890 resultados para family-centered practice
This paper seeks to share and critically explore the learning gained through the genesis, realisation, and facilitation process of Just for Dads, a groupwork programme for fathers, run in a family support setting. It highlights the importance of and challenges involved in engaging men in practice, and in groupwork aimed at fathers in particular. It recounts the significance of using a strengths perspective as a framework for engaging fathers in groupwork and highlights its value as experienced by participants and facilitators. The dynamic of peer learning which developed as a key part of the groupwork process is discussed, both in relation to how it was experienced by participants and also the degree to which the facilitators were part of that dynamic. Overall the paper aims to document and air key issues arising in this relatively unexplored arena of groupwork and family support practice.
Review question/objective What is the effect of using the teach-back method for health education to improve adherence to treatment regimen and self-management in chronic disease? Inclusion criteria Types of participants This review will consider all studies that include adult patients (aged 18 years and over) in any healthcare setting, either as inpatients (eg acute care, medical and surgical wards) or those who attend primary health care, family medical practice, general medical practice, clinics, outpatient departments, rehabilitation or community settings. Participants need to have been diagnosed as having one or more chronic diseases including heart failure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, arthritis, epilepsy or a mental health condition. Studies that include seriously ill patients, and/or those who have impairments in verbal communication and cognitive function will be excluded. Types of intervention This review will consider studies that investigate the use of the teach-back method alone or in combination with other supporting education, either in routine or research intervention education programs; regardless of how long the programs were and whether or not a follow-up was conducted. The intervention could be delivered by any healthcare professional. The comparator will be any health education for chronic disease that does not include the teach-back method. Types of outcomes Primary outcomes of interest are disease-specific knowledge, adherence, and self-management knowledge, behavior and skills measured using patient report, nursing observation or validated measurement scales. Secondary outcomes include knowledge retention, self-efficacy, hospital readmission, hospitalization, and quality of life, also measured using patient report, nursing observation, hospital records or validated measurement scales.
O processo de institucionalização do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) já dura vinte anos e uma das medidas de organização e implementação é o fortalecimento da Atenção Básica, via Estratégia de Saúde da Família, procurando atender à população de acordo com as realidades locais. Nesse contexto, a partir de 1996, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional e as Diretrizes Curriculares dos cursos de Educação Superior modificam a qualificação do profissional de saúde com vistas ao processo de trabalho no SUS. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a formação do enfermeiro na perspectiva do trabalho na Saúde da Família no município do Rio de Janeiro. Foi realizado estudo de caso múltiplo em duas instituições de ensino superior que possuem curso de graduação em enfermagem, utilizando uma abordagem quali-quantitativa de natureza descritivo-exploratória. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um survey aplicado por meio de questionário aos alunos dos últimos períodos das instituições escolhidas. O eixo norteador da construção do questionário foram as diretrizes do Programa Nacional de Reorientação da Formação Profissional em Saúde (Pró-Saúde), escolhido por ser um programa que visa à indução de medidas de transformação do ensino de saúde no Brasil, com ênfase na Atenção Básica. Os dados obtidos foram processados e tabulados através do software R versão 2.10.0 e receberam tratamento estatístico. Os resultados apontam para um grupo de alunos de graduação em enfermagem com perfil predominantemente feminino e jovem, que reside com os pais e não contribui financeiramente com a manutenção da casa. Em relação à organização das atividades curriculares, há o predomínio da abordagem do processo saúde doença e da saúde como um processo multideterminado, valorizando ações de promoção, prevenção, recuperação e perspectiva de vigilância da saúde. Em relação aos campos de prática, as diferenças observadas nas duas instituições estudadas estão relacionadas à precocidade e predominância da inserção dos alunos nos campos. Em ambas as instituições, prevalece a expectativa profissional dos alunos em buscar aprimoramento profissional após concluírem a graduação. Assim sendo, foi possível verificar que a continuidade e o fortalecimento do incentivo às instituições para a adesão ao programa aproximará cada vez mais a formação do enfermeiro ao modelo de atenção proposto pelo SUS, repercutindo desta forma na qualidade do atendimento prestado aos usuários do sistema de saúde brasileiro.
BACKGROUND: Few educational resources have been developed to inform patients' renal replacement therapy (RRT) selection decisions. Patients progressing toward end stage renal disease (ESRD) must decide among multiple treatment options with varying characteristics. Complex information about treatments must be adequately conveyed to patients with different educational backgrounds and informational needs. Decisions about treatment options also require family input, as families often participate in patients' treatment and support patients' decisions. We describe the development, design, and preliminary evaluation of an informational, evidence-based, and patient-and family-centered decision aid for patients with ESRD and varying levels of health literacy, health numeracy, and cognitive function. METHODS: We designed a decision aid comprising a complementary video and informational handbook. We based our development process on data previously obtained from qualitative focus groups and systematic literature reviews. We simultaneously developed the video and handbook in "stages." For the video, stages included (1) directed interviews with culturally appropriate patients and families and preliminary script development, (2) video production, and (3) screening the video with patients and their families. For the handbook, stages comprised (1) preliminary content design, (2) a mixed-methods pilot study among diverse patients to assess comprehension of handbook material, and (3) screening the handbook with patients and their families. RESULTS: The video and handbook both addressed potential benefits and trade-offs of treatment selections. The 50-minute video consisted of demographically diverse patients and their families describing their positive and negative experiences with selecting a treatment option. The video also incorporated health professionals' testimonials regarding various considerations that might influence patients' and families' treatment selections. The handbook was comprised of written words, pictures of patients and health care providers, and diagrams describing the findings and quality of scientific studies comparing treatments. The handbook text was written at a 4th to 6th grade reading level. Pilot study results demonstrated that a majority of patients could understand information presented in the handbook. Patient and families screening the nearly completed video and handbook reviewed the materials favorably. CONCLUSIONS: This rigorously designed decision aid may help patients and families make informed decisions about their treatment options for RRT that are well aligned with their values.
Many studies have focused on the concept of humanization of birth in normal pregnancy cases or at low obstetric risk, but no studies, at our knowledge, have so far specifically focused on the humanization of birth in both high-risk, and low risk pregnancies, in a highly specialized hospital setting. The present study thus aims to: 1) define the specific components of the humanized birth care model which bring satisfaction to women who seek obstetrical care in highly specialized hospitals; and 2) explore the organizational and cultural dimensions which act as barriers or facilitators for the implementation of humanized birth care practices in a highly specialized, university affiliated hospital in Quebec. A single case study design was chosen for this thesis. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, field notes, participant observations, selfadministered questionnaire, relevant documents, and archives. The samples comprised: 11 professionals from different disciplines, 6 administrators from different hierarchical levels within the hospital, and 157 women who had given birth at the hospital during the study. The performed analysis covered both quantitative descriptive and qualitative deductive and inductive content analyses. The thesis comprises three articles. In the first article, we proposed a conceptual framework, based on Allaire and Firsirotu’s (1984) organizational culture theory. It attempts to examine childbirth patterns as an organizational cultural phenomenon. In our second article, we answered the following specific question: according to the managers and multidisciplinary professionals practicing in a highly specialized hospital as well as the women seeking perinatal care in this hospital setting, what is the definition of humanized care? Analysis of the data collected uncovered the following themes which explained the perceptions of what humanized birth was: personalized care, recognition of women’s rights, humanly care for women, family-centered care,women’s advocacy and companionship, compromise of security, comfort and humanity, and non-stereotyped pregnancies. Both high and low risk women felt more satisfied with the care they received if they were provided with informed choices, were given the right to participate in the decision-making process and were surrounded by competent care providers. These care providers who humanly cared for them were also able to provide relevant medical intervention. The professionals and administrators’ perceptions of humanized birth, on the other hand, mostly focused on personalized and family-centered care. In the third article of the thesis, we covered the dimensions of the internal and external components of an institution which can act as factors that facilitate or barriers that prevent, a specialized and university affiliated hospital in Quebec from adopting a humanized child birthing care. The findings revealed that both the external dimensions of a highly specialized hospital -including its history, society, and contingency-; and its internal dimensions -including culture, structure, and the individuals present in the hospital-, can all affect the humanization of birth care in such an institution, whether separately, simultaneously or in interaction. We thus hereby conclude that the humanization of birth care in a highly specialized hospital setting, should aim to meet all the physiological, as well as psychological aspects of birth care, including respect of the fears, beliefs, values, and needs of women and their families. Integration of competent and caring professionals and the use of obstetric technology to enhance the level of certainty and assurance in both high-risk and low risk women are both positive factors for the implementation of humanized care in a highly specialized hospital. Finally, the humanization of birth care approach in a highly specialized and university affiliated hospital setting demands a new healthcare policy. Such policy must offer a guarantee for women to have the place of birth, and the health care professional of their choice as well as those, which will enable women to make informed choices from the beginning of their pregnancy.
Contexte: Alors que de nouvelles organisations de services de première ligne, les groupes de médecine de famille (GMF) ont été implantés au Québec au début des années 2000 afin d’améliorer l’accessibilité et l’intégration des soins, nous avons que peu de recul sur la façon dont les acteurs impliqués dans le changement ont exercé leur leadership pour influencer l’implantation des GMF. Objectifs: La présente étude a pour but de mettre en évidence les rôles et actions des acteurs clés impliqués dans l’implantation des GMF et ceci pour l’ensemble du processus de transformation (de l’idée de création jusqu’à l’implantation opérationnelle des nouvelles activités), tant en les reliant aux capacités des acteurs ainsi qu’aux facteurs (organisationnels, règlementaires et culturels) aidant ou entravant le leadership dans le contexte de changement. Méthodologie: Il s’agit d’une étude de cas multiples, reposant sur trois cas (GMF) qui disposent de caractéristiques organisationnelles différentes (taille, statut, situation géographique). Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées avec les professionnels de chaque GMF (médecins, infirmières et gestionnaires). En outre, de la documentation sur le fonctionnement et l’organisation des GMF a été consultée afin de diversifier les sources de données. Résultats: On remarque une évolution du leadership tout au long du processus de changement. Le rôle du médecin responsable a été crucial lorsqu’il s’agit de communiquer le besoin de changer de pratique et la nouvelle vision de la pratique, ou encore afin de définir le rôle et les responsabilités de chacun des membres des GMF au moment de la création de ceux-ci. Un leadership plus collectif et partagé s’est manifesté au moment de l’opérationnalisation de l’implantation, par des interactions d’influence de l’ensemble des acteurs internes mais aussi externes aux GMF (CSSS, ASSS, DRMG). Conclusion: Le cadre conceptuel proposé a permis d’identifier l’évolution du leadership tout au long du processus de changement organisationnel. Il a également permis de relier les rôles et actions des acteurs aux capacités et aux facteurs aidant ce leadership.
Le rôle du parent est important dans le développement de la compétence en lecture de jeunes enfants et lire à son enfant est une pratique de littératie familiale fortement encouragée par la société. Cette étude a pour objectif de décrire cet accompagnement parental notamment en lien avec les stratégies de compréhension utilisées entre un parent et son enfant lors de la lecture à voix haute. Nous avons observé 10 parents lire un abécédaire, un texte narratif avec intrigue, un texte narratif sans intrigue et un texte informatif à leur enfant de cinq ans. Il s’avère que les stratégies utilisées par les parents et leurs enfants diffèrent selon le genre de texte. Les élèves ayant de faibles résultats (reconnaissance des lettres et de leurs sons, rappel du texte, compréhension du vocabulaire réceptif et de la morphosyntaxe) utilisent également moins de stratégies de compréhension lors de la lecture à voix haute que les enfants présentant de meilleurs résultats. Nous avons également vérifié l’étayage offert par les parents d’enfants présentant de bonnes et de faibles compétences en lecture. Ces deux groupes de parents se distinguent par la qualité et la fréquence de l’utilisation des stratégies de compréhension. En effet, nous remarquons que les parents qui guident leurs enfants dans l’utilisation des stratégies de compréhension sont davantage associés aux enfants démontrant une bonne compétence en lecture. Finalement, nous avons aussi vérifié les pratiques de littératie familiale (temps d’exposition et accessibilité à la lecture, modélisation par les membres de la famille, attitude des parents envers la lecture et mise en place d’activité favorisant la conscience phonologique de l’enfant). Seule la mise sur pied d’activités favorisant la conscience phonologique a pu être liée au rendement des enfants.
Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise ès sciences (M. Sc.) en sciences infirmières, option expertise-conseil
A gestão pedagógica do ensino e aprendizagem on-line: especificidades abordam os desafios da Gestão do Projeto Pedagógico que tem as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação por base didático-pedagógica. O fenômeno constitui-se na gestão do ensino-aprendizagem de curso lato senso a distância, no uso do computador conectado à internet, e a formação do educador especialista responsável pela coordenação, ensino, avaliação e/ou monitoria a frente do trabalho educativo. Reflete sobre os desafios da práxis pedagógica, subsidiada pela busca questionadora das tecnologias, a fim de responder também à demanda por inclusão sócio-digital. A abordagem metodológica de natureza qualitativa pauta-se na interpretação da realidade, de caráter hermenêutico com o intuito de considerar a experiência vivida pelos sujeitos na educação on-line a partir de uma visão crítica. Questiona o descompasso da educação formal brasileira e os avanços sociais com as incorporações de novas tecnologias de aprendizagens. Estabelece nas análises, a relação entre as teorias que sedimentam os objetivos do curso, as práticas de gestão e as influências ideológicas que marcam esse cenário, no PIGEAD da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro Brasil, período de 2010 a 2012. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram que a interatividade, diferencial que aproxima o indivíduo e o torna parte da comunicação estabelecida na EAD on-line, não ocorre plenamente entre os sujeitos do processo. Além disso, a gestão democrática participativa declarada em seus objetivos de formação se mostra na realidade como prática centralizadora, sinalizando um descompasso entre teoria e prática. Esta pesquisa, entre outros, oferece elementos de avaliação e aprimoramento ao PIGEAD.
Bakgrund: Anknytningen underlättas mellan barn och föräldrar om de kan vara tillsammans redan från förlossningen. Teamarbete förbättrar kvalitén och bidrar till helhetsperspektiv i vården. En god arbetsmiljö och ett gott samarbete mellan personal är viktigt för effektiviteten av samvård. Att undersöka personalens förväntningar inför ett nytt arbetssätt är betydelsefullt eftersom det kan avspegla sig i den vård som senare ges.Syftet med studien var att belysa personalens förväntningar inför sammanslagning av olika vårdavdelningar och att samtidigt införa samvård.Metoden var en kvalitativ metod med totalt 14 deltagare i tre fokusgruppsintervjuer. Datainsamlingen analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultatet sammanfattades med temat ”Tryggt och välkänt eller nytt och osäkert – förändringsarbetets balansgång” som beskrev personalens känslor inför sammanslagningen. Kategorierna ”Att få en bra miljö för föräldrar och personal”, ”Att samarbeta med familjen i fokus”, ”Att förena två kliniker och kulturer” och ”Att genomgå en arbetsplatsförändring” beskrev de förväntningar och farhågor personalen uttryckte.Slutsatser: Resultatet visade på förväntningar av att vård- och arbetsmiljö skulle förbättras samt att samarbetet mellan klinikerna skulle bli mer effektivt. Det framkom att det var av betydelse att ha fungerande informationsflöden, uppleva delaktighet samt ha en tydlig ledning i en genomgripande organisationsförändring.
Background: In Chile, mothers and newborns are separated after caesarean sections. The caesarean section rate in Chile is approximately 40%. Once separated, newborns will miss out on the benefits of early contact unless a suitable model of early newborn contact after caesarean section is initiated. Aim: To describe mothers experiences and perceptions of a continuous parental model of newborn care after caesarean section during mother-infant separation. Methods: A questionnaire with 4 open ended questions to gather data on the experiences and perceptions of 95 mothers in the obstetric service of Sótero Del Rio Hospital in Chile between 2009 and 2012. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: One theme family friendly practice after caesarean section and four categories. Mothers described the benefits of this model of caring. The fathers presence was important to mother and baby. Mothers were reassured that the baby was not left alone with staff. It was important for the mothers to see that the father could love the baby as much as the mother. This model of care helped create ties between the father and newborn during the period of mother-infant separation and later with the mother. Conclusions: Family friendly practice after caesarean section was an important health care intervention for the whole family. This model could be stratified in the Chilean context in the case of complicated births and all caesarean sections. Clinical Implications: In the Chilean context, there is the potential to increase the number of parents who get to hold their baby immediately after birth and for as long as they like. When the mother and infant are separated after birth, parents can be informed about the benefits of this caring model. Further research using randomized control trials may support biological advantages.
In the last decades, studies on early intervention involving children with autism have suggested that there is no single intervention model capable of addressing the needs of all individuals in the spectrum. The role of parents as active intervention agents is, however, highly recommended. The More Than Words-HANEN Program has been specifically created for parents of children, under five years of age, who are in the autism spectrum. This intervention aims at improving the social competence and language comprehension of the child, as well as their parents empowerment. Until now only three studies have been performed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the HMTW program. The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the effects of an early intervention program inspired on HMTW model on the level of caregiver responsiveness and child communication skills. The present study adds to the existing research literature on family-centered early intervention that uses a developmental paradigm. A two year boy in risk for autism, his mother and nanny took part in this investigation, which was carried out in the child´s home in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. The caretakers were given one fifty-two hours of training, divided into thirteen weekly meetings. A quasi-experimental A-B-C design (baselineintervention- follow-up) showed improvement in the caretakers level of responsiveness and meaningful social-communicative gains in the child´s response
Objective: To understand the experience of primary caregivers of heart transplant recipients. Methods: A phenomenological approach was used to understand the caregivers' experience of caring for a heart transplant patient. In-depth interviews were conducted with 11 caregivers, in a Brazilian hospital, from December 2008 to March 2009. Results: Following the transplant, caregivers' lives change drastically; their priority becomes providing care for their relative. Despite successful transplant results, the uncertainty about future remains, generating permanent distress. Anxiety is exacerbated by familial or economic problems and, consequently, many participants turn to their local communities for support. Some caregivers learn from the experience and plan return to regular activities. Others feel helpless, unable to overcome personal losses and difficulties. Conclusions: Nurses are ideally placed to lead the way by providing family-centered support and education for caregivers of heart recipients. Listening to the concerns of family caregivers seems to be an essential aspect of effective interventions. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this essay, three generic issues that underlie our implicit social policy toward older adults and their families are considered: What is the proper division of responsibility for impaired elderly between family members and the state? Is age a morally relevant variable when allocating the resources of society? What should be the balance of competing demands between and among different generations? These issues are considered by contrasting the implicit and explicit policies of the United States with those of several Western European nations (Sweden, West Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands). Suggestions for a family-centered policy on aging are offered. In addition, indications for the appropriate blend of age and need as entitlement criteria are presented.