982 resultados para field crops and soils
We assess the international competitiveness of the dairy industries in Argentina and Chile, combining recent market intelligence gathered from field visits with quantitative simulations of global policy reform scenarios. Both countries exhibit strong potential for export growth but face significant internal and external barriers to expanding their dairy industries. Global policy reforms would resolve some of the international obstacles to their expansion. Argentina has great potential, but it is handicapped by its current macroeconomic policies, trade policy distortions, and the uncertainty associated with policy implementation. Chile is more limited in terms of natural capacity for expansion, but it has a positive trade and investment environment.
We investigated dispersal patterns in the monogamous Crocidura russula, based both on direct field observations (mark-recapture data) and on genetic analyses (microsatellite loci). Natal dispersal was found to be low. Most juveniles settled within their natal territory or one immediately adjacent. Migration rate was estimated to two individuals per year and per population. The correlation between genetic and geographical distances over a 16 km transect implies that migration occurs over short ranges. Natal dispersal was restricted to first-litter juveniles weaned in early May; this result suggests a direct dependence of dispersal on reproductive opportunities. Natal dispersal was highly female biased, a pattern unusual among mammals. Its association with monogamy provides support for the resource-competition model of dispersal. Our results demonstrate that a state-biased dispersal can be directly inferred from microsatellite genotype distributions, which opens new perspectives for empirical studies in this area.
An extensive study of the central part of the Sesia Lanzo Zone has been undertaken to identify pre-Alpine protoliths and to reconstruct the lithologic and tectonic setting of this part of the Western Alps. Three main complexes have been defined: 1) the Polymetamorphic Basement Complex, corresponding to the lower unit of the Sesia Lanzo Zone after COMPAGNONI et al. (1977), is further subdivided into the three following units: a) an Internal Unit characterized by eo-Alpine high pressure (HP) assemblages (DAL PIAZ et al., 1972) (Eclogitic Micaschists); b) an Intermediate Unit where HP parageneses are partially re-equilibrated under greenschist conditions and c) an External Unit where the main foliation is defined by a greenschist paragenesis (Gneiss Minuti auct.). 2) the Monometamorphic Cover Complex, subdivided into the followings: a) the Bonze Unit, composed of sheared metagabbros, eclogitized metabasalts with MORB geochemical affinity and related metasediments (micaschists, quartzites and Mn-cherts) and b) the Scalaro Unit, containing predominantly metasediments of supposed Permo-Triassic age (yellow dolomitic marbles, calcschists and conglomeratic limestones, micaschists and quartzites with thin levels of basic rocks with within plate basalts [WPB] geochimical affinity). Multiple lithostratigraphic sequences for the Monometamorphic Cover Complex are proposed. The contact between the Bonze and Scalaro Units is defined by repetitions of dolomitic marbles and metabasalts; the ages of the metasediments have been assigned solely by analogy with other sediments of the Western Alps, due to the absence of fossils. The Monometamorphic Cover Complex can be considered as the autochthonous cover of the Sesia Lanzo Zone because of the primary contacts with the basement and because of the presence of preAlpine HT basement blocks in the cover sequences. 3) The pre-Alpine high temperature (HT) Basement Complex (or `'Seconda Zona Diorito-Kinzigitica''), comprises HT Hercynian rocks like kinzigites, amphibolites, granulites and calcite marbles; this Complex is always located between the Internal and the External Units and can be followed continuously for several kilometers south of the Gressoney Valley to the Orco Valley. A schematic evolution for the Sesia Lanzo Zone is proposed; based on available data together with new geochronological data, this study shows that the internal and external parts of the polymetamorphic basement of the Sesia Zone experienced different cooling histories .
Spanning avalanches in the 3D Gaussian Random Field Ising Model (3D-GRFIM) with metastable dynamics at T=0 have been studied. Statistical analysis of the field values for which avalanches occur has enabled a Finite-Size Scaling (FSS) study of the avalanche density to be performed. Furthermore, a direct measurement of the geometrical properties of the avalanches has confirmed an earlier hypothesis that several types of spanning avalanches with two different fractal dimensions coexist at the critical point. We finally compare the phase diagram of the 3D-GRFIM with metastable dynamics with the same model in equilibrium at T=0.
The use of cover crops in vineyards is a conservation practice with the purpose of reducing soil erosion and improving the soil physical quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate cover crop species and management systems on soil physical properties and grape yield. The experiment was carried out in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Southern Brazil, on a Haplic Cambisol, in a vineyard established in 1989, using White and Rose Niagara grape (Vitis labrusca L.) in a horizontal, overhead trellis system. The treatments were established in 2002, consisting of three cover crops: spontaneous species (SS), black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb) (BO), and a mixture of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and annual rye-grass (Lolium multiflorum L.) (MC). Two management systems were applied: desiccation with herbicide (D) and mechanical mowing (M). Soil under a native forest (NF) area was collected as a reference. The experimental design consisted of completely randomized blocks, with three replications. The soil physical properties in the vine rows were not influenced by cover crops and were similar to the native forest, with good quality of the soil structure. In the inter-rows, however, there was a reduction in biopores, macroporosity, total porosity and an increase in soil density, related to the compaction of the surface soil layer. The M system increased soil aggregate stability compared to the D system. The treatments affected grapevine yield only in years with excess or irregular rainfall.
In modern agriculture, several factors cause changes in the soil physical properties. The time of establishment of a crop (plantation age) and the slope are examples of factors that moderate the impact of mechanized operations on the soil structure. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of machinery traffic on the physical properties of a Red-Yellow Latosol under coffee plantations with different ages (2, 7, 18, and 33 years) and slope positions (3, 9 and 15 %). Samples were collected from three positions between coffee rows (lower wheel track, inter-row and upper wheel track) and at two depths (surface layer and sub-surface). Changes in the total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, organic matter, bulk density, and aggregate stability were investigated. Our results showed that the slope influenced the organic matter content, microporosity and aggregate stability. The soil samples under the inter-row were minimally damaged in their structure, compared to those from under the lower and upper wheel track, while the structure was better preserved under the lower than the upper track. The time since the establishment of the crop, i.e., the plantation age, was the main factor determining the extent of structural degradation in the coffee plantation.
ABSTRACT The use of cover crops has recently increased and represents an essential practice for the sustainability of no-tillage systems in the Cerrado region. However, there is little information on the effects of nitrogen fertilization and cover crop use on nitrogen soil fractions. This study assessed changes in the N forms in soil cropped to cover crops prior to corn growing. The experiment consisted of a randomized complete block design arranged in split-plots with three replications. Cover crops were tested in the plots, and the N topdressing fertilization was assessed in the subplots. The following cover species were planted in succession to corn for eight years: Urochloa ruziziensis, Canavalia brasiliensis M. ex Benth, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp, and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. After corn harvesting, the soil was sampled at depths of 0.00-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m. The cover crops showed different effects at different soil depths. The soil cultivated with U. ruziziensis showed higher contents of total-N and particulate-N than the soil cultivated with C. cajan. Particulate-N was the most sensitive to changes in the soil management among the fractions of N assessed. The soil under N topdressing showed a lower content of available-N in the 0.10-0.20 m layer, which may be caused by the season in which the sampling was conducted or the greater uptake of the available-N by corn.
The importance of rapid construction technologies has been recognized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa DOT Office of Bridges and Structures. Recognizing this a two-lane single-span precast box girder bridge was constructed in 2007 over a stream. The bridge’s precast elements included precast cap beams and precast box girders. Precast element fabrication and bridge construction were observed, two precast box girders were tested in the laboratory, and the completed bridge was field tested in 2007 and 2008.
The importance of rapid construction technologies has been recognized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa DOT Office of Bridges and Structures. Black Hawk County (BHC) has developed a precast modified beam-in-slab bridge (PMBISB) system for use with accelerated construction. A typical PMBISB is comprised of five to six precast MBISB panels and is used on low volume roads, on short spans, and is installed and fabricated by county forces. Precast abutment caps and a precast abutment backwall were also developed by BHC for use with the PMBISB. The objective of the research was to gain knowledge of the global behavior of the bridge system in the field, to quantify the strength and behavior of the individual precast components, and to develop a more time efficient panel-to-panel field connection. Precast components tested in the laboratory include two precast abutment caps, three different types of deck panel connections, and a precast abutment backwall. The abutment caps and backwall were tested for behavior and strength. The three panel-to-panel connections were tested in the lab for strength and were evaluated based on cost and constructability. Two PMBISB were tested in the field to determine stresses, lateral distribution characteristics, and overall global behavior.
Asphalt wearing surfaces are commonly used on timber bridges with transverse glued-laminated deck panel systems to help protect the timber components. However, poor performance of these asphalt wearing surfaces in the past has resulted in repeated repair and increased maintenance costs. This report describes the field demonstration and testing of a newly-constructed, glued-laminated timber girder bridge. Previous field work revealed that differential panel deflections in the glued-laminated deck were one significant factor resulting in the premature failure of the asphalt wearing surfaces on these bridges. In addition, laboratory work subsequent to the field testing attempted to address the problematic asphalt cracking common in transverse glued-laminated panel decks by testing several deck joint connection alternatives. The field demonstration project described in this report showcases the retrofit detail that was determined to provide the best field performance. The project was a cooperative effort between the Bridge Engineering Center (BEC) at Iowa State University and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory (FPL).
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) have become common parts of modern concrete practice. The blending of two or three cementitious materials to optimize durability, strength, or economics provides owners, engineers, materials suppliers, and contractors with substantial advantages over mixtures containing only portland cement. However, these advances in concrete technology and engineering have not always been adequately captured in specifications for concrete. Users need specific guidance to assist them in defining the performance requirements for a concrete application and the selection of optimal proportions of the cementitious materials needed to produce the required durable concrete. The fact that blended cements are currently available in many regions increases options for mixtures and thus can complicate the selection process. Both Portland and blended cements have already been optimized by the manufacturer to provide specific properties (such as setting time, shrinkage, and strength gain). The addition of SCMs (as binary, ternary, or even more complex mixtures) can alter these properties, and therefore has the potential to impact the overall performance and applications of concrete. This report is the final of a series of publications describing a project aimed at addressing effective use of ternary systems. The work was conducted in several stages and individual reports have been published at the end of each stage.
In view of the energy, environmental, and economic advantages of the foamed asphalt process using local aggregates in cold mixes and the promising results from Research Project HR-212, a 4.2-mile section of county road in Muscatine County was built with foamed asphalt and local aggregates during August-September 1983. Extensive laboratory evaluation was carried out on five plant mixes representing foamed mixes used in the nine test sections, a laboratory prepared foamed mix, and a laboratory prepared hot mix similar to Plant Mix 1. The foamed mixes were compacted, cured under 15 curing conditions and tested for bulk specific gravity, Marshall stability at 77° F and at 140° F, cured moisture content, resilient modulus and effects of moisture damage due to freeze-thaw cycles, water soaking, and vacuum saturation. In addition, four sets of 83 core samples were taken at 1 to 15 months and tested for moisture content, specific gravity, Marshall stability, and resilient modulus. In summary, the test road has performed satisfactorily for almost two years. The few early construction problems encountered were to be expected for experimental projects dealing with new materials and technologies. Overall results to date are encouraging and foamed asphalt mixes have proved to have the potential as a viable base material in areas where marginal aggregates are available. It is hoped and expected that performance evaluation of the test sections will be continued and that more foamed asphalt trial projects will be constructed and monitored so that experiences and findings from this project can be verified and mix design criteria can be gradually established. For future foamed asphalt projects it is recommended that anti-stripping additives, such as hydrated lime, be added in view of the potential moisture susceptibility of foamed mixes observed in the laboratory evaluation.