924 resultados para family planning
Background and context Since the economic reforms of 1978, China has been acclaimed as a remarkable economy, achieving 9% annual growth per head for more than 25 years. However, China's health sector has not fared well. The population health gains slowed down and health disparities increased. In the field of health and health care, significant progress in maternal care has been achieved. However, there still remain important disparities between the urban and rural areas and among the rural areas in terms of economic development. The excess female infant deaths and the rapidly increasing sex ratio at birth in the last decade aroused serious concerns among policy makers and scholars. Decentralization of the government administration and health sector reform impacts maternal care. Many studies using census data have been conducted to explore the determinants of a high sex ratio at birth, but no agreement has been so far reached on the possible contributing factors. No study using family planning system data has been conducted to explore perinatal mortality and sex ratio at birth and only few studies have examined the impact of the decentralization of government and health sector reforms on the provision and organization of maternal care in rural China. Objectives The general objective of this study was to investigate the state of perinatal health and maternal care and their determinants in rural China under the historic context of major socioeconomic reforms and the one child family planning policy. The specific objectives of the study included: 1) to study pregnancy outcomes and perinatal health and their correlates in a rural Chinese county; 2) to examine the issue of sex ratio at birth and its determinants in a rural Chinese county; 3) to explore the patterns of provision, utilization, and content of maternal care in a rural Chinese county; 4) to investigate the changes in the use of maternal care in China from 1991 to 2003. Materials and Methods This study is based on a project for evaluating the prenatal care programme in Dingyuan county in 1999-2003, Anhui province, China and a nationwide household health survey to describe the changes in maternal care utilization. The approaches used included a retrospective cohort study, cross sectional interview surveys, informant interviews, observations and the use of statistical data. The data sources included the following: 1) A cohort of pregnant women followed from pregnancy up to 7 days after birth in 20 townships in the study county, collecting information on pregnancy outcomes using family planning records; 2) A questionnaire interview survey given to women who gave birth between 2001 and 2003; 3) Various statistical and informant surveys data collected from the study county; 4) Three national household health interview survey data sets (1993-2003) were utilized, and reanalyzed to described the changes in maternity care utilization. Relative risks (RR) and their confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for comparison between parity, approval status, infant sex and township groups. The chi-square test was used to analyse the disparity of use of maternal care between and within urban and rural areas and its trend across the years in China. Logistic regression was used to analyse the factors associated with hospital delivery in rural areas. Results There were 3697 pregnancies in the study cohort, resulting in 3092 live births in a total population of 299463 in the 20 study townships during 1999-2000. The average age at pregnancy in the cohort was 25.9 years. Of the women, 61% were childless, 38% already had one child and 0.3% had two children before the current pregnancy. About 90% of approved pregnancies ended in a live birth while 73% of the unapproved ones were aborted. The perinatal mortality rate was 69 per thousand births. If the 30 induced abortions in which the gestational age was more than 28 weeks had been counted as perinatal deaths, the perinatal mortality rate would have been as high as 78 per thousand. The perinatal mortality rate was negatively associated with the wealth of the township. Approximately two thirds of the perinatal deaths occurred in the early neonatal period. Both the still birth rate and the early neonatal death rate increased with parity. The risk of a stillbirth in a second pregnancy was almost four times that for a first pregnancy, while the risk of early neonatal deaths doubled. The early neonatal mortality rate was twice as high for female as for male infants. The sex difference in the early neonatal mortality rate was mainly attributable to mortality in second births. The male early neonatal mortality rate was not affected by parity, while the female early neonatal mortality rate increased dramatically with parity: it was about six times higher for second births than for first births. About 82% early neonatal deaths happened within 24 hours after birth, and during that time, girls were almost three times more likely to die than boys. The death rate of females on the day of birth increased much more sharply with parity than that of males. The total sex ratio at birth of 3697 registered pregnancies was 152 males to 100 females, with 118 and 287 in first and second pregnancies, respectively. Among unapproved pregnancies, there were almost 5 live-born boys for each girl. Most prenatal and delivery care was to be taken care of in township hospitals. At the village level, there were small private clinics. There was no limitation period for the provision of prenatal and postnatal care by private practitioners. They were not permitted to provide delivery care by the county health bureau, but as some 12% of all births occurred either at home or at private clinics; some village health workers might have been involved. The county level hospitals served as the referral centers for the township hospitals in the county. However, there was no formal regulation or guideline on how the referral system should work. Whether or not a woman was referred to a higher level hospital depended on the individual midwife's professional judgment and on the clients' compliance. The county health bureau had little power over township hospitals, because township hospitals had in the decentralization process become directly accountable to the township government. In the township and county hospitals only 10-20% of the recurrent costs were funded by local government (the township hospital was funded by the township government and the county hospital was funded by the county government) and the hospitals collected user fees to balance their budgets. Also the staff salaries depended on fee incomes by the hospital. The hospitals could define the user charges themselves. Prenatal care consultations were however free in most township hospitals. None of the midwives made postnatal home visits, because of low profit of these services. The three national household health survey data showed that the proportion of women receiving their first prenatal visit within 12 weeks increased greatly from the early to middle 1990s in all areas except for large cities. The increase was much larger in the rural areas, reducing the urban-rural difference from more than 4 times to about 1.4 times. The proportion of women that received antenatal care visits meeting the Ministry of Health s standard (at least 5 times) in the rural areas increased sharply from 12% in 1991-1993 to 36% in 2001-2003. In rural areas, the proportion increase was much faster in less developed areas than in developed areas. The hospital delivery rate increased slightly from 90% to 94% in urban areas while the proportion increased from 27% to 69% in rural areas. The fastest change was found to be in type 4 rural areas, where the utilization even quadrupled. The overall difference between rural and urban areas was substantially narrowed over the period. Multiple logistic regression analysis shows that time periods, residency in rural or urban areas, income levels, age group, education levels, delivery history, occupation, health insurance and distance from the nearest health care facilities were significantly associated with hospital delivery rates. Conclusions 1. Perinatal mortality in this study was much higher than that for urban areas as well as any reported rate from specific studies in rural areas of China. Previous studies in which calculations of infant mortality were not based on epidemiological surveys have been shown to underestimate the rates by more than 50%. 2. Routine statistics collected by the Chinese family planning system proved to be a reliable data source for studying perinatal health, including still births, neonatal deaths, sex ratio at birth and among newborns. National Household Health Survey data proved to be a useful and reliable data source for studying population health and health services. Prior to this research there were few studies in these areas available to international audiences. 3.Though perinatal mortality rate was negatively associated with the level of township economic development, the excess female early neonatal mortality rate contributed much more to high perinatal mortality rate than economic factors. This was likely a result of the role of the family planning policy and the traditional preferences for sons, which leads to lethal neglect of female newborns and high perinatal mortality. 4. The selective abortions of female foetuses were likely to contribute most to the high sex ratio at birth. The underreporting of female births seemed to have played a secondary role. The higher early neonatal mortality rate in second-born as compared to first-born children, particularly in females, may indicate that neglect or poorer care of female newborn infants also contributes to the high sex ratio at birth or among newborns. Existing family planning policy proved not to effectively control the steadily increased birth sex ratio. 5. The rural-urban gap in service utilization was on average significantly narrowed in terms of maternal healthcare in China from 1991 to 2003. This demonstrates that significant achievements in reducing inequities can be made through a combination of socio-economic development and targeted investments in improving health services, including infrastructure, staff capacities, and subsidies to reduce the costs of service utilization for the poorest. However, the huge gap which persisted among cities of different size and within different types of rural areas indicated the need for further efforts to support the poorest areas. 6. Hospital delivery care in the study county was better accepted by women because most of women think delivery care was very important while prenatal and postnatal care were not. Hospital delivery care was more systematically provided and promoted than prenatal and postnatal care by township hospital in the study area. The reliance of hospital staff income on user fees gave the hospitals an incentive to put more emphasis on revenue generating activities such as delivery care instead of prenatal and postnatal care, since delivery care generated much profits than prenatal and postnatal care . Recommendations 1. It is essential for the central government to re-assess and modify existing family planning policies. In order to keep national sex balance, the existing practice of one couple one child in urban areas and at-least-one-son a couple in rural areas should be gradually changed to a two-children-a-couple policy throughout the country. The government should establish a favourable social security policy for couples, especially for rural couples who have only daughters, with particular emphasis on their pension and medical care insurance, combined with an educational campaign for equal rights for boys and girls in society. 2. There is currently no routine vital-statistics registration system in rural China. Using the findings of this study, the central government could set up a routine vital-statistics registration system using family planning routine work records, which could be used by policy makers and researchers. 3. It is possible for the central and provincial government to invest more in the less developed and poor rural areas to increase the access of pregnant women in these areas to maternal care services. Central government together with local government should gradually provide free maternal care including prenatal and postnatal as well as delivery care to the women in poor and less developed rural areas. 4. Future research could be done to explore if county and the township level health care sector and the family planning system could be merged to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of maternal and child care. 5. Future research could be done to explore the relative contribution of maternal care, economic development and family planning policy on perinatal and child health using prospective cohort studies and community based randomized trials. Key words: perinatal health, perinatal mortality, stillbirth, neonatal death, sex selective abortion, sex ratio at birth, family planning, son preference, maternal care, prenatal care, postnatal care, equity, China
Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar as repercussões do Curso de PAISM/Contracepção, nas práticas, conhecimentos e percepções dos profissionais que desenvolvem atividades educativas nas ações de contracepção, no que diz respeito à saúde e aos direitos na esfera da sexualidade, da reprodução e do gênero; e identificar através dos relatos dos profissionais, os conhecimentos sobre a história do PAISM e do planejamento familiar, o quadro jurídico e normativo, as temáticas e a metodologia do trabalho educativo. Foi um estudo descritivo, com abordagem etnográfica. O corpus de análise foi composto pelo registro da observação participante, entrevistas e análise documental. O universo empírico contou com três cenários no âmbito da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro: o Espaço Mulher, grupos educativos de contracepção de duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde, e grupos coordenados por profissionais treinadas no referido curso e como informantes, sete enfermeiras e quatro assistentes sociais. Segundo os relatos das informantes, a mudança de visão sobre alguns temas abordados e a aquisição de novos conhecimentos como possibilidade para a mudança de suas práticas, foram as principais contribuições do curso. Esta tese comprovou parcial conhecimento a respeito dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos; do marco histórico, quadro jurídico e normativo do PAISM. No que se refere ao aborto, o discurso predominante foi no sentido contrário a sua prática, em geral por argumentos de natureza religiosa. A sexualidade para a maioria das informantes é relacional e para além do sexo, uma expressão de marca típica do gênero feminino. O tom dominante nos discursos das informantes restringiu-se ao domínio de ações informativas no âmbito da prevenção de doenças e gravidez e à esfera humanitária, numa retórica próxima ao do discurso da moral religiosa cristã. A ética cristã de acolhimento e tolerância à liberdade individual independe do pertencimento religioso, e de certo modo, pode-se articular esse ethos ao discurso dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. Embora apresentando um discurso fundado em valores cristãos (tolerância, compreensão e acolhimento) e mesmo não tendo uma posição política e/ou acadêmica na esfera dos direitos, ou até mesmo não (re) conhecendo alguns deles, as informantes parecem ter uma prática que, de certa forma, expressa uma postura de respeito. Mesmo assim, a abordagem dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos precisa ser mais explícita e melhor discutida nos cursos de capacitação. Os profissionais que atuam nos grupos educativos em contracepção são atores sociais que podem/devem contribuir à garantia dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, para que se alcance a tão proclamada noção de integralidade em saúde. No entanto, para isto, é preciso que as práticas sejam estruturadas segundo o marco cognitivo emancipatório (BONAN, 2005), no sentido de evitar a manutenção de desigualdades sociais e de gênero, principalmente no que tange às questões da sexualidade e da reprodução. Este desafio está posto aos gestores de atenção à saúde da mulher e aos órgãos de formação em saúde.
O objetivo desta tese é traçar um panorama histórico das políticas públicas de planejamento familiar do Estado brasileiro, inserindo-o no contexto da complexa conjuntura sociopolítico-econômica no período de 1980 até a atualidade. Mediante pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, investigam-se, na interseção das políticas para população, mulher e saúde, as influências e interesses que incidem sobre programas de planejamento familiar. Após recuperar brevemente a trajetória dos movimentos de mulheres e feministas, que constituíram atores sociais centrais no debate sobre as políticas de população e de planejamento familiar, focaliza-se a drástica redução nas taxas de fecundidade da mulher brasileira ocorrida a partir dos anos 1960, na vigência oficial de uma política natalista, mas na omissão do Estado ao permitir a difusão no país de organizações de cunho controlista, que viabilizaram às mulheres o acesso à pílula anticoncepcional e à esterilização. Acompanha-se a evolução das políticas de população em nível mundial, destacando a atuação da Organização das Nações Unidas e de suas conferências mundiais, focalizando a Conferência Internacional de População e Desenvolvimento realizada no Cairo em 1994, que provocou uma inflexão nas políticas de saúde da mulher para saúde reprodutiva. No Brasil, que já contava com um programa pioneiro de saúde da mulher o Paism (1983) , os efeitos do Cairo vieram somar-se à definição do planejamento familiar pela Constituição de 1988 e à instituição do Sistema Único de Saúde em 1990. A análise permitiu identificar as influências externas e internas que incidem sobre a política de planejamento familiar. A política de planejamento familiar do país hoje configura-se democrática, abrangente e descentralizada, sendo a principal tensão identificada entre seus enunciados e sua implementação na prática, ou seja, só será efetiva se houver um controle social eficaz.
A humanização tem sido um termo frequentemente utilizado em relação às práticas de saúde no SUS, tornado-se uma bandeira de luta levantada sempre que se pensa em políticas de saúde. A polissemia do termo chama a atenção para a possibilidade de sua utilização em diferentes contextos, direcionados a diferentes auditórios. Esse trabalho tem pode objetivo analisar os usos e sentidos da noção de humanização nas propostas de ações voltadas à saúde da mulher. A história das práticas e saberes construídos em torno da saúde da mulher, com ênfase no movimento feminista, no planejamento familiar e na constituição do Programa de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher foi resgatada no sentido contextualizar a discussão proposta. Diversas propostas de ações de saúde foram analisadas, assim como os projetos selecionados pelo Prêmio David Capistrano da Política Nacional de Humanização, visando a identificação de núcleos de sentidos no discurso oficial sobre humanização, e a forma como esse discurso está sendo percebido pelos profissionais. Foram identificados e discutidos quatro núcleos de sentidos: humanização enquanto atributo das relações interpessoais; humanização e redução da mortalidade materna; humanização e otimização de recursos; e humanização e processos de organização de trabalho. Concluímos que a manutenção do processo de formulação e implantação de ações de forma verticalizada, fragmentada, sem que as modificação propostas sejam pactuadas com os profissionais que deveriam implantá-las e os usuários que deveriam se beneficiar delas, acaba por promover a perpetuação do modelo assistencial vigente.
A endometriose é uma doença benigna que causa dor e infertilidade. As disfunções sexuais são frequentes, especialmente a dispareunia de profundidade, interferindo na qualidade de vida e particularmente na vida conjugal dessas pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a satisfação sexual de pacientes com endometriose infiltrativa profunda. Foram analisadas cinquenta e sete pacientes com diagnóstico de endometriose infiltrativa profunda acompanhadas no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) de julho de 2010 a dezembro de 2011. O grupo controle incluiu 38 pacientes saudáveis do ambulatório de planejamento familiar do HUPE. Foi aplicado o Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), questionário validado para avaliação funcional da atividade sexual. Em relação ao resultados não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa no escore total do FSFI entre os dois grupos. No domínio dor, as pacientes com endometriose apresentaram escores significativamente menores, ou seja, maior intensidade de dor, do que o grupo controle. O resultado deste estudo sugere que as pacientes com endometriose apresentam um comprometimento do domínio dor, sem prejuízo potencial da função sexual global.
Contraceptive prevalence in Haiti remains low despite extensive foreign aid targeted at improving family planning. [1] Earlier studies have found that peer-informed learning have been successful in promoting sexual and reproductive health. [2-5] This pilot project was implemented as a three-month, community-based, educational intervention to assess the impact of peer education in increasing contraceptive knowledge among women in Fondwa, Haiti. Research investigators conducted contraceptive information trainings to pre-identified female leaders of existing women’s groups in Fondwa, who were recruited as peer educators (n=4). Later, these female leaders shared the knowledge from the training with the test participants in the women’s group (n=23) through an information session. Structured surveys measuring knowledge of contraceptives were conducted with all participants before the intervention began, at the end of the intervention, and four weeks after the intervention. The surveys measured general contraceptive knowledge, knowledge about eight selected types of modern contraceptives and contraceptive preferences and attitudes. Only test participants showed significant improvement in their general contraceptive knowledge score (p<0.001), but both test participants and peer educators showed significant improvement in overall knowledge scores for identifying the types and uses of modern contraceptive methods. Assessment for knowledge retention remained significantly higher four weeks after the intervention than prior to the intervention. Therefore, a one-time, three-hour peer-based educational intervention using existing social structures is effective, and might be valuable in a population with minimal access to education and little to no knowledge about contraceptives.
Aims: Pre-pregnancy care optimizes pregnancy outcome in women with pre-gestational diabetes, yet most women enter pregnancy unprepared. We sought to determine knowledge and attitudes of women with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes of childbearing age towards pre-pregnancy care.
Methods: Twenty-four women (18 with Type 1 diabetes and six with Type 2 diabetes) aged 17–40 years took part in one of four focus group sessions: young nulliparous women with Type 1 diabetes (Group A), older nulliparous women with Type 1 diabetes (Group B), parous women with Type 1 diabetes (Group C) and women with Type 2 diabetes of mixed parity (Group D).
Results: Content analysis of transcribed focus groups revealed that, while women were well informed about the need to plan pregnancy, awareness of the rationale for planning was only evident in parous women or those who had actively sought pre-pregnancy advice. Within each group, there was uncertainty about what pre-pregnancy advice entailed. Despite many women reporting positive healthcare experiences, frequently cited barriers to discussing issues around family planning included unsupportive staff, busy clinics and perceived social stereotypes held by health professionals.
Conclusions: Knowledge and attitudes reported in this study highlight the need for women with diabetes, regardless of age, marital status or type of diabetes, to receive guidance about planning pregnancy in a motivating, positive and supportive manner. The important patient viewpoints expressed in this study may help health professionals determine how best to encourage women to avail of pre-pregnancy care
The paper focuses on the ways in which medical discourses of HIV transmission risk, personal bodily meanings and reproductive decision-making are re-negotiated within the context of sero-different relationships, in which one partner is known to be HIV-positive. Eighteen in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 individuals in Northern Ireland during 2008–2009. Drawing on an embodied sociological approach, the findings show that physical pleasure, love, commitment, a desire to conceive without medical interventions and a dislike of condoms within regular ongoing relationships, shaped individuals' sense of biological risk. In addition, the subjective logic that a partner had not previously become infected through unprotected sex prior to knowledge of HIV status and the added security of an undetectable viral load significantly impacted upon women's and, especially, men's decisions to have unprotected sex in order to conceive. The findings speak to the importance of reframing public health campaigns and clinical counselling discourses on HIV risk transmission to acknowledge how couples negotiate this risk, alongside pleasure and commitment within ongoing relationships.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a devastating form of retinal degeneration, with significant social and professional consequences. Molecular genetic information is invaluable for an accurate clinical diagnosis of RP due to its high genetic and clinical heterogeneity. Using a gene capture panel that covers 163 of the currently known retinal disease genes, including 48 RP genes, we performed a comprehensive molecular screening in a collection of 123 RP unsettled probands from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, including 113 unrelated simplex and 10 autosomal recessive RP (arRP) cases. As a result, 61 mutations were identified in 45 probands, including 38 novel pathogenic alleles. Interestingly, we observed that phenotype and genotype were not in full agreement in 21 probands. Among them, eight probands were clinically reassessed, resulting in refinement of clinical diagnoses for six of these patients. Finally, recessive mutations in CLN3 were identified in five retinal degeneration patients, including four RP probands and one cone-rod dystrophy patient, suggesting that CLN3 is a novel non-syndromic retinal disease gene. Collectively, our results underscore that, due to the high molecular and clinical heterogeneity of RP, comprehensive screening of all retinal disease genes is effective in identifying novel pathogenic mutations and provides an opportunity to discover new genotype-phenotype correlations. Information gained from this genetic screening will directly aid in patient diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, as well as allowing appropriate family planning and counseling.
This paper reviews current abortion law and practice in Northern Ireland (NI). It explores the origins of NI's abortion law and its complexity in relation to current practice. it reviews issues relating to women seeking terminations in NI and Great Britain and reviews attempts by the Family Planning Association NI to require the Department of Health and Social Services and Public Safety NI to provide guidance for health professionals engaged in this practice. The paper also discusses some of the issues surrounding abortion in NI and seeks to explain why this subject is causing controversy and debate, especially following a judicial review in February and Marie Stopes opening a termination service in Belfast.
A sexualidade estando presente desde o nascimento, na adolescência assume novo significado. Descobre-se o primeiro amor através de uma relação de intimidade e partilha de afectos, o corpo adquire um novo sentido, o grupo torna-se importante enquanto fonte de suporte, partilha de angústias e confiança, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do adolescente. Na adolescência, perscrutam alguns factores de risco, nomeadamente a vivência da sexualidade de forma não informada e responsável, com repercussões para a saúde física e psicológica, pelo que é imperioso intervir através de programas formativos no âmbito da sexualidade que promovam vivência desta de forma responsável. São objectivos do estudo: Promover um modelo de intervenção formativa baseado no debate e reflexão crítica sobre sexualidade em contexto de sala de aula; Construir e validar instrumentos que permitam avaliar as atitudes face à sexualidade e ainda os conhecimentos dos adolescentes sobre reprodução, planeamento familiar e infecções de transmissão sexual; Testar a eficácia de um programa de intervenção formativo a nível dos conhecimentos sobre planeamento familiar, infecções de transmissão sexual, reprodução e atitudes face à sexualidade; Testar a efectividade do programa de intervenção formativo numa amostra alargada de adolescentes, analisando também o papel das variáveis sociodemográficas, sociopsicológicas e sexuais. O trabalho de campo desenvolveu-se em três estudos distintos, no primeiro e terceiro participaram 840 adolescentes e no segundo 90. No primeiro estudo construímos e validamos os instrumentos para colheita de dados, no segundo, experimental de campo, validamos o modelo da intervenção formativa no âmbito da sexualidade e no terceiro, descritivo e correlacional, testamos a efectividade de um programa de intervenção numa amostra mais alargada. O protocolo de recolha de informação incluiu quatro escalas construídas para o efeito com o intuito de avaliar as atitudes face à sexualidade, os conhecimentos sobre planeamento familiar, infecções de transmissão sexual e reprodução e ainda a escala de insatisfação com a imagem corporal em adolescentes e a escala de satisfação com o suporte social. As raparigas e residentes na zona urbana são as que têm mais conhecimentos sobre planeamento familiar e possuem atitudes face à sexualidade mais favoráveis. Os interlocutores preferenciais sobre sexualidade são os amigos, seguidos da mãe. São os adolescentes com pouca ou moderada prática religiosa que já iniciaram a actividade sexual. São as raparigas que têm maior satisfação com o suporte social nas dimensões, satisfação com as amizades, intimidade, actividades sociais e suporte social total. Os adolescentes que já iniciaram a actividade sexual, revelam maior percepção de suporte social na dimensão satisfação com a amizade. O modelo de formação construído e aplicado influenciou as atitudes face à sexualidade, conhecimentos sobre reprodução, sobre infecções de transmissão sexual e sobre planeamento familiar. Do nosso ponto de vista, pensamos ser urgente a aplicação de programas de intervenção formativos em contexto escolar, ou outro, que integrem de uma forma harmoniosa as várias facetas da sexualidade humana, promovendo a aquisição de uma postura responsável, flexível e gratificante nos adolescentes enquanto seres sexuados.
As medical technology has advanced, so too have our attitudes towards the level of control we can or should expect to have over our procreative capacities. This creates a multidimensional problem for the law and family planning services in terms of access to services – whether to avoid conception or terminate a pregnancy – and the negligent provision of these services. These developments go to the heart of our perception of autonomy. Unsurprisingly, these matters also raise a moral dilemma for the law. Distinctively, discourse in this area is dominated by assertions of subjective moral value; in relation to life, to personal choice and to notions of the archetypal family. Against this, I stress that a model of objective morality can answer these challenging questions and resolve the inherent problems of legal regulation. Therefore, I argue that notions of autonomy must be based on a rational, action-based understanding of what it means to be a ‘moral agent’. I claim that from this we might support a legal standard, based on objective rational morality, which can frame our constitutional norms and our conception of justice in these contentious areas. This paper claims that the current regulation of abortion is outdated and requires radical reform. It proposes a scheme that would shift the choice towards the mother (and the father), remove the unnecessarily broad disability ground and involve doctors having a role of counsel (rather than gatekeeper).
A PhD Dissertation, presented as part of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the NOVA - School of Business and Economics
BACKGROUND: The second Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health (SMASH02) was conducted among a representative sample (n = 7428) of students and apprentices aged 16 to 20 from the three language areas of Switzerland during the year 2002. This paper reports on health needs expressed by adolescents and their use of health care services over the 12 months preceding the survey. METHODS: Nineteen cantons representing 80% of the resident population agreed to participate. A complex iterative random cluster sample of 600 classes was drawn with classes as primary sampling unit. The participation rate was 97.7% for the classes and 99.8% for the youths in attendance. The self-administered questionnaire included 565 items. The median rate of item non-response was 1.8%. Ethical and legal requirements applying to surveys of adolescent populations were respected. RESULTS: Overall more than 90% of adolescents felt in good to excellent health. Suffering often or very often from different physical complaints or pain was also reported such as headache (boys: 15.9%, girls: 37.4%), stomach-ache (boys: 9.7%, girls: 30.0%), joint pain (boys: 24.7%, girls: 29.5%) or back pain (boys: 24.3%, girls: 34.7%). Many adolescents reported a need for help on psychosocial and lifestyle issues, such as stress (boys: 28.5%, girls: 47.7%) or depression (boys: 18.9%, girls: 34.4%). Although about 75% of adolescents reported having consulted a general practitioner and about one-third having seen another specialist, reported reasons for visits do not correspond to the expressed needs. Less than 10% of adolescents had visited a psychiatrist, a family planning centre or a social worker. CONCLUSIONS: The reported rates of health services utilisation by adolescents does not match the substantial reported needs for help in various areas. This may indicate that the corresponding problems are not adequately detected and/or addressed by professionals from the health and social sectors.
OBJECTIVE: To assess age- and nationality-specific trends in abortion rates over the last decade, and to describe women's characteristics, identifying risk factors for repeated abortion. METHODS: From 1990-1999, the Health Department of Canton Vaud (Switzerland) received 13'857 abortion requests from residents aged 14-49. Population data were obtained to compute rates. RESULTS: Both the number of abortions (1400 annually) as well as their rate (8.9 per thousand women [95% confidence interval (CI) 7.3-10.5]) were stable over the decade in question. The rate of abortion for foreign women, especially from ex-Yugoslavia and Africa, was twice that for Swiss women. Half of the requests came from single women, 43% had a low education level, and half were childless. The main reason for requesting termination of pregnancy was psychosocial (93%). The mean gestational age was 7.7 weeks (SD +/- 2.3), but 96% of requests were submitted before 12 weeks. Sixty-three percent of women reported that they had used no contraception, 36% the condom and 17% the pill. Among requests, the adjusted risk of repeated abortion (22% of abortion candidates) was greater among divorced/separated/widowed women (odds ratio [OR] 1.9 [95% CI 1.5-2.4]), unemployed women (OR 1.8 [95% CI 1.5-2.1]), and those who had not attended university (OR 1.6 [95% CI 1.1-2.2]). CONCLUSIONS: Although Swiss law only permitted abortion under strict conditions, this procedure was widely available in Vaud, which nevertheless has one of the lowest rates worldwide. Efforts must be intensified to ensure universal access to family planning services, especially for foreign women and adolescents. Professionals should also target "repeaters" to provide personalised counselling.