54 resultados para ecotype
Efeito da densidade de sementeira nos componentes de rendimento do tremoço branco (Lupinus albus L.)
O tremoço branco (Lupinus albus L.) é utilizado na alimentação animal e humana. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar o efeito de duas densidades de sementeira (20 e 40 sementes/m2, respectivamente) na produtividade e nos componentes do rendimento de um ecótipo de tremoço branco. O campo experimental foi instalado na Quinta do Galinheiro (ESAS) Santarém, de acordo com um delineamento experimental em parcelas totalmente aleatórias, com 4 repetições. Foram efetuadas observações bissemanais do desenvolvimento e crescimento através da amostragem aleatória de 8 plantas em cada um dos tratamentos (número de folhas, ramificações e vagens por planta; número médio de grãos por vagem e por planta; peso seco de cada componente e o total da planta; peso de 1000 grãos e teor de proteína do grão). Observaram-se perdas importantes de plantas entre a sementeira e a emergência. O maior crescimento e produtividade individual das plantas na menor densidade, relativamente à maior, justificaram os valores muito aproximados verificados entre os dois tratamentos quando são consideradas as variáveis por unidade de área. Os teores de proteína e calibre do grão foram também idênticos nos dois tratamentos. Confirma-se assim a elevada capacidade da planta em se adaptar a diferentes densidades.
Phytoplankton are the basis of marine food webs, and affect biogeochemical cycles. As CO2 levels increase, shifts in the frequencies and physiology of ecotypes within phytoplankton groups will affect their nutritional value and biogeochemical function. However, studies so far are based on a few representative genotypes from key species. Here, we measure changes in cellular function and growth rate at atmospheric CO2 concentrations predicted for the year 2100 in 16 ecotypes of the marine picoplankton Ostreococcus. We find that variation in plastic responses among ecotypes is on par with published between-genera variation, so the responses of one or a few ecotypes cannot estimate changes to the physiology or composition of a species under CO2 enrichment. We show that ecotypes best at taking advantage of CO2 enrichment by changing their photosynthesis rates most should increase in relative fitness, and so in frequency in a high-CO2 environment. Finally, information on sampling location, and not phylogenetic relatedness, is a good predictor of ecotypes likely to increase in frequency in this system.
Ocean acidification due to rising atmospheric CO2 is expected to affect the physiology of important calcifying marine organisms, but the nature and magnitude of change is yet to be established. In coccolithophores, different species and strains display varying calcification responses to ocean acidification, but the underlying biochemical properties remain unknown. We employed an approach combining tandem mass-spectrometry with isobaric tagging (iTRAQ) and multiple database searching to identify proteins that were differentially expressed in cells of the marine coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi (strain NZEH) between two CO2 conditions: 395 (~current day) and ~1340 p.p.m.v. CO2. Cells exposed to the higher CO2 condition contained more cellular particulate inorganic carbon (CaCO3) and particulate organic nitrogen and carbon than those maintained in present-day conditions. These results are linked with the observation that cells grew slower under elevated CO2, indicating cell cycle disruption. Under high CO2 conditions, coccospheres were larger and cells possessed bigger coccoliths that did not show any signs of malformation compared to those from cells grown under present-day CO2 levels. No differences in calcification rate, particulate organic carbon production or cellular organic carbon: nitrogen ratios were observed. Results were not related to nutrient limitation or acclimation status of cells. At least 46 homologous protein groups from a variety of functional processes were quantified in these experiments, of which four (histones H2A, H3, H4 and a chloroplastic 30S ribosomal protein S7) showed down-regulation in all replicates exposed to high CO2, perhaps reflecting the decrease in growth rate. We present evidence of cellular stress responses but proteins associated with many key metabolic processes remained unaltered. Our results therefore suggest that this E. huxleyi strain possesses some acclimation mechanisms to tolerate future CO2 scenarios, although the observed decline in growth rate may be an overriding factor affecting the success of this ecotype in future oceans.
Génomique des populations et association génotype-phénotype des écotypes de touladi du Lac Supérieur
L’apparition et le maintien d’écotypes adaptés à différentes niches écologiques, en situation de sympatrie, est régit par une multitude de facteurs. Ceux-ci sont essentiels pour la compréhension des processus évolutifs impliqués mais aussi pour la gestion et la conservation des populations en question. Le touladi (Salvelinus namaycush) est un salmonidé reconnu pour la présence d’écotypes liée à l’utilisation des ressources et de l’habitat à travers l’Amérique du Nord. Un total de quatre écotypes a été décrit vivant dans le lac Supérieur, se différenciant par l’habitat utilisé, l’alimentation, la morphologie ainsi que l’ostéologie. L’objectif principal de la présente étude était de quantifier l’étendue de la différentiation génétique entre les différents sites d’échantillonnage ainsi qu’entre les différents écotypes. Un second objectif était d’identifier des marqueurs potentiellement sous sélection entre les différents écotypes reflétant de possibles adaptations locales. Pour ce faire, un total de 486 individus, représentant les quatre écotypes pour chacun des quatre sites d’échantillonnages, a été génotypé à 6822 SNPs (polymorphisme de nucléotide simple). De plus, des analyses morphométriques ont été effectuées afin de caractériser l’ampleur de la divergence morphologique entre les écotypes à chacun des sites. Les résultats ont montré une différentiation génétique, bien que faible, plus prononcée entre les sites d’échantillonnage qu’entre les écotypes à chacun de ces sites. Des indices indiquant la présence de sélection divergente ont aussi été décelés entre les écotypes ou en association avec des variations morphologiques, dont certains marqueurs représentant des traits importants dans la divergence des différents écotypes. Les résultats de cette étude permettront une meilleure gestion et conservation des populations de touladi du lac Supérieur en plus d’éclairer le choix possible de populations sources pour l’ensemencement des autres Grands Lacs.
Efeito da densidade de sementeira nos componentes de rendimento do tremoço branco (Lupinus albus L.)
O tremoço branco (Lupinus albus L.) é utilizado na alimentação animal e humana. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar o efeito de duas densidades de sementeira (20 e 40 sementes/m2, respectivamente) na produtividade e nos componentes do rendimento de um ecótipo de tremoço branco. O campo experimental foi instalado na Quinta do Galinheiro (ESAS) Santarém, de acordo com um delineamento experimental em parcelas totalmente aleatórias, com 4 repetições. Foram efetuadas observações bissemanais do desenvolvimento e crescimento através da amostragem aleatória de 8 plantas em cada um dos tratamentos (número de folhas, ramificações e vagens por planta; número médio de grãos por vagem e por planta; peso seco de cada componente e o total da planta; peso de 1000 grãos e teor de proteína do grão). Observaram-se perdas importantes de plantas entre a sementeira e a emergência. O maior crescimento e produtividade individual das plantas na menor densidade, relativamente à maior, justificaram os valores muito aproximados verificados entre os dois tratamentos quando são consideradas as variáveis por unidade de área. Os teores de proteína e calibre do grão foram também idênticos nos dois tratamentos. Confirma-se assim a elevada capacidade da planta em se adaptar a diferentes densidades.
Purpose – Thistle flower( Cynara cardunculus) aqueous extracts, as rich source of milk-clotting peptidases, have been widely used for cheeses marketed under the Registry of the Protected Designation of Origin, as it is the case of Serra da Estrela cheese, manufactured from raw ewes’ milk and without addition of any commercial starter culture. This paper aims at studying the influence of six different ecotypes of thistle flowers in cheese properties during the ripening and of final products. Design/methodology/approach – Cheeses were produced with different thistle flower extracts and then the clotting time, weight and colour of cheeses, as well as texture properties and sensorial characteristics, were evaluated. Findings – The clotting time varied from 47 to 66 min, and the weight loss along ripening varied between 32 and 40 per cent. There was some influence of thistle flower ecotype on the colour during ripening and in the final product. The results of texture analysis revealed significant differences between the thistle ecotypes: crust firmness varying from 2.4 to 5.6 N; inner firmness from 0.82 to 1.82 N; stickiness from 0.5 to 1.60 N; adhesiveness from 3.0 to 11.3 N.s; and Ecotype C was particularly distinguishable. Sensorial evaluation revealed differences among the cheeses, with Ecotype C receiving the highest score for global appreciation. Originality/value – The usage of different extracts of thistle flower to produce Serra da Estrela cheese with different properties is a novelty, and it allows the possibility of manipulating this parameter in the future so as to produce cheeses with specific characteristics, addressed to different consumer targets.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical, color, textural, and sensorial characteristics of Serra da Estrela cheese and also to identity the factors affecting these properties, namely thistle ecotype, place of production, dairy and maturation. The results demon- strated that the cheeses lost weight mostly during the first stage of maturation, which was negatively correlated with moisture content, being this also observed for fat and protein contents. During maturation the cheeses became darker and with a yellowish coloration. A strong corre- lation was found between ash and chlorides contents, being the last directly related to the added salt in the manufacturing process. The flesh firmness showed a strong positive correlation with the rind harness and the firmness of inner paste. Stickiness was strongly related with all the other textural properties being indicative of the creamy nature of the paste. Adhesiveness was posi- tively correlated with moisture content and negatively correlated with maturation time. The trained panelists liked the cheeses, giving high overall assessment scores, but these were not significantly correlated with the physicochemical properties. The salt differences between cheeses were not evident for the panelists, which was corroborated by the absence of correlation between the perception of saltiness and the analyzed chlorides con- tents. The Factorial Analysis of the chemical and physical properties evidenced that they could be explained by two factors, one associated to the texture and the color and the other associated with the chemical properties. Finally, there was a clear influence of the thistle ecotype, place of production and dairy factors in the analyzed properties.
La presente investigación lleva por título “Evaluación de nueve accesiones de higo (Ficus caricaL.) en la Estación Experimental del Austro del INIAP, Cantón Gualaceo, provincia del Azuay-Ecuador. El trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal disponer de un ecotipo de higo de calidad y alta productividad, adaptado a las condiciones ambientales del Cantón Guacaleo, provincia del Azuay. Para ello se utilizó el método empírico, cuyas técnicas fueron la observación, la medición, encuestas y métodos teóricos, posterior a los cuales se realizaron los respectivos análisis y síntesis de la información. Se emplearon: la toma de datos en el campo, sobre 45 plantas que fueron analizadas y estudiadas; la encuesta a la población, con la finalidad de determinar el grado de aceptación de los frutos de higo por ecotipo por parte de los consumidores; así mismo, se elaboró un test organoléptico sobre 69 personas de la ciudad de Cuenca y de los cantones Gualaceo, Paute y Guachapala de la provincia del Azuay. Como principal conclusión se evidenció que el ecotipo Guayaquil es el que posee mayor diámetro, el que genera un fruto de mayor peso, así como un mayor número de frutos; también es el más productivo, el que menos tiempo requiere para producir yemas hinchadas y para la aparición de las primeras hojas. Además, se lo identificó como el ecotipo más llamativo de acuerdo al color de la pulpa, y considerado de mayor calidad por la textura del fruto. Finalmente, es el ecotipo que genera mayor rentabilidad en relación a los demás.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2016.