296 resultados para dialogic


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In line with educational issues involved in emergent literacy practices in preschool, in particular those concerning comprehension processes, this paper focuses on picture-based narrative comprehension during an interactive reading session of a wordless picture book, involving a group of children aged three and their teacher. Children are asked to make inferences about the meaning and outcome of the story, a procedure which gradually elicits their responses on how events link together, thus enhancing their capacity to use prior and implicit knowledge to build the story meaning. Moreover, this study highlights the importance of interaction for developing comprehension. Data collected was analysed following didactic microgenesis, an analytical approach showing that knowledge built during interaction depends on the joint construction of a zone of common meaning by which teacher and children try to adjust to each other. In order to help the process of merging different meanings of the story built online, a text written by researchers, following the narrative structure of the story, was read by the teacher after the picture-based reading. This led us to examine through interactional analysis which semiotic cues were used during recall on the following day, as an additional measure of knowledge construction.


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Understanding how wikis are used to support collaborative learning is an important concern for researchers and teachers. Adopting a discourse analytic approach, this paper attempts to understand the teaching processes when a wiki is embedded in a science project in primary education to foster collaborative learning. Through studying interaction between the teacher and students, our findings identify ways in which the teacher prompts collaborative learning but also shed light on the difficulties for the teacher in supporting student collective collaboration. It is argued that technological wiki features supporting collaborative learning can only be realized if teacher talk and pedagogy are aligned with the characteristics of wiki collaborative work: the freedom of students to organize and participate by themselves, creating dialogic space and promoting student participation. We argue that a dialogic approach for examining interaction can be used to help to design a more effective pedagogic approach in the use of wikis in education, to shift into Web 2.0 learning paradigm and to equip learners with the competences they need to participate in knowledge co-construction.


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The international scientific community points to the need to include contents on prevention and early detection of gender violence in initial teacher training and provides guidance to ensure their quality. Many of these studies highlight the role played by teachers in the domestic context. Scientific literature also provides guidance to train teachers in the intervention and coordination with the various professionals and stakeholders in working with children, adolescents and women. Domestic violence is a social problem and the intervention of the whole community is key for its prevention and early detection. Some schools are already promoting this model of communitarian and dialogic work.


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This article highlights the contributions of the dialogic learning approach to educational theory, with the aim of providing some orientations in order to promote egalitarian and scientific educational practice. The seven principles of dialogic learning are discussed, along with other reproductionist theories and practices from the educational field, demonstrating how the former both surpass the latter. The article also reflects open dialogue with the critical theories of education which the dialogic learning theory is based on. These basic theories are, on the one hand, by authors who are distant in time but very close in their educational approach, such as Ferrer i Gurdia, Vygotsky, or Paulo Freire, and, on the other hand, by other contemporary authors in critical pedagogy. Each of the seven principles presented are provided along with a critical examination of a specific educational practice. The consequences of the implementation of dialogic learning are underlined here through an analysis of innovative and critical educational projects which are academically successful


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The overriding aim of this drama educational case study is to deepen the understanding of meaning making in a creative intercultural youth theatre process and to examine it in the context of the 10th European Children's TheatreEncounter. The research task is to give a theoretical description of some key features of a creative drama process as the basis for theory about meaning makingin physical theatre. The first task is to illuminate the culture-historical connections of the multilayered practice of the EDERED-association. The second taskis to analyse and interpret theatrical meaning making. The ethnographical research site is regarded as a theatrical event. The analysis of the theatrical eventis divided into four segments: cultural contexts, contextual theatricality, theatrical playing and playing culture. These segments are connected with four research questions: What are the cultural contexts of a creative drama process? How can the organisation of the Encounter, genres, aesthetic codes and perception ofcodes be seen to influence the lived experiences of the participants? What are some of the key phases and characteristics in a creative practice? What kind of cultural learning can be interpreted from the performance texts? The interpretative question concerns identity and community (re)construction. How are the categories, `community and `child constructed in the Encounter culture? In this drama educational case study the research material (transcribed interviews, coded questionnaire answers, participant drawings, videotaped process text and performance texts) are examined in a multi-method analysis in the meta-theoretical framework of Dewey's naturalistic pragmatism. A three-dimensional research interest through a combination of lived experiences, social contexts and cultural-aesthetical practices compared with drama-educational practices required the methodological project of cultural studies. Furthermore, the critical interpretation of cultural texts is divided into three levels of analyses which are called description, structural analysis and theoretical interpretation. Dialogic validity (truthfulness, self-reflexivity and polyvocality) is combined with contextual validity (sensitivity to social context and awareness of historicity) and with deconstructive validity (awareness of the social discourses). My research suggests that itis possible, by means of physical theatre, to construct symbolic worlds where questions about intercultural identity and multilingual community are examined and where provisional answers are constructed in social interaction.


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Avhandlingen har sitt utspring i mitt engasjement for elevers mte med kunst i grunnskolen i faget kunst og hndverk og mitt syn p ungdom som kompetente bidragsytere til forskningen om fenomener som angr deres liv. Elevene er informanter til, eller aktrer i, forskning p fenomenet dialog med kunst. Dialog med kunst er her definert som en helhetlig prosess som innlemmer alt fra elevenes mte med visuelle kunstverk til deres eget skapende arbeid. At avhandlingens fagdidaktiske problemomrde er elevers praktisk skapende virksomhet, knytter underskelsen til sljdpedagogisk forskning. Avhandlingens overgripende hensikt er bidra til utvikling av fagdidaktikken i kunst og hndverk med utgangspunkt i elevenes erfaringer med kunstundervisningens innhold og metode p ungdomsskoletrinnet. Studien bestr av kasusstudier p to ungdomsskoler. Data ble innsamlet igjennom intervjuer, deltakende observasjon, dokumenter, prosessbker og foto av formingsprodukter. Ungdoms dialog med kunst i skolen blir analysert og fremstilt ut fra et erfart og et operasjonalisert perspektiv. Funnene speiles i ulike fagdidaktiske tendenser, det vil si ulike hovedoppfatninger i debatten om det moderne samfunn, og i et virksomhetsteoretisk perspektiv. Resultatene fra underskelsen utfordrer oss til en fagdidaktisk nyorientering nr det gjelder ungdoms mte med kunstverk i skolen, i retning av et mer ungdomskulturelt innhold og relasjonelle kunstmter som er narrative, tolkningsorientert, opplevelsesorientert, dialogiske og flerstemmige. Underskelsen viser at elevene liker det praktisk skapende arbeidet, men at undervisningen i sterkere grad br ta i bruk digital kunnskap og handle om hvordan kunst kan brukes som utgangspunkt for skapende arbeid, og den br legge til rette for det lringspotensialet som ligger i dialogen elevene imellom. Elevene liker en undervisning som ikke bare handler om estetiske virkemidler, materialer og teknikker, men ogs om kommunikasjon og ytringsfrihet. Resultatene viser at det frie skapende arbeid bestr av tre likeverdige aspekter: det individuelle, det kulturelle og det sosiale. Bde funnene og avhandlingens virksomhetsteoretiske perspektiv kan bidra til diskursen om kreativitetsbegrepet og identitetskonstruksjon i vrt moderne samfunn. Virksomhetssystemet blir i denne avhandlingen utviklet til en teori for skapende arbeid i faget kunst og hndverk, et overgripende fagdidaktisk rammeverk for bild/bildkonst og sljdfaget satt inn i et nordisk utdanningsperspektiv.


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From Bildung to Civilisation. Conception of Culture in J. V. Snellmans Historical Thinking The research explores Johan Vilhelm Snellmans (18061881) conception of culture in the context of his historical thinking. Snellman was a Finnish, Swedish-speaking journalist, teacher and thinker, who held a central position in the Finnish national discourse during the nineteenth century. He has been considered as one of the leading theorists of a Finnish nation, writing widely about the themes such as the advancement of the national education, Finnish language and culture. Snellman is already a widely studied person in Finnish intellectual history, often characterised as a follower of G. W. F. Hegels philosophical system. My own research introduces a new kind of approach on Snellmans texts, emphasising the conceptual level of his thought. With this approach, my aim is to broaden the Finnish research tradition on conceptual history. I consider my study as a cultural history of concepts, belonging also to the field of intellectual history. My focus is on one hand on the close reading of Snellmans texts and on the other hand on contextualising his texts to the European intellectual tradition of the time. A key concept of Snellmans theoretical thinking is his concept of bildning, which can be considered as a Swedish counterpart of the German concept of Bildung. The Swedish word incorporated all the main elements of the German concept. It could mean education or the so-called high culture, but most fundamentally it was about the self-formation of the individual. This is also the context in which Snellmans concept of bildning has often been interpreted. In the study, I use the concept of bildning as a starting point of my research but I broaden my focus on the cognate concepts such as culture (kultur), spirit (anda) and civilisation. The purpose of my study is thus to illustrate how Snellman used and modified these concepts and from these observations to draw a conclusion about the nature of his conception of culture. Snellman was an early Finnish philosopher of history but also interested in the practice of the writing of history. He did not write any historical presentations himself but followed the publications in the field of history and introduced European historical writing to the Finnish, Swedish-speaking reading audience in his newspapers. The primary source material consists of different types of Snellmans texts, including philosophical writings, lecture material, newspaper articles and private letters. Im reading Snellmans texts in the context of other texts produced both by his Finnish predecessors and contemporaries and by Swedish, German and French writers. Snellmans principal philosophical works, Versuch einer spekulativen Entwicklung der Idee der Persnlichkeit (1841) and Lran om staten (1842), were both written abroad. Both of the works were contributions to contemporary debates on the international level, especially in Germany and Sweden. During the 1840s and 1850s Snellman had two newspapers of his own, Saima and Litteraturblad, which were directed towards the Swedish-speaking educated class. Both of the newspapers were very popular and their circulations were among the largest of their day in Finland. The topics of his articles and reviews covered literature, poetry, philosophy and education as well as issues concerning the economic, industrial and technical development in Finland. In his newspapers Snellman not only brought forth his own ideas but also spread the knowledge of European events and ideas to his readers. He followed very carefully the cultural and political situation in Western Europe. He also followed European magazines and newspapers and was well acquainted with German, French and also English literature and of course Swedish literature to with which he had the closest ties. In his newspapers Snellman wrote countless number of literary reviews and critics, introducing his readers to European literature. The study consists of three main chapters in which I explore my research question in three different, yet overlapping contexts. In the first of these chapters, I analyse Snellmann theoretical thinking and his concepts of bildning, kultur, anda and civilisation in the context of earlier cultural discourse in Finland as well as the tradition of German idealistic philosophy and neo-humanism. With the Finnish cultural discourse I refer to the early cultural discussion in Finland, which emerged after the year 1809, when Finland became an autonomous entity of its own as a Grand Duchy of Russia. Scholars of the Academy of Turku opened a discussion on the themes such as the state of national consciousness, the need for national education and the development of the Finnish language as a national language of Finland. Many of these academics were also Snellmans teachers in the early years of his academic career and Snellman clearly formulated his own ideas in the footsteps of these Finnish predecessors. In his theoretical thinking Snellman was a collectivist; according to him an individual should always be understood in connection with the society, its values and manners, as well as to the traditions of a culture where an individual belongs to. In his philosophy of the human spirit Snellman was in many ways a Hegelian but his notion of education or bildning includes also elements that connect him with the wider tradition of German intellectual history, namely the neo-humanist tradition and, at least to some extent, to the terminology of J. G. Herder or J. G. Fichte, for example. In this chapter, I also explore Snellmans theory of history. In his historical thinking Snellman was an idealist, believing in the historical development of the human spirit (Geist in German language). One can characterise his theory of history by stating that it is a mixture of a Hegelian triumph of the spirit and Herderian emphasis on humanity (Humanitt) and the relative nature of Bildung. For Snellman, the process of bildning or Bildung is being realised in historical development through the actions of human beings. Snellman believed in the historical development of the human civilization. Still Snellman himself considered that he had abandoned Hegels idea about the process of world history. Snellman rightly or wrongly criticised Hegel of emphasising the universal end of history (the realisation of the freedom of spirit) at the expense of the historical plurality and the freedom of each historical era. Snellman accused Hegel of neglecting the value and independency of different historical cultures and periods by imposing the abstract norm, the fulfilment of the freedom of spirit, as the ultimate goal of history. The historicist in Snellman believed in the individuality of each historical period; each historical era or culture had values, traditions and modes of thought of its own. This historicist in Snellman could not accept the talk about one measure or the end of history. On the other hand Snellman was also a universalist. He believed that mankind had a common task and that task was the development of Bildung, freedom or humanity. The second main chapter consists of two parts. In the first part, I explore the Finnish nationalistic discourse from the cultural point of view by analysing the notions such as a nation, national spirit or national language and showing how Snellman formulated his own ideas in a dialogic situation, participating in the Finnish discourse but also reacting to international discussions on the themes of the nation and nationality. For Snellman nationality was to a great extent the collective knowledge and customs or practices of the nation. Snellman stated that nationality is to be considered as a form of bildning. This could be seen not simply as affection for the fatherland but also for the mental identity of the nation, its ways of thinking, its practices, national language, customs and laws, the history of the nation. The simplest definition of nationality that Snellman gives is that nationality is the social life of the people. In the second part of the chapter I exam Snellmans historical thinking and his understanding about historical development, interaction between different nations and cultures in the course of history, as well as the question of historical change; how do cultures or civilisations develop and who are the creators of culture? Snellman did not believe in one dominating culture but understood the course of history as a dialogue between different cultures. On the other hand, his views are very Eurocentric here he follows the ideas of Hegel or for example the French historian Franois Guizot for Snellman Europe represented the virtue of pluralism; in Europe one could see the diversity of cultures which, on the other hand, were fundamentally based on a common Christian tradition. In the third main chapter, my focus is on the writing of history, more precisely on Snellmans ideas on the nature of history as a science and on the proper way of writing historical presentations. Snellman wrote critics on the works of history and introduced his readers to the writing of history especially in France, Sweden and German-speaking area in some extend also in Britain. Snellmans collectivistic view becomes evident also in his reviews on historical writing. For Snellman history was not about the actions of the states and their heads, nor about the records of ruling families and battles fought. He repeatedly stressed that history is a discipline that seeks to provide a total view of a phenomenon. A historian should not only collect information on historical events, since this information touches only the surface of a certain epoch or civilisation; he has to understand an epoch as totality. This required an understanding about the major contours in history, connections between civilisations and an awareness of significant turning points in historical development. In addition, it required a holistic understanding about a certain culture or historical era, including also the so-called inner life of a specific nation, a common people and their ways of life. Snellman wrote explicitly about cultural history in his texts, referring to this kind of broad understanding of a society. In historical writing Snellman found this kind of broader view from the works of the French historians such as Franois Guizot and Jules Michelet. In all of these chapters, I elaborate the conceptual dimension of Snellmans historical thinking. In my study I argue that Snellman not only adopted the German concepts of Bildung or Kultur in his own thinking but also developed the Swedish concepts in a way that include personal and innovative aspects. Snellmans concept of bildning is not only a translation from Bildung but he uses the Swedish concept in a versatile way that includes both the moral aspect of human development and social dimension of a human life. Along with bildning Snellman used also the terms kultur and civilisation when referring to the totality of a certain nation or historical era, including both the so-called high culture (arts, science, religion) and the modes of thought as well as ways of life of the people as a whole. Unlike many of his Finnish contemporaries, Snellman did not use civilisation as a negative concept, lacking the moral essence of German term Bildung or Kultur. Instead, for Snellman civilisation was a neutral term and here he comes close to the French tradition of using the term. In the study I argue that Snellmans conception of culture in fact includes a synthesis of the German tradition of Bildung and the French tradition of civilisation.


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Tutkin vitskirjassani Eira Stenbergin (s. 1943) romaanituotannon moninisyytt, joka liittyy niin subjektiin, kertomisen prosessiin kuin todellisuusksityksiin. Aineistonani ovat Stenbergin 19801990-luvulla kirjoittamat, tutkimusongelmani kannalta keskeiseen ajanjaksoon kuuluvat romaanit Paratiisin vangit (1984), Hikisy (1987), Kuun puutarhat (1990) sek Gulliverin tytr (1993). 1980-luvulla postmodernista tuli kirjallisen kulttuurin keskeisimpi aiheita Suomessa, ja subjektista tuli ongelma jopa siin mrin ett puhuttiin sen kuolemasta. ni oli 1980-luvulla osa subjektia koskevaa keskustelua: yhtlt nousevan feministisen liikkeen identiteettipoliittisena ja emansipatorisena metaforana, toisaalta jlkistrukturalismin antihumanismin uhkakuvana, joka koski subjektin nt alkupern lhteen ja persoonan ilmaisuna. nen ksitteen voidaan katsoa implikoivan jonkinlaista ksityst subjektista, ja tarkastelenkin tutkimuksessani erityisesti henkilhahmoja, kertojia ja kertomisen prosessia, mutta mys tekijn suunnitelmallisuutta ja kuulijaa kohti orientoitumista. Yhdistelen tutkimuksessani retorista kertomuksen teoriaa dekonstruktioon sek feministisiin subjektiteorioihin. Mys Mihail Bahtinin ksitys moninisest romaanista on tyssni keskeinen. Problematisoin tutkimuksessani nen kytkksen sisimmn ilmaisuun, omistamiseen ja auktoriteettiin ja ymmrrn sen keskustelualueena, jossa kohtaavat erilaiset arvot ja nkemykset maailmasta. Tllin kaikenkattava puhe subjektin kuolemasta sek ksitykset 1980-luvun kirjallisuudesta maailmasta vieraantuneena ja yksityisen alueelle vetytyvn problematisoituvat. Stenbergin tuotannon perusteella voi sanoa, ett kirjallisuuden net saavat merkityksens vasta erilaisina nensvyin konkreettisissa ja ainutkertaisissa konteksteissa. Tm viittaa tarpeeseen ymmrt kirjallisuusteoreettisessa keskustelussa usein historiattomana ja universaalina nhty ksite historiaan paikantuneena: eivt vain erityiset aineistot, vaan mys erityiset kontekstit mrittelevt nen saamia merkityksi.


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This applied linguistic study in the field of second language acquisition investigated the assessment practices of class teachers as well as the challenges and visions of language assessment in bilingual content instruction (CLIL) at primary level in Finnish basic education. Furthermore, pupils and their parents perceptions of language assessment and LangPerform computer simulations as an alternative, modern assessment method in CLIL contexts were examined. The study was conducted for descriptive and developmental purposes in three phases: 1) a CLIL assessment survey; 2) simulation 1; and 3) simulation 2. All phases had a varying number of participants. The population of this mixed methods study were CLIL class teachers, their pupils and the pupils parents. The sampling was multi-staged and based on probability and random sampling. The data were triangulated. Altogether 42 CLIL class teachers nationwide, 109 pupils from the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade as well as 99 parents from two research schools in South-Western Finland participated in the CLIL assessment survey followed by an audio-recorded theme interview of volunteers (10 teachers, 20 pupils and 7 parents). The simulation experimentations 1 and 2 produced 146 pupil and 39 parental questionnaires as well as video interviews of volunteered pupils. The data were analysed both quantitatively using percentages and numerical frequencies and qualitatively employing thematic content analysis. Based on the data, language assessment in primary CLIL is not an established practice. It largely appears to be infrequent, incidental, implicit and based on impressions rather than evidence or the curriculum. The most used assessment methods were teacher observation, bilingual tests and dialogic interaction, and the least used were portfolios, simulations and peer assessment. Although language assessment was generally perceived as important by teachers, a fifth of them did not gather assessment information systematically, and 38% scarcely gave linguistic feedback to pupils. Both pupils and parents wished to receive more information on CLIL language issues; 91% of pupils claimed to receive feedback rarely or occasionally, and 63% of them wished to get more information on their linguistic coping in CLIL subjects. Of the parents, 76% wished to receive more information on the English proficiency of their children and their linguistic development. This may be a response to indirect feedback practices identified in this study. There are several challenges related to assessment; the most notable is the lack of a CLIL curriculum, language objectives and common ground principles of assessment. Three diverse approaches to language in CLIL that appear to affect teachers views on language assessment were identified: instrumental (language as a tool), dual (language as a tool and object of learning) and eclectic (miscellaneous views, e.g. affective factors prioritised). LangPerform computer simulations seem to be perceived as an appropriate alternative assessment method in CLIL. It is strongly recommended that the fundamentals for assessment (curricula and language objectives) and a mutual assessment scheme should be determined and stakeholders knowledge base of CLIL strengthened. The principles of adequate assessment in primary CLIL are identified as well as several appropriate assessment methods suggested.


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Numerous scholars have already stressed the need to prepare students prior to academic mobility (Abdallah-Pretceille, 2003; Jackson, 2013, for example) in order to face hypermodernity (Aubert, 2004). As per the new mobilities paradigm (Urry, 2007), this implies considering individuals at the centre of political and institutional issues. Furthermore, the multiplicity of terminology of references towards academic mobility, and intercultural competences, justifies this research. The theory, for this doctoral dissertation, applies renewed interculturality (Dervin, 2012), a move away from a culturalist approach. Intercultural competences are therefore defined as a stepping back from discourses on the Other that may emerge during encounters. In order to collect the data, six focus groups have been organised with two batches of students from a Higher Education Institution in Hong-Kong, an education hub (Dervin & Machart, 2014) that is striving to be competitive particularly in increasing the number of incomingand outcoming students. Training and education to interculturality have been implemented prior to academic mobility in order to observe the impact on participants discourses before and after the mobility. Theories of enunciation and dialogism represent the methodology allowing us to compare and analyse the reported voices in the participants discourse and their prosodic realisation (Martin & White, 2005) before and after the experience of academic mobility. I have attempted to observe the dialogic space available to welcome the Other during encounters in the participants discourse. The results seem to underline the increased number of reported voices in participants discourse after study abroad, but as the space opened for negotiation is instable and depends on the interlocutors and the voices addressed, consequently, further research appears necessary to study the influences of a preparation prior to mobility on the contraction or expansion of heteroglossia. All in all, this doctoral dissertation aimed to renew preparation


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Obtaining mothers' perspectives and descriptions of incidents in which their child(ren) said or did something that influenced the mothers' values, beliefs, and/or social or cultural practices, that is, the content of socialization, was the primary aim of this research. Bakhtin's (2004) metatheoretical account of dialogism was used to frame this study. From a dialogic perspective utterances (for example, the utterances of children in the present study) are events or acts and are presented as one way to view the process of socialization. In part this purpose, and the decision to utilize a qualitative research orientation, was to address a call (Lollis & Kuczynski, 1997) for qualitative or microanalytic analyses to help elucidate the processes of socialization. Mothers (N=10) in this study were able to provide descriptions of incidents in which their child(ren) said or did something that influenced the mother and hence we have some description of the concept of bidirectionality, a well accepted, but undertheorized concept in developmental psychology. While the concepts of multiple sources of influence and contexts are salient areas of research in parent-child socialization, and were mentioned in the informants reporting these areas did not appear to be as salient in the mothers' accounts. Emotions and the meaning mothers 'derived' from the interactions did, however, take much more prominence in the described incidents.


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Cette recherche sintresse aux processus communicationnels utiliss dans les comits dthique clinique (CEC) en Amrique du nord dans leur fonction de consultation. Selon la littrature, les CEC bnficieraient de pay closer attention to group process [as an] effective communication in a HEC is essential to a committees function (Berchelmann and Blechner 2002 p.143). Or, trs peu de donnes sur les dynamiques de groupe et les modes de communication en CEC sont disponibles. Ce travail cherche savoir si lapproche dialogique peut tre utile au soutien des discussions de groupe des CEC. Dans un premier temps, une revue de littrature rend compte, partir de son historique, de ltat actuel des CEC. Sont ensuite explores et analyses, dans leurs avantages et leurs limites, les diverses mthodes utilises afin de mener les discussions dans le cadre des consultations. Dans un deuxime temps, les barrires communicationnelles qui affectent potentiellement les CEC sont identifies. Par la suite, afin damliorer le processus de communication (et diminuer leffet des barrires), une nouvelle piste de solution est propose : le dialogue tel que dvelopp par le milieu organisationnel. Le dialogue est alors conceptualis et mis en lien avec les besoins des CEC en matire de communication. Bien que le dialogue propose plusieurs contributions avantageuses pour les CEC et leurs membres, certaines contraintes rduisent sa faisabilit dune faon globale dans le contexte particulier des CEC. Par contre, en lutilisant comme formation complmentaire, le dialogue permet le dveloppement de lindividu et du groupe et demeure une approche intressante et utile pour les CEC qui prouvent des difficults systmiques et comprennent les implications de sa dmarche.


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This research is a study about knowledge interface that aims to analyse knowledge discontinuities, the dynamic and emergent characters of struggles and interactions within gender system and ethnicity differences. The cacao boom phenomenon in Central Sulawesi is the main context for a changing of social relations of production, especially when the mode of production has shifted or is still underway from subsistence to petty commodity production. This agrarian change is not only about a change of relationship and practice, but, as my previous research has shown, also about the shift of knowledge domination, because knowledge construes social practice in a dialectical process. Agroecological knowledge is accumulated through interaction, practice and experience. At the same time the knowledge gained from new practices and experiences changes mode of interaction, so such processes provide the arena where an interface of knowledge is manifested. In the process of agro-ecological knowledge interface, gender and ethnic group interactions materialise in the decision-making of production and resource allocation at the household and community level. At this point, power/knowledge is interplayed to gain authority in decision-making. When authority dominates, power encounters resistance, whereas the dominant power and its resistance are aimed to ensure socio-economic security. Eventually, the process of struggle can be identified through the pattern of resource utilisation as a realisation of production decision-making. Such processes are varied from one community to another, and therefore, it shows uniqueness and commonalities, especially when it is placed in a context of shifting mode of production. The focus is placed on actors: men and women in their institutional and cultural setting, including the role of development agents. The inquiry is informed by 4 major questions: 1) How do women and men acquire, disseminate, and utilise their agro ecological knowledge, specifically in rice farming as a subsistence commodity, as well as in cacao farming as a petty commodity? How and why do such mechanisms construct different knowledge domains between two genders? How does the knowledge mechanism apply in different ethnics? What are the implications for gender and ethnicity based relation of production? ; 2) Using the concept of valued knowledge in a shifting mode of production context: is there any knowledge that dominates others? How does the process of domination occur and why? Is there any form of struggle, strategies, negotiation, and compromise over this domination? How do these processes take place at a household as well as community level? How does it relate to production decision-making? ; 3) Putting the previous questions in two communities with a different point of arrival on a path of agricultural commercialisation, how do the processes of struggle vary? What are the bases of the commonalities and peculiarities in both communities?; 4) How the decisions of production affect rice field - cacao plantation - forest utilisation in the two villages? How does that triangle of resource use reflect the constellation of local knowledge in those two communities? What is the implication of this knowledge constellation for the cacao-rice-forest agroecosystem in the forest margin area? Employing a qualitative approach as the main method of inquiry, indepth and dialogic interviews, participant observer role, and document review are used to gather information. A small survey and childrens writing competition are supplementary to this data collection method. The later two methods are aimed to give wider information on household decision making and perception toward the forest. It was found that local knowledge, particularly knowledge pertaining to rice-forest-cacao agroecology is divided according to gender and ethnicity. This constellation places a process of decision-making as the arena of interface between feminine and masculine knowledge, as well as between dominant and less dominant ethnic groups. Transition from subsistence to a commercial mode of production is a context that frames a process where knowledge about cacao commodity is valued higher than rice. Market mechanism, as an external power, defines valued knowledge. Valued knowledge defines the dominant knowledge holder, and decision. Therefore, cacao cultivation becomes a dominant practice. Its existence sacrifices the presence of rice field and the forest. Knowledge about rice production and forest ecosystem exist, but is less valued. So it is unable to challenge the domination of cacao. Various forms of struggles - within gender an ethnicity context - to resist cacao domination are an expression of unequal knowledge possession. Knowledge inequality implies to unequal access to withdraw benefit from market valued crop. When unequal knowledge fails to construct a negotiated field or struggles fail to reveal marginal decision, e.g. intensification instead of cacao expansion to the forest, interface only produces divergence. Gender and ethnicity divided knowledge is unabridged, since negotiation is unable to produce new knowledge that accommodates both interests. Rice is loaded by ecological interest to conserve the forest, while cacao is driven by economic interest to increase welfare status. The implication of this unmediated dominant knowledge of cacao production is the construction of access; access to the forest, mainly to withdraw its economic benefit by eliminating its ecological benefit. Then, access to cacao as the social relationship of production to acquire cacao knowledge; lastly, access to defend sustainable benefit from cacao by expansion. Socio-economic Security is defined by Access. The convergence of rice and cacao knowledge, however, should be made possible across gender and ethnicity, not only for the sake of forest conservation as the insurance of ecological security, but also for communitys socio-economic security. The convergence might be found in a range of alternative ways to conduct cacao sustainable production, from agroforestry system to intensification.


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La Teora de la Accin Humana desarrollada por Antanas Mockus, parte del principio de que la accin humana es multimotivada y multiregulada. Entre las multiples regulaciones se encuentran los Sistemas de Regulacin Social Ley, Moral y Cultura quienes en cierta medida explican el accionar y la interaccin social. No obstante dado que la sociedad contempornea se caracteriza por ubicarse en un contexto intercultural de contactos y fricciones permanentes, entre distintas perspectivas culturales en distintos grados de hibridacin, el divorcio entre los sistemas regulatorios parece inevitable. Entendiendo al Espacio Pblico habermasiano ya no reservado nicamente a los actores institucionales, sino a la sociedad civil y los medios masivos. Es en este nuevo espacio deliberativo donde el Anfibio Cultural se desenvuelve a fin de resolver la problemtica del divorcio entre los sistemas regulatorios. El anfibio valindose de sus herramientas camalenicas y traductoras buscar por vas dialgicas la reduccin as sea parcial, a mnimos aceptables de discusin e interrelacin cultural. La imagen articulada a un mecanismo cultural por un lado reconstruye realidades pero por el otro alimenta el ciclo de produccin y aceptacin de imaginarios colectivos. De esta manera la presente investigacin propone evidenciar los conceptos de Mockus en el desarrollo de una produccin audiovisual, as como tambin realiza un aporte conceptual a la teora al incluir la Dialctica del Reconocimiento como una herramienta eficaz a la hora de buscar generar acuerdos. La presente investigacin propone evidenciar cmo a partir del anlisis de una produccin audiovisual se promueven valores, cultural, ideas y costumbres que incentivan tanto el divorcio como la armonizacin entre los sistemas regulatorios.


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Este libro estudia la regin suroccidental del Cauca - Colombia, una zona que es cultural y lingsticamente heterognea, conocida por su historia de movilizacin indgena y el carcter pluralista de su poltica tnica. La autora entreteje las historias de vida de activistas individuales con un anlisis de la trayectoria del Consejo Regional Indgena de Cauca y otras organizaciones de este tipo. Presenta nuevas interpretaciones del movimiento y de las relaciones interculturales que lo definen, desde las diversas perspectivas de activistas regionales indgenas, intelectuales urbanos no indgenas que colaboran con estas organizaciones, antroplogos, maestros, chamanes y polticos.