995 resultados para data sheets
Lappeen siniset –partiolippukunnalla on käytössään leiripaikka Humaljärvellä, Lappeenrannassa. Leiripaikalla ei ole liityntää sähköverkkoon, joten leiripaikalle on asennettu kaksi erillistä aurinkovoimalla toimivaa sähköjärjestelmää. Leiripaikan sähköistetyt rakennukset ovat pääkämppä ja saunan sekä vanhan kämpän muodostama kokonaisuus. Aurinkopaneeleilla tuotettu sähköenergia varastoidaan akustoihin. Lippukunta on havainnot käytössä, ettei talvella tuotettu aurinkoenergia riitä kattamaan pääkämpän sähkönkulutusta, joten leiripaikalle on päätetty hankkia tuulivoimala lisäämään tuotantoa. Tässä kandidaatin työssä esitellään hybridijärjestelmään kuuluvien aurinko- ja tuulivoiman toimintaperiaatteita sekä näiden komponentteja. Aurinko- ja tuulivoimalla tuotetulle sähköenergialle lasketaan arviot, joita verrataan leiripaikan sähköjärjestelmän arvioituun kulutukseen. Leiripaikalle tulevaa tuuliturbiinia ja sen lataussäädintä testataan laboratoriossa, jotta varmistutaan niiden soveltuvuudesta sekä toimivuudesta kohteeseen. Testausten ja laitteiden datalehtien avulla suunnitellaan leiripaikalle toimiva hybridijärjestelmä, joka kattaa leiripaikan ympärivuotisen sähkönkulutuksen.
A stand-alone power system is an autonomous system that supplies electricity to the user load without being connected to the electric grid. This kind of decentralized system is frequently located in remote and inaccessible areas. It is essential for about one third of the world population which are living in developed or isolated regions and have no access to an electricity utility grid. The most people live in remote and rural areas, with low population density, lacking even the basic infrastructure. The utility grid extension to these locations is not a cost effective option and sometimes technically not feasible. The purpose of this thesis is the modelling and simulation of a stand-alone hybrid power system, referred to as “hydrogen Photovoltaic-Fuel Cell (PVFC) hybrid system”. It couples a photovoltaic generator (PV), an alkaline water electrolyser, a storage gas tank, a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), and power conditioning units (PCU) to give different system topologies. The system is intended to be an environmentally friendly solution since it tries maximising the use of a renewable energy source. Electricity is produced by a PV generator to meet the requirements of a user load. Whenever there is enough solar radiation, the user load can be powered totally by the PV electricity. During periods of low solar radiation, auxiliary electricity is required. An alkaline high pressure water electrolyser is powered by the excess energy from the PV generator to produce hydrogen and oxygen at a pressure of maximum 30bar. Gases are stored without compression for short- (hourly or daily) and long- (seasonal) term. A proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell is used to keep the system’s reliability at the same level as for the conventional system while decreasing the environmental impact of the whole system. The PEM fuel cell consumes gases which are produced by an electrolyser to meet the user load demand when the PV generator energy is deficient, so that it works as an auxiliary generator. Power conditioning units are appropriate for the conversion and dispatch the energy between the components of the system. No batteries are used in this system since they represent the weakest when used in PV systems due to their need for sophisticated control and their short lifetime. The model library, ISET Alternative Power Library (ISET-APL), is designed by the Institute of Solar Energy supply Technology (ISET) and used for the simulation of the hybrid system. The physical, analytical and/or empirical equations of each component are programmed and implemented separately in this library for the simulation software program Simplorer by C++ language. The model parameters are derived from manufacturer’s performance data sheets or measurements obtained from literature. The identification and validation of the major hydrogen PVFC hybrid system component models are evaluated according to the measured data of the components, from the manufacturer’s data sheet or from actual system operation. Then, the overall system is simulated, at intervals of one hour each, by using solar radiation as the primary energy input and hydrogen as energy storage for one year operation. A comparison between different topologies, such as DC or AC coupled systems, is carried out on the basis of energy point of view at two locations with different geographical latitudes, in Kassel/Germany (Europe) and in Cairo/Egypt (North Africa). The main conclusion in this work is that the simulation method of the system study under different conditions could successfully be used to give good visualization and comparison between those topologies for the overall performance of the system. The operational performance of the system is not only depending on component efficiency but also on system design and consumption behaviour. The worst case of this system is the low efficiency of the storage subsystem made of the electrolyser, the gas storage tank, and the fuel cell as it is around 25-34% at Cairo and 29-37% at Kassel. Therefore, the research for this system should be concentrated in the subsystem components development especially the fuel cell.
“What is value in product development?” is the key question of this paper. The answer is critical to the creation of lean in product development. By knowing how much value is added by product development (PD) activities, decisions can be more rationally made about how to allocate resources, such as time and money. In order to apply the principles of Lean Thinking and remove waste from the product development system, value must be precisely defined. Unfortunately, value is a complex entity that is composed of many dimensions and has thus far eluded definition on a local level. For this reason, research has been initiated on “Measuring Value in Product Development.” This paper serves as an introduction to this research. It presents the current understanding of value in PD, the critical questions involved, and a specific research design to guide the development of a methodology for measuring value. Work in PD value currently focuses on either high-level perspectives on value, or detailed looks at the attributes that value might have locally in the PD process. Models that attempt to capture value in PD are reviewed. These methods, however, do not capture the depth necessary to allow for application. A methodology is needed to evaluate activities on a local level to determine the amount of value they add and their sensitivity with respect to performance, cost, time, and risk. Two conceptual tools are proposed. The first is a conceptual framework for value creation in PD, referred to here as the Value Creation Model. The second tool is the Value-Activity Map, which shows the relationships between specific activities and value attributes. These maps will allow a better understanding of the development of value in PD, will facilitate comparison of value development between separate projects, and will provide the information necessary to adapt process analysis tools (such as DSM) to consider value. The key questions that this research entails are: · What are the primary attributes of lifecycle value within PD? · How can one model the creation of value in a specific PD process? · Can a useful methodology be developed to quantify value in PD processes? · What are the tools necessary for application? · What PD metrics will be integrated with the necessary tools? The research milestones are: · Collection of value attributes and activities (September, 200) · Development of methodology of value-activity association (October, 2000) · Testing and refinement of the methodology (January, 2001) · Tool Development (March, 2001) · Present findings at July INCOSE conference (April, 2001) · Deliver thesis that captures a formalized methodology for defining value in PD (including LEM data sheets) (June, 2001) The research design aims for the development of two primary deliverables: a methodology to guide the incorporation of value, and a product development tool that will allow direct application.
El presente caso de estudio y consultoría, basa su desarrollo en situaciones actuales de PLACECOL S.A, en áreas de potencial exportador, inteligencia de mercados , mejoramiento de producto, logística internacional y estrategia comercial, a partir de las cuales hace propuestas de mejoramiento que promueven el desarrollo de comercio exterior en el rubro de higiene oral.
Este trabajo se buscaba generar un plan estratégico basado en diferentes herramientas para la proposición de un estudio de negocio, que estén concordes con los objetivos de la organización. Se quería conocer cómo actúan los factores internos y externos en la compañía para generar estrategias y un plan de acción para esta unidad de negocio, aplicada para la apertura nueva de la tienda ubicada en el aeropuerto el Dorado de Bogotá.
Objective: To clarify how infection control requirements are represented, communicated, and understood in work interactions through the medical facility construction project life cycle. To assist project participants with effective infection control management by highlighting the nature of such requirements and presenting recommendations to aid practice. Background: A 4-year study regarding client requirement representation and use on National Health Service construction projects in the United Kingdom provided empirical evidence of infection control requirement communication and understanding through design and construction work interactions. Methods: An analysis of construction project resources (e.g., infection control regulations and room data sheets) was combined with semi-structured interviews with hospital client employees and design and construction professionals to provide valuable insights into the management of infection control issues. Results: Infection control requirements are representationally indistinct but also omnipresent through all phases of the construction project life cycle: Failure to recognize their nature, relevance, and significance can result in delays, stoppages, and redesign work. Construction project resources (e.g., regulatory guidance and room data sheets) can mask or obscure the meaning of infection control issues. Conclusions: A preemptive identification of issues combined with knowledge sharing activities among project stakeholders can enable infection control requirements to be properly understood and addressed. Such initiatives should also reference existing infection control regulatory guidance and advice.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Considerando o contexto Amazônico em que muitas decisões para a proteção e conservação do meio ambiente para a região por vezes surgem de maneira vertical, com ausência da participação dos usuários dos recursos naturais, comunitários locais, em processos deliberativos, acabando por se esquecer as experiências empíricas dessa população é que se fez este estudo. Através das técnicas metodológicas: observação direta, aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, análises de fichas de monitoramento, procurou-se observar o contexto de vida da população gurupaense, em especial àquelas que vivem às várzeas do município, consideradas agroextrativistas e que possui na atividade pesqueira fonte de proteína, renda e que de maneira compartilhada vem praticando o mecanismo do Acordo de Pesca como forma de gestão desta atividade. A pesquisa enfoca o Manejo Comunitário do Camarão seu processo de implementação e consolidação, a participação de técnicos, ONG e projetos de financiamento, bem como as implicações sociais, econômicas e ambientais nos períodos em que houve ou não a atuação dessa mediação externa. O estudo mostrou que essa participação da mediação externa estimulou processos organizativos locais bem como proporcionou a ação coletiva, em que ainda com o término do apoio, a auto-gestão comunitária vigora e é repassada às novas gerações, contudo o estudo evidencia ainda o desafio de que para melhores indicadores a níveis ambientais se faz necessário apoio técnico científico com promoção de estudos no campo da Dinâmica de Populações de Estoque Pesqueiro.
This paper analyzes the process of sorting through the intervening demand survey that reaches the Center for Research and Applied Psychology (CPPA) “Dr. Betti Katzenstein” UNESP Assis. The objective was to better understand the reality of conflicts that people face and, therefore, to characterize the patients who seek help in CPPA. With greater understanding of demand, it is possible to trace more consistent referrals and tailor the service to the school clinic profile of clients that demand. Recalling that the actual attendance of screening is already a form of interventional care, because it provides patient care from first contact. This was a documentary research, which had collected their data sheets of the CPPA trials conducted in 2011. 394 screenings were performed. We present the distribution of the demand for sex, age and complaint that motivated the search for care. It can be concluded that the characterization allows a customer routing more efficient services offered at the institution, as it contributes to a better understanding delineated in each case and a reduced number of dropouts in the screening process.
The Dora Dee Walker Papers consist of biographical sketches and data sheets, a letter, photographs, a newspaper clipping and a copy of the history of extension work in Allendale County, all relating to Dora Walker, pioneering State leader in extension work in South Carolina.
Während Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) im klinischen Alltag der stationären Behandlung in der Psychiatrie bereits fest etabliert ist, kommt es in der ambulanten Betreuung von psychisch Kranken bislang noch selten zum Einsatz. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es zu klären, wie TDM im ambulanten Bereich eingesetzt wird, wann seine Anwendung sinnvoll ist und ob es Hinweise gibt, dass TDM zu einer besseren Psychopharmakotherapie beitragen kann. rnEine Grundvoraussetzung für den Einsatz von TDM ist die Messbarkeit des Arzneistoffes. Am Beispiel des Antipsychotikums Flupentixol wurde eine Quantifizierungsmethode entwickelt, validiert und in die Laborroutine integriert. Die neue Methode erfüllte alle nach Richtlinien vorgegebenen Anforderungen für quantitative Laboruntersuchungen. Die Anwendbarkeit in der Laborroutine wurde anhand von Untersuchungen an Patienten gezeigt. rnEine weitere Voraussetzung für eine TDM-geleitete Dosisanpassung ist die Kenntnis des therapeutischen Referenzbereiches. In dieser Arbeit wurde exemplarisch ein Referenzbereich für das Antipsychotikum Quetiapin ermittelt. Die Untersuchung verglich darüber hinaus die neu eingeführten Arzneiformulierung Quetiapin retard mit schnell freisetzendem Quetiapin. Es zeigte sich, dass die therapiebegleitenden Blutspiegelkontrollen beider Formulierungen mit der Einstellung des Blutspiegels auf den therapeutischen Bereich von 100 - 500 ng/ml die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Therapieansprechens erhöhen. Bei den verschiedenen Formulierungen musste unbedingt auf den Zeitpunkt der Blutentnahmen nach Einnahme geachtet werden.rnEs wurde eine multizentrische Querschnittsuntersuchung zur Analyse von TDM unter naturalistischen Bedingungen an ambulanten Patienten durchgeführt, und zwar in Ambulanzen, in denen TDM als fester Bestandteil der Therapieüberwachung genutzt wurde und in Ambulanzen, in denen TDM sporadisch engesetzt, bzw. neu eingeführt wurde. Nach dieser Erhebung schien die Anwendung von TDM zu einer besseren Versorgung der Patienten beizutragen. Es wurde festgestellt, dass in den Ambulanzen mit bewusster Anwendung von TDM mehr Patienten mit Blutspiegeln im therapeutischen Bereich vorkamen als in den Ambulanzen mit nur sporadisch durchgeführten Blutspiegelmessungen. Bei Letzteren betrug die mittlere Anzahl an Medikamenten pro Patient 2,8 gegenüber 2,2 in den anderen Ambulanzen, was mit höheren Nebenwirkungsraten einherging. Die Schlussfolgerung, dass das Einstellen der Blutspiegel auf den therapeutischen Bereich auch tatsächlich zu besseren Therapieeffekten führte, konnte mit der Studie nicht valide überprüft werden, da die Psychopathologie nicht adäquat abgebildet werden konnte. Eine weitere Erkenntnis war, dass das reine Messen des Blutspiegels nicht zu einer Verbesserung der Therapie führte. Eine Verbesserung der Anwendung von TDM durch die Behandler wurde nach einer Schulung festgestellt, die das Ziel hatte, die Interpretation der Blutspiegelbefunde im Kontext mit patienten- und substanzspezifischen Informationen zu verbessern. Basierend auf dieser Erfahrung wurden Arzneistoffdatenblätter für die häufigsten angewandten Antipsychotika und Antidepressiva entwickelt, um damit die ambulanten Ärzte für eine eigenständige Befundinterpretation zu unterstützen. rnEin weiterer Schwerpunkt der Untersuchungen an ambulanten Patienten war die Aufdeckung von Non-Compliance durch TDM. Ein neu entwickeltes Verfahren, durch Berechnung der Streuung der mittleren Blutspiegel, erwies sich als geeignetes Instrument zur Compliance-Kontrolle in der Clozapin-Langzeittherapie. Es war etablierten anderen Verfahren überlegen. Demnach hatten Patienten ein erhöhtes Rückfallrisiko, wenn der Variationskoeffizient von nur drei nacheinander gemessenen Blutspiegeln größer als 20 % war. Da für die Beurteilung des Variationskoeffizienten das Messen von nur drei aufeinander folgenden Blutspiegeln notwendig war, kann diese Methode leicht in den ambulanten Alltag integriert werden. Der behandelnde Arzt hat so die Möglichkeit, einen rückfallgefährdeten Patienten noch vor seiner psychopathologischen Verschlechterung zu erkennen und ihn beispielsweise durch engmaschigeres Supervidieren vor einem Rückfall zu bewahren.rnAlles in allem konnte durch die eigenen Untersuchungen an psychiatrischen Patienten, die unter naturalistischen Bedingungen behandelt wurden, gezeigt werden, wie die Voraussetzungen für die Anwendung von TDM geschaffen werden, nämlich durch die Etablierung und Validierung einer Messmethode und durch die Evaluierung eines therapeutischen Referenzbereiches und wie TDM bei adäquatem Einsatz, nach Verbesserung der Compliance und des Kenntnisstandes der behandelnden Ärzte im praktischen und theoretischen Umgang mit TDM, die Versorgung ambulanter psychiatrischer Patienten unterstützen kann.
Fission fragment mass distributions were measured in heavy-ion induced fission of 238U. The mass distributions changed drastically with incident energy. The results are explained by a change of the ratio between fusion and quasifission with nuclear orientation. A calculation based on a fluctuation dissipation model reproduced the mass distributions and their incident energy dependence. Fusion probability was determined in the analysis. Evaporation residue cross sections were calculated with a statistical model for the reactions of 30Si+238U and 34S+238U using the obtained fusion probability in the entrance channel. The results agree with the measured cross sections of 263,264Sg and 267,268Hs, produced by 30Si+238U and 34S+238U, respectively. It is also suggested that sub-barrier energies can be used for heavy element synthesis.
The thesis represents the first part of a reference book to the Tertiary flora of Saxony. All taxa based on leaves of angiosperms and on Ginkgo are included in this compendium. After an overview about the geological state of knowledge on the Tertiary in Saxony, phytostratigraphic concepts are introduced and a historical survey on the Tertiary paleobotanical research in Saxony is given. All plant macrofossils published from Saxonian Tertiary until end of 2013 and their sites of discovery (primary data) were recorded. This data were supplemented by additional attributes and unified through project-based M.Sc. theses. Subsequently, taxa of fossil leaves were selected, their data evaluated and brought to a consistent state of research. Data sheets for 187 out of 235 examined taxa were established for a determination atlas. Macro- and micromorphological attributes are described in this atlas and information are given about the systematic, synonymy, palaeoecology and spatial and temporal distribution. The describing part is illustrated by images and instructive drawings. The documented data were surveyed and discussed related to their quality within the literature in the result part. A bibliography of the extensive palaeobotanical literature for plant fossils of Saxony completes the work. The taxon and locality related data are implemented into an open source geographical information system (GIS) in order to visualize and to manage them effectively. For the first time, the results of this thesis implemented in the GIS allow the generation of distribution maps for the taxa of leaves of Tertiary angiospermes and Ginkgo in Saxony. Furthermore it enables to query topographical, geological and paleobotanical information about the fossil sites. A determination key was developed for the fossil material that allows a rough determination of the findings in the field. The compendium will be available for free use in a printed as well as in a digital version.