854 resultados para cultural-historical psychology


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This article presents research that examined work of a teacher trainer for professional education, which aimed to study the work of these professional instruments , the design of pedagogical mediation underlying the prescriptive texts of the work and the theoretical-methodological arrays deployed in labor activity . The theoretical framework was Clinical Activity , strand of Work Psychology . We adopt a simple self-confrontation for data collection , combining interviews , document analysis, and video recording of the work . Were the volunteer coordinator and three trainers course in São Paulo educational institution. The results showed that the work of trainers activity is directed to others , using concrete and intangible instruments . Prescriptive texts suggest the use of cognitive education approach , but in the effective action of the trainers was adopted cultural-historical perspective of human development . At the end there are the limitations of this research and indicates the need for further scientific research on the subject.


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The idea of "mature development" is based, frequently, on explanations of school failure: the student does not learn because he is immature and the school has to wait until he gets "mature". When one says that a child is not mature compared to the development already attained by an adult, one focuses only the quantitative differences between them and forgets that these new qualities of the adult did not arise by the maturation, but by the permanent appropriation process of the human culture. Thus, this idea of "maturity of development" expresses a deep biologization of the human being, reducing social and educational problems explanation to the biological apparatus of the individual. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the relationship between maturation and development, pointing out the limits of biologists’ explanations of human phenomena and the possibilities of explanation formulated by the historical-cultural theory to the organization of pedagogical work. This concept gives a new configuration to the role of maturation in the learning process and gives the school education a central role in the development of higher psychological functions. Thus, the school does not have to wait for the child’s maturation. Rather, it is its duty to create conditions for his/her maturation to become effective.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Mental health issues are as prevalent in the deaf community as the hearing community, if not more. Yet, Deaf individuals are often treated by mental health professionals less frequently and less effectively. Many systemic barriers exist that influence the lack of services provided to the Deaf community, primarily related to a lack of cultural understanding rooted in perceptions of Deaf individuals. However, the Deaf community may be best understood as a cultural minority, a unique community sharing a distinct culture, history, and language. This paper investigates the effects of systematic barriers and cultural misunderstanding among mental health professions regarding the Deaf community, explores the historical and current mental health problems Deaf individuals most commonly struggle with, and proposes a potential culturally sensitive intervention for the Deaf community based on these factors. To examine these issues, the author conducted a thorough review of Deaf cultural history and values, as well as a review of peer-reviewed articles regarding both Deaf mental health and mindfulness outcome studies. Based on this review, mindfulness may be an effective, culturally sensitive intervention that addresses both cultural and psychological components while working with the Deaf population.


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Esta dissertação elabora uma exegese de Marcos 4. 35 41, Jesus Acalma uma Tempestade . Para tanto, parte da revisão crítica da pesquisa atual do Jesus Histórico em diálogo com a História Cultural, Micro-história e Psicologia Histórica, com o intuito de levantar questões pertinentes às narrativas míticas e sua importância para o saber histórico. Do mapeamento literário dos Papiros Mágicos Gregos, bem como referência ao Hino de Auto-Exaltação de Qumran, ao antigo testamento e a textos rabínicos posteriores ao Novo Testamento, emergem paralelos que são fundamentais para a compreensão da perícope analisada. Assim, a exegese do texto em questão lança luz sobre os elementos de poder, medo e identidade mítica presentes na narrativa.(AU)


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It has been reported that the cultural-historical experiences of ethnic group members can play a role in the literacy beliefs of those members. Socioeconomic conditions can also influence the belief system of the groups' constituents. This study investigated parents' and children's beliefs pertaining to early literacy acquisition as related to the ethnicity and socioeconomic status (SES) of the participants. The objectives were to determine (a) the differential patterns regarding emergent literacy and traditional skills approaches as they interact with ethnicity and SES and (b) the correspondence between parents and children's beliefs about literacy acquisition. ^ The study was conducted with 152 parents (38 low-income Hispanic, 38 middle-income Hispanic, 38 low-income African-American, and 38 middle-income African-American) and 36 of their 3-, 4-, or 5-year-old children (18 male and 18 female). ^ The parents were asked to check those items with which they agreed on a survey that consisted of an equal number of items from the traditional skills-based and emergent literacy orientations. These responses were used to determine the differences and interaction by ethnicity and SES. The children responded to open-ended questions related to the instruction of reading and writing skills. The parents' responses and children's answers were compared to ascertain the matching parent-child dyads by ethnicity and SES. ^ An item analysis was conducted to strengthen the internal reliability consistency coefficient of the traditional skills-based and emergent literacy scales as measured by the Cronbach Alpha. ^ A two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed a significant difference in traditional skill-based beliefs for the low-income African-American and Hispanic parents. There were no significant findings for the parents' traditional skill based or emergent literacy beliefs based on ethnicity, for the interaction between ethnicity and SES, or for the relationship between parents' and children's literacy beliefs by ethnicity and SES. ^ It can be concluded that low-income African-American and Hispanic parents believe in the traditional skills approach, indicating that these parents find it necessary for children to have sufficient school readiness skills prior to learning to read or write. In addition, the parent and child dyads had a strong tendency toward emergent literacy beliefs. ^


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Internship is legally understood in Brazil as an overseen educational activity to be developed in a work setting aiming to prepare students to make productive work. According to the federal law number 11.788/08, its main aim is to provide students with competences directly related to the professional activity in a curricular context and to make students develop themselves to live as citizens and to work professionally. With a focus on the professionalizing internship, this research aimed at understanding the professional subjectiveness process of Psychology undergraduates at a public university in the state Minas Gerais during their internship and according to a critic perspective in schooling psychology. The importance of studying psychologist academic training above all the relationship between theory and practice is on the fact that the internship is his/her initial contact with the professional experience itself after four years of theoretical studies. Understood as a way of appropriating and internalizing theoretical and practical dimensions related to the psychologist profession and constructed by the individual, the concept of professional subjectiveness is viewed in the light of the cultural-historical theory, that is, as a result of the human being social constitution. Three Psychology s intern students and their respective overseers were interviewed during their internship period to talk about the process of professional constitution at this phase of the academic training. To do so, oral history proved to be an important methodological support, for it offers a means of giving voice to common people and letting them signify their multi-circumstantial experiences. Results reiterate the presence of subjectivity in the dynamics of an undergraduate training, but they showed that it is permeated by social relations established in his/her personal life story and professional trajectory, stemming from the professional choice, the relationship between intern and overseer, the professional activity properly considered, the psychotherapy, the rules, and from the institutionalization of knowledge, among others aspects that guide the professional subjectiveness during the internship. We verified that the training of a Psychology undergraduate includes multiple determinations that exceed the academic setting because it points out the breaking down of the professional dimensions and personal one dichotomy.


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The intervention research proposed was based on the Cultural-Historical Theory based on the laws and logic of materialism historical-dialectical. Therefore, we tried to design a research process that involved all as responsible for the process. In the field of continuous teacher's training usually has been found dualistic relationship / paradoxical processes as a result of the adopted training models which are characterized by individualist human processes. The teacher training work sought to overcome this dualism, to promote the unveiling of the contradictions with regard to teaching models. As a hypothesis, we imagined that immersed in this process, teachers recognize such contradictions, and this recognition would make the contradictions become the driving force of change in teaching practice, realizing the teaching-learning-development triad as the basis of praxis. Aiming to develop a process of continuing education to bring results to the professional teachers development looking for answer the following research question: How and what the changes of teachers who participated in the Didactic-Formative Intervention process raised the quality of their teaching practices? In this context, the objective of the research was to develop a process of Didactic-Formative Intervention from the perspective of Cultural-Historical Theory with high school teachers in order to theorize about the changes in pedagogical practices of teachers and learn aspects that transform the essence teaching practice. The research involved two high school teachers of a public school in Uberlândia-MG. The training meetings took place at the school through a collective study group between the years 2013 and 2015. As procedures were used two interconnected aspects: classes observations, and a theoretical and methodological training, both for diagnosis and for the process evaluation, the second aspect has a formative dimension, and a didactic dimension (double meaning) to form didactically the teacher and to elaborate didactic procedures. The collected data were analyzed by observing the assumptions of the method, analysis by units and the processuality. As results teachers showed changes in their teaching practices regarding the organization of the pedagogical work and also centered their design educational actions based on learning and development of the students. The presence of continuous diagnosis during the classes, work with a systems of concepts and their conceptual links, problematization as a teaching method can be pointed as meaningful changes in their praxis. Regarding the training activities that emerged from the analysis of the compiled materials and analyzed throughout the process can be emphasized: forming a collective group of school teachers continuous training, diagnostics, development of practical activities, increase relationships among participants, the choice of scientific material used should have direct relation to the needs of the participants, promoting conditions that enable the emergence of contradictions between the pedagogical practice of teachers and teaching based on the perspective of the Cultural-Historical Theory. This research craved to develop and design a teachers' training processes that increase the quality of teachers life and ways of teaching in the Brazilian public school.


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This text presents developed in the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Uberlândia, in which it was intended to answer the question: What are the pedagogical implications for the fractions concept learning for students of the 6th grade of elementary school that the teaching guide activities can provide? The objectives of this research were: a) analyze the possible pedagogical implications for the learning of the fraction's concept for students of the 6th grade of elementary school through guiding teaching activities; b) using the conceptual connections of the fraction to enable students to develop an abstract thought and c) investigate whether guiding teaching activities reflect on 'how to think' and 'how to do' of the student. Five teaching activities have been developed (MOURA, 2002) from the perspective of teaching guiding activity (TGA) and had as object of study the teaching of fractions for students in 6th year of elementary school. They have been prepared and proposed activities in which it was intended to investigate the use of history of mathematics as an aid in learning the conceptual fraction links (CARAÇA, 1951) by students. Such activities, for analysis, were organized into episodes and scenes (MOURA, 2004) and discussed how students deal with the measurement of whole quantity (all) and subunits (part); how they represent in verbal or written language. It is hoped that the research is set up as an important contribution to mathematics teaching area and may contribute to the initial and continuing training of mathematics teacher sand the formation of theoretical thinking of elementary school students.


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Future teachers must be competent in creating educational settings, which provide tools to their students future they can develop a conscious mind, able to interpret their experiences, to make decisions and imagine innovative solutions to help you participate autonomously and responsible in society. This requires an educational system that allows them to integrate the subjective into a broader spatial and temporal context. La patrimonializatión of “Cultural artefacts” and oral history, the basis of which, are found in the active mind and links both the personal and the group experience, don’t only serve as a catalyst to achieving this goal, but rather, they facilitate the implementation of established practice in infant education. To gain this experience we offer the opportunity for students of their degree in Infant Education in the Public University of Navarre, training within the framework of social didactics, allowing students to learn about established practice from iconic, materials and oral sources in the Archive of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Navarra. The vidences points to their effectiveness and presented in a work in progress.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde, 2016.


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This exegesis examines how a writer can effectively negotiate the relationship between author, character, fact and truth, in a work of Creative Nonfiction. It was found that individual truths, in a work of Creative Nonfiction, are not necessarily universal truths due to individual, cultural, historical and religious circumstances. What was also identified, through the examination of published Creative Nonfiction, is a necessity to ensure there are clear demarcation lines between authorial truth and fiction. The Creative Nonfiction works examined, which established this framework for the reader, ensured an ethical relationship between author and audience. These strategies and frameworks were then applied to my own Creative Nonfiction.