864 resultados para economic policies


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While considerable attention has been paid to the austerity experiments in Europe, much less attention has been paid to austerity case studies from other parts of the world. This paper examines the case of Queensland, Australia, where the government has pursued austerity measures, while making dire warnings that unless public debt was slashed and the public service sector downsized,Queensland risked becoming the Spain of Australia. The comparison is incomprehensible, given the very different economic situation in Queensland compared with Spain. This comparison constructed a sense of crisis that helped to mask standard neoliberal economic reform. While pursuing neoliberal economic policies,the Queensland Government has also been introducing draconian laws that limit civil liberties and political freedoms for ordinary citizens. This mix of authoritarianism and austerity has met considerable resistance, and this dynamic is discussed in the paper, along with the predictable and unequal impact that austerity measures have had on the general population and social services.


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Tourism plays an important role in the development of Cook Islands. In this paper we examine the nexus between tourism and growth using quarterly data over the period 2009Q1–2014Q2 using the recently upgraded ARDL bounds test to cointegration tool, Microfit 5.01, which provides sample adjusted bounds and hence is more reliable for small sample size studies. We perform the cointegration using the ARDL bounds test and examine the direction of causality. Using visitor arrival and output in per capita terms as respective proxy for tourism development and growth, we examine the long-run association and report the elasticity coefficient of tourism and causality nexus, accordingly. Using unit root break tests, we note that 2011Q1 and 2011Q2 are two structural break periods in the output series. However, we note that this period is not statistically significant in the ARDL model and hence excluded from the estimation. Subsequently, the regression results show the two series are cointegrated. The long-run elasticity coefficient of tourism is estimated to be 0.83 and the short-run is 0.73. A bidirectional causality between tourism and income is noted for Cook Islands which indicates that tourism development and income mutually reinforce each other. In light of this, socio-economic policies need to focus on broad-based, inclusive and income-generating tourism development projects which are expected to have feedback effect.


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Russian Karelians were one of the small peasant nations of the Russian Empire that began to identify themselves as nations during the late imperial period. At that historical moment Russian Karelia fell between an economically undeveloped empire and the rapidly modernizing borderland of Finland. The economic and cultural lure of Finland drew Karelians into the Finnish camp. This attraction was seen as a challenge to Russia and influenced the straggle between Russia and Finland for the Karelians. This struggle was waged from 1905 to 1917. This work is focused on the beginning stage of the struggle, its various phases, and their results. The confrontation extended into different dimensions (economic, political, ideological, church and cultural politics) and occurred on two levels: central and regional. Countermeasures against local nationalisms developed much earlier both in Russia and in other empires for use were also used in the Russian Karelian case. Economic policies were deployed to try to make relations with Russia more alluring for Karelians and to improve their economic condition. However, these efforts produced only minimal results due to the economic weakness of the empire and a lack of finances. Fear of the economic integration of the Karelians and Finns, which would have stimulated the economy of the Karelia, also hindered these attempts. The further development of the Orthodox Church, the schools and the zemstvos in Karelia yielded fewer results than expected due to the economic underdevelopment of the region and the avoidance of the Finnish language. Policizing measures were the most successfull, as all activities in Russian Karelia by the Finns were entirely halted in practice. However, the aspiration of Russian Karelians to integrate their home districts with Finland remained a latent force that just waited for an opportunity to push to the surface again. Such a chance materialized with the Russian revolution. The Karelian question was also a part of Russian domestic political confrontation. At the and of the 1800s, the Russian nationalist right had grown strong and increasingly gained the favor of the autocracy. The right political forces exploited the Karelian question in its anti-Finnish ideology and in its general resistance to the national emancipation of the minority peoples of Russia. A separate ideology was developed, focusing on the closeness of Karelians to the "great Russian people." Simultaneously, this concept found a place in the ultramonarchist myth of the particularly close connection between the people and tsar that was prominent in the era of Nicholas II. This myth assigned the Karelians a place amongst the "simple people" faithful to the tsar.


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Malcolm Turnbull has been heralded as the new “innovation PM”. Expectations are high that he must now translate his rhetoric around agility, disruption, entrepreneurship into concrete economic policies...


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Since the Chinese government began implementing economic reforms in the late 1970s, China has experienced profound economic change and growth. Like other parts of China, Tibetan areas of China have also experienced wide-ranging economic change with growth even higher than the China-wide average in certain years. Though China s strategic policy of developing the West provided many opportunities for economic and business activities, Tibetans have proven poorly equipped to respond to and take advantage of these opportunities. This study is about people, about market participation and specifically about why Tibetans do not effectively participate in the market in the context of China s economic development process. Many political, social, cultural and environmental factors explain the difficulties met by Tibetan communities. However, this study focuses on three factors: the social and culture context, government policy and education. The Buddhistic nature of Tibetan communities, particularly the political and economic system in traditional Tibetan society, explains this, especially after implementation of new national economic policies. An inclusive economic development policy that promotes local people s participation in the market demands serious consideration of local conditions. Unfortunately, such considerations often ignore local Tibetan realities. The economic development policy in Tibetan areas in China is nearly always an attempt to replicate the inland model and open up markets, even though economic and sociopolitical conditions in Tibet are markedly unlike much of China. A consequence of these policies is increasing numbers of non-Tibetan migrants flowing into Tibetan areas with the ensuing marginalization of Tibetans in the marketplace. Poor quality education is another factor contributing to Tibetan inability to effectively participate in the market. Vocational and business education targeting Tibetans is of very low quality and reflective of government failing to consider local circumstances when implementing education policy. The relatively few Tibetans who do receive education are nearly always unable to compete with non-Tibetan migrants in commercial activity. Encouraging and promoting Tibetan participation in business development and access to quality education are crucial for a sustainable and prosperous society in the long term. Particularly, a localized development policy that considers local environmental conditions and production as well as local culture is crucial. Tibet s economic development should be based on local environmental and production conditions, while utilizing Tibetan culture for the benefit of creating a sustainable economy. Such a localized approach best promotes Tibetan market participation. Keywords: Tibet cultural policy education market participation


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan äänestäjien talouskäsitysten vaikutusta hallituksen suosioon Puolassa vuosina 2006 ja 2007. Tutkimusasetelma juontaa juurensa poliittisten suhdannevaihteluiden teoriaan, jonka mukaan poliitikot pyrkivät manipuloimaan taloutta vaalien alla tullakseen uudelleen valituiksi. Vastuullisuushypoteesin mukaan äänestäjät palkitsevat poliitikot hyvästä taloustilanteesta. Näin ollen mikäli äänestäjät ovat tyytyväisiä talouteen he äänestävät hallitusta. Mikäli eivät, he äänestävät oppositiota. Miten äänestäjät sitten tekevät arvionsa taloudesta? Tutkielmassa selvitetään vaikuttiko äänestäjien mielipiteisiin käsitys nykyisestä vai tulevaisuuden taloustilanteesta. Käsitys nykyisestä taloustilanteesta perustuu havaintoihin jo toteutuneesta talouspolitiikasta. Tätä käsitystä kutsutaan retrospektiiviseksi näkemykseksi. Prospektiiviset talousnäkemykset koostuvat näkemyksestä ja odotuksista talouden tulevasta tilasta ja uskosta hallituksen kykyyn tarjota paras vaihtoehto suotuisalle talouskehitykselle. Aikaulottuvuuden lisäksi tutkielmassa testataan, vaikuttaako äänestäjiin enemmän heidän oma taloustilanteensa vai näkemys yleisestä talouden tilanteesta. Mikäli hallituksen suosio perustuu näkemyksiin henkilökohtaisen talouden tilasta, ovat äänestäjät egotrooppisia. Mikäli kannatuspäätös perustuu näkemykseen kansantalouden tilasta, ovat äänestäjät puolestaan sosiotrooppisia. Aineistona tutkielmassa käytetään uusinta saatavilla olevaa Puolan mielipidetiedustelun (Centrum Badania Opinii Publicznej) keräämää kyselyaineistoa vuosilta 2006 ja 2007. Tutkielmassa on yhdistetty kyselyaineistot 22:n kuukauden ajalta. Aineistoa on analysoitu logistisen regressioanalyysin menetelmin. Tutkielman perusteella talousnäkemyksistä suurin vaikutus hallituksen suosioon on äänestäjien näkemyksillä kansantalouden tulevaisuuden tilasta. Henkilökohtaisen talouden osalta positiiviset tulevaisuudennäkymät vaikuttavat positiivisesti myös hallituksen kannatukseen. Retrospektiivinen arvio henkilökohtaisesta taloudesta toimii kuitenkin teorian vastaisesti; oman taloudellisen tilanteen hyväksi arvioineiden todennäköisyys kannatta hallitusta oli pienempää kuin niillä, jotka arvioivat oman taloustilanteensa huonoksi. Kontrollimuuttujiksi valittiin joukko aiemmassa tutkimuksessa äänestyskäyttäytymiseen Puolassa vaikuttaneita tekijöitä. Näitä olivat ikä, sukupuoli, koulutus, asuinpaikka, näkemys työllisyystilanteesta, ideologinen sijoittuminen oikeisto–vasemmisto-akselilla sekä uskonnollisuus. Kontrollimuuttujista merkitseviksi osoittautuivat uskonnollisuus, oikeisto–vasemmisto-ideologia, koulutus, asuinpaikka sekä ikä. Kun edellä mainitut taustamuuttujat on kontrolloitu, taloustekijät selittävät noin viidesosan hallituksen kannatuksen todennäköisyyden vaihtelusta.


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Resumen: El presente ensayo consiste en un estudio de la evolución histórica de la economía argentina, enfatizando la interacción entre políticas económicas aplicadas y las instituciones que les dan fundamento. La exposición asume como hipótesis que la inestabilidad económica argentina, que se agudiza y se distancia del promedio respecto de los demás países luego de la segunda posguerra, aparte de los factores estrictamente económicos, debe explicarse, asimismo, a partir de la influencia de condiciones institucionales.


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Resumen: La presente investigación consiste en un análisis, desde la perspectiva de la economía y las instituciones, de las políticas del New Deal, implementado por Franklin D. Roosevelt en los Estados Unidos durante la crisis económica de los años 30. Para realizar dicho análisis se presentan los elementos principales de la crisis de 1930, luego se realiza un estudio de las políticas económicas aplicadas en el contexto de un marco de gran innovación institucional, y concluye evaluando las políticas expuestas, tanto desde el enfoque de sus resultados macroeconómicos como de su desempeño institucional. De esta manera el presente documento incluye un diagnóstico histórico del contexto norteamericano en aquel entonces y resalta los aspectos que motivaron a dicha administración a la aplicación de New Deal. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis del impacto macroeconómico de las políticas aplicadas. La conclusión sintetiza las principales enseñanzas de la experiencia desde la perspectiva de política económica y del diseño de la regulación, para concluir con algunas reflexiones acerca de su posible implementación en la actualidad.


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Este estudo busca contribuir à discussão teórica sobre o comportamento do mercado de trabalho e da informalidade na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro - RMRJ, sobretudo a partir dos anos 1990. As informações utilizadas na análise são provenientes principalmente da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS) e do Cadastro Geral do Emprego e Desemprego (CAGED) - Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE) - da Pesquisa de Amostragem a Domicílio (PNAD), da Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego (PME) e da Economia Informal Urbana (ECINF) - do Instituto de Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) - com um recorte nos setores tradicionais da economia. Umas das hipóteses centrais é a da existência de uma relação de causalidade entre as políticas econômicas implementadas a partir de 1990, tais como privatizações de empresas públicas, abertura comercial e financeira para o capital estrangeiro com a informalidade. Estas foram determinantes para oscilações nos níveis de emprego formal das indústrias, com o avanço substancial do setor informal, sobretudo na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ).A análise, feita por setores de atividade, permite comprovar que a informalidade apresenta-se cada vez mais claramente como uma característica da estrutura da economia da metrópole do Rio de Janeiro e não simplesmente como um fenômeno transitório relacionado à redução das atividades industriais.


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Tras la imposición de programas de ajuste estructural ordenados por los organismos internacionales ante la crisis de la deuda externa, y después de supeditar a estos planes sus políticas de desarrollo, los países latinoamericanos afrontan el presente siglo con aires nuevos y políticas económicas de diversa índole, las cuales pueden ser agrupadas principalmente en tres grandes bloques. Nos encontraremos así, en un primer grupo, con países como México, Chile, Colombia y Perú, que optaron por seguir la sugerida senda del neoliberalismo y firmar diversos tratados de libre comercio, apostando por economías abiertas y políticas de privatización. Un segundo bloque, compuesto por Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina, representa a aquellos países cuyas estrategias económicas han tratado de converger en una suerte de economías abiertas y políticas sociales. Finalmente, se analizarán en un tercer grupo los casos de Venezuela, Bolivia y Ecuador, principales países de la denominada Alianza Bolivariana (ALBA), los cuales comparten una fuerte ideología de izquierdas que aboga por una profunda acción social. Con el objetivo de exponer los diferentes retornos de estas tres principales estrategias, bucearemos a lo largo de las siguientes páginas en las características económicas, políticas y sociales inherentes a cada uno de estos países, tratando de dilucidar los aciertos y desaciertos de las nuevas políticas implementadas. Por último, se realizará una comparativa basada en datos macroeconómicos de todos los países objeto de estudio, con el fin de reflexionar sobre qué políticas económicas han logrado mejores resultados y a qué motivos se deben.


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[EU] Phillips-kurba-k langabezi eta inflazioaren arteko erlazio negatiboa erakusten du. Erlazio hau 1958. urtean aurkeztu zen lehen aldiz eta geroztik hainbat aldaketa, kritika eta eztabaida jasan ditu. Hala ere, honek ez du saihestu hainbat herrialdek politika ekonomiko desberdinak aurrera eraman izana erlazio honetan oinarrituta. Lan honetan Phillips-ek aipaturiko erlazioak jasandako aldaketa desberdinak azalduko ditugu, haren oinarriak eta eraldaketak aztertuz. Espainia eta Euskadiko Phillips kurben egoerak aztertuko ditugu eta Phillips-ek proposaturiko erlazioa betetzen den ala ez konprobatuko dugu.


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Este trabalho pretende contribuir para o entendimento sobre a desindustrialização brasileira, bem como propor uma reflexão sobre o futuro das políticas de governo atualmente vigentes. Para isso, procurou-se inicialmente avaliar a literatura nacional e estrangeira sobre o tema da desindustrialização. O objetivo é, portanto, observar através dos dados e indicadores mais recomendados pela literatura existente, se o Brasil apresenta, realmente, sinais de que está passando por um processo de desindustrialização. Os agregados econômicos analisados foram: emprego, produto e o setor externo. As respectivas séries revelaram, em seu conjunto, que o Brasil está enfrentando, desde meados dos anos 1980, o fenômeno da desindustrialização. As principais causas que contribuem para explicar o porquê desse processo são: o avanço das commodities na pauta exportadora brasileira, a recente valorização da moeda nacional, a baixa densidade tecnológica dos produtos industriais brasileiros, as mudanças de políticas econômicas dos anos 1980 e 1990 e, finalmente, o processo geral recente do capitalismo, no contexto de um mundo globalizado.


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Este trabalho procurou analisar o sistema produtivo da atividade leiteira em Minas Gerais, identificando a capacidade dos produtores em permanecer no negócio, a longo prazo, através da estimação da função custo translogarítmica. O estudo demonstrou que os produtores analisados ainda praticam altos custos por unidade produzida, sugerindo baixa eficiência dos estabelecimentos e falhas na administração do empreendimento. Os resultados econométricos revelam a possibilidade de ganhos de escala, no que se refere à alocação e melhor aproveitamento dos recursos, ou seja, as propriedades apresentam economias de escala. No entanto, retornos crescentes de escala não são compatíveis com a existência de mercados competitivos, sinalizando que os produtores enfrentam restrições geradas pelas imperfeições de mercado. O conhecimento dessas imperfeições é essencial à formulação de políticas econômicas e de organizações privadas que visem ao desenvolvimento econômico deste mercado, que atualmente é o sexto maior do mundo. Além disso, os resultados das elasticidades mostram que o produtor é mais sensível às variações de preços na mão-de-obra do que às variações nos demais fatores, reduzindo em maior proporção o uso do trabalho na produção, à medida que seu preço aumenta. Isto evidencia a principal característica regional da produção leiteira no país, que é o uso intensivo do fator trabalho. Também foi identificado que o os medicamentos, alimentos e energia, denominados no estudo de fator dispêndio, são os mais difíceis é o mais difícil de serem substituídos na produção, devido às particularidades no uso dos componentes deste insumo. Por fim, os valores positivos encontrados para as elasticidades parciais de substituição de Allen confirmam a substitutibilidade entre os fatores.


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The paper presents a dynamic study of the Spanish labour market which tries to determine if it matches the characteristics of transitional labour markets from a fl exicurity approach. Employment trajectories of Spanish workers during the years 2007-2010 are studied using the Continuous Sample of Working Lives. This period covers the end of the expansion of the Spanish economy and the beginning of the current employment crisis. From the combination of the chosen topic, the approach, and the database used, this is a novel perspective in our country. The article shows evidence of the evolution of the employment and unemployment spells, the Spanish labour market turnover degree, and the diffi culties of some groups for carrying out transition between employment and unemployment. The results obtained show a labour market in which a) transitions have come to a halt, and b) there is high job insecurity.


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In this reply to Hospers' “Localization in Europe's Periphery: Tourism Development in Sardinia” by Gert-Jan Hospers (2003), we argue that the author's advocacy of localized economic policies as a viable means to the economic development of Sardinia does not take into account current institutional assets that prevent Sardinia from pursuing localized interests effectively. We first discuss the historical background of these institutional assets, highlighting that a top-down approach to decision-making has characterized relations between Sardinia and the central state for most of the modern era. We then discuss the institutional and economic impediments to Sardinian attempts to pursue localized policies in light of recent institutional conflicts between region and central state. Our conclusion is that the localization of economic strategies necessitates entwined localization of decision-making powers in order to be effective.