated in this study. Based on patient MOCA scores, overall cognitive status was 25.18 (range 23.4-26.9); current functional outcomes scores: NIHSS 2.22, mRS 1.74, and BI 88.5. EQ-5D scores revealed no significant differences between patients and caregivers (p=0.585) and caregiver outcomes revealed no significant differences between male/female caregivers or patient diagnostic group (MCA, SAH, ICH; p=""0.103).<"/span><"/span> Discussion: Overall, patients and families were satisfied with quality of life and decisions made at the time of the initial stroke. There was consensus among study participants that formal community-based support (e.g., handibus, caregiving relief, rehabilitation assessments) should be continued for extended periods (e.g., years) post-stroke. Ongoing contact with health care professionals is valuable to help them navigate in the community as needs change over time.
Surgical treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a treatment option for those patients who remain severely symptomatic after a course of conservative treatment. Majority of the patients treated surgically enjoy good-to-excellent outcomes with respect to pain alleviation and functional recovery. However, between 20% and 40% of the patients who have surgery for LSS do not benefit from it. The knowledge of the psychological factors associated with recovery and treatment outcome is still scarce. The aim of this study was to assess LSS patients selected for surgical treatment. Specifically, the study assessed the prevalence of depression (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI) before surgical treatment and three months after the treatment. Also preoperative life satisfaction (four-item Life Satisfaction scale) of the LSS patients was studied. Furthermore, the patients satisfaction with surgery outcome at the three months postoperative stage was studied. One-fifth (20%) of the LSS-patients were found to have depression preoperatively. The patients assessments of the pain intensity or location were not associated with depression. The factors that did associate with depression were subjective disability of everyday living and poor life satisfaction. In addition to this, low sense of coherence and poor life satisfaction were associated with depression in logistic regression models. Significant associations were seen between preoperative depression and postoperative high disability scores, high symptom severity scores and higher pain intensity ratings. The patients with continuous depression (60% of the patients who had preoperative depression) showed less improvement in symptom severity, disability, pain and walking capacity than the patients who did not experience depression at any stage. In those patients who recovered from depression (35% of the patients with preoperative depression), the postoperative improvement was rather similar to the improvement seen in the normal mood group. One-fourth (25%) of the preoperative patients with LSS were found to be dissatisfied with life. The dissatisfied patients were significantly younger and had more self-reported somatic comorbidity. The dissatisfied patients had also elevated subjective disability scores and more extensive pain locations. Also lower coping resources and higher BDI scores were associated with life dissatisfaction. Younger age and somatic comorbidity were associated with life dissatisfaction in regression models. Two-thirds (66%) of the patients were at least clearly satisfied with the surgery outcome at three months postoperative stage. In group comparisons, the lack of physical, functional and emotional well-being was associated with the patients dissatisfaction with the surgery outcome. Younger age, postoperative symptom severity, disability and depression were independently associated with dissatisfaction with the surgery outcome. The results show that depression and psychological well-being are important factors with respect to LSS patients functional ability and recovery both before and three months after surgical treatment. Therefore, the clinical practice recommendations should include an assessment of depression
Since the 1980 s, laminin-1 has been linked to regeneration of the central nervous system (CNS) and promotion of neuronal migration and axon guidance during CNS development. In this thesis, we clarify the role of γ1 laminin and its KDI tripeptide in development of human embryonic spinal cord, in regeneration of adult rat spinal cord injury (SCI), in kainic acid-induced neuronal death, and in the spinal cord tissue of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We demonstrated that γ1 laminin together with α1, β1, and β3 laminins localize at the floor plate region in human embryonic spinal cord. This localization of γ1 laminin is in spatial and temporal correlation with development of the spinal cord and indicates that γ1 laminin may participate in commissural axon guidance during the embryonic development of the human CNS. With in vitro studies using the Matrigel culture system, we demonstrated that the KDI tripeptide of γ1 laminin provides a chemotrophic guidance cue for neurites of the human embryonic dorsal spinal cord, verifying the functional ability of γ1 laminin to guide commissural axons. Results from our experimental SCI model demonstrate that the KDI tripeptide enhanced functional recovery and promoted neurite outgrowth across the mechanically injured area in the adult rat spinal cord. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the KDI tripeptide as a non-competitive inhibitor of the ionotropic glutamate receptors can provide when administered in adequate concentrations an effective method to protect neurons against glutamate-induced excitotoxic cell death. Human postmortem samples were used to study motor neuron disease, ALS (IV), and the study revealed that in human ALS spinal cord, γ1 laminin was selectively over-expressed by reactive astrocytes, and that this over-expression may correlate with disease severity. The multiple ways by which γ1 laminin and its KDI tripeptide provide neurotrophic protection and enhance neuronal viability suggest that the over-expression of γ1 laminin may be a glial attempt to provide protection for neurons against ALS pathology. The KDI tripeptide is effective therapeutically thus far in animal models only. However, because KDI containing γ1 laminin exists naturally in the human CNS, KDI therapies are unlikely to be toxic or allergenic. Results from our animal models are encouraging, with no toxic side-effects detected even at high concentrations, but the ultimate confirmation can be achieved only after clinical trials. More research is still needed until the KDI tripeptide is refined into a clinically applicable method to treat various neurological disorders.
Em roedores, as vibrissas são detectores táteis que desempenham papel importante na exploração espacial do ambiente e na discriminação de texturas. No córtex somatosensorial, os campos receptivos de cada uma das vibrissas estão organizados no hemisfério contralateral em colunas discretas denominadas barris. A lesão unilateral dos barris produz um comportamento assimétrico caracterizado pela redução no uso da vibrissa contralateral à lesão na exploração do ambiente, assimetria esta que diminui progressivamente na medida em que os animais são repetidamente testados. Em ratos, este comportamento, normalmente medido pelo número de vezes que os animais encostam as vibrissas na parede de um campo aberto, tem se mostrado uma ferramenta importante em estudos de plasticidade e recuperação funcional após lesões corticais. Contudo, em camundongos com lesões unilaterais dos barris, o registro dos toques das vibrissas na parede tem levado a resultados contraditórios. Esse trabalho tem por objetivo principal o estabelecimento de um modelo comportamental para avaliação da recuperação funcional após lesões unilaterais dos barris do córtex somatosensorial em camundongos. Para tanto, o sentido dos deslocamentos realizados próximos às quinas do campo aberto foi registrado em camundongos Suíços machos submetidos à criolesão unilateral dos barris foi avaliado em três estudos independentes. No primeiro estudo, demonstramos que no grupo Criolesado houve um predomínio dos deslocamentos em sentido contralateral na primeira vez em que foram testados no campo aberto e este resultado foi independente do fato de na primeira sessão ter sido realizada um ou nove dias após a cirurgia. Além disso, demonstramos que o predomínio de deslocamentos em sentido contralateral foi diminuindo na medida em que os animais eram repetidamente testados no campo aberto. No segundo estudo, demonstramos que os animais do grupo Criolesado que foram previamente submetidos a cinco sessões experimentais no campo aberto não apresentaram, após a cirurgia, diferenças entre os deslocamentos realizados em sentido ipsolateral e contralateral à lesão. Já no terceiro estudo, demonstramos que os animais do grupo Criolesado que não foram previamente testados no campo aberto apresentam um predomínio de deslocamentos em sentido contralateral, mesmo quando o teste foi realizado 48 dias após a lesão unilateral dos barris. Nossos dados sugerem que o sentido dos deslocamentos próximo às quinas do campo aberto pode ser uma ferramenta importante para avaliar a recuperação das lesões unilaterais nos barris do córtex somatosensorial. Além disso, para avaliar a recuperação funcional após a lesão unilateral dos barris do córtex somatossensorial, sem o viés da habituação à situação do teste, os animais devem ser testados apenas uma vez
Ao longo de quase cinco anos de trabalho, foi desenvolvido o Índice de Qualidade dos Municípios - Verde, pela Fundação CIDE. O trabalho buscou retratar as características da fragmentação florestal fluminense. Como um elemento para apoiar a gestão ambiental do território, o projeto identificou corredores ecológicos prioritários para a interligação de fragmentos florestais. A grande contribuição do trabalho, do ponto de vista conceitual, foi reorientar o debate acerca da fragmentação florestal no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O projeto IQM - Verde apresentou, exaustivamente, lugares onde ocorreram perdas e ganhos de estoques de vegetação com porte arbóreo, num recorte por municípios, bacias hidrográficas e Unidades de Conservação. Existem importantes questões que foram levantadas e ainda aguardam maiores e melhores respostas. Uma delas é tentar explicar, a partir da ecologia de paisagens, quais são os mecanismos que facilitam ou dificultam o processo natural de sucessão florestal. A situação da sucessão florestal é completamente diferente de uma região para outra do Estado. No Noroeste do Estado existem indícios claros de retração e fragmentação dos remanescentes enquanto na região Serrana do Sul Fluminense aparecem sinais claros de recuperação e recomposição florestal. Novos conceitos de gestão ambiental procuram minimizar os efeitos decorrentes da fragmentação e do isolamento espacial das espécies. O aumento da conectividade através de corredores ecológicos entre unidades de conservação e até mesmo entre os fragmentos mais bem conservados é apontado por muitos pesquisadores como uma das formas mais eficazes de promover a manutenção dos remanescentes florestais - a longo prazo - e até mesmo promover a recuperação funcional de determinadas unidades ecológicas atualmente ilhadas. A atual geração de pesquisadores e gestores públicos está diante do problema do controle dos processos que desencadeiam a fragmentação florestal. Portanto, é urgente a necessidade de entender todas as consequências associadas ao processo de fragmentação florestal e, ao mesmo tempo, descobrir os efeitos inibidores deste complexo fenômeno que possui raízes físicas, naturais e sociais. O objetivo central da tese é, a partir de elementos da História das Mentalidades e da Teoria da Decisão, construir cenários de pressão antrópica sobre os remanescentes florestais e propor um programa possível de intervenção econômica, jurídica e política, denominado no presente estudo como bolsa floresta, capaz de aliviar o atual processo de fragmentação florestal.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different concentrations of normobaric oxygen (NBO) on neurological function and the expression of caspase-3 and -9 in a rat model of acute cerebral ischaemia. Sprague-Dawley rats (n=120) were randomly divided into four groups (n=30 per group), including 3 groups given NBO at concentrations of 33%, 45% or 61% and one control group given air (21% oxygen). After 2 h of ischaemic occlusion, each group was further subdivided into six subgroups (n=5) during reperfusion according to the duration (3, 6, 12, 24, 48 or 72 h) and concentration of NBO (33%, 45% or 61%) or air treatment. The Fluorescence Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry were used to detect caspase-3 and -9 mRNA and protein relative expression respectively. The Neurologic Impairment Score (NIS) was significantly lower in rats given 61% NBO ≥3 h after reperfusion when compared to the control group (P<0.05, Mann–Whitney U). NBO significantly reduced caspase-3 and -9 mRNA and protein expression when compared to the control group at all NBO concentrations and time points (P<0.05, ANOVA). The expression of caspase-3 and -9 was lower in the group given 61% NBO compared any other group, and this difference was statistically significant when compared to the group given 33% NBO for ≥48 h and the control group (both P<0.05, ANOVA). These findings indicate that NBO may inhibit the apoptotic pathway by reducing caspase-3 and -9 expression, thereby promoting neurological functional recovery after stroke.
This PhD thesis describes work carried out on investigation of various interventions with the aim to optimise the anaesthetic management of patients scheduled to undergo operative fixation of hip fractures. We analysed the perioperative effects of continuous femoral nerve block, single preoperative dose of i.v. dexamethasone, the intention to deposit local anaesthetic in different locations around the femoral nerve during ultrasound guided femoral nerve block, continuous spinal anaesthesia and peri-surgical site infiltration with local anaesthetic after surgical fixation of hip fractures. Continuous femoral nerve block provided more effective preoperative analgesia six hours after the insertion of the perineural catheter compared to a standard opiate-based regimen in patients undergoing operative fixation of fractured hip. A single low dose of preoperative dexamethasone in the intervention group decreased pain scores by 75% six hours after the surgery. Both interventions had no major effect on the functional recovery in the first year after the surgical fixation of fractured hip. The results of the ultrasound guided femoral nerve block trial showed no clinical advantage of intending to deposit local anaesthetic circumferentially during performing femoral nerve block. Using the Dixon and Massey’s “up- and-down” method, we demonstrated that intrathecal 0.26 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine provided adequate surgical anaesthesia within 15 minutes in 50% of patients undergoing operative fixation of hip fracture. Finally, we demonstrated that local anaesthetic infiltration had no effect on pain scores 12 hours after the surgical fixation of fractured neck of femur. In addition to this original body of work, a review article was published on femoral nerve block highlighting the use of ultrasound guidance. In conclusion, the results of this thesis offer an insight into interventions aimed at optimising perioperative analgesia in patients scheduled to undergo operative fixation of hip fractures.
Pyramidal neurons (PyNs) in ‘higher’ brain are highly susceptible to acute stroke injury yet ‘lower’ brain regions better survive global ischemia, presumably because of better residual blood flow. Here we show that projection neurons in ‘lower’ brain regions of hypothalamus and brainstem intrinsically resist acute stroke-like injury independent of blood flow in the brain slice. In contrast `higher` projection neurons in neocortex, hippocampus, striatum and thalamus are highly susceptible. In live brain slices from rat deprived of oxygen and glucose (OGD), we imaged anoxic depolarization (AD) as it propagates through these regions. AD, the initial electrophysiological event of stroke, is a depolarizing front that drains residual energy in compromised gray matter. The extent of AD reliably determines ensuing damage in higher brain, but using whole-cell recordings we found that all CNS neurons do not generate a robust AD. Higher neurons generate strong AD and show no functional recovery in contrast to neurons in hypothalamus and brainstem that generate a weak and gradual AD. Most dramatically, lower neurons recover their membrane potential, input resistance and spike amplitude when oxygen and glucose is restored, while higher neurons do not. Following OGD, new recordings could be acquired in all lower (but not higher) brain regions, with some neurons even withstanding multiple OGD exposure. Two-photon laser scanning microscopy confirmed neuroprotection in lower, but not higher gray matter. Specifically pyramidal neurons swell and lose their dendritic spines post-OGD, whereas neurons in hypothalamus and brainstem display no such injury. Exposure to the Na+/K+ ATPase inhibitor ouabain (100 μM), induces depolarization similar to OGD in all cell types tested. Moreover, elevated [K+]o evokes spreading depression (SD), a milder version of AD, in higher brain but not hypothalamus or brainstem so weak AD correlates with the inability to generate SD. In summary, overriding the Na+/K+ pump using OGD, ouabain or elevated [K+]o evokes steep and robust depolarization of higher gray matter. We show that this important regional difference can be largely accounted for by the intrinsic properties of the resident neurons and that Na+/K+ ATPase pump efficiency is a major determining factor generating strong or weak spreading depolarizations.
When permitted access to the appropriate forms of rehabilitation, many severely affected stroke survivors demonstrate a capacity for upper limb functional recovery well in excess of that formerly considered possible. Yet, the mechanisms through which improvements in arm function occur in such profoundly impaired individuals remain poorly understood. An exploratory study was undertaken to investigate the capacity for brain plasticity and functional adaptation, in response to 12-h training of reaching using the SMART Arm device, in a group of severely affected stroke survivors with chronic upper limb paresis. Twenty-eight stroke survivors were enroled. Eleven healthy adults provided normative data. To assess the integrity of ipsilateral and contralateral corticospinal pathways, transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied to evoke responses in triceps brachii during an elbow extension task. When present, contralateral motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) were delayed and reduced in amplitude compared to those obtained in healthy adults. Following training, contralateral responses were more prevalent and their average onset latency was reduced. There were no reliable changes in ipsilateral MEPs. Stroke survivors who exhibited contralateral MEPs prior to training achieved higher levels of arm function and exhibited greater improvements in performance than those who did not initially exhibit contralateral responses. Furthermore, decreases in the onset latency of contralateral MEPs were positively related to improvements in arm function. Our findings demonstrate that when severely impaired stroke survivors are provided with an appropriate rehabilitation modality, modifications of corticospinal reactivity occur in association with sustained improvements in upper limb function.
Recovery of upper limb function after stroke is poor. The acute to subacute phase after stroke is the optimal time window to promote the recovery of upper limb function. The dose and content of training provided conventionally during this phase is however, unlikely to be adequate to drive functional recovery, especially in the presence of severe motor disability. The current study concerns an approach to address this shortcoming, through evaluation of the SMART Arm, a non-robotic device that enables intensive and repetitive practice of reaching by stroke survivors with severe upper limb disability, with the aim of improving upper limb function. The outcomes of SMART Arm training with or without outcome-triggered electrical stimulation (OT-stim) to augment movement and usual therapy will be compared to usual therapy alone.
Critical functions of the immune system are maintained by the ability of myeloid progenitors to differentiate and mature into macrophages. We hypothesized that the cytoprotective gas molecule carbon monoxide (CO), generated endogenously by heme oxygenases (HO), promotes differentiation of progenitors into functional macrophages. Deletion of HO-1, specifically in the myeloid lineage (Lyz-Cre:Hmox1(flfl)), attenuated the ability of myeloid progenitors to differentiate toward macrophages and decreased the expression of macrophage markers, CD14 and macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor (MCSFR). We showed that HO-1 and CO induced CD14 expression and efficiently increased expansion and differentiation of myeloid cells into macrophages. Further, CO sensitized myeloid cells to treatment with MCSF at low doses by increasing MCSFR expression, mediated partially through a PI3K-Akt-dependent mechanism. Exposure of mice to CO in a model of marginal bone marrow transplantation significantly improved donor myeloid cell engraftment efficiency, expansion and differentiation, which corresponded to increased serum levels of GM-CSF, IL-1α and MCP-1. Collectively, we conclude that HO-1 and CO in part are critical for myeloid cell differentiation. CO may prove to be a novel therapeutic agent to improve functional recovery of bone marrow cells in patients undergoing irradiation, chemotherapy and/or bone marrow transplantation.
Introdução: O Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE) consiste numa das primeiras causas de mortalidade e morbilidade em Portugal. Esta lesão do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) desencadeia alterações ao nível do controlo postural (CP), que interferem com a recuperação funcional dos indivíduos. Objetivo: Deste modo, torna-se premente descrever as alterações do CP do tronco através da análise dos alinhamentos dos segmentos corporais do tronco no grupo de indivíduos selecionados, face à aplicação de um programa de intervenção baseado nos princípios do Conceito de Bobath. Metodologia: Estudo de série de casos, em seis indivíduos com alterações neuromotoras decorrentes de AVE, os quais foram avaliados antes e após o plano de intervenção segundo a abordagem baseada nos princípios do Conceito de Bobath, através do registo observacional, da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF), da utilização do Software de Avaliação Postural (SAPO) e da Plataforma de Pressões da Emed (PPE), modelo AT. Os dados recolhidos foram trabalhados em função do valor médio através do software Excel. Resultados: A análise do SAPO, na posição ortostática observam-se mudanças quer na vista posterior quer nas laterais, indicando uma maior simetria entre hemitroncos, e mudanças nos alinhamentos verticais indicando uma maior aproximação dos 180º. Na PPE observam-se os valores da área plantar, da pressão plantar média e do centro de pressão, tendem globalmente a uma maior semelhança e simetria. Quanto à CIF também se verificou uma diminuição da restrição na participação e limitação na atividade. Conclusão: A intervenção baseada no processo de raciocínio clínico aparenta introduzir os estímulos necessários à reorganização funcional do SNC lesado, produzindo melhorias ao nível dos alinhamentos dos segmentos corporais e desta forma melhorar a atividade muscular.
RESUMO: Na clínica, a recuperação funcional que se segue a uma lesão nervosa raramente é atingida na sua totalidade. A reinervação, quer motora, quer sensitiva, ocorre geralmente com maior ou menor deficit. Interessa, então, identificar os factores que podem interferir na regeneração nervosa. O neurónio é a unidade anatómica fundamental do sistema nervoso periférico e é muito vulnerável à isquemia pela grande distância que existe entre o corpo neuronal e a extensão do axónio, que pode ser de apenas alguns milímetros ou até atingir um metro. É, por isso, fundamental o estudo da vascularização do nervo periférico e da sua influência na regeneração nervosa. O resultado deste estudo pode levar ao desenvolvimento de técnicas cirúrgicas que criem as condições que garantam, por sua vez, a revascularização precoce do nervo periférico em caso de lesão, ou mesmo em caso de doenças, nas quais a vascularização do nervo está alterada como, por exemplo, na neuropatia diabética. O estudo da vascularização do nervo periférico realizou-se através da investigação da vascularização do nervo mediano do cadáver humano, pela investigação da vascularização do nervo isquiático do rato Wistar e do Plexo Braquial (PB) do mesmo. A vascularização do PB do rato não é muito diferente daquela que é reportada na espécie humana, existindo uma homologia entre o rato e o Homem no que diz respeito à morfologia e à vascularização do PB. Através da comparação angiomorfológica entre o nervo isquiático do rato e o nervo mediano humano, concluíu-se que a microvascularização do nervo isquiático do rato e do mediano humano são muito semelhantes, o que suporta a utilização do rato como modelo experimental de lesões do nervo mediano humano. Para a avaliação da influência da vascularização na regeneração nervosa foi feita a análise da eficácia de enxerto de tubo de membrana amniótica humana imunologicamente inerte, de enxerto de veia jugular externa autóloga e de auto-enxerto de nervo, na reparação de um defeito de 10 milímetros no nervo isquiático do rato, na presença de um fornecimento vascular axial, comparando-se com os mesmos procedimentos em estudos realizados anteriormente, sem suprimento vascular. Os ratos foram avaliados funcionalmente através do estudo das pegadas, da electroneurografia e da força de flexão ao nível do tornozelo, e estruturalmente, através das avaliações histológicas e morfométricas, da taxa de recuperação do peso dos músculos gastrocnémio e solhear e da marcação axonal retrógrada com True Blue às 4, 8 e 12 semanas. Os nervos reconstruídos apresentaram uma arquitectura normal, incluindo a arquitectura vascular. A membrana amniótica foi bem tolerada, persistindo imunologicamente em torno do nervo até à 12.ª semana. Concluiu-se também que, na presença de um suprimento vascular axial local, a membrana amniótica humana e as veias autólogas são, pelo menos, tão eficazes como os auto-enxertos nervosos na reconstrução de defeitos nervosos de 10 milímetros.--------------------------------------ABSTRACT: At the clinic, the functional recovery that follows a nerve lesion is rarely achieved in full. The neuron is very vulnerable to ischemia that’s why it is essential to study the vascularization of the peripheral nerve and its influence on the nerve’s regeneration. The outcome of this study may lead to the development of surgical techniques that create the conditions which are necessary to ensure an early revascularization in case of a peripheral nerve injury. This study investigated the vascularization of the median nerve of the human cadaver and the vascularization of the sciatic nerve of the Wistar rat and his Brachial Plexus (BP) through animal experimentation. The mouse's BP vascularization is not so different from the one that is reported in the human species. An angiomorphological comparison between the mouse sciatic nerve and the human median nerve concluded that the microvascularizations are very similar, which supports the use of the mouse as an experimental model for the study of median nerve’s lesions. To evaluate the influence of vascularization in the nerve’s regeneration, it was made an assessment of the effectiveness of the human amniotic immuno-inert membrane grafts, of the autologous external jugular vein grafts and of the nerve auto-graft in the repair of a defect of 10 mm on the sciatic nerve of the rat, in the presence of an axial vascular supply, comparing these with the same procedures that were adopted in the previous studies, without vascular supply. The rats were functionally assessed and structurally evaluated (through histological and morphometric evaluations) at the 4.th, 8.th and 12.th weeks. The nerves reconstructed presented a normal architecture, including vascular architecture. The amniotic membrane was well-tolerated immunologically, persisting around the nerve until the 12.th week. As a result, it was also concluded that in the presence of a local axial vascular supply, the human amniotic membrane and the autologous veins are, at least, as effective as the nerve auto-grafts in the reconstruction of the nerve’s defects of 10 mm.
Abstract : Auditory spatial functions are of crucial importance in everyday life. Determining the origin of sound sources in space plays a key role in a variety of tasks including orientation of attention, disentangling of complex acoustic patterns reaching our ears in noisy environments. Following brain damage, auditory spatial processing can be disrupted, resulting in severe handicaps. Complaints of patients with sound localization deficits include the inability to locate their crying child or being over-loaded by sounds in crowded public places. Yet, the brain bears a large capacity for reorganization following damage and/or learning. This phenomenon is referred as plasticity and is believed to underlie post-lesional functional recovery as well as learning-induced improvement. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the organization and plasticity of different aspects of auditory spatial functions. Overall, we report the outcomes of three studies: In the study entitled "Learning-induced plasticity in auditory spatial representations" (Spierer et al., 2007b), we focused on the neurophysiological and behavioral changes induced by auditory spatial training in healthy subjects. We found that relatively brief auditory spatial discrimination training improves performance and modifies the cortical representation of the trained sound locations, suggesting that cortical auditory representations of space are dynamic and subject to rapid reorganization. In the same study, we tested the generalization and persistence of training effects over time, as these are two determining factors in the development of neurorehabilitative intervention. In "The path to success in auditory spatial discrimination" (Spierer et al., 2007c), we investigated the neurophysiological correlates of successful spatial discrimination and contribute to the modeling of the anatomo-functional organization of auditory spatial processing in healthy subjects. We showed that discrimination accuracy depends on superior temporal plane (STP) activity in response to the first sound of a pair of stimuli. Our data support a model wherein refinement of spatial representations occurs within the STP and that interactions with parietal structures allow for transformations into coordinate frames that are required for higher-order computations including absolute localization of sound sources. In "Extinction of auditory stimuli in hemineglect: space versus ear" (Spierer et al., 2007a), we investigated auditory attentional deficits in brain-damaged patients. This work provides insight into the auditory neglect syndrome and its relation with neglect symptoms within the visual modality. Apart from contributing to a basic understanding of the cortical mechanisms underlying auditory spatial functions, the outcomes of the studies also contribute to develop neurorehabilitation strategies, which are currently being tested in clinical populations.
L’objectif central de cette thèse de Doctorat était d’investiguer les dysfonctions mitochondriales qui surviennent précocement au cours de la phase compensée du remodelage ventriculaire pathologique et qui pourraient jouer un rôle causal dans la progression vers l’insuffisance cardiaque. Nos travaux antérieurs, réalisés à l’aide d’un modèle de surcharge volumique chronique induite par une fistule aorto-cavale (ACF) chez le Rat WKHA, ont montré qu’au cours du remodelage ventriculaire, les mitochondries développaient une vulnérabilité à l’ouverture du pore de perméabilité transitionnelle (PTP : un élément clé de la signalisation de la mort cellulaire) [1]. Ceci était observable au stade compensé du remodelage en absence des dysfonctions mitochondriales majeures typiquement observées dans le cœur insuffisant. Ces résultats nous ont amenés à suggérer que la vulnérabilité à l’ouverture du PTP pourrait constituer un mécanisme précoce favorisant la progression de la cardiopathie. Dans l’étude 1 de cette thèse, nous avons tenté de tester cette hypothèse en induisant une ACF chez deux souches de rats affichant de très nettes différences au niveau de la propension à développer l’insuffisance cardiaque : les souches WKHA et Sprague Dawley (SD). Nos études in vitro sur organelles isolées et in situ sur l’organe entier ont permis de confirmer que, dans le cœur ACF, les mitochondries développent une vulnérabilité à l’ouverture du PTP et à l’activation de la voie mitochondriale de la mort cellulaire lorsqu’exposées à des stress pertinents à la pathologie (surcharge calcique, ischémie-reperfusion [I-R]). Cependant, bien que comparativement aux animaux WKHA, les animaux SD démontraient un remodelage ventriculaire plus rapide et prononcé et une progression précoce vers l’insuffisance cardiaque, aucune différence n’était observable entre les deux groupes au niveau des dysfonctions mitochondriales, suggérant quelles ne sont pas à l’origine de la progression plus rapide de la pathologie chez la souche SD, à tout le moins en réponse à la surcharge volumique. Nous avons par la suite déterminé, à l’aide des mêmes approches expérimentales, si cette vulnérabilité mitochondriale était observable dans une cardiopathie d’étiologie différente, plus spécifiquement celle qui est associée à la dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD), une maladie génétique causée par une mutation de la protéine dystrophine. Nos études menées (études 2-4) sur de jeunes souris mdx (le modèle murin de la DMD) exemptes de tout signe clinique de cardiopathie n’ont révélé aucune différence au niveau des fonctions mitochondriales de base. Cependant, tout comme dans le modèle d’ACF, les mitochondries dans le cœur de souris mdx étaient significativement plus vulnérables à l’ouverture du PTP lorsque soumises à une I-R (étude 2). Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que l’administration aiguë de sildénafil aux souris mdx induisait une abolition de l’ouverture du PTP et de ses conséquences signalétiques, une diminution marquée du dommage tissulaire et une meilleure récupération fonctionnelle à la suite de l’I-R (étude 3). Nous avons ensuite testé chez la souris mdx l’administration aiguë de SS31, un peptide anti-oxydant ciblé aux mitochondries, cependant aucun effet protecteur n’a été observé, suggérant que le tamponnement des radicaux libres est d’une utilité limitée si les perturbations de l’homéostasie calcique typiques à cette pathologie ne sont pas traitées simultanément (étude 4). Globalement, les travaux effectués au cours de cette thèse démontrent que la vulnérabilité à l’ouverture du PTP constitue une dysfonction précoce et commune qui survient au cours de remodelages ventriculaires pathologiques d’étiologies différentes. Par ailleurs, ces travaux suggèrent des stratégies d’intervention pharmacologiques ciblant ce processus, dont l’efficacité pour la prévention de l’insuffisance cardiaque demande à être établie.