975 resultados para digitised media files


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Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council this partnership project between the Childhood, Transition and Social Justice Initiative at Queen’s University and Include Youth focuses on the negative stereotyping of children and young people and the role and responsibilities of the media in the creation and transmission of negative images. Engaging with children, young people, organisations working with children and young people and media representatives, the project uses research evidence to explore negative media representation and its consequences for children’s rights, public reaction and policy initiatives in Northern Ireland. This report represents a summary of the findings of engagement with 141 children and young people. It outlines how they feel they are presented by the media and the impacts of this. It concludes by noting ways forward in challenging negative portrayals.


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Background: Pharmacogenetics is a rapidly growing field that aims to identify the genes that influence drug response. This science can be used as a powerful tool to tailor drug treatment to the genetic makeup of individuals. The present study explores the coverage of the topic of pharmacogenetics and its potential benefit in personalised medicine by the UK newsprint media

Methods: The LexisNexis database was used to identify and retrieve full text articles from the 10 highest circulation national daily newspapers and their Sunday equivalents in the UK. Content analysis of newspaper articles which referenced pharmacogenetic testing was carried out. A second researcher coded a random sample (21%) of newspaper articles to establish the inter-rater reliability of coding. 

Results: Of the 256 articles captured by the search terms, 96 articles (with pharmacogenetics as a major component) met the study inclusion criteria. The majority of articles over-stated the benefits of pharmacogenetic testing while paying less attention to the associated risks. Overall beneficial effects were mentioned 5.3 times more frequently than risks (p < 0.001). The most common illnesses for which pharmacogenetically based personalised medicine was discussed were cancer, cardiovascular disease and CNS diseases. Only 13% of newspaper articles that cited a specific scientific study mentioned this link in the article. There was a positive correlation between the size of the article and both the number of benefits and risks stated (P < 0.01). 

Conclusion: More comprehensive coverage of the area of personalised medicine within the print media is needed to inform public debate on the inclusion of pharmacogentic testing in routine practice.


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There is ample evidence that young people engage in grooming and harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) using social media with enough frequency to make those behaviours important con-cerns for both society and care providers. This article provides a critical overview of the con-ceptual and empirical foundations of peer-to-peer grooming and the use of social media with-in the context of HSB. Based on this learning, it ultimately introduces a new model of inter-vention and of professional practice, which provides the standards for micro-level decision-making about goals, methods and assessment tailored to this specific offending context.


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Social media channels, such as Facebook or Twitter, allow for people to express their views and opinions about any public topics. Public sentiment related to future events, such as demonstrations or parades, indicate public attitude and therefore may be applied while trying to estimate the level of disruption and disorder during such events. Consequently, sentiment analysis of social media content may be of interest for different organisations, especially in security and law enforcement sectors. This paper presents a new lexicon-based sentiment analysis algorithm that has been designed with the main focus on real time Twitter content analysis. The algorithm consists of two key components, namely sentiment normalisation and evidence-based combination function, which have been used in order to estimate the intensity of the sentiment rather than positive/negative label and to support the mixed sentiment classification process. Finally, we illustrate a case study examining the relation between negative sentiment of twitter posts related to English Defence League and the level of disorder during the organisation’s related events.


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Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is associated with increased risk of macrovascular complications. We examined longitudinal associations of serum conventional lipids and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-determined lipoprotein subclasses with carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in adults with T1DM (n=455) enrolled in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). Data on serum lipids and lipoproteins were collected at DCCT baseline (1983-89) and were correlated with common and internal carotid IMT determined by ultrasonography during the observational follow-up of the DCCT, the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study, at EDIC 'Year 1' (199-1996) and EDIC 'Year 6' (1998-2000). This article contains data on the associations of DCCT baseline lipoprotein profiles (NMR-based VLDL & chylomicrons, IDL/LDL and HDL subclasses and 'conventional' total, LDL-, HDL-, non-HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides) with carotid IMT at EDIC Years 1 and 6, stratified by gender. The data are supplemental to our original research article describing detailed associations of DCCT baseline lipids and lipoprotein profiles with EDIC Year 12 carotid IMT (Basu et al. in press) [1].


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Wind energy projects face increasing opposition from host communities throughout the western world. Governments have responded in a range of ways, including enhanced local control over consenting (England), reform of planning regulations (Australia) or community ownership (Denmark). However, there is no effective mechanism for monitoring levels of social acceptance and thus, no means of evaluating the effectiveness of these approaches. There have been attempts to understand how social framing of wind energy in the media (e.g. Van de Velde et al 2010, Barry and Ellis, 2008, Hindmarsh 2014), highlighting how this changes over time. However, no research has focussed on Ireland and critically, none have examined whether this can help monitor overall levels of social acceptance. In order to explore this, this paper will present a media analysis of wind energy in the Republic of Ireland, which witnessed a rapid increase in wind energy capacity and has the highest energy penetration of wind in the world (19%). However, this has been accompanied by increasing public opposition and (assumed) declining levels of social acceptance.

This paper will describe the results of analysing over 8000 articles on wind energy that have appeared in three Irish newspapers. These are assessed through historical-diachronic (over time) and comparative –synchronic (differences between newspapers) analyses (Carvalho 2007) to highlight changing trends in framing wind energy and changing concerns over wind energy in Ireland. The paper will consider whether such media analysis could form a tool for monitoring the trends in social acceptance of wind energy.


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El objetivo de esta investigación diagnostica radica en explicar los efectos de la implementación de la Revolución Educativa en las instituciones de Educación Media Técnica en la Provincia Centro del Departamento de Boyacá. Es así que se pretende demostrar si los procesos de implementación de articulación de la Institución Educativa Francisco de Paula Santander y la Institución Técnica Nacionalizada con el SENA, responden o no a las necesidades de los estudiantes frente a la coyuntura Nacional y Regional actual. Para lograr dicho fin, fue imperativo abordar esta problemática desde los siguientes enfoques: descriptivo, explicativo, analítico y propositivo; adicionalmente se realizaron encuestas a estudiantes, profesores y directivos de las Instituciones Educativas, de igual manera se llevaron a cabo una serie de entrevistas al Director Regional del SENA y al Secretario de Educación Departamental, como actores fundamentales del proceso. Permitiendo así formular posibles soluciones que apoyen la consolidación del proceso de articulación.


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Much of the current discourse of adolescence is best described as emblematic of modernity, as colonial, as gendered, and as administrative (Lesko, 2001) working to maintain “progressive” school literacy practices that ignore adolescents’ new “cyber-techno subjectivity” (Luke & Luke, 2001) and creativity in the “new media age” (Kress, 2003). School curricula often do not acknowledge the range of skills adolescents acquire outside formal education. Youths’ new multimodal social and cultural practices—as they fashion themselves creatively in multiple modes as different kinds of people in “New Times” (Luke, 1998)— oints to the liberating power of new technologies that embrace their imagination and creativity. In two middle years classes, adolescents’ creativity was recognised and validated when they were encouraged to re-represent curricular knowledge through multimodal design (New London Group, 1996). The results suggest the changed classroom habitus (Bourdieu, 1980) produced new and emergent discursive and material practices where creativity, through imaginative collaboration, emerges as capital in an economy of practice (Bourdieu, 1996). The findings suggest schools should recognize adolescents’ creativity—that often manifests itself through their cultural and social capital resources—as they integrate and adapt to the new affordances acquired through their out-of-school literacy practices.


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The focus of this research was to explore how social and participatory media could be used to enhance the face-to-face teaching and learning process. Action research was used to design learning that valued the students’ own experiences and to encourage students to create, connect and form a partnership in the learning process: hence supporting students' strengths and abilities. To monitor and participate in the use of social media required an increase in the teacher's work time. As a partial counter-balance, it was found that the teacher/researcher successfully reduced her time spent on correction by implementing peer and self-assessment and by making more effective use of classroom observations. This led to a valuable triangulation of assessment data. Reviewing many of the screen clips collected in this study, one can see the diversity of roles and activities in which the students were engaged, and their development over time through the action research cycle. Combining Web 2.0, face-to-face teaching and social media, where students made online friends and used pseudonyms, provided students with more choices and flexibility when working, communicating and learning. This research may help curriculum developers interweave new technologies, new literacies and multimodal learning methods into day-to-day learning programs. The developed methods of learning and designs should also be transferable to other educational learning environments.


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This exploratory study examines the power of the news media to publicly name ordinary people who receive non-convictions for committing minor crimes. If a magistrate imposes a non-conviction, it means the offender is guilty, but gets a chance to reform away from the public gaze. They are not required to reveal the crime in any job application, and it does not restrict them from overseas travel. This report argues that the power of media to report non-convictions is an issue of national importance in this changing digital landscape because the news media can impose relatively permanent public records, especially in digital space, that detail's one's minor misdemeanour.


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This dissertation analyses the live simultaneous interpretation from English into Italian of six 2013 Formula 1 World Championship podium interviews and focuses on four main aspects: how the interpreter handled the décalage at the end of the interview and during the turn-taking; if he used any marker to indicate that he was starting to translate a new turn of the source text; what he did when overlapped speech in the source texts occurred; what happened when the Italian commentators talked during the interpreter’s translation. In the first chapter a description mainly of what a Formula 1 podium interview is and what an interpreter translates during the Formula 1 weekends is present. In the second chapter a literature review on media interpreting, with particular attention put on Straniero Sergio’s paper on translating Formula 1 press-conferences (2003), and turn-taking is provided. In the third chapter the methodology used to obtain and process the video and audio files of source and target texts and to transcribe them is described. We concentrated primarily on Thibault’s multimodal text transcription techniques (2000) and on how they were used and adapted to fit the purposes of this dissertation. In the fourth chapter the results obtained through the analysis of the source and target texts are shown and described, focusing only on the objectives of the dissertation, without aiming to provide a qualitative evaluation of the interpretations. In the fifth and last chapter the conclusions and some final remarks are made, based on the results obtained during the analysis and the hope for a more in depth knowledge of Italian Formula 1 interpreter’s working conditions.


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Este trabajo trata el estudio de la implementación y desarrollo de las diversas plataformas del social media: redes sociales y del conocimiento, blogs y herramientas colaborativas en el ámbito corporativo de la empresa. El estudio recopila información de consultoras tecnológicas, de artículos y de diversas plataformas social media y se realiza una investigación sobre el tema planteado. Se incluye el análisis de 42 encuestas a profesionales de dos grandes empresas de las telecomunicaciones en España. Estas dos empresas cuentan una con cerca de 28000 empleados y la otra con más 300 empleados en sus filiales españolas. Ambas tienen una importante presencia internacional. Estas dos empresa se diferencian de otras empresas del sector de las telecomunicaciones en que están apostando en la implementación del social media en sus procesos internos. Además se incluye el estudio y análisis de las estadísticas de uso y de una series de encuestas realizadas en el muro de la red social corporativa de una multinacional de las telecomunicaciones durante tres meses. Se presenta una nueva cultura social de empresa innovadora en áreas como la gestión del conocimiento, comunicación interna, formación e innovación. Y se ofrece una visión cuantitativa y de la implantación del social media en los procesos de una empresa. Se desarrolla una exposición donde se detalla el proceso de estudio de las diferentes plataformas social media y áreas de aplicación en la empresa, el estudio de los aspectos legales de su aplicación y uso y la implementación y desarrollo. Asimismo se expone un análisis teórico-práctico del cálculo del retorno de la inversión (ROI) y por último un análisis de la información recopilada en las encuestas y en el estudio estadístico de la red social corporativa. Los datos de las encuestas fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva basada en gráficos y tablas de contingencia donde se calculan residuos y porcentajes totales para analizar la dependencia entre el social media, eficiencia, productividad y cuenta de resultados, además del análisis de la aportación del social media a la misión, comunicación interna y gestión del conocimiento en la empresa. También se realizan cálculos de distribuciones Chi-cuadrado para demostrar la dependencia del social media-productividad y del GAP que relaciona la importancia y el nivel de satisfacción del social media. En el análisis teórico-práctico se toman como parámetros los beneficios, costes, flexibilidad y riesgo. Los beneficios van ligados a la productividad, gestión del conocimiento, capital humano y procesos internos. Los costes a las licencias de software, administración, implementación y formación. A partir de estos parámetros se realizó el estudio de un modelo de empresa que representa a una gran empresa de las TIC en España. Los datos para el estudio son estimativos dentro de la realidad, debido a que la intención no es saber estos valores reales sino el estudio teórico-práctico del método y su aplicación para el calculo del ROI. El estudio estadístico del la red social se realizo durante tres meses y se obtuvo el progreso de uso de la red social en eventos tales como: número de participantes activos, mensajes publicados, archivos subidos, grupos activos y tipos y plataformas de acceso. Del estudio de los datos estadísticos de estos eventos se obtuvieron indicadores de participación, actividad y conocimiento de la red social que son útiles par el calculo del ROI. En conclusión, se demuestran las mejoras que ofrece el social media en campos como la comunicación interna, gestión del conocimiento, formación e innovación. Y gracias a estas mejoras el aumento de la productividad y eficiencia del profesional y asimismo un potencial retorno de la inversión (ROI). ABSTRACT. This paper deals with the study of the implementation and development of the different platforms of social media: social networks and knowledge, blogs and collaborative tools in the corporate enterprise level. The study collects information technology consulting, articles and several social media platforms and an investigation into the question raised is performed. Analysis of 42 surveys of professionals from two big companies telecommunications in Spain are included. These two companies have one about 28000 employees and another with more than 300 employees at its Spanish subsidiaries. Both have a strong international presence. These two companies differ from other companies in the telecommunications sector they are betting in the implementation of social media in their internal processes. Furthermore, the study and analysis of usage statistics and a series of surveys on the wall of the corporate social network of a multinational telecommunications is included for three months. A new social culture enterprise is presented innovative in areas such as knowledge management, internal communications, training and innovation. And a quantitative vision into implementation of social media in the processes of a company is offered. They develops an exhibition where shown the process of studying the different social media platforms and application areas in the company, the study of the legal aspects of your application and use and implementation and development. A theoretical and practical analysis also exposed of calculation of return on investment (ROI) and finally an analysis of the information collected in surveys and statistical study of corporate social network. The survey data were analyzed using descriptive statistics based on graphs and contingency tables where waste and total percentages are calculated for analyze the dependence between the social media, efficiency, productivity and income statement, plus analysis of the contribution of social media on the mission, internal communication and knowledge management in the company. Also Calculations of chi-square distributions are conducted to demonstrate the dependence between of productivity and social media and the GAP that relates the importance and satisfaction level in social media. The theoretical and practical analysis parameters are the benefits, costs, flexibility and risk. The benefits are linked to productivity, knowledge management, human capital and internal processes. The costs are linked the software licensing, management, implementation and training. Based on these parameters was performed the study of a business model that represents a large ICT company in Spain. The data for the study are estimates within the reality, because the intention is not to know these real values but the theoretical and practical study and application of the method for calculating the ROI. Statistical analysis of the social network was made during or three months and was obtained the progress of social network use at events such as: number of active participants, messages posted, files uploaded, active groups and types and access platforms. Into study of statistical data of these events were obtained indicators of participation, activity and knowledge of the social network that are useful for calculating the ROI. In conclusion, the improvements offered by the social media in areas such as internal communication, knowledge management, training and innovation are shown. And thanks to these improvements increase the productivity and efficiency of professional and also a potential return on investment (ROI).


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Las fachadas media han irrumpido en la arquitectura contemporánea superponiendo una capa de información bidimensional, no necesariamente arquitectónica y además, dinámica. Es una realidad extremadamente compleja de integrar en la práctica arquitectónica tradicional. El artículo analiza el impacto de este nuevo elemento desde tres perspectivas: la lógica arquitectónica, las oportunidades de proyecto que ofrece, y por último, los retos o contradicciones que su presencia hace emerger.


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This paper describes a tool for recombining the logical structure from an XML document with the typeset appearance of the corresponding PDF document. The tool uses the XML representation as a template for the insertion of the logical structure into the existing PDF document, thereby creating a Structured/Tagged PDF. The addition of logical structure adds value to the PDF in three ways: the accessibility is improved (PDF screen readers for visually impaired users perform better), media options are enhanced (the ability to reflow PDF documents, using structure as a guide, makes PDF viable for use on hand-held devices) and the re-usability of the PDF documents benefits greatly from the presence of an XML-like structure tree to guide the process of text retrieval in reading order (e.g. when interfacing to XML applications and databases).