977 resultados para field experience


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The authors' experience in the treatment of grey video compression using fractals is summarized and compared with other research in the same field. Experience with parallel and distributed computing is also discussed.


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For existing reinforced concrete structures exposed to saline or marine conditions, there is an increasing engineering interest in their remaining safety and serviceability. A significant factor is the corrosion of steel reinforcement. At present there is little field experience and other data available. This limits the possibility for developing purely empirical models for strength and performance deterioration for use in structural safety and serviceability assessment. An alternative approach using theoretical concepts and probabilistic modeling is proposed herein. It is based on the evidence that the rate of diffusion of chlorides is influenced by internal damage to the concrete surrounding the reinforcement. This may be due to localized stresses resulting from external loading or through concrete shrinkage. Usually, the net effect is that the time to initiation of active corrosion is shortened, leading to greater localized corrosion and earlier reduction of ultimate capacity and structural stiffness. The proposed procedure is applied to an example beam and compared to experimental observations,including estimates of uncertainty in the remaining ultimate moment capacity and beam stiffness. Reasonably good agreement between the results of the proposed procedure and the experiment was found


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013


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Para garantir que um equipamento opere com segurança e fiabilidade durante o seu ciclo de vida, desde a sua instalação ao desmantelamento, devem ser realizadas inspeções e/ou monitorizações que, dependendo dos dados recolhidos, podem implicar avaliações Fitness- For-Service (FFS) que definirão a necessidade de reparação ou alteração do equipamento ou das condições processuais. A combinação de inspeção ou monitorização com os melhores procedimentos e técnicas de avaliação atuais fazem sobressair insuficiências dos procedimentos mais antigos. Usando métodos mais avançados de avaliação, validados e suportados através de uma vasta experiência de campo, pode-se agora avaliar defeitos nos ativos (equipamentos) e determinar a adequação ao serviço com uma análise FFS. As análises FFS tornaram-se cada vez mais aceites em toda a indústria ao longo dos últimos anos. A norma API 579 - 1/ASME FFS-1: 2007 fornece diretrizes para avaliar os tipos de danos que afetam os equipamentos processuais e a norma API RP 571: 2011 descreve os mecanismos de degradação que afetam os equipamentos nas petroquímicas e refinarias, que incluem os danos por corrosão, desalinhamentos, deformações plásticas, laminações, fissuras, entre outros. Este trabalho consiste na análise de Integridade Estrutural de uma Flare Industrial que surgiu da necessidade real de análise do equipamento no âmbito da atividade profissional do candidato. O estudo realizado a nível profissional é de grande abrangência, incluindo a inspeção do equipamento, identificação da falha ou dano, recolha e registo de dados, definição de estratégia de atuação e seleção de técnicas de avaliação da condição para posterior alteração, reparação ou desmantelamento. Na presente dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica, Ramo Construções Mecânicas, pretende-se efetuar o estudo aprofundado de uma das etapas de projeto, nomeadamente estudar a causa, avaliar a falha e implicações estruturais ou processuais devido à degradação interior do riser de uma flare, com base numa análise FFS, assumindo a operabilidade em segurança e garantindo resolutas condições de funcionamento. A presente análise FFS tem como finalidade validar ou não a integridade atual (avaliação técnica quantitativa) de modo a conhecer se o item em questão é seguro e confiável para continuar a operar em condições específicas durante um período de tempo determinado, tendo em consideração as condições verificadas no ato de inspeção e especificações de projeto, segundo os itens de verificação de segurança estabelecidos na norma EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 e com base na norma API 579-1/ASME FFS-1: 2007. No âmbito do presente trabalho foram realizadas as seguintes tarefas: - Identificar e analisar os mecanismos de degradação com base na norma API RP 571: 2011, face às condições processuais e geométricas que o equipamento em análise está sujeito de modo a perceber a evolução da degradação estrutural e quais as implicações na sua longevidade. - Avaliar e propor soluções de reparação e ou alterações processuais e ou geométricas do equipamento em análise de modo a permitir a continuidade em funcionamento sem afetar as condições de segurança e por conseguinte minimizar ou evitar o elevado custo económico associado a um novo equipamento e tempo de paragem processual. - Assumir limites estruturais face às condições processuais e ações externas ou adjacentes. - Garantir a segurança e qualidade da vida humana ou meio que o rodeia, do equipamento, das instalações, das infraestruturas envolventes e evitar o colapso económico, quer por motivos processuais, quer indeminizações ou agravamento do prémio do seguro. Verificou-se que os resultados serão a base para as alterações inerentes, tais como reforço estrutural, alteração da geometria do defletor, ajuste no tensionamento dos cabos e controlo da espessura mínima, de modo a alargar o período de vida útil da flare com segurança.


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O presente trabalho propôs uma investigação qualitativa e exploratória, com o objetivo de identificar os fatores que influenciam o intraempreendedorismo no profissional de secretariado, dentro de uma organização e enquanto exerce a sua atividade. Este trabalho iniciou-se com o estudo do empreendedorismo e focou-se no intraempreendedorismo, consistindo na exploração deste conceito – fundamentação teórica. Posteriormente, foram desenvolvidas entrevistas semiestruturadas a oito secretárias de diversas empresas – investigação empírica. Através destas etapas, foi possível estudar os fatores do intraempreendedorismo da literatura, nomeadamente: a) os traços pessoais (personalidade pró-ativa, necessidade de realização, controlo e autoeficácia); b) a demografia (idade); c) as capacidades cognitivas (nível de escolaridade e experiência na área); d) o design do trabalho (tipo, autonomia, variedade e contactos com o exterior) e e) o contexto do trabalho (prémios, recursos, liderança e clima de trabalho) aplicados a este contexto específico. Neste grupo de profissionais verificou-se que determinados fatores parecem ter mais peso do que outros, dependendo de cada situação. Os traços pessoais, o design e o contexto do trabalho apontaram ter maior influência no desenvolvimento de comportamentos intraempreendedores das secretárias. Esta investigação contribuiu para o estudo da profissão, demonstrando que esta pode atuar de uma forma empreendedora.


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The high infant mortality in Zambia is largely attributable to malnutrition. It is exacerbated by the inability of mothers to recognise threats to nutritional status and take corrective action. Advice in ‘Health Centres’ is often inaccessible to mothers. The Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) work with pregnant women in local communities, and the purpose of this study was to develop and implement an educationprogram in growth monitoring and nutrition for the TBAs and then to evaluate its effects. Twenty five TBAs from two peri-urban areas of Kitwe were enrolled in this pilot study and eighteen completed the program. The researcher developed and taught a program to the TBAs over ten days. A pretest was given before the teaching program to enable the researcher to obtain information about the knowledge and skills of the TBAs. Following the teaching program the TBAs were re-tested, with the same questionnaire. Focus groups were conducted to enable the TBA to provide information on the teaching materials and the education program. The TBAs then returned to their communities and put into practice the skills and knowledge they had learned for six months. Their practice was monitored by a trained Public Health Nurse. The researcher also surveyed 38 pregnant women about their knowledge of growth monitoring and nutrition before the TBAs went into the field to work with their local communities. The same questionnaire used with the pregnant women was administered to 38 new mothers with children aged 0 to 6 months to gain information of their knowledge and skills following the work of the TBAs. The program was evaluated by assessing the extent to which TBAs knowledge and skills were increased, the knowledge and understanding of a selection of their clients and the rates of malnutrition of infants in the area under study. The results from the research clearly indicated that the teaching program on growth monitoring and nutrition given to the selected group of TBAs had a positive effect on their knowledge and skills. It was found that the teaching developed their knowledge, practical skills, evaluative skills. That they were able to give infants’ mothers sound advice regarding their children’s nutrition was revealed by the mother’s increased knowledge and the decrease in numbers of malnourished children in the study areas at the conclusion of the research. The major outcomes from the study are: that Zambian TBAs can be taught to carry out an expanded role; field experience is a key factor in the teaching program; making advice available in local communities is important; and preliminary data on the Zambian experience were generated. Recommendations are: The pilot program should be expanded with continuing support from the Health Department. Similar educational programs should be introduced into other areas of Zambia with support from the Ministry of Health. That in administering a teaching program: Sufficient time must be allocated to practical work to allow poorly educated women to attain the basic skills needed to master the complex skills required to competently reduce faltering in their communities. The teaching materials to illustrate nutritional principles for feeding programs must be developed to suite locally available foods and conditions. Methods of teaching should suit the local area, for example, using what facilities are locally available. The timing of the teaching program should be suitable for the TBAs to attend. This may vary from area to area, for example it may be necessary to avoid times traditionally given to fetching water or working in the fields. For similar reasons, the venue for the teaching program should be suitable to the TBAs. The teachers should go into the TBAs’ community rather than causing disruption of the TBAs’ day by expecting them to go to the teacher. Data should be collected from a larger group of TBAs and clients to enable sophisticated statistical analysis to complement data from this pilot program. The TBAs should be given recognition for their work and achievement. This is something which they asked for. They do not ask for payment, rather acknowledgment through regular follow up and approbation.


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A visit to the New Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece, in late June 2010 set in train a number of questions and inspired a research project to begin to unravel something of the complex relationship between ancient and modern architecture on the Athenian Acropolis. Research was guided by the question: how does the contemporary museum, designed by Swiss born architect Bernard Tschumi in collaboration with local Greek architect Michalis Photiadis relate to the ancient Acropolis and the fifth century BC Parthenon, whose sculptures it was to house? A critical literature review was augmented by design analysis and field experience. This paper documents the resulting critical thematic investigations of the Parthenon, the Acropolis and the New Museum through siting, materiality and light, alignment, visual connections, through exploitation of the unique Attic light, orchestrated movement and considered juxtapositions. Research has revealed that Tschumi’s deliberate strategy of creating a dialogue between his building and the ancient monuments holds the key to his design intent, to creatively exploring contemporary architecture at the edge of such a physically and culturally dominant ancient plateau.


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This chapter explores the engagement of tertiary students in interviewing “green” experts. Using Engeström’s expansive activity model, the study finds that integrating podcasting into a course with strong links to other activities and resources helped students assimilate and develop the concepts of the course. The project promotes functionalist values of independent, experimental learning and deep engagement with learning material, it invokes authentic field experience, accommodates different learning styles and it provides considerable motivation.

The study suggests that mobile learning embodies the means to change relationships between learner and expert and that such connecting is a key attribute of contemporary subjective association and recontextualization. The chapter provides a brief review of the literature on podcasting in education, followed by the teaching and learning context and the application of Engeström’s “expansive activity model” (1994, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010). I describe the student group undertaking the exercises in a Level 5 Sociology course, and the project (which subsequently extended into a later course: “The Sustainable Business Environment”, because many of the podcast students had pre-enrolled in that course).

The paper discusses the methodological approach that was used, offering two strands of analysis: students’ use of the podcasts and how the latter were placed in their learning about sustainable development. The discussion section elaborates the model and offers suggestions for advancing the educational use of podcasts. Last, I offer some thoughts on how Engeström’s model might be extended in education to develop not just new objects, but also the new use of objects.


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This article reports on a study into university preservice teachers’ perceptions of online video-recorded interviews as an alternative to the traditional lecture format in a course on inclusive education. With the aim of assisting preservice teachers to link theory and practice, the series of video-recorded interviews focused on key concepts around educating students with diverse needs and abilities. The interviews were conducted between the course coordinator and a number of professionals with relevant field experience in special education and inclusion, and were then made available to preservice teachers online. Survey data indicated that this type of delivery model was perceived as effective in promoting engagement and learning, and in facilitating an understanding of the connection between theory and practice. Implications for teacher education are discussed.


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The aim of the study reported in this paper was to evaluate the perceived benefit of video-recorded interviews as an alternative to the traditional lecture format in pre-service teacher education programs. Pre-service teachers traditionally struggle with the gap that they perceive exists between the theories taught at university and the practical competencies they require as teachers in primary and secondary school contexts. Additionally, they report that the shift from face-to-face to online delivery of course content, rapidly being adopted in the tertiary environment, seems to have often been made without associated shifts in format and pedagogy.

In the previously mentioned study, participants were drawn from cohorts of more than 300 pre-service teachers enrolled in an inclusive Education course in the Faculty of Education of an urban Australian university. The course was delivered both online and face-to-face on three campuses of the university to students in three different Education programs. In order to provide an alternative to the traditional lecture format, the developer of this course initiated and created video-recorded interview dialogues which were subsequently uploaded into the Faculty’s Learning Management System for student access. The interviews, conducted by the Course Coordinator, were held with a number of professionals with field experience relevant to key concepts of the course.

Data were collected from Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning (SETL) questionnaires. The questionnaires were designed to gather both quantitative and qualitative data from the pre-service teachers about the extent to which the use of video-recorded interview dialogues enhanced their learning. In particular the questionnaires sought to ascertain whether, in the views of the pre-service teachers, this delivery method, first, engaged and interested them, and, second, assisted their learning through linking theory to practice. This paper provides a synthesis of the study’s findings and explores their implications for the delivery of learning experiences in both the online and on-campus modes of pre-service teacher education programs. A focus is placed on how video-recorded interviews can be used to enhance resource accessibility and to increase pre-service teachers’ engagement and learning in coursework.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Os professores, no exercício de sua ação docente, reelaboram,adaptam, retraduzem os conhecimentos diversos recebidos ao longo de sua formação inicial e ambiental por meio do pensar sobre suas próprias experiências. Esta gama de saberes gerados a partir da ação de ensinar, em nosso caso específico, matemática, são edificadores das bases de sua identidade profissional. Para o ensino de matemática na Educação de Jovens e Adultos - EJA, os saberes dos professores adquirem certa especificidade, devido às peculiaridades do público. Tais peculiaridades exigem que o mesmo passe por uma reeducação que se dá, em grande parte dos casos, na prática, mediante a reflexão. A pesquisa de tema Saberes produzidos na ação de ensinar matemática na EJA: contribuições para o debate sobre a formação inicial de professores de matemática na UFPA, objetivou de modo geral, a partir das falas dos professores e estagiários de matemática da EJA, evidenciar os saberes produzidos na dinâmica do ensinar matemática pra este público, nas relações entre professores e alunos, professores e conteúdos de sua formação inicial e entre professores e professores. È o professor em ação e o estagiário concluinte lançando um olhar crítico sobre suas próprias formações e práticas, promovendo um diálogo entre ambas e apontando diretrizes para uma formação inicial que contemple estas especificidades. Para a coleta de dados utilizamoas como instrumento as entrevistas semi-estruturadas com professores e estagiários. Evidenciamos saberes práticos quanto ao currículo de matemática da EJA, quanto aos estudantes da EJA, quanto à especificidades da vida adulta, quanto à contextualização dos conteúdos matemáticos, entre outros. O caráter formativo das rflexões, expresso pelas falas elaboradas pelos professores e estagiários ao responderem as perguntas da entrevista, demonstra que estes saberes são latentes, potenciais, e que precisam ser evidenciados, trazidos à discussão e valorizados.


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Este trabalho é sobre a prática de professores de matemática que atuam na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa cujo objetivo é identificar, por meio das falas dos professores, os saberes por eles produzidos em sua prática docente na EJA. Para a coleta de dados utilizamos entrevistas semi estruturadas com seis professores de matemática da EJA e a aplicação de questionários para 48 alunos de uma escola do município de Belém do Pará. Dos diálogos que mantivemos com os professores de matemática da EJA emergiram os saberes experienciais que eles desenvolvem em sua prática na EJA. Os saberes experienciais dizem respeito ao uso de linguagem e metodologias adequadas aos alunos, à contextualização dos conteúdos matemáticos, ao resgate social dos alunos entre outros. Por meio de suas experiências os professores reelaboram e adaptam seus saberes com base nas peculiaridades de seus alunos da EJA e na reflexão que fazem sobre suas próprias práticas. As falas dos professores de matemática evidenciam sua insatisfação com os conhecimentos recebidos em sua formação inicial para ensinar na EJA, o que os faz manter, em suas práticas, um constante processo de reflexão e auto-formação para atuar nessa modalidade de ensino. Para tanto é importante que os professores estabeleçam, entre si, relações de parceria tendo em vista a melhoria do ensino para os alunos da EJA, o que pode contribuir com a implementação do Projeto Político Pedagógico nas escolas da EJA.


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Over the last decades of the 20th century, our society started an endless search for an ideal of beauty, advertised intensely by mass communication media. The concept of beauty pursued is being young, beautiful and thin. Thus, teenagers eventually die in the search for an ideal of body dominated by fat-fearing ideas. This article is a report about the field experience, during the collection of data for elaborating our Master’s Degree Dissertation on anorexia and adolescence. We went through an internship in an Eating Disease Program of a Mental Health Ambulatory from a Public University in the State of Sao Paulo, where we were able to experience the service organization, attention to users and the experience of anorexia, by the users in treatment. As the main result from this experience, it is possible to indicate the clientele profile, comprised predominantly by teenage girls, obsessed with the incessant pursuit of being thinner.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS