960 resultados para ekphrasis inversée


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Biological membranes are tightly linked to the evolution of life, because they provide a way to concentrate molecules into partially closed compartments. The dynamic shaping of cellular membranes is essential for many physiological processes, including cell morphogenesis, motility, cytokinesis, endocytosis, and secretion. It is therefore essential to understand the structure of the membrane and recognize the players that directly sculpt the membrane and enable it to adopt different shapes. The actin cytoskeleton provides the force to push eukaryotic plasma membrane in order to form different protrusions or/and invaginations. It has now became evident that actin directly co-operates with many membrane sculptors, including BAR domain proteins, in these important events. However, the molecular mechanisms behind BAR domain function and the differences between the members of this large protein family remain largely unresolved. In this thesis, the structure and functions of the I-BAR domain family members IRSp53 and MIM were thoroughly analyzed. By using several methods such as electron microscopy and systematic mutagenesis, we showed that these I-BAR domain proteins bind to PI(4,5)P2-rich membranes, generate negative membrane curvature and are involved in the formation of plasma membrane protrusions in cells e.g. filopodia. Importantly, we characterized a novel member of the BAR-domain superfamily which we named Pinkbar. We revealed that Pinkbar is specifically expressed in kidney and epithelial cells, and it localizes to Rab13-positive vesicles in intestinal epithelial cells. Remarkably, we learned that the I-BAR domain of Pinkbar does not generate membrane curvature but instead stabilizes planar membranes. Based on structural, mutagenesis and biochemical work we present a model for the mechanism of the novel membrane deforming activity of Pinkbar. Collectively, this work describes the mechanism by which I-BAR domain proteins deform membranes and provides new information about the biological roles of these proteins. Intriguingly, this work also gives evidence that significant functional plasticity exists within the I-BAR domain family. I-BAR proteins can either generate negative membrane curvature or stabilize planar membrane sheets, depending on the specific structural properties of their I-BAR domains. The results presented in this thesis expand our knowledge on membrane sculpting mechanisms and shows for the first time how flat membranes can be generated in cells.


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An inverse problem for the wave equation is a mathematical formulation of the problem to convert measurements of sound waves to information about the wave speed governing the propagation of the waves. This doctoral thesis extends the theory on the inverse problems for the wave equation in cases with partial measurement data and also considers detection of discontinuous interfaces in the wave speed. A possible application of the theory is obstetric sonography in which ultrasound measurements are transformed into an image of the fetus in its mother's uterus. The wave speed inside the body can not be directly observed but sound waves can be produced outside the body and their echoes from the body can be recorded. The present work contains five research articles. In the first and the fifth articles we show that it is possible to determine the wave speed uniquely by using far apart sound sources and receivers. This extends a previously known result which requires the sound waves to be produced and recorded in the same place. Our result is motivated by a possible application to reflection seismology which seeks to create an image of the Earth s crust from recording of echoes stimulated for example by explosions. For this purpose, the receivers can not typically lie near the powerful sound sources. In the second article we present a sound source that allows us to recover many essential features of the wave speed from the echo produced by the source. Moreover, these features are known to determine the wave speed under certain geometric assumptions. Previously known results permitted the same features to be recovered only by sequential measurement of echoes produced by multiple different sources. The reduced number of measurements could increase the number possible applications of acoustic probing. In the third and fourth articles we develop an acoustic probing method to locate discontinuous interfaces in the wave speed. These interfaces typically correspond to interfaces between different materials and their locations are of interest in many applications. There are many previous approaches to this problem but none of them exploits sound sources varying freely in time. Our use of more variable sources could allow more robust implementation of the probing.


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Incubation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD) with sodium nitroprusside (SNP) decreased its activity in concentration- and time-dependent fashion in the presence of a thiol compounds, with DTT being more effective than GSH. Both forward and backward reactions were effected. Coinciding with this, HgCl2-sensitive labelling of the protein by [32P]NAD+ also increased, indicating the stimulation of ADP-ribosylation. Treatment with SNP of GAPD samples from rabbit muscle, sheep brain and yeast inactivated the dehydrogenase activity of the three, but only the mammalian proteins showed ADP-ribosylation activity. The SNP-modified protein of rabbit muscle GAPD, freed from the reagent by Sephadex filtration showed a concentration-dependent restoration of the dehydrogenase activity on preincubation with DTT and GSH. Such thiol-treated preparations also gave increased ADP-ribosylation activity with DTT, and to a lesser extent with GSH. The SNP-modified protein was unable to catalyze this activity with the native yeast enzyme and native and heat-inactivated muscle enzyme. It was possible to generate the ADP-ribosylation activity in muscle GAPD, by an NO-independent mechanism, on dialysis in Tris buffer under aerobic conditions , and on incubating with NADPH, but not NADH, in muscle and brain, but not yeast, enzymes. The results suggest that the inverse relationship of the dehydrogenase and ADP-ribosylation activities is coincidental but not correlated


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We have modeled the rotation curves of 21 galaxies observed by Amram et al. (1992), by combining the effects of rigid rotation, gravity, and turbulence. The main motivation behind such modeling is to study the formation of coherent structures in turbulent media and explore its role in the large-scale structures of the universe. The values of the parameters such as mass, turbulent velocity, and angular velocity derived from the rotation curve fits are in good agreement with those derived from the prevalent models.


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We introduce the inverse of the Hermitian operator (acircacirc†) and express the Boson inverse operators acirc-1 and acirc†-1 in terms of the operators acirc, acirc† and (acircacirc†)-1. We show that these Boson inverse operators may be realized by Susskind-Glogower phase operators. In this way, we find a new two-photon annihilation operator and denote it as acirc2(acircacirc†)-1. We show that the eigenstates of this operator have interesting non-classical properties. We find that the eigenstates of the operators (acircacirc†)-1 acirc2, acirc(acircacirc†)-1 acirc and acirc2(acircacirc†)-1 have many similar properties and thus they constitute a family of two-photon annihilation operators.


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Solution of generalized eigenproblem, K phi = lambda M phi, by the classical inverse iteration method exhibits slow convergence for some eigenproblems. In this paper, a modified inverse iteration algorithm is presented for improving the convergence rate. At every iteration, an optimal linear combination of the latest and the preceding iteration vectors is used as the input vector for the next iteration. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated for three typical eigenproblems, i.e. eigenproblems with distinct, close and repeated eigenvalues. The algorithm yields 29, 96 and 23% savings in computational time, respectively, for these problems. The algorithm is simple and easy to implement, and this renders the algorithm even more attractive.


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Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations on an Ar-13 cluster in zeolite L have been carried out at a series of temperatures to understand the rigid-nonrigid transition corresponding to the solid-liquid transition exhibited by the free Ar-13 cluster. The icosahedral geometry of the free cluster is no longer preferred when the cluster is confined in the zeolite. The root-mean-squared pair distance fluctuation, delta, exhibits a sharp, well-defined rigid-nonrigid transition at 17 K as compared to 27 K for the free cluster. Multiple peaks in the distribution of short-time averages of the guest-host interaction energy indicate coexistence of two phases.; It is shown that this transition is associated with the inner atoms becoming mobile at 17 K even while the outer layer atoms, which are in close proximity to the zeolitic wall, continue to be comparatively immobile. This may be contrasted with the melting of large free clusters of 40 or more atoms which exhibit surface melting. Guest-host interactions seem to play a predominant role in determining the properties of confined clusters. We demonstrate that the volume of the cluster increases rather sharply at 17 and 27 K respectively for the confined and the free cluster. Power spectra suggest that the motion of the inner atoms is generally parallel to the atoms which form the cage wall.


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An analytical method is developed for solving an inverse problem for Helmholtz's equation associated with two semi-infinite incompressible fluids of different variable refractive indices, separated by a plane interface. The unknowns of the inverse problem are: (i) the refractive indices of the two fluids, (ii) the ratio of the densities of the two fluids, and (iii) the strength of an acoustic source assumed to be situated at the interface of the two fluids. These are determined from the pressure on the interface produced by the acoustic source. The effect of the surface tension force at the interface is taken into account in this paper. The application of the proposed analytical method to solve the inverse problem is also illustrated with several examples. In particular, exact solutions of two direct problems are first derived using standard classical methods which are then used in our proposed inverse method to recover the unknowns of the corresponding inverse problems. The results are found to be in excellent agreement.


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Copolymers of aniline and ortholmeta-amino benzoic acid were synthesized by chemical polymerization using an inverse emulsion pathway. The copolymers are soluble in organic solvents, and the solubility increases with the amino benzoic acid content in the feed. The reaction conditions were optimized with emphasis on high yield and relatively good conductivity (2.5 X 10(-1) S cm(-1)). The copolymers were characterized by a number of techniques including UV-vis, FT-IR, FT-Raman, EPR and NNM spectroscopy, thermal analysis, SEM and conductivity. The influence of the carboxylic acid group ring substituent on the copolymers is investigated. The spectral studies reveal that the amino benzoic acid groups restrict the conjugation along the polymer chain. The SEM micrographs of the copolymers reveal regions of amorphous and crystalline domain. Thermal studies indicate a marginally higher thermal stability for poly(aniline-co-m-amino benzoic acid) compared to poly(aniline-co-o-amino benzoic acid). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Swarm Intelligence techniques such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) are shown to be incompetent for an accurate estimation of global solutions in several engineering applications. This problem is more severe in case of inverse optimization problems where fitness calculations are computationally expensive. In this work, a novel strategy is introduced to alleviate this problem. The proposed inverse model based on modified particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied for a contaminant transport inverse model. The inverse models based on standard-PSO and proposed-PSO are validated to estimate the accuracy of the models. The proposed model is shown to be out performing the standard one in terms of accuracy in parameter estimation. The preliminary results obtained using the proposed model is presented in this work.


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Theoretical approaches are of fundamental importance to predict the potential impact of waste disposal facilities on ground water contamination. Appropriate design parameters are, in general, estimated by fitting the theoretical models to a field monitoring or laboratory experimental data. Double-reservoir diffusion (Transient Through-Diffusion) experiments are generally conducted in the laboratory to estimate the mass transport parameters of the proposed barrier material. These design parameters are estimated by manual parameter adjusting techniques (also called eye-fitting) like Pollute. In this work an automated inverse model is developed to estimate the mass transport parameters from transient through-diffusion experimental data. The proposed inverse model uses particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm which is based on the social behaviour of animals for finding their food sources. Finite difference numerical solution of the transient through-diffusion mathematical model is integrated with the PSO algorithm to solve the inverse problem of parameter estimation.The working principle of the new solver is demonstrated by estimating mass transport parameters from the published transient through-diffusion experimental data. The estimated values are compared with the values obtained by existing procedure. The present technique is robust and efficient. The mass transport parameters are obtained with a very good precision in less time


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Water-rock reactions are driven by the influx of water, which are out of equilibrium with the mineral assemblage in the rock. Here a mass balance approach is adopted to quantify these reactions. Based on field experiments carried out in a granito-gneissic small experimental watershed (SEW), Mule Hole SEW (similar to 4.5 km(2)), quartz, oligoclase, sericite, epidote and chlorite are identified as the basic primary minerals while kaolinite, goethite and smectite are identified as the secondary minerals. Observed groundwater chemistry is used to determine the weathering rates, in terms of `Mass Transfer Coefficients' (MTCs), of both primary and secondary minerals. Weathering rates for primary and secondary minerals are quantified in two steps. In the first step, top red soil is analyzed considering precipitation chemistry as initial phase and water chemistry of seepage flow as final phase. In the second step, minerals present in the saprolite layer are analyzed considering groundwater chemistry as the output phase. Weathering rates thus obtained are converted into weathering fluxes (Q(weathering)) using the recharge quantity. Spatial variability in the mineralogy observed among the thirteen wells of Mule Hole SEW is observed to be reflected in the MTC results and thus in the weathering fluxes. Weathering rates of the minerals in this silicate system varied from few 10 mu mol/L (in case of biotite) to 1000 s of micromoles per liter (calcite). Similarly, fluxes of biotite are observed to be least (7 +/- 5 mol/ha/yr) while those of calcite are highest (1265 791 mol/ha/yr). Further, the fluxes determined annually for all the minerals are observed to be within the bandwidth of the standard deviation of these fluxes. Variations in these annual fluxes are indicating the variations in the precipitation. Hence, the standard deviation indicated the temporal variations in the fluxes, which might be due to the variations in the annual rainfall. Thus, the methodology adopted defines an inverse way of determining weathering fluxes, which mainly contribute to the groundwater concentration. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The instants at which significant excitation of vocal tract take place during voicing are referred to as epochs. Epochs and strengths of excitation pulses at epochs are useful in characterizing voice source. Epoch filtering technique proposed by the authors determine epochs from speech waveform. In this paper we propose zero-phase inverse filtering to obtain strengths of excitation pulses at epochs. Zero-phase inverse filter compensates the gross spectral envelope of short-time spectrum of speech without affecting phase characteristics. Linear prediction analysis is used to realize the zero-phase inverse filter. Source characteristics that can be derived from speech using this technique are illustrated with examples.


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This article is concerned with subsurface material identification for the 2-D Helmholtz equation. The algorithm is iterative in nature. It assumes an initial guess for the unknown function and obtains corrections to the guessed value. It linearizes the otherwise nonlinear problem around the background field. The background field is the field variable generated using the guessed value of the unknown function at each iteration. Numerical results indicate that the algorithm can recover a close estimate of the unknown function based on the measurements collected at the boundary.