990 resultados para food restriction


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Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the effects of a dietary regimen (suckling or early weaning) and feeding status (fed or fasted) on the distribution of transforming growth factor-beta 3 (TGF-beta 3) and TGF receptor-I (T beta RI) in the gastric epithelium of pups Methods: Wistar rats were used At 15 d, half of the pups were separated from dams and fed with hydrated powered chow On day 17, suckling and early weanling rats were subjected to fasting (17 h). Four different conditions were established. suckling fed and fasted and early weanling fed and fasted At 18 d stomachs were collected under anesthesia and were fixed in 4% formaldehyde for immunohistochemistry The number of immunostained epithelial cells per microscopic field was determined for TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI in longitudinal sections from the gastric mucosa Results: We found that during suckling, fasting reduced the number of immunolabeled cells per field of both molecules when compared with the fed group (P < 0.05), whereas in early weaning, food restriction increased TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI distributions (P < 0.05) We also observed that TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI were more concentrated in parietal cells in the upper gland in suckling pups, whereas after early weaning these were displaced to parietal and chief cells at the bottom of the gland Conclusion: Suckling and early weaning directly influence TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI distributions in the gastric epithelium in response to fasting, such that early weaning anticipates the effects observed in adult rats. Furthermore, the differential concentrations of TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI indicate that they might be important for cell proliferation events in growth control (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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Ogias D, de Andrade Sa ER, Kasai A, Moisan M, Alvares EP, Gama P. Fasting differentially regulates plasma corticosterone-binding globulin, glucocorticoid receptor, and cell cycle in the gastric mucosa of pups and adult rats. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 298: G117-G125, 2010. First published October 15, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00245.2009.-The nutritional status influences gastric growth, and interestingly, whereas cell proliferation is stimulated by fasting in suckling rats, it is inhibited in adult animals. Corticosterone takes part in the mechanisms that govern development, and its effects are regulated in particular by corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR). To investigate whether corticosterone activity responds to fasting and how possible changes might control gastric epithelial cell cycle, we evaluated different parameters during the progression of fasting in 18- and 40-day-old rats. Food restriction induced higher corticosterone plasma concentration at both ages, but only in pups did CBG binding increase after short-and long-term treatments. Fasting also increased gastric GR at transcriptional and protein levels, but the effect was more pronounced in 40-day-old animals. Moreover, in pups, GR was observed in the cytoplasm, whereas, in adults, it accumulated in the nucleus after the onset of fasting. Heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and HSP 90 were differentially regulated and might contribute to the stability of GR and to the high cytoplasmic levels in pups and elevated shuttling in adult rats. As for gastric epithelial cell cycle, whereas cyclin D1 and p21 increased during fasting in pups, in adults, cyclin E slowly decreased, concomitant with higher p27. In summary, we demonstrated that corticosterone function is differentially regulated by fasting in 18-and 40-day-old rats, and such variation might attenuate any possible suppressive effects during postnatal development. We suggest that this mechanism could ultimately increase cell proliferation and allow regular gastric growth during adverse nutritional conditions.


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Objective: To investigate the effect of maternal dietary ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) deficiency and repletion on food appetite signaling.
Research Methods and Procedures: Sprague-Dawley rat dams were maintained on diets either supplemented with (CON) or deficient in (DEF) ω-3 PUFA. All offspring were raised on the maternal diet until weaning. After weaning, two groups remained on the respective maternal diet (CON and DEF groups), whereas a third group, born of dams fed the DEF diet, were switched to the CON diet (REC). Experiments on food intake began when the male rats reached 16 weeks of age. Food intake was stimulated either by a period of food restriction, by blocking glucose utilization (by 2-deoxyglucose injection), or by blocking β-oxidation of fatty acids (by β-mercaptoacetate injection).
Results: DEF animals consumed more than CON animals in response to all stimuli, with the greatest difference (1.9-fold) demonstrated following administration of 2-deoxyglucose. REC animals also consumed more than CON animals in response to food restriction and 2-deoxyglucose but not to β-mercaptoacetate.
Discussion: These findings indicate that supply of ω-3 PUFA, particularly during the perinatal period, plays a role in the normal development of mechanisms controlling food intake, especially glucoprivic (i.e. reduced glucose availability) appetite signaling. Dietary repletion of ω-3 PUFA from 3 weeks of age restored intake responses to fatty acid metabolite signaling but did not reverse those in response to food restriction or glucoprivic stimuli.


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Bird song is a sexually selected trait and females have been shown to prefer males that sing more complex songs. However, for repertoire size to be an honest signal of male quality it must be associated with some form of cost. This experiment investigates the effects of food restriction and social status during development on song complexity in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Birds that experienced an unpredictable food supply early in life produced a significantly smaller repertoire of song phrases than those with a constant food supply. Social status during development was also significantly correlated with repertoire size, with dominant birds producing more phrase types. This study therefore provides novel evidence that social as well as nutritional history may be important in shaping the song signal in this species.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de resposta compensatória no desempenho produtivo de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo Oreochromis niloticus, linhagem GIFT, submetidos a diferentes estratégias alimentares. Foram utilizados 135 juvenis de tilápia, distribuídos em nove tanques de polietileno de 100L cada. As estratégias testadas foram: grupo controle (alimentado todo dia), grupo alimentado por cinco dias seguidos de dois dias de restrição de alimento (5A/2R) e grupo alimentado por quatro dias seguidos de três dias de restrição de alimento (4A/3R). Foram avaliados parâmetros físico-químicos da água e de desempenho produtivo. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância, e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. A qualidade de água, o fator de condição e a conversão alimentar não foram influenciados pela estratégia alimentar. O grupo alimentado com a estratégia 5A/2R apresentou peso final, ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento específico semelhantes ao grupo continuamente alimentado (7,8 e 9,2g; 6,4 e 7,8g e 2,7 e 3,0% dia-1, para peso final, ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento especifico, respectivamente). A estratégia 4A/3R apresentou os piores resultados de desempenho produtivo, e a estratégia 5A/2R pode ser usada na alimentação de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo sem prejuízo ao desempenho produtivo, possibilitando inclusive redução de até 22,5% na quantidade de alimento ofertada.


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Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito da restrição de ração alternada com realimentação no crescimento, desenvolvimento gonadal e composição muscular de matrinxãs (Brycon cephalus) adultos, de ambos os sexos, durante um ano (janeiro de 1998 a janeiro de 1999). Foram utilizados 135 peixes, separados em dois grupos: controle, alimentado diariamente até aparente saciação, e experimental, submetido ininterruptamente a ciclos de três dias de alimentação/2 dias de restrição de ração (40% de restrição ao mês). Foram realizadas 7 amostragens, nas quais foram utilizados 8 a 10 peixes por grupo. Após anestesia, os peixes foram pesados e as gônadas foram retiradas para determinação do IGS, sexo e fase do ciclo reprodutivo. Porções dos músculos branco e vermelho foram retiradas para determinação da porcentagem de lipídio total, proteína bruta, matéria seca e umidade. Os resultados mostraram que a estratégia alimentar utilizada não afetou o crescimento, o desenvolvimento gonadal e a composição muscular do matrinxã. A restrição de ração seguida por realimentação parece ter desencadeado mecanismos de ajuste metabólico para melhor utilização do alimento e aporte suficiente de energia para o crescimento, processo de maturação gonadal e composição corporal. É possível estabelecer formas de manejo alimentar mais econômicas para o matrinxã sem que processos fisiológicos importantes sejam afetados.


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P>A 36-day trial was conducted to determine the effects of repetitive periods of food restriction and refeeding on growth and energy metabolism in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). A total 264 juvenile fish (36.9 +/- 2.8 g) were fed with the experimental diet for 36 days using three regimes: (i) feeding daily to satiation (FD); (ii) no feed for 3 days, then feeding the same amount offered to the control groups for the next 3 days (NF/R controlled); and (iii) no feed for 3 days, then feeding to apparent satiation for the next 3 days (NF/R at satiation). The treatments were distributed into four tanks each. WG and SGR were higher in FD group. Fish refed showed hyperphagia just up to the second day of refeeding. The worst feed conversion rate and the lowest protein efficiency ratio were found in fish NF/R controlled. The lowest values of visceral fat somatic index were found in both fasted fish groups, particularly in NF/R at satiation. The LL and glycogen concentrations, and the hepatosomatic index were all elevated in both feed restricted fish. Muscle lipid showed a tendency to decrease after the cycle of fasting and refeeding. Plasma free fatty acids and glucose levels were elevated in fish subjected to feeding restrictions while serum triglycerides levels were reduced. Triiodothyronine levels were significantly depressed in fish from the NF/R-controlled group and remained at the same levels as the control fish in fish NF/R at satiation. Results indicated that fish subjected to cyclic periods of 3-day satiation or controlled feeding after 3-days of fasting were unable to achieve the final body weight of fish fed to satiation after 36 days.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos da utilização de ciclos alternados de restrição alimentar e realimentação no crescimento do pacu, durante o período de engorda, e a viabilidade desta prática na produção comercial da espécie. Juvenis foram distribuídos em três tanques e submetidos a diferentes manejos alimentares, constituindo os tratamentos: A (alimentado ad libitum), B (restrição alimentar de 4 semanas, realimentado por 9 semanas) e C (6 semanas de restrição alimentar, realimentado por 7 semanas), em um total de 13 semanas por ciclo (4 ciclos experimentais). No final de cada ciclo alimentar, 20 peixes de cada tratamento foram amostrados e os dados biométricos registrados. Os valores obtidos para peso, comprimento total e fator de condição (K) foram submetidos a ANOVA e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento C é o mais indicado somente para outono/inverno, promovendo maior crescimento, menor custo com ração, baixa conversão alimentar e maior receita líquida parcial. Entretanto, durante as estações mais quentes do ano (primavera/verão) outros programas de alimentação devem ser testados, utilizando-se períodos mais curtos de restrição alimentar. Quando se tratou da produção anual, o tratamento A respondeu melhor em termos de biomassa produzida, apesar do maior gasto com alimentação, visto que, com o aumento da temperatura, o crescimento dos peixes dos demais tratamentos ficou prejudicado.


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O presente estudo avaliou o efeito de ciclos de restrição alimentar e realimentação (2/3 dias), aplicados durante seis meses antes da desova, no desenvolvimento gonadal de matrinxã. Na ocasião da desova, fêmeas alimentadas diariamente e submetidas ao regime alimentar experimental, selecionadas para a indução hormonal, foram sacrificadas para retirada das gônadas e do fígado, com os quais se calculou o IGS (índice gonadossomático) e o IHS (índice hepatossomático), sendo os ovários processados para análise histológica. Não houve alteração no peso relativo dos ovários e fígado, e o desenvolvimento gonadal não foi afetado pelo esquema alimentar. Os valores de IGS foram de 5,09±4,98% e 9,79±4,17% e os de IHS foram de 0,84±0,07% e 0,91±0,11%, para as fêmeas controle e experimentais, respectivamente, sem diferenças significativas entre os grupos. Os ovários de peixes dos dois grupos apresentaram as mesmas características do estádio maduro, com predominância de ovócitos na fase final de maturação, repletos de vitelo. O estudo indica que a restrição alimentar não afetou a preparação das fêmeas para a reprodução e que ciclos adequados de restrição e realimentação poderão ser aplicados na criação do matrinxã, assegurando menores custos de produção.


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Understanding the behavioral activities of freshwater shrimp in captivity is of paramount importance for the appropriate management of the species. In Brazil, the shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii is currently the most widely used species in the freshwater shrimp culture due to its high potential for cultivation and good market acceptance. Thus, the present study aimed to describe and characterize the behavioral activities of M. rosenbergii in monosex and in mixed (male and female) (manuscript 1, 2 and 3) populations and the growth performance of this species in restrictive feeding conditions and in different feeding management (manuscript 4 and 5, respectively) . Juvenile and adult shrimps were collected from ponds of the Aquaculture Station - Unidade Especializada em Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Macaíba/RN and then transferred to the Laboratório de Estudos do Comportamento do Camarão LECC (Laboratory for Shrimp Behavioral Studies) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). For each treatment , eight aquaria of 250 L (50 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm) were used in a closed recirculating water system with artificial lighting, constant aeration , continuous filtration through a biochemical and biological filter (canister filter), and fine sand as substrate . The water quality was monitored daily. The lab consisted of two rooms with artificial lighting system , controlled by a timer with dark / light cycle of 12:12 h . In manuscript 1, the behavioral categories of the species were presented through an ethogram, which described 31 behaviors, subdivided into general and agonistic behaviors. Manuscript 2 compared the behavioral profile of shrimps in male and in female monosex and mixed populations over 24 hours in laboratory. In three types (mixed, male monosex and female monosex) of populations during the light and dark phases of the 24 hour cycle, the shrimps showed higher occurrence of cleaning behavior. Manuscript 3 examined the influence of the color of the shelter on the frequency of its use and behavioral activities of shrimp in mixed, in male monosex and in female monosex populations over 24 hours. We observed that the shrimp M. rosenbergii burrow more frequently during the light phase in male monosex and mixed populations; they also tend to choose the black shelters. Female monosex populations tend to use red and orange shelters. In manuscript 4, we evaluated in laboratory the behavioral activities and growth performance of juvenile shrimps under food restriction. We observed that a mild food restriction may be used since there is no loss concerning the growth of the animals; feeding management on alternate days , compared to daily management can be financially productive both reducing labor costs and reducing the amount of feed used . Manuscript 5 evaluated the behavior of shrimps in monosex and in mixed populations, as well as the latency of reach the food according to feed offer (tray or food dispersal) . Our results indicate that animals adjust to both types of feed offer food dispersal as much as tray, but they spend more time to reach the feed when it is offered in trays (feeders). Comparing culture types (mixed, male monosex and female monosex), the latency to reach the food was lower for female monosex population. The data obtained in this study demonstrate the importance of identifying different pressures and environmental stimuli on the behavioral responses of this species. This knowledge would support management improvement to optimize the levels of animals‟ welfare, resulting in a better zootecnical performance


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FUNDAMENTO: Treinamento físico (TF) aumenta a sensibilidade dos hormônios tireoidianos (HT) e a expressão gênica de estruturas moleculares envolvidas no movimento intracelular de cálcio do miocárdio, enquanto a restrição alimentar (RIA) promove efeitos contrários ao TF. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da associação TF e RIA sobre os níveis plasmáticos dos HT e a produção de mRNA dos receptores HT e estruturas moleculares do movimento de cálcio do miocárdio de ratos. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se ratos Wistar Kyoto divididos em: controle (C, n = 7), RIA (R50, n = 7), exercício físico (EX, n = 7) e exercício físico + RIA (EX50, n = 7). A RIA foi de 50% e o TF foi natação (1 hora/dia, cinco sessões/semana, 12 semanas consecutivas). Avaliaram-se as concentrações séricas de triiodotironina (T3), tiroxina (T4) e hormônio tireotrófico (TSH). O mRNA da bomba de cálcio do retículo sarcoplasmático (SERCA2a), fosfolamban (PLB), trocador Na+/Ca+2 (NCX), canal lento de cálcio (canal-L), rianodina (RYR), calsequestrina (CQS) e receptor de HT (TRα1 e TRβ1) do miocárdio foram avaliados por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) em tempo real. RESULTADOS: RIA reduziu o T4, TSH e mRNA do TRα1 e aumentou a expressão da PLB, NCX e canal-L. TF aumentou a expressão do TRβ1, canal-L e NCX. A associação TF e RIA reduziu T4 e TSH e aumentou o mRNA do TRβ1, SERCA2a, NCX, PLB e correlação do TRβ1 com a CQS e NCX. CONCLUSÃO: Associação TF e RIA aumentou o mRNA das estruturas moleculares cálcio transiente, porém o eixo HT-receptor não parece participar da transcrição gênica dessas estruturas.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o protocolo de contenção química com cetamina S(+) e midazolam em bugios-ruivos, comparando o cálculo de doses pelo método convencional e o método de extrapolação alométrica. Foram utilizados 12 macacos bugios (Alouatta guariba clamitans) hígidos, com peso médio de 4,84±0,97kg, de ambos os sexos. Após jejum alimentar de 12 horas e hídrico de seis horas, realizou-se contenção física manual e aferiram-se os seguintes parâmetros: frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (f), tempo de preenchimento capilar (TPC), temperatura retal (TR), pressão arterial sistólica não invasiva (PANI) e valores de hemogasometria arterial. Posteriormente, os animais foram alocados em dois grupos: GC (Grupo Convencional, n=06), os quais receberam cetamina S(+) (5mg kg-1) e midazolam (0,5mg kg-1), pela via intramuscular, com doses calculadas pelo método convencional; e GA (Grupo Alometria, n=06), os quais receberam o mesmo protocolo, pela mesma via, utilizando-se as doses calculadas pelo método de extrapolação alométrica. Os parâmetros descritos foram mensurados novamente nos seguintes momentos: M5, M10, M20 e M30 (cinco, 10, 20 e 30 minutos após a administração dos fármacos, respectivamente). Também foram avaliados: qualidade de miorrelaxamento, reflexo podal e caudal, pinçamento interdigital, tempo para indução de decúbito, tempo hábil de sedação, qualidade de sedação, e tempo e qualidade de recuperação. O GA apresentou menor tempo para indução ao decúbito, maior grau e tempo de sedação, bem como redução significativa da FC e PANI de M5 até M30, quando comparado ao GC. Conclui-se que o grupo no qual o cálculo de dose foi realizado por meio da alometria (GA) apresentou melhor grau de relaxamento muscular e sedação, sem produzir depressão cardiorrespiratória significativa.


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The present paper evaluated, through hepatosomatic/mesenteric fat indexes and body composition, the pacu energy utilization when submitted to alternated food restriction/refeeding cycles during the growout period. Juveniles were distributed in three pounds and submitted to different feeding programs: A (ad libitum daily feeding), B (4-week feeding restriction and 9-week refeeding) and C (6-week feeding restrictions and 7-week refeeding), totaling 13 weeks for each cycle (4 experimental cycles). At the end of the periods, fish were sampled to obtain biometrics and biochemical data. The results showed that, during the first two cycles, C treatment obtained the best compensatory growth. Carcass lipid and water contents were inversely related, with body fat decrease. Fishes under B and C treatment during food restriction utilized liver and mesentery energy stores. These parameters were re-established in the refeeding phase, in all cycles.


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In the northwestern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, the freshwater crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861 is usually sold as bait for several fish species for sport fishing. Thus, knowledge of the reproductive biology of this species is essential to provide information for maintaining natural stocks and implementing future farming initiatives. The objective of this study was to investigate the population dynamics of the red freshwater crab D. pagei, focusing on reproductive and juvenile recruitment periods, sex ratio, and individual growth. Sampling was performed monthly from October 2005 to September 2007 in the Marimbondo-Fumas Hydroelectric Plant reservoir, Rio Grande, municipality of Icém in northwestern São Paulo state. The individuals were sexed, carapace widths were measured, and the gonads were examined macroscopically. In total, 1002 individuals were analyzed, consisting of 568 males and 434 females, of which 4 were ovigerous and 35 carried early juveniles in the incubatory chamber. The largest numbers of reproductive individuals of both sexes were recorded during the winter and spring months before spawning, which occurred in the spring. Intense juvenile recruitment and the highest rainfall levels were observed during the Southern Hemisphere summer. The results indicate that spawning can be considered seasonal, and the simultaneous emergence of juveniles with high rainfall levels is probably the result of the higher availability of food and potential sites for protection against predators. The skewed sex ratio (♂ 1:0.76 ♀) may be associated with growth rates, mortality, food restriction, behavioral differences, migration, and differential habitat use between the sexes. The similar maximum size (CW∞) and growth constant (k) for males (k = 1.78 y-1, CW = 61.43 mm) and females (k = 1.67 y-1, CW = 60.66 mm) may be associated with different energy investment strategies between the sexes. Additionally, a closed season is proposed for the species. © The Crustacean Society, 2013. Published by Brill NV, Leiden.


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