935 resultados para diluizione,olio,CFD,MCI
This paper presents a numerical study of urban air-flow for a group of five buildings that is located at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom. The airflow around these buildings has been simulated by using ANSYS CFD software package. In this study, the association between certain architectural forms: a street canyon, a semi-closure, and a courtyard-like space in a low-rise building complex, and the wind environment were investigated. The analysis of CFD results has provided detailed information on the wind patterns of these urban built forms. The numerical results have been compared with the experimental measurements within the building complex. The observed characteristics of urban wind pattern with respect to the built structures are presented as a guideline. This information is needed for the design and/or performance assessments of systems such as passive and low energy design approach, a natural or hybrid ventilation, and passive cooling. Also, the knowledge of urban wind patterns allows us to develop better design options for the application of renewable energy technologies within urban environment.
This paper reports the results of a parametric CFD study on idealized city models to investigate the potential of slope flow in ventilating a city located in a mountainous region when the background synoptic wind is absent. Examples of such a city include Tokyo in Japan, Los Angeles and Phoenix in the US, and Hong Kong. Two types of buoyancy-driven flow are considered, i.e., slope flow from the mountain slope (katabatic wind at night and anabatic wind in the daytime), and wall flow due to heated/cooled urban surfaces. The combined buoyancy-driven flow system can serve the purpose of dispersing the accumulated urban air pollutants when the background wind is weak or absent. The microscopic picture of ventilation performance within the urban structures was evaluated in terms of air change rate (ACH) and age of air. The simulation results reveal that the slope flow plays an important role in ventilating the urban area, especially in calm conditions. Katabatic flow at night is conducive to mitigating the nocturnal urban heat island. In the present parametric study, the mountain slope angle and mountain height are assumed to be constant, and the changing variables are heating/cooling intensity and building height. For a typical mountain of 500 m inclined at an angle of 20° to the horizontal level, the interactive structure is very much dependent on the ratio of heating/cooling intensity as well as building height. When the building is lower than 60 m, the slope wind dominates. When the building is as high as 100 m, the contribution from the urban wall flow cannot be ignored. It is found that katabatic wind can be very beneficial to the thermal environment as well as air quality at the pedestrian level. The air change rate for the pedestrian volume can be as high as 300 ACH.
Three-dimensional computational simulations are performed to examine indoor environment and micro-environment around human bodies in an office in terms of thermal environment and air quality. In this study, personal displacement ventilation (PDV), including two cases with all seats taken and two middle seats taken, is compared with overall displacement ventilation (ODV) of all seats taken under the condition that supply temperature is 24℃ and air change rate is 60 l/s per workstation. When using PDV, temperature stratification, the characteristic of displacement ventilation, is obviously observed at the position of occupant’s head and clearer in the case with all seats taken. Verticalertical ertical temperature temperature temperature temperature temperature differences below height of the head areare under under under 2℃ in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases with all seats taken,and the temperature with PDV is higher than that with ODV. Verticalertical ertical temperature temperature temperature temperature temperature temperature difference is under 3 under 3under 3 under 3℃ in the case in the case in the case in the case in the case in the case in the case with two middle seats taken. CO2 concentration is lower th is lower th is lower this lower this lower than 2 g/man 2 g/m an 2 g/man 2 g/man 2 g/man 2 g/m 3 in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. The results indicate that PDV can be used in the room with big change of occupants’ number to satisfy the need of thermal comfort and air quality. When not all seats are taken, designers should increase supply air requirement or reduce its temperature for thermal comfort. INDEX TERMS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A fluidização de partículas é amplamente utilizada na indústria, principalmente devido às altas taxas de transferência de calor e massa entre as fases. O acoplamento entre a Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional (CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics) e o Método dos Elementos Discretos (DEM – Discrete Element Method) tem se tornado atrativo para a simulação de fluidização, já que nesse caso o movimento das partículas é analisado de forma mais direta do que em outros tipos de abordagens. O grande problema do acoplamento CFD-DEM é a alta exigência computacional para rastrear todas as partículas do sistema, o que leva ao uso de estratégias de redução do tempo de simulação que em caso de utilização incorreta podem comprometer os resultados. O presente trabalho trata da aplicação do acoplamento CFD-DEM na análise de fluidização de alumina, que é um problema importante para o setor mineral. Foram analisados diversos parâmetros capazes de influenciar os resultados e o tempo de simulação como os passos de tempo, os modelos de arrasto, a distribuição granulométrica das partículas, a constante de rigidez, a utilização de partículas representativas com tamanho maior que o das partículas reais, etc. O modelo de força de interação DEM utilizado foi o modelo de mola e amortecedor lineares (LSD – Linear Spring Dashpot). Todas as simulações foram realizadas com o software ANSYS FLUENT 14.5 e os resultados obtidos foram comparados com dados experimentais e da literatura. Tais resultados permitiram comprovar a capacidade do modelo linear LSD em predizer o comportamento global de leitos de alumina e reduzir o tempo de simulação, desde que os parâmetros do modelo sejam definidos de forma adequada.
This paper presents a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) application about the axial fan design used in an agricultural spraying system with a theoretical and experimental analysis of comparative results between the characteristic curves of a fan for several rotations and numerical results for the influence of blade attack angle variation and optimization of the spraying system, both for a same rotation. Flow was considered three-dimensional, turbulent, isothermal, viscous and non-compressible in a steady state, disregarding any influence of the gravity field. The average turbulent field was obtained from the application of time average where the turbulence model required for closing the set of equations was the k-E model. Resolution of all connected phenomena was achieved with the help of a fluid dynamics computer, CFX, which uses the finite volumes technique as a numerical method. In order to validate the theoretical analysis, an experiment was conducted in a circular section of a horizontal wind tunnel, using a Pitot tube for pressure readings. The main results demonstrate that the methodology used, based on CFD techniques, is able to reproduce the phenomenological behavior of an axial fan in a spraying system because results were very reliable and similar to experimentally measured ones.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
A wall film model has been implemented in a customized version of KIVA code developed at University of Bologna. Under the hypothesis of `thin laminar ow' the model simulates the dynamics of a liquid wall film generated by impinging sprays. Particular care has been taken in numerical implementation of the model. The major phenomena taken into account in the present model are: wall film formation by impinging spray; body forces, such as gravity or acceleration of the wall; shear stress at the interface with the gas and no slip condition on the wall; momentum contribution and dynamic pressure generated by the tangential and normal component of the impinging drops; film evaporation by heat exchange with wall and surrounding gas. The model doesn't consider the effect of the wavy film motion and suppose that all the impinging droplets adhere to the film. The governing equations have been integrated in space by using a finite volume approach with a first order upwind differencing scheme and they have been integrated in time with a fully explicit method. The model is validated using two different test cases reproducing PFI gasoline and DI Diesel engine wall film conditions.