998 resultados para external female genitalia


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The high abortion rate of 45,X embryos indicates that patients with Turner syndrome and 45,X karyotype could be mosaics, in at least one phase of embryo development or cellular lineage, due to the need for the other sex chromosome presence for conceptus to be compatible with life. In cases of structural chromosomal aberrations or hidden mosaicism, conventional cytogenetic techniques can be ineffective and molecular investigation is indicated. Two hundred and fifty patients with Turner syndrome stigmata were studied and 36 who had female genitalia and had been cytogenetically diagnosed as having "pure" 45,X karyotype were selected after 100 metaphases were analyzed in order to exclude mosaicism and the presence of genomic Y-specific sequences (SRY, TSPY, and DAZ) was excluded by PCR. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood and screened by the human androgen receptor (HUMARA) assay. The HUMARA gene has a polymorphic CAG repeat and, in the presence of a second chromosome with a different HUMARA allele, a second band will be amplified by PCR. Additionally, the CAG repeats contain two methylation-sensitive HpaII enzyme restriction sites, which can be used to verify skewed inactivation. Twenty-five percent (9/36) of the cases showed a cryptic mosaicism involving a second X and approximately 14% (5/36), or 55% (5/9) of the patients with cryptic mosaicism, also presented skewed inactivation. The laboratory identification of the second X chromosome and its inactivation pattern are important for the clinical management (hormone replacement therapy, and inclusion in an oocyte donation program) and prognostic counseling of patients with Turner syndrome.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar el Programa Conjunto de UNFPA y UNICEF sobre MGF/E en Kenia bajo la luz de los postulados poscolonialistas. Partiendo de la idea de que la MGF es una manifestación de las desigualdades de género, se argumenta que el PC reproduce la imagen de la mujer keniana como una víctima del poder masculino. A partir de esta imagen se deslegitima el orden cultural de los grupos que siguen esta tradición, afectando las lógicas de unidad y cohesión de la sociedad. El análisis de este tipo de dinámicas permite comprender mejor los procesos de intervención de las organizaciones internacionales sobre las estructuras sociales de actores frágiles del sistema internacional.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The literature concerning color vision shows a trichromatic advantage in detecting ripe fruits and young leaves, but there are contradictory results. There is also the suggestion of this type of vision being adapted to perceive socio-sexual signals. Indeed, Old World primates utilize the skin color of conspecifics as a factor of attraction. But in New World primates there is no record of a coloration signal in the body that can be utilized by other group members. The present study aims to: 1- test whether there is a relation between coloration of body regions and ovulatory cycle in female Callithrix jacchus; 2- Determine if this species uses visual signals to choose mates that are sexually receptive. We collected feces from six females during one month to quantify progesterone concentration by EIA. Body region coloration was measured using a portable spectrometer and modeled to obtain the quantum catch of each photoreceptor, the opponency channels and chromatic distance between the points in units of JND. We recorded the behavior of six males exposed to three pairs of females with a cycling and a non-cycling female in each pair using a transparent plexiglass apparatus. The color of different body regions presented a correlation between progesterone concentration and the yellow-blue and red-green visual axes, with the genitalia as the region showing the highest correlation. The visual axis more apt to see the color variations was the yellow-blue in dichromats, and in trichromats were the red-green to face, yellow-blue to abdomen and both chromatic axes to genitalia. There was no difference in the signal detectability between trichromats and dichromats, but the perception pattern differed between the phenotypes, with a better signal detection by the dichromat phenotype 562 and the trichromat phenotype 543/562. During the behavioral experiments males presented longer gaze duration in periods of experimental manipulation and gaze duration was always longer towards cycling females compared to non-cycling females. Male locomotion during experimental manipulation was greater than in the control only during the periovulatory period of the female, indicating greater excitement. The behavior of cycling females was more active than the behavior of the non-cycling ones regarding locomotion and touching of the plexiglass division of the apparatus. Male gaze duration to cycling females increased with decreasing progesterone concentration, but none of the coloration parameters was correlated to the mate preference exhibited. This coloration signal can transmit information to animals of the group about fertility of female. Different from the intense red of the genitalia swellings of Old World primates, marmoset female genitalia became more bluish-green in the fertile period. Males chose fertile females and were able to visually identify the periovulatory period of females. Choice is related to progesterone concentration, but our results do not show relation between coloration and mate preference. Maybe some behavioral measure is associated with the choice


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Diplopods belonging to the subclass Helminthomorpha may present one or both leg pairs of the seventh diplosegment modified into structures that aid copulation, called gonopods. These structures are used as a taxonomic trait for the description of most species. In the genus Rhinocricus these structures are closely similar, so that it is difficult to distinguish species only on the basis of this trait. Two species, R. padbergi and R. varians, are found in the same habitat and present gonopods practically identical in shape; together they present a broad colour gradient, ranging from dark brown to light beige. Morphometric data for individuals of the experimental group were submitted to ANOVA and MANOVA, using Hotelling-Lawley Trace and generalized Mahalanobis distances (D 2) tests. The results demonstrated a relationship between size and colour, with darker individuals being larger. On the basis of this preliminary analysis, we may suggest that the two species are distinct since dark individuals are distant from medium- and light-coloured individuals according to the D 2 values. This seems to indicate a possible polymorphism of individuals belonging to R. padbergi which present close proximity in the values obtained. In all analyses, we observed that the main variables were diameter, length and telson size.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Edessinae é uma das maiores subfamílias de Pentatomidae com cerca de 300 espécies conhecidas e mais de 300 ainda não descritas, distribuídas em apenas seis gêneros - Edessa, Brachystethus, Peromatus, Olbia, Pantochlora e Doesburgedessa. A maior parte das espécies pertence ao gênero Edessa que concentra também quase a totalidade dos problemas taxonômicos da subfamília. Esse gênero é usado como depósito de espécies da subfamília, sendo que tal fato se deve à confusão entre os limites da própria subfamília e do gênero Edessa. A solução desses problemas passa necessariamente pela reavaliação dos subgêneros de Edessa e mudanças taxonômicas em Edessinae. O presente trabalho objetivou reavaliar o status taxonômico de Ascra até então subgênero de Edessa, e seu posicionamento filogenético em Edessinae. Foram estudados 411 exemplares obtidos por empréstimos de várias instituições e coleções particulares. Foram apresentadas descrições, medidas e fotografias das espécies, desenhos de estruturas com importância sistemática como o processo metasternal e genitália de ambos os sexos, chave dicotômica e mapa de distribuição. Para a análise cladística foram incluídos 28 táxons e levantados 33 caracteres morfológicos, dos quais oito multiestados que foram tratados como não aditivos. O grupo externo, foi composto por 14 espécies representando todos os gêneros de Edessinae e subgêneros de Edessa. Edessinae resultou como monofilético, no entanto Edessa saiu como parafilético. Ascra foi reconhecido como monofilético, apoiado por duas sinapomorfias. Esse gênero passou a ser formado pelas espécies: A. bifida, A. cordifera, A. petersii, A. abdita, A. championi, A. privata, A. conspersa, A. morbosa e por mais seis espécies novas. Dois novos grupos de espécies foram propostos para Ascra: bifida e privata. Os machos de A. abdita, A. morbosa e A. cordifera e as fêmeas de A. championi e A. privata, desconhecidos até o momento, foram descritos. Novos arranjos nomenclaturais foram realizados. O lectótipo de Edessa abdita foi designado. As espécies Edessa cornuta, Edessa densata, Edessa picata e Edessa florida foram consideradas sinônimos-juniores de A. bifida.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Castniidae, or butterfly moths, are characteristically colourful diurnal moths, distributed throughout the tropics except in Africa. The Neotropical representatives forage almost exclusively on monocotyledonous plants and many species are crop pests with more than 60% of the Neotropical castniids found or endemic in Brazil. Research studies that focus on taxonomy, systematics, and morphology of this group are scarce. In this study, Yagra Oiticica, a small genus restricted to south-eastern South America, is revised and the diagnostic morphological characters of male and female genitalia are illustrated. This research is part of long-term study on the Castniidae for future phylogenetic analysis.


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Mallodeta Butler and Erruca Walker, revalidated, are redescribed and revised. Mallodeta henceforth includes only its type-species, Glaucopis (Lycorea) clavata Walker, and Erruca is resurrected with seven species: E. deyrolii Walker (type-species), E. consors (Walker), new combination, E. erythrarchos (Walker), new combination, E. cardinalis (Hampson), new combination, E. hanga (Herrich-Schaffer), new combination, E. cruenta (Perty), new combination and E. sanguipuncta (Druce), new combination. Six new synonyms are established, four specific and two generic (junior synonyms in parentheses): Zygaena capistrata Fabricius (=Mallodeta cubana Gaede), Glaucopis (Lycorea) clavata Walker (=M. simplex Rothschild), Erruca deyrolii Walker (=Laemocharis aecyra Herrich-Schaffer and Glaucopis (Hyda) sortita Walker), and Erruca Walker (=Aristodaema Wallengren and Rezia Kirby). Lectotypes are designated to the following species: Erruca deyrolii Walker, Laemocharis deyrollei Herrich-Schaffer, Laemocharis hanga Herrich-Schaffer, Laemocharis aecyra Herrich-Schaffer, Laemocharis norma Herrich-Schaffer, Cosmosoma cardinalis Hampson and Mallodeta sanguipuncta Druce. Illustrations of adults and male and female genitalia of Mallodeta and Erruca are provided, as well as a key to the species of the latter.


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The genus Mastigusa Menge, 1854 includes small entelegyne spiders represented by extant and fossil species presenting characteristic features in male and female genitalia. The genus has a palearctic distribution, being present in Europe, North Africa, and the Near East, and shows ecological plasticity, with free-living, cave- dwelling and myrmecophile populations. The taxonomic history of the genus has been problematic, both regarding its phylogenetic placement and the delimitation of the species it includes. Three extant species are currently recognized, but the characters used to discriminate them have been inconsistent, leading to confusion about their identification and distribution. In the present thesis we addressed the taxonomic issues regarding Mastigusa by combining molecular and morphological data in an integrative taxonomy approach. For the first time, we included the genus in a molecular phylogenetic matrix solving a long going debate regarding its familiar placement, obtaining a well-supported placement in the family Cybaeidae. We used multi-locus molecular phylogenetic and DNA barcoding techniques as a starting point for identifying divergent lineages within the genus and revise the taxonomic status of the three known Mastigusa species, identifying a new species from the Iberian Peninsula, Algeria and the United Kingdom: M. raimondi sp. n. This taxonomic revision allowed a phylogeographic and ecological study of Mastigusa across its distribution range, carried out using phylogenetics and ecological niche modelling techniques, aiming at a comparison of the lifestyles and ecological requirements of the different species on a geographic scale. The Italian Alps were finally used as a testing ground for investigating the ecology and host preference of myrmecophile Mastigusa arietina populations living in association with ant species belonging to the Formica rufa species group. Spiders were found in association with five different Formica species, demonstrating little specificity and the tendency of associating with the locally present host species.


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BACKGROUND: Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis of dermatological interest due to the frequency of cutaneous and mucosal lesions. The involvement of the external genitalia is extremely rare and few cases have been reported.OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence of external genitalia lesions in paracoccidioidomycosis patients, identify clinical characteristics and compare with what is observed in the specific literature.METHODS: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive study, with focus on paracoccidioiodomycosis patients with external genitalia lesions. The demographic and clinical aspects of cases were compared with what has been reported so far on LILACS, SciELO e MEDLINE data bases.RESULTS: Data of 483 cases of paracoccidioidomycosis were studied in a 42-year period. Six (1.2%) patients showed specific lesions on external genitalia. Five patients were male with mean age of 47.2 years and all of them presented with the chronic multifocal clinical form. Only one, a 15-year-old female patient was observed who showed a subacute clinical form, juvenile type.CONCLUSIONS: Compromise of the genitourinary tract among paracoccidioidomycosis patients is rare and even rarer when only the external genitalia are considered. As observed in the classical picture of paracoccidioidomycosis patients, the male gender and the chronic multifocal clinical form prevailed in the present study.