126 resultados para dynamo
Thesis (doctoral)--Universitat Bern.
The impact of what has been broadly labelled the knowledge economy has been such that, even in the absence of precise measurement, it is the undoubted dynamo of today’s global market, and an essential part of any global city. The socio-economic importance of knowledge production in a knowledge economy is clear, and it is an emerging social phenomenon and research agenda in geographical studies. Knowledge production, and where, how and by whom it is produced, is an urban phenomenon that is poorly understood in an era of strong urbanisation. This paper focuses on knowledge community precincts as the catalytic magnet infrastructures impacting on knowledge production in cities. The paper discusses the increasing importance of knowledge-based urban development within the paradigm of the knowledge economy, and the role of knowledge community precincts as instruments to seed the foundation of knowledge production in cities. This paper explores the knowledge based urban development, and particularly knowledge community precinct development, potentials of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, and benchmarks this against that of Boston, Massachusetts.
Abbe Brown from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, is one of the leading international researchers on intellectual property and climate change. She is an intellectual dynamo. Her work brings together a mastery of intellectual property, with a strong interest in innovation theory and practice, and an engagement with public policy issues surrounding human rights, competition policy, and access to knowledge. Abbe Brown has shown a particular aptitude for tackling big ideas and wicked global problems, with intelligence, gusto, insight, and formidable wisdom.
This thesis consists of three articles on passive vector fields in turbulence. The vector fields interact with a turbulent velocity field, which is described by the Kraichnan model. The effect of the Kraichnan model on the passive vectors is studied via an equation for the pair correlation function and its solutions. The first paper is concerned with the passive magnetohydrodynamic equations. Emphasis is placed on the so called "dynamo effect", which in the present context is understood as an unbounded growth of the pair correlation function. The exact analytical conditions for such growth are found in the cases of zero and infinite Prandtl numbers. The second paper contains an extensive study of a number of passive vector models. Emphasis is now on the properties of the (assumed) steady state, namely anomalous scaling, anisotropy and small and large scale behavior with different types of forcing or stirring. The third paper is in many ways a completion to the previous one in its study of the steady state existence problem. Conditions for the existence of the steady state are found in terms of the spatial roughness parameter of the turbulent velocity field.
Active regions on the solar surface are known to possess magnetic helicity, which is predominantly negative in the northern hemisphere and positive in the southern hemisphere. Choudhuri et al. [Choudhuri, A.R. On the connection between mean field dynamo theory and flux tubes. Solar Phys. 215, 31–55, 2003] proposed that the magnetic helicity arises due to the wrapping up of the poloidal field of the convection zone around rising flux tubes which form active regions. Choudhuri [Choudhuri, A.R., Chatterjee, P., Nandy, D. Helicity of solar active regions from a dynamo model. ApJ 615, L57–L60, 2004] used this idea to calculate magnetic helicity from their solar dynamo model. Apart from getting broad agreements with observational data, they also predict that the hemispheric helicity rule may be violated at the beginning of a solar cycle. Chatterjee et al. [Chatterjee, P., Choudhuri, A.R., Petrovay, K. Development of twist in an emerging magnetic flux tube by poloidal field accretion. A&A 449, 781–789, 2006] study the penetration of the wrapped poloidal field into the rising flux tube due to turbulent diffusion using a simple 1-d model. They find that the extent of penetration of the wrapped field will depend on how weak the magnetic field inside the rising flux tube becomes before its emergence. They conclude that more detailed observational data will throw light on the physical conditions of flux tubes just before their emergence to the photosphere.
Local numerical modelling of magnetoconvection and turbulence - implications for mean-field theories
During the last decades mean-field models, in which large-scale magnetic fields and differential rotation arise due to the interaction of rotation and small-scale turbulence, have been enormously successful in reproducing many of the observed features of the Sun. In the meantime, new observational techniques, most prominently helioseismology, have yielded invaluable information about the interior of the Sun. This new information, however, imposes strict conditions on mean-field models. Moreover, most of the present mean-field models depend on knowledge of the small-scale turbulent effects that give rise to the large-scale phenomena. In many mean-field models these effects are prescribed in ad hoc fashion due to the lack of this knowledge. With large enough computers it would be possible to solve the MHD equations numerically under stellar conditions. However, the problem is too large by several orders of magnitude for the present day and any foreseeable computers. In our view, a combination of mean-field modelling and local 3D calculations is a more fruitful approach. The large-scale structures are well described by global mean-field models, provided that the small-scale turbulent effects are adequately parameterized. The latter can be achieved by performing local calculations which allow a much higher spatial resolution than what can be achieved in direct global calculations. In the present dissertation three aspects of mean-field theories and models of stars are studied. Firstly, the basic assumptions of different mean-field theories are tested with calculations of isotropic turbulence and hydrodynamic, as well as magnetohydrodynamic, convection. Secondly, even if the mean-field theory is unable to give the required transport coefficients from first principles, it is in some cases possible to compute these coefficients from 3D numerical models in a parameter range that can be considered to describe the main physical effects in an adequately realistic manner. In the present study, the Reynolds stresses and turbulent heat transport, responsible for the generation of differential rotation, were determined along the mixing length relations describing convection in stellar structure models. Furthermore, the alpha-effect and magnetic pumping due to turbulent convection in the rapid rotation regime were studied. The third area of the present study is to apply the local results in mean-field models, which task we start to undertake by applying the results concerning the alpha-effect and turbulent pumping in mean-field models describing the solar dynamo.
In this thesis we examine multi-field inflationary models of the early Universe. Since non-Gaussianities may allow for the possibility to discriminate between models of inflation, we compute deviations from a Gaussian spectrum of primordial perturbations by extending the delta-N formalism. We use N-flation as a concrete model; our findings show that these models are generically indistinguishable as long as the slow roll approximation is still valid. Besides computing non-Guassinities, we also investigate Preheating after multi-field inflation. Within the framework of N-flation, we find that preheating via parametric resonance is suppressed, an indication that it is the old theory of preheating that is applicable. In addition to studying non-Gaussianities and preheatng in multi-field inflationary models, we study magnetogenesis in the early universe. To this aim, we propose a mechanism to generate primordial magnetic fields via rotating cosmic string loops. Magnetic fields in the micro-Gauss range have been observed in galaxies and clusters, but their origin has remained elusive. We consider a network of strings and find that rotating cosmic string loops, which are continuously produced in such networks, are viable candidates for magnetogenesis with relevant strength and length scales, provided we use a high string tension and an efficient dynamo.
The magnetic field of the Earth is 99 % of the internal origin and generated in the outer liquid core by the dynamo principle. In the 19th century, Carl Friedrich Gauss proved that the field can be described by a sum of spherical harmonic terms. Presently, this theory is the basis of e.g. IGRF models (International Geomagnetic Reference Field), which are the most accurate description available for the geomagnetic field. In average, dipole forms 3/4 and non-dipolar terms 1/4 of the instantaneous field, but the temporal mean of the field is assumed to be a pure geocentric axial dipolar field. The validity of this GAD (Geocentric Axial Dipole) hypothesis has been estimated by using several methods. In this work, the testing rests on the frequency dependence of inclination with respect to latitude. Each combination of dipole (GAD), quadrupole (G2) and octupole (G3) produces a distinct inclination distribution. These theoretical distributions have been compared with those calculated from empirical observations from different continents, and last, from the entire globe. Only data from Precambrian rocks (over 542 million years old) has been used in this work. The basic assumption is that during the long-term course of drifting continents, the globe is sampled adequately. There were 2823 observations altogether in the paleomagnetic database of the University of Helsinki. The effect of the quality of observations, as well as the age and rocktype, has been tested. For comparison between theoretical and empirical distributions, chi-square testing has been applied. In addition, spatiotemporal binning has effectively been used to remove the errors caused by multiple observations. The modelling from igneous rock data tells that the average magnetic field of the Earth is best described by a combination of a geocentric dipole and a very weak octupole (less than 10 % of GAD). Filtering and binning gave distributions a more GAD-like appearance, but deviation from GAD increased as a function of the age of rocks. The distribution calculated from so called keypoles, the most reliable determinations, behaves almost like GAD, having a zero quadrupole and an octupole 1 % of GAD. In no earlier study, past-400-Ma rocks have given a result so close to GAD, but low inclinations have been prominent especially in the sedimentary data. Despite these results, a greater deal of high-quality data and a proof of the long-term randomness of the Earth's continental motions are needed to make sure the dipole model holds true.
Earlier work has suggested that large-scale dynamos can reach and maintain equipartition field strengths on a dynamical time scale only if magnetic helicity of the fluctuating field can be shed from the domain through open boundaries. To test this scenario in convection-driven dynamos by comparing results for open and closed boundary conditions. Three-dimensional numerical simulations of turbulent compressible convection with shear and rotation are used to study the effects of boundary conditions on the excitation and saturation level of large-scale dynamos. Open (vertical field) and closed (perfect conductor) boundary conditions are used for the magnetic field. The contours of shear are vertical, crossing the outer surface, and are thus ideally suited for driving a shear-induced magnetic helicity flux. We find that for given shear and rotation rate, the growth rate of the magnetic field is larger if open boundary conditions are used. The growth rate first increases for small magnetic Reynolds number, Rm, but then levels off at an approximately constant value for intermediate values of Rm. For large enough Rm, a small-scale dynamo is excited and the growth rate in this regime increases proportional to Rm^(1/2). In the nonlinear regime, the saturation level of the energy of the mean magnetic field is independent of Rm when open boundaries are used. In the case of perfect conductor boundaries, the saturation level first increases as a function of Rm, but then decreases proportional to Rm^(-1) for Rm > 30, indicative of catastrophic quenching. These results suggest that the shear-induced magnetic helicity flux is efficient in alleviating catastrophic quenching when open boundaries are used. The horizontally averaged mean field is still weakly decreasing as a function of Rm even for open boundaries.
Mikkelin Seudun Uusyrityskeskus Dynamo ry. on toiminut vuodesta 2001 lähtien. Sen toimesta on perustettu n. 750 uutta yritystä ja luotu liki 900 uutta työpaikkaa (tieto 30.6.2009). Dynamon toiminta on ollut seudun kannalta myönteistä ja merkittävää. Uusyrityskeskus Dynamon hallitus päätti syksyllä 2008 selvittää, mitä vuosina 2002–2006 perustetuille yrityksille ja yrittäjille kuuluu. Selvityksen on laatinut ja nyt julkaistavan raportin kirjoittanut YTM Riitta Kaipainen. Tutkijan tukena toimi ryhmä Ruralia-instituutin asiantuntijoita: tutkimusjohtaja, HT Torsti Hyyryläinen, tutkimusjohtaja, professori Tapani Köppä, kehittämispäällikkö FM Manu Rantanen ja Uusyrityskeskus Dynamon toimitusjohtaja, projektipäällikkö Pekka Teittinen. Tutkimusavustajina toimivat Saila Ukkonen, Sirpa Hämäläinen, Mirja Marttinen ja Raija Alatalo, kaikki Ruraliainstituutin henkilöstöä. Ruralia-instituutin puolesta kiitän tutkijaa perusteellisesta työstä, asiantuntijaryhmää hyvästä tuesta ja haastattelijoita ahkeruudesta. Tutkimus kuuluu osana Etelä-Savon TE-keskuksen Euroopan unionin sosiaalirahastosta rahoittamaan ja Ruralia-instituutin toteuttamaan Kohti yrittäjyysyhteiskuntaa -hankkeeseen, joka on samalla Uusyrityskeskus Dynamon päärahoittaja. Tutkimuksen tulokset palvelevat Dynamon toiminnan edelleen kehittämistä. Uskon, että nyt julkaistava raportti sisältää hyödyllistä tietoa kaikille yritystoiminnan kehittäjille.
Numerical simulations of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) with zero initial net flux in a non-stratified isothermal cubic domain are used to demonstrate the importance of magnetic boundary conditions. In fully periodic systems the level of turbulence generated by the MRI strongly decreases as the magnetic Prandtl number (Pm), which is the ratio of kinematic viscosity and magnetic diffusion, is decreased. No MRI or dynamo action below Pm=1 is found, agreeing with earlier investigations. Using vertical field conditions, which allow magnetic helicity fluxes out of the system, the MRI is found to be excited in the range 0.1
We assume the large-scale diffuse magnetic field of the Sun to originate from the poloidal component of a dynamo operating at the base of the convection zone, whereas the sunspots are due to the toroidal component. The evolution of the poloidal component is studied to model the poleward migration of the diffuse field seen on the solar surface and the polar reversal at the time of sunspot maxima (Dikpati and Choudhuri 1994, 1995).
Although the sunspots migrate towards the equator, the large-scale weak diffuse magnetic fields of the Sun migrate poleward with the solar cycle, the polar field reversing at the time of the sunspot maxima. We apply the vector model of Dikpati and Choudhuri (1994, Paper I) to fit these observations. The dynamo layer at the base of the convection zone is taken to be the source of the diffuse field, which is then evolved in the convection zone subject to meridional circulation and turbulent diffusion. We find that the longitudinally averaged observational data can be fitted reasonably well both for positive and negative values of the alpha-effect by adjusting the subsurface meridional flow suitably. The model will be extended in a future paper to include the decay of active regions as an extra source of the diffuse field, which may be necessary to explain the probable phase lag between B-tau and B-phi at lower latitudes.
Dikpati and Choudhuri (1993, 1995) developed a model for the poleward migration of the weak diffuse magnetic field on the Sun's surface. This field was identified with the poloidal component produced by the solar dynamo operating at the base of the convection zone, and its evolution was studied by considering the effects of meridional circulation and turbulent diffusion. The earlier model is extended in this paper by incorporating the flux from, the decay of tilted active regions near the solar surface as an additional source of the poloidal field. This extended model can now explain various low-latitude features in the time-latitude diagram of the weak diffuse fields. These low-latitude features could not be accounted for in the earlier model, which was very successful in modeling the behavior at high latitudes. The time-latitude diagrams show that regions of a particular polarity often have 'tongues' of opposite polarity. Such tongues can be produced in the theoretical model by incorporating fluctuations in the source term arising out of the decaying active regions.
In the mean, bipolar active regions are oriented nearly toroidally, according to Hale's polarity law, with a latitude-dependent tilt known as Joy's Law. The tilt angles of individual active regions deviate from this mean behavior and change over time. It has been found that on average the change is toward the mean angle at a rate characteristic of 4.37 days (Howard, 1996). We show that this orientational relaxation is consistent with the standard model of flux tube emergence from a deep dynamo layer. Under this scenario Joy's law results from the Coriolis effect on the rising flux tube (D'Silva and Choudhuri, 1993), and departures from it result from turbulent buffeting of the tubes (Longcope and Fisher, 1996). We show that relaxation toward Joy's angle occurs because the turbulent perturbations relax on shorter time scales than the perturbations from the Coriolis force. The turbulent perturbations relax more rapidly because they are localized to the topmost portion of the convection zone while the Coriolis perturbations are more widely distributed. If a fully-developed active region remains connected to the strong toroidal magnetic field at the base of the convection zone, its tilt will eventually disappear, leaving it aligned perfectly toroidally. On the other hand, if the flux becomes disconnected from the toroidal field the bipole will assume a tilt indicative of the location of disconnection. We compare models which are connected and disconnected from the toroidal field. Only those disconnected at points very deep in the convection zone a-re consistent with observed time scale of orientational relaxation.