977 resultados para consultant-client relationship
Recent measurements of local-area and wide-area traffic have shown that network traffic exhibits variability at a wide range of scales self-similarity. In this paper, we examine a mechanism that gives rise to self-similar network traffic and present some of its performance implications. The mechanism we study is the transfer of files or messages whose size is drawn from a heavy-tailed distribution. We examine its effects through detailed transport-level simulations of multiple TCP streams in an internetwork. First, we show that in a "realistic" client/server network environment i.e., one with bounded resources and coupling among traffic sources competing for resources the degree to which file sizes are heavy-tailed can directly determine the degree of traffic self-similarity at the link level. We show that this causal relationship is not significantly affected by changes in network resources (bottleneck bandwidth and buffer capacity), network topology, the influence of cross-traffic, or the distribution of interarrival times. Second, we show that properties of the transport layer play an important role in preserving and modulating this relationship. In particular, the reliable transmission and flow control mechanisms of TCP (Reno, Tahoe, or Vegas) serve to maintain the long-range dependency structure induced by heavy-tailed file size distributions. In contrast, if a non-flow-controlled and unreliable (UDP-based) transport protocol is used, the resulting traffic shows little self-similar characteristics: although still bursty at short time scales, it has little long-range dependence. If flow-controlled, unreliable transport is employed, the degree of traffic self-similarity is positively correlated with the degree of throttling at the source. Third, in exploring the relationship between file sizes, transport protocols, and self-similarity, we are also able to show some of the performance implications of self-similarity. We present data on the relationship between traffic self-similarity and network performance as captured by performance measures including packet loss rate, retransmission rate, and queueing delay. Increased self-similarity, as expected, results in degradation of performance. Queueing delay, in particular, exhibits a drastic increase with increasing self-similarity. Throughput-related measures such as packet loss and retransmission rate, however, increase only gradually with increasing traffic self-similarity as long as reliable, flow-controlled transport protocol is used.
This study explores the extent to which work and organizational (W&O) psychology practitioners use evidence, how they apply it to the everyday contexts in which they work and the types of barriers they encounter in so doing. It adopts a mixed methods approach involving the administration of a survey to a UK sample (N=163) of W&O psychologists and a series of semi-structured interviews (N=25) exploring in greater depth how evidence is applied in practice. Findings reveal that practitioners consult a wide range of different types of evidence which they employ at various stages of engagement with client organisations and that this evidence is pressed into service in the pursuit of solutions which are both acceptable from the client perspective and consistent with the scientific standards underpinning professional knowledge and expertise in W&O psychology. Barriers to evidence-use were mainly practical in nature, concerning issues around managing the client-consultant relationship and the particularities of implementation context, both of which were shown to influence evidence utilisation. The study contributes to current debate on the extent to which W&O psychologists adopt an evidence-based approach and provides a valuable and much called-for empirical insight into the enactment of the scientist-practitioner model in W&O psychology
This study was undertaken to explore job satisfaction among nurses and its relationship to reflective practice. It is a qualitative study that listens to the perspectives of 7 mental health nurses who work In a conmiunity hospital in southern Ontario. A pilot survey was conducted prior to the face-to -face interviews in order to develop meaningful questions to utilize in the interviews. Nurses participating in the study were ensured anonjnnlty and an opportunity to have their own personal perspectives heard. A convenient sample was obtained from the hospital in which the researcher worked as an educator and professional practice consultant. The concept of job satisfaction was found to be driven by the desire to do important work and to make a difference in patients' lives. The nurses articulated that it is directly related to other factors, such as the opportunity to work in one's area, of preference, involvement in decisionmaking processes, better patient/ staff ratios, and affordable, accessible continuing educational opportunities. Those nurses who have embraced reflective practice for many years seem to be able to sort out that which drives them to stay in nursing and that which will influence them to leave. The constraints of the study cO-e that it is a small qualitative study; therefore, the results are not generallzable. Reflection is integral to the practice of mental heallth nursing find a tool that is used extensively in therapy with patients. Future research could involve studing a different group of nurses who may be more task focused than mental health nurses.
The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the client and occupational therapist experiences of a mental health group. A secondary aim was to explore the extent to which this group seemed to have reflected a client-centred approach. The topic emerged from personal and professional issues related to the therapist as teacher and to inconsistencies in practice with the profession's client-centred philosophy. This philosophy, the study's frame of reference, was established in terms of themes related to the client-therapist relationship and to client values. Typical practice was illustrated through an extensive literature review. Structured didacticexperiential methods aiming toward skill development were predominant. The interpretive sciences and, to a lesser extent, the critical sciences directed the methodology. An ongoing support group at a community mental health clinic was selected as the focus of the study; the occupational therapist leader and three members became the key participants. A series of conversational interviews, the . core method of data collection, was supplemented by observation, document review, further interviews, and fieldnotes. Transcriptions of conversations were returned to participants for verification and for further reflection. Analysis primarily consisted of coding and organizing data according to emerging themes. The participants' experiences of group, presented as narrative stories within a group session vignette, were also returned to participants. There was a common understanding of the group's structure and the importance of having "air time" within the group; however, differences in perceptions of such things as the importance of the group in members' lives were noted. All members valued the therapeutic aspects of group, the role of group as weekly activity and, to a lesser extent, the learning that came from group. The researcher's perspective provided a critique of the group experience from a client-centred perspective. Some areas of consistency with client-centred practice were noted (e.g., therapist attitudes); however the group seemed to function far from a client-centred ideal. Members held little authority in a relationship dominated by the leaders, and leader agendas rather than member values controlled the session. Possible reasons for this discrepancy ranging from past health care encounters through to co-leader discord emerged. The actual and potential significance of this study was discussed according to many areas of implications: to OT practice, especially client-centred group practice, to theory development, to further areas of research and methodology considerations, to people involved in the group and to my personal growth and development.
Research in psychotherapy has demonstrated that a positive working alliance between therapist and client leads to positive treatment outcomes. Though its focus is in the area of psychotherapy, the concept of working alliance holds significant value to the area of education. Current applications of the theory in educational settings have looked at relationships between teacher and students in the broad context of classroom interaction and found significant promise. The present study investigates the application of the theory of working alliance in a sample of older reading disabled children. The study examined the psychometric properties of the Reading Alliance Scale for Children (RASC) and for Teachers (RAST) in relation to student reading ability and motivation. A sample of 254 (66.1 % male, 33.9% female) grade 6-8 students (mean age 12.7 years) were enrolled in a remedial reading program for reading disabled children. The average standard score across multiple reading measures was more than 1 SD below age-level expectations. Students responded to measures of reading achievement and motivation at pretest, after 70 hours (post 70) of remediation and at the end of the program (post 125). All participants completed measures on the working alliance relationship at post 70 and post 125. Results showed that teacher reports were most predictive of outcome compared to student reports of the working alliance relationship. Working alliance was correlated with posttest reading ability and motivation. Male students and Black students obtained the weakest working alliance reports from their teacher. Overall, findings support the view that students' relationships with teachers provide an important component of success in the classroom.
La présente thèse avait pour but d’analyser les problèmes conjugaux, les mandats et les objectifs thérapeutiques des couples qui consultent en thérapie conjugale en milieu naturel. Cette thèse a été rédigée sous la forme de deux articles. Le premier article visait à dresser un portrait des problèmes conjugaux rapportés par les conjoints à l’aide d’une question ouverte. Les problèmes conjugaux de 108 couples débutant une thérapie conjugale ont d’abord été catégorisés. Les résultats ont montré que les problèmes conjugaux les plus fréquemment rapportés étaient liés à la communication, à la distance émotionnelle, à des problèmes spécifiques de la relation et à la sexualité. En comparant les couples selon le mandat thérapeutique, il a été trouvé que les couples en mandat de résolution de l’ambivalence rapportent davantage de problèmes liés à l’engagement/sécurité et à l’infidélité/flirting que les couples en mandat d’amélioration de la relation. Ces résultats ont démontré l’importance de l’utilisation du construit des mandats thérapeutiques et la nécessité d’étudier davantage l’ambivalence des couples. Le deuxième article visait à examiner les propriétés psychométriques de la mesure individualisée Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) dans l’évaluation du changement des couples en thérapie conjugale en milieu naturel. L’atteinte des objectifs thérapeutiques de 100 couples ayant complété une thérapie conjugale a été évaluée. Une catégorisation des objectifs thérapeutiques a également été proposée. Les résultats obtenus soutiennent l’efficacité de la thérapie conjugale en milieu naturel. Le pronostic du thérapeute quant au déroulement de la thérapie ainsi que le motif de fin de thérapie et la stabilité conjugale ont été identifiés comme étant liés à l’atteinte des objectifs. En comparant les couples selon le mandat thérapeutique, il a été trouvé que les couples en mandat d’amélioration de la relation ont davantage d’objectifs thérapeutiques liés à la communication, à la résolution de problèmes et à l’acceptation des différences que les couples en mandat de résolution de l’ambivalence. Les résultats appuient la validité et l’utilité de la mesure GAS pour la recherche et la pratique clinique. En somme, cette thèse a contribué à l’avancement des connaissances en apportant un appui empirique au construit des mandats thérapeutiques et comporte des implications tant au niveau de la clinique qu’au niveau méthodologique et théorique.
Esta tesis, pretende describir la situación actual del Sector Porcícola, los procedimientos desarrollados por las empresas en la adopción, implantación y uso de estrategias CRM. Con una revisión confiable y el estudio de casos relacionados con el tema permitirán contrastar la realidad del sector con los conceptos claves que proponen los diferentes autores. Los resultados obtenidos le permitirán al sector y a los gerentes desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a la satisfacción y fidelización de sus clientes. En el campo académico, este estudio servirá de guía teórico-práctica para estudiantes y profesores del área que necesiten afianzar sus conocimientos en temas de marketing relacional, CRM, fidelización y servicio. El presente proyecto permitirá al futuro administrador enfrentar y asumir paradigmas en escenarios empresariales reales. La información estratégica acerca de los clientes es vital para las organizaciones, ayuda para la toma de decisiones, pronostica cambios en la demanda y establece un control sobre todos los procesos en los que está involucrado el cliente. La adopción, implantación y uso de estrategias CRM ayuda a que la empresa esté más atenta a la manera como interactúa con sus clientes y por ende, mejorará la percepción que tenga el cliente de la organización. En el sector Porcícola hay tendencia a las economías de escala y es importante segmentar y especializar el servicio dependiendo el potencial del cliente. En un mercado tan competitivo encontrar nuevos clientes no es fácil, y menos retenerlos ya que los productos están logrando estándares similares y el cliente basa su decisión en el precio. Al no haber diferenciación debemos ofrecer valor en el servicio lo cual nos ayudará a que el cliente haga una segunda compra prefiriendo nuestra empresa en lugar de la competencia. Hoy en día las estrategias CRM definen el rumbo de una empresa, ayudando no solamente a adquirir nuevos clientes, sino también, a mantener felices a los clientes actuales, de este modo se logran más ventas, y una mayor rentabilidad en el negocio. Razones por las cuales el sector Porcícola se verá beneficiado y Frigocárnicos Monserrate por medio de las estrategias CRM podrá ofrecer un mejor servicio a sus clientes ayudando a las fidelización de estos.
Ten projects constructed in Ghana between 2003 and 2010 are examined and analysed to ascertain the reliability of estimated costs provided for the projects. Cost estimates for five of the projects were calculated by consultants and cost estimates for the five remaining projects were calculated by contractors. Cost estimates prepared by contractors seemed to be closer to actual costs than estimates calculated by consultants. Projects estimated by consultants experienced an average cost overrun of 40% and time overrun of 62% whereas projects priced by contractors experienced an average cost overrun of 6% and time overrun of 41%. It seemed that contractors had a better understanding of the actual construction processes and a clearer expectation of the needs of the client hence an ability to calculate estimates that were closer to reality. Construction clients in Ghana should rely on contractors for more realistic cost estimates as estimates by consultants may be inaccurate. Where consultants are employed, an allowance of up 40% should be added to the estimated costs as a margin for inaccuracy.
Este trabalho apresenta as etapas para planejamento e implementação (implantação, suporte e manutenção) de uma infra-estrutura de educação a distancia realizado pela PROCERGS – Cia de Processamento de Dados do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A infra-estrutura de EAD implantada pela PROCERGS foi aplicada através de um curso para 12 turmas de alunos da SE (Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul), que é uma entidade educacional referenciada pelo programa de inclusão digital do Governo do Estado do RS. A infra-estrutura de EAD utilizou as instalações da PROCERGS para testes do curso, onde foi constituída uma equipe de trabalho, formado por um consultor em informática na educação, técnicos do corpo funcional da PROCERGS e funcionários do cliente. A infraestrutura de EAD foi composta por uma rede local montada no centro de treinamento da PROCERGS, disponibilizado com software de EAD denominado Teleduc e acesso a internet, que possibilitou aos alunos, professor e monitor, um relacionamento através de aulas presenciais e via internet. A continuidade das aulas pela internet foi apoiada pelos serviços de help-desk da PROCERGS, 24 horas ao dia e sete dias na semana. Durante o curso foram registradas ocorrências relativas ao desempenho da infraestrutura de EAD, especificamente quanto à participação dos alunos, trocas de informações e consultas ao monitor e professor, apoio dos recursos de software, hardware e comunicações, bem como a qualidade do atendimento aos alunos. Esta implementação proporcionou conhecer e avaliar alguns resultados, tais como fatores negativos e sucesso, itens a serem melhorados, conhecimentos relevantes adquiridos e importantes considerando a continuidade destes trabalhos para utilização nos demais clientes do Estado.
Child sexual abuse continues to be a prevalent and complex problem in today’s society as it poses serious and pervasive mental health risks to child victims and their non-offending parents. The main objectives of this study were (a) to elucidate the psychological symptoms and support needs of parents of child sexual abuse victims as they present to group treatment, (b) to examine changes in psychological symptoms and support needs and their relationship with child functioning over the course of a parallel group treatment, and (c) to examine the impact of these factors on completion of group treatment. Participants included 104 sexually abused youth and their non-offending parent presenting to Project SAFE Group Intervention, a 12-session cognitive-behavioral group treatment for sexually abused children and their non-offending parents. This project had a unique advantage of utilizing a variety of demographic, parent-, and child-report measures, allowing for a more comprehensive examination of change in symptomatology and needs over the course of treatment. Several significant findings were noted, including the identification of four clusters of youth at pre-treatment, which were maintained at post-treatment; elevations on the CTQ Sexual Abuse scale; parents of youth sexually abused by a non-family member had significantly higher PSI-Restriction of Role subscale scores; parental expectations of a negative impact on their child were worse for older children; several parent characteristics predicted client treatment retention (e.g., older parents, lower SCL-90-R GSI scores); and an early age of onset of abuse also increased treatment retention. Future directions, recommendations, and limitations were discussed.
Objectives: The purpose of this meta analysis was to examine the moderating impact of substance use disorder as inclusion/exclusion criterion as well as the percentage of racial/ethnic minorities on the strength of the alliance-outcome relationship in psychotherapy. It was hypothesized that the presence of a dsm axis i substance use disorders as a criterion and the presence of racial/ethnic minority as a psychosocial indicator are confounded client factors reducing the relationship between alliance and outcome. Methods: A random effects restricted maximum-likelihood estimator was used for omnibus and moderator models (k = 94). results: the presence of (a) substance use disorder and, (b) racial/ethnic minorities (overall and specific to african americans) partially moderated the alliance-outcome correlation. The percentage of substance use disorders and racial/ethnic minority status was highly correlated. Conclusions: Socio-cultural contextual variables should be considered along with dsm axis i diagnosis of substance use disorders in analyzing and interpreting mechanisms of change.
In the United States, “binge” drinking among college students is an emerging public health concern due to the significant physical and psychological effects on young adults. The focus is on identifying interventions that can help decrease high-risk drinking behavior among this group of drinkers. One such intervention is Motivational interviewing (MI), a client-centered therapy that aims at resolving client ambivalence by developing discrepancy and engaging the client in change talk. Of late, there is a growing interest in determining the active ingredients that influence the alliance between the therapist and the client. This study is a secondary analysis of the data obtained from the Southern Methodist Alcohol Research Trial (SMART) project, a dismantling trial of MI and feedback among heavy drinking college students. The present project examines the relationship between therapist and client language in MI sessions on a sample of “binge” drinking college students. Of the 126 SMART tapes, 30 tapes (‘MI with feedback’ group = 15, ‘MI only’ group = 15) were randomly selected for this study. MISC 2.1, a mutually exclusive and exhaustive coding system, was used to code the audio/videotaped MI sessions. Therapist and client language were analyzed for communication characteristics. Overall, therapists adopted a MI consistent style and clients were found to engage in change talk. Counselor acceptance, empathy, spirit, and complex reflections were all significantly related to client change talk (p-values ranged from 0.001 to 0.047). Additionally, therapist ‘advice without permission’ and MI Inconsistent therapist behaviors were strongly correlated with client sustain talk (p-values ranged from 0.006 to 0.048). Simple linear regression models showed a significant correlation between MI consistent (MICO) therapist language (independent variable) and change talk (dependent variable) and MI inconsistent (MIIN) therapist language (independent variable) and sustain talk (dependent variable). The study has several limitations such as small sample size, self-selection bias, poor inter-rater reliability for the global scales and the lack of a temporal measure of therapist and client language. Future studies might consider a larger sample size to obtain more statistical power. In addition the correlation between therapist language, client language and drinking outcome needs to be explored.^
Psychotherapy research reveals consistent associations between therapeutic alliance and treatment outcomes in the youth and adult literatures. Despite these consistent findings, prospective associations are not sufficient to support the claim that the alliance is a change mechanism in psychotherapy. The current study examined the direction of effect of the alliance- outcome relationship, the contribution of early symptom change in treatment to the development of therapeutic alliance, and the potential for pretreatment interpersonal functioning characteristics to be third variables that account for the association between alliance and outcome. Participants were adolescents with depression and a history of interpersonal trauma that presented to a community mental health center for treatment. Findings demonstrated that a more positive therapeutic alliance predicted greater subsequent symptom improvement, even after removing symptom change occurring before the measurement of alliance. Results also suggested that early change only slightly contributed to alliance development. Finally, though pretreatment interpersonal functioning was related to the first session alliance, these pretreatment client characteristics were not related to later alliance or symptom change. Overall, results provided some support for therapeutic alliance as a mechanism of change in psychotherapy. Methodological and clinical issues are discussed.
Leading With the Relationship: The Role of the Therapeutic Relationship in Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a brief evidence-based treatment that is most commonly used to treat addictive behaviors and to encourage diet and lifestyle changes and treatment adherence in health care settings. In recent years MI's use has been expanded to multiple other client populations in clinical psychology, as well as to other sectors, such as in education, and international non-profit work (Hettema at al., 2005). MI was inspired by research that demonstrated a high correlation between therapist application of the client-centered skill of accurate empathy and a reduction in drinking behaviors (Miller et al., 1980). MI contains both relational and technical components that are intended to operate synergistically. Despite a large body of research on MI treatment outcomes, variation in effectiveness has been found among studies, and the active ingredients of MI, particularly the relational aspects, are not well understood. As a result, the use of MI in many treatment settings is limited to the technical components of MI without a theory-based integration of the therapeutic relationship. This paper focuses on the contribution of the relational component to the effectiveness of MI, and explores the synergistic relationship between the technical and relational components of MI. A literature review of MI and the trans-theoretical literature on the therapeutic relationship is followed by two case illustrations. The paper concludes with recommendations for the field.
Cleaning is a classic example of mutualism and determining the factors that maintain the balance between the costs and benefits for mutualist partners can assist our understanding of how cleaning relationships are maintained. Optimal foraging theory suggests two factors that might help to maintain the relationship between cleaners and their clients: client ectoparasite load and cleaner hunger levels. The ecological relevance and importance of foraging by cleaner fish in marine systems has been demonstrated repeatedly, yet there is little information available on this behaviour in cleaner shrimp. To determine whether cleaner shrimp base their choice of client fish on food patch quality (i.e. client fish ectoparasite load) we offered the yellow-beaked cleaner shrimp Urocaridella sp. c a choice of parasitized and unparasitized rock cods, Cephalopholis cyanostigma. To determine whether cleaner shrimp hunger levels influence cleaning time, we manipulated hunger levels in Urocaridella sp. c and examined their behaviour towards parasitized client fish. Cleaner shrimp preferred parasitized to unparasitized client fish and food-deprived cleaner shrimp cleaned parasitized rock cods more frequently than satiated cleaner shrimp did. Therefore, variations in client fish ectoparasite load and cleaner shrimp hunger level are two factors that affect the balance in this mutualism. Finally, our results meet some of the assumptions of biological market theory, a framework used to understand cooperative interactions, and thus this framework is suggested for future studies on this cleaning system.