990 resultados para food attitudes


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The series of studies addresses several everyday beliefs about food and health from the perspective of everyday thinking and paranormal beliefs. They are "you are what you eat" beliefs, attitudes towards genetically modified and organic foods, and belief in alternative medicine. The survey studies included from 239 to 3261 Finnish participants. It was found that food consumption can have far-stretching consequences for the impressions of the eater in a "you are what you eat" manner. The results also demonstrated that belief in alternative medicine was related to belief in the paranormal, as were to a lesser degree attitudes towards genetically modified and organic foods. The study also addressed paranormal beliefs and belief in alternative medicine from the perspective of category observance. Paranormal believers as well as believers in alternative medicine were much more liberal than skeptics in violating categorical boundaries and attributed, for example, intentionality (mental) to body growth (biological) and life (biological) to energy (physical). In addition, the study addressed the relation of these attitudes and beliefs with preferred thinking style. The results demonstrated that belief in alternative medicine was especially appealing to intuitive thinkers, while rational thinking was unrelated to it. The same pattern was demonstrated for negative attitudes towards genetically modified food and positive attitudes towards organic food. In addition, it was demonstrated, however, that such unscientific notions may exist not instead of but parallel with "better knowledge". In sum, the present thesis contributes to the understanding of superstitious elements in various everyday attitudes and beliefs, and investigates their relationship with general inclinations towards belief in the paranormal. It appears that some very common everyday beliefs and attitudes about food and health contain elements of a superstitious nature. Involving conceptual enmeshment they go beyond mere associations, and can coincide with scientifically valid views on the same topic.


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This qualitative research expands understanding of how information about a range of Novel Food Technologies (NFTs) is used and assimilated, and the implications of this on the evolution of attitudes and acceptance. This work enhances theoretical and applied understanding of citizens’ evaluative processes around these technologies. The approach applied involved observations of interactive exchanges between citizens and information providers (i.e. food scientists), during which they discussed a specific technology. This flexible, yet structured, approach revealed how individuals construct meaning around information about specific NFTs. A rich dataset of 42 ‘deliberate discourse’ and 42 postdiscourse transcripts was collected. Data analysis encompassed three stages: an initial descriptive account of the complete dataset based on the top-down bottom-up (TDBU) model of attitude formation, followed by inductive and deductive thematic analysis across the selected technology groups. The hybrid thematic analysis undertaken identified a Conceptual Model, which represents a holistic perspective on the influences and associated features directing ‘sense-making’ and ultimate evaluations around the technology clusters. How individuals make sense of these technologies is shaped by: their beliefs, values and personal characteristics; their perceptions of power and control over the application of the technology; and, the assumed relevance of the technology and its applications within different contexts. These influences form the frame for the creation of sense-making around the technologies. Internal negotiations between these influences are evident and evaluations are based on the relative importance of each influence to the individual, which tend to contribute to attitude ambivalence and instability. The findings indicate the processes of forming and changing attitudes towards these technologies are: complex; dependent on characteristics of the individual, technology, application and product; and, impacted by the nature and forms of information provided. Challenges are faced in engaging with the public about these technologies, as levels of knowledge, understanding and interest vary.


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An investigation into customer loyalty to food retailers posed a methodological problem namely how to delve beneath the surface and access consumers' unspoken feelings, perceptions, attitudes and values. This paper explains how four different projective techniques were used to access the thoughts and feelings of 160 interviewees in order to obtain a thorough understanding of the interviewees' satisfaction with their 'main' food retailer and to characterize the relationship between the customer and retailer. A brief description of the use, analysis and examples of cartoon friends, word association, personification and mini case studies was provided in order to describe their role in the data collection process.


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Nanotechnology has emerged as a technological advancement that could develop and transform the entire agri-food sector, with the potential to increase agricultural productivity, food security and economic growth for industries. Though as still a relatively new concept there are concerns over its safety, regulation and acceptance by the industry and consumers. This review set out to address the implications of nanotechnology for the agri-food industry by examining the potential benefits, risks and opportunities. Existing scientific gaps in knowledge are believed to be a prohibitive factor in addition to uncertainties in the level of awareness and attitudes towards the use of nanotechnology by the industry.


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Domestic cooking skills (CS) and food skills (FS) encompass multiple components, yet there is a lack of consensus on their constituent parts, inter-relatedness or measurement, leading to limited empirical support for their role in influencing dietary quality. This review assessed the measurement of CS and FS in adults (>16 years); critically examining study designs, psychometric properties of measures, theoretical basis and associations of CS/FS with diet. Electronic databases (PsychInfo), published reports and systematic reviews on cooking and home food preparation interventions (Rees et al. 2012 ; Reicks et al. 2014 ) provided 834 articles of which 26 met the inclusion criteria. Multiple CS/FS measures were identified across three study designs: qualitative; cross-sectional; and dietary interventions; conducted from 1998-2013. Most measures were not theory-based, limited psychometric data was available, with little consistency of items or scales used for CS/FS measurements. Some positive associations between CS/FS and FV intake were reported; though lasting dietary changes were uncommon. The role of psycho-social (e.g., gender, attitudes) and external factors (e.g. food availability) on CS/FS is discussed. A conceptual framework of CS/FS components is presented for future measurement facilitation, which highlights the role for CS/FS on food-related behaviour and dietary quality. This will aid future dietary intervention design.


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The recent ‘horse meat scandal’ in Europe has sparked huge concerns among consumers, as horse meat was found in beef lasagne ready to be consumed. Within STARTEC, a European funded project, this study investigates consumers’ preferences, attitudes and willingness to pay (WTP) towards characteristics of ready to heat (RTH) fresh lasagne, including origin of the meat, tested for meat authenticity, safety of the lasagne, and nutritional value, using Discrete Choice Experiments in six countries - Republic of Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Norway. Our representative sample of 4,598 European consumers makes this the largest cross country study of this kind. The questionnaire was administered online in January 2014. Results from models in WTP-space show that, on average, consumers are willing to pay considerable amount (about €4-9) for food authenticity; on this Irish and Italian are the least concerned while Spanish are the most concerned. As expected from discussing with stakeholders, food safety claims and nutritional value of the RTH lasagne are relatively less important. Consumers also value knowing the origin of ingredients preferring locally sourced meat. Primarily, the results of this study present strong evidence that consumers in Europe are highly concerned about authenticity of the meat in ready meals and strongly prefer to know that the meat is national. This evidence suggests that there is great value in providing information on these attributes, both from a consumer perspective and where this leads to an increased consumer confidence has benefits for the food industry.


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Field lab in marketing: Children consumer behaviour


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It was the purpose of this study to investigate attitudes toward leadership development education of one client group served by the ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The survey, answered by 175 participants, attempted to answer the following questions: (a) What is a common definition of leadership?, (b) What leadership concepts are important to leadership development education? and, (c) What are client attitudes toward leadership development education? A descriptive research approach was used and the data were analyzed according to a model developed by Colaizzi. Concept maps were developed under the broad areas of: (a) Developing leader qualities; (b) Past experiences that developed leadership skills that worked on the jOb; (c) Leadership skills developed from present day positions; and (d) How leadership skills may be developed in future situations. A description of the dynamics of leadership development was written and the essential dynamics of leadership skill development in one volunteer organization was described. This study supports the linkages perspective of leadership within voluntary organizations developed by Vandenberg, Thullen and Fear (1987). The linkages perspective consists of three major components: perception, property and process. As a perception, leadership is the set of beliefs each group member holds regarding the behaviours and qualities characteristic of effective leaders. As a property, leadership represents the qualities attributed by group members to persons perceived as effectively (or potentially) influencing the goal achievement process. As a process, leadership involves the use of non-coercive influence to facilitate group accomplishment of valued goals. Leadership concepts important for development in a leadership development education program related to personal, organizational and societal development. The top five concepts in terms of rank order are communicating effectively, forming and working with groups, working creatively (tie), developing followers, managing meetings, directing projects or activities, understanding financial matters, managing negotiations (tie), developing resources and understanding and developing oneself (tie). Several recommendations are relevant for extension personnel as educators. Theoretical concepts on leadership need to be shared to extension practitioners involved in leadership development. currently used teaching materials for leadership development should be evaluated to see if they include concepts from preferrred theoretical leadership perceptions.


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Objectif. Décrire les attitudes et habitudes de Canadiens relativement à la préparation des aliments à la maison et au repas familial, afin de saisir les motivations à exploiter lors de la promotion de ces habitudes. Méthodes. Un sondage électronique de 39 questions à choix multiples a été placé sur le site des Diététistes du Canada du 16 novembre au 22 décembre 2006. Les énoncés analysés abordent la perception des bénéfices associés à la cuisine maison, à la planification des soupers et au repas familial, les obstacles à cuisiner, le temps de préparation et la planification des soupers, l’apprentissage de la cuisine, les sources d’idées recettes et la consommation des repas familiaux. Résultats. Au total, 4080 individus ont complété le questionnaire. Bien qu’ils croient que la cuisine maison puisse améliorer la qualité de l’alimentation et les comportements alimentaires, les répondants rencontrent plusieurs obstacles à la préparation des aliments au quotidien, parmi lesquels le manque de temps, d’énergie, d’idées et de planification. Bien qu’une majorité de Canadiens soupent en famille, il existe des écarts selon les groupes d’âge et les régions canadiennes. Conclusion. Cette étude souligne la pertinence d’élaborer des stratégies de communication pour informer les consommateurs sur les bénéfices de la cuisine maison et du repas en famille, afin de les aider à surmonter les défis associés à ces habitudes. Si les nutritionnistes sont des intervenants de choix, des collaborations interdisciplinaires sont proposées pour promouvoir une cuisine maison saine, bien planifiée, simplifiée et savourée en famille.


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Contexte. De plus en plus d’enfants fréquentent les milieux de garde et y consomment leur repas. Les éducatrices présentes constituent des modèles dont les attitudes et les pratiques alimentaires peuvent contribuer au développement des habitudes alimentaires des enfants. Toutefois, peu d’études ont été menées sur le sujet. Objectifs. Décrire les attitudes et les stratégies d’éducatrices en milieux de garde au Québec à l’égard de l’alimentation des enfants et dégager les styles alimentaires dominants. Méthode. La collecte de données a eu lieu par sondage sur le site Web www.nospetitsmangeurs.org. À partir de 86 énoncés, la recherche a documenté les styles et pratiques alimentaires des éducatrices au moyen de huit mises en situation : mets principal non apprécié par l’éducatrice, aliment particulier non apprécié par un enfant, nouveau mets non désiré par les enfants, enfant difficile ne voulant pas manger, enfant qui n’a pas faim, fillette avec embonpoint, fillette de petit poids et enfant n’ayant pas terminé son repas. Analyse statistique. Des statistiques descriptives, des échelles de fiabilité et des corrélations ont été générées. Des tests de t pour échantillons appariés ont également été utilisés pour évaluer le degré relatif des styles alimentaires. Résultats. Au total, 371 répondants ont rempli l’ensemble du questionnaire. Globalement, les éducatrices étudiées utilisent le style alimentaire démocratique. Celles-ci mentionnent représenter des modèles pour les enfants. Elles encouragent aussi les enfants à manger et utilisent la division des responsabilités. Paradoxalement, la pratique alimentaire associée au style autoritaire la plus utilisée est la pression à manger, pratique en opposition avec le concept de division des responsabilités. Conclusion. Cette étude indique que les éducatrices démontrent des attitudes positives à l’égard de l’alimentation des enfants. Malgré certaines discordances à l’égard de stratégies utilisées, ces résultats sont encourageants, car le style alimentaire démocratique permet aux enfants de reconnaitre leurs signaux de faim et de satiété.


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La pratique d’un sport de type esthétique est aujourd’hui considérée par plusieurs (Sundgot-Borgen & Torstveit, 2004; Thompson & Sherman, 2010) comme un facteur de risque à l’adoption d’attitudes et de comportements alimentaires inappropriés à l’égard de l’alimentation et de l’image corporelle (ACIAI) et ultimement au développement d’un trouble des conduites alimentaires (TCA). Les études actuelles portant sur cette problématique rapportent toutefois des résultats contradictoires. De plus, certains aspects méthodologiques associés notamment à l’hétérogénéité des échantillons limitent la portée interprétative de ces résultats. Afin de pallier les limites actuelles des écrits empiriques, cette thèse a pour but de tracer le portrait de la problématique des désordres alimentaires chez les jeunes athlètes québécoises de haut niveau en sport esthétique. Pour ce faire, un échantillon homogène de 145 adolescentes âgées de 12 à 19 ans a été constitué soit 52 athlètes de haut niveau et 93 non-athlètes. Les sports représentés sont le patinage artistique, la nage synchronisée et le ballet. À partir de cet échantillon, deux études sont réalisées. L’objectif de la première étude est de comparer l’intensité des ACIAI et la prévalence des TCA dans les deux groupes à l’aide de deux questionnaires soit le Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) et le Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3). Les résultats obtenus suggèrent qu’il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les athlètes et les non-athlètes de l’échantillon en ce qui a trait à l’intensité des ACIAI et à la prévalence des TCA. La deuxième étude est constituée de deux objectifs. Tout d’abord, comparer les deux groupes relativement aux caractéristiques personnelles suivantes : l’insatisfaction de l’image corporelle (IIC), le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle envers l’alimentation normative (SEP-AN) et l’image corporelle (SEP-IC), le perfectionnisme (P), l’ascétisme (As), la dysrégulation émotionnelle (DÉ) et le déficit intéroceptif (DI). De nature plus exploratoire, le second objectif de cette étude est de décrire et de comparer les caractéristiques personnelles qui sont associées aux ACIAI dans chacun des groupes. Afin de réaliser ces objectifs, deux autres questionnaires ont été utilisés soit le Eating Disorder Recovery Self-efficacy Questionnaire-f (EDRSQ-f) et le Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). En somme, les analyses indiquent que les athlètes de l’échantillon présentent des niveaux plus faibles de SEP-AN et de DÉ. Ce faisant, elles auraient moins confiance en leur capacité à maintenir une alimentation normative, mais réguleraient plus efficacement leurs émotions que les adolescentes non-athlètes. Une fois l’âge et l’indice de masse corporelle contrôlés, les résultats démontrent également que le SEP-AN et l’IIC contribuent à prédire dans chaque groupe les ACIAI tels que mesurés par la recherche de minceur. Le SEP-AN a aussi été associé dans les deux groupes à l’intensité des symptômes boulimiques. Les modèles obtenus diffèrent cependant quant aux variables prédictives principales. Chez les athlètes de l’échantillon, l’intensité des conduites boulimiques est associée à la DÉ alors qu’elle est davantage liée au DI chez les adolescentes non sportives. Enfin, en plus de discuter et de comparer l’ensemble de ces résultats aux autres travaux disponibles, les apports distinctifs de la thèse et les principales limites des études sont abordés. Des pistes sont également suggérées afin d’orienter les recherches futures et des implications cliniques sont proposées.


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In Germany and other European countries piglets are routinely castrated in order to avoid the occurrence of boar taint, an off-flavour and off-odour of pork. Sensory perception of boar taint varies; however, it is regarded as very unpleasant by many people. Surgical castration which is an effective means against boar taint has commonly been performed without anaesthesia or analgesia within the piglets’ first seven days of life. Piglet castration without anaesthesia has been heavily criticised, as the assumption that young piglets perceive less pain than older animals cannot be supported by scientific evidence. Consequently, surgical castration is only allowed with anaesthesia and/or analgesia in organic farming throughout the European Union since January 2012. Abandoning piglet castration without pain relief requires the implementation of alternative methods which improve animal welfare while maintaining sensory meat quality. There are three relevant alternatives: castration with anaesthesia and/or analgesia to reduce pain, a vaccination against boar taint (immunocastration) and the fattening of uncastrated male pigs (fattening of boars) combined with measures to reduce and detect boar taint in meat. Consumers’ attitudes and opinions regarding the alternatives are an important factor with regard to the implementation of alternatives, as they are finally supposed to buy the meat. The objective of this dissertation was to explore organic consumers’ attitudes, preferences and willingness-to-pay regarding piglet castration without pain relief and the three alternatives. Important aspects for the evaluation of the alternatives and influencing factors (e.g. information, taste) on preferences and willingness-to-pay should also be identified. In autumn 2009 nine focus group discussions were conducted each followed by a Vickrey auction including a tasting of boar salami. Overall, 89 consumers of organic pork participated in the study. Information on piglet castration and alternatives (in three variants) was provided as a basis for discussion. The focus group data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. In order to compare the focus group results with those from the auctions, an innovative approach applying an adapted scoring model to further analyse the data set was used. The majority of participants were not aware that piglets are castrated without anaesthesia in organic farming. They reacted shocked and disappointed on learning about this practice which did not fit into their image of animal welfare standards in organic farming. Overall, the results show, that for consumers of organic pork castration with anaesthesia and analgesia as well as the fattening of boars may be acceptable alternatives in organic farming. Considering the strong food safety concerns regarding immunocastration, acceptance of this alternative may be questioned. Communication regarding alternatives to piglet castration without anaesthesia and analgesia should take into account that the relevance of the aspects animal welfare, food safety, taste and costs differs between alternatives. Furthermore, it seems advisable not to address an unappetizing topic like piglet castration directly at the point of sale so as not to deter consumers from buying organic pork. The issue of piglet castration demonstrates exemplarily that it is important for the organic sector to implement and maintain high animal welfare standards and communicate them in an appropriate way, thereby trying to prevent strong discrepancies between consumers’ expectations regarding animal husbandry in organic farming and actual conditions. So, disappointment of consumers and a loss of image due to negative reports about animal welfare issues can be avoided.


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With 25% of the UK population predicted to be obese by 2010, the costs to individuals and society are set to rise. Due to the extra economic and social pressures obesity causes, there is an increasing need to understand what motivates and prevents consumers from eating a healthy diet so as to be able to tailor policy interventions to specific groups in society. In so doing, it is important to explore potential variations in attitudes, motivation and behaviour as a function of age and gender. Both demographic factors are easily distinguished within society and a future intervention study which targets either, or both, of these would likely be both feasible and cost-effective for policy makers. As part of a preliminary study, six focus groups (total n = 43) were conducted at the University of Reading in November 2006, with groups segmented on the basis of age and gender. In order to gather more sensitive information, participants were also asked to fill out a short anonymous questionnaire before each focus group began, relating to healthy eating, alcohol consumption and body dissatisfaction. Making use of thematic content analysis, results suggested that most participants were aware of the type of foods that contribute to a healthy diet and the importance of achieving a healthy balance within a diet. However, they believed that healthy eating messages were often conflicting, and were uncertain about where to find information on the topic. Participants believed that the family has an important role in educating children about eating habits. Despite these similarities, there were a number of key differences among the groups in terms of their reasons for making food choices. Older participants (60+ years old) were more likely to make food choices based on health considerations. Participants between the ages of 18–30 were less concerned with this link, and instead focused on issues of food preparation and knowledge, prices and time. Younger female participants said they had more energy when they ate healthier diets; however, very often their food choices related to concern with their appearance. Older female participants also expressed this concern within the questionnaire, rather than in the group discussions. Overall, these results suggest that consumer motivations for healthy eating are diverse and that this must be considered by government, retailers and food producers.


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Consumers' attitudes to trust and risk are key issues in food safety research and attention needs to be focused on clearly defining a framework for analysing consumer behaviour in these terms. In order to achieve this, a detailed review of the recent literature surrounding risk, trust and the relationship between the two must be conducted. This paper aims to collate the current social sciences literature in the fields of food safety, trust and risk. It provides an insight into the economic and other modelling procedures available to measure consumers' attitudes to risk and trust in food safety and specifically notes the need for future research to concentrate on examining risk and trust as inter-related variables rather than two distinct, mutually exclusive concepts. A framework is proposed which it is hoped will assist in devising more effective research to support risk communication to consumers.