995 resultados para colonic transit time
Pulse transit time (PTT) is a non-invasive measure, defined as time taken for the pulse pressure waves to travel from the R-wave of electrocardiogram to a selected peripheral site. Baseline PTT value is known to be influenced by physiologic variables like heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and arterial compliance (AC). However, few quantitative data are available describing the factors which can influence PTT measurements in a child during breathing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of changes in breathing efforts on PTT baseline and fluctuations. Two different inspiratory resistive loading (IRL) devices were used to simulate loaded breathing in order to induce these effects. It is known that HR can influence the normative PTT value however the effect of HR variability (HRV) is not well-studied. Two groups of 3 healthy children ( 0.05) HR changes during all test activities. Results showed that HRV is not the sole contributor to PTT variations and suggest that changes in other physiologic parameters are also equally important. Hence, monitoring PTT measurement can be indicative of these associated changes during tidal or increased breathing efforts in healthy children.
Oscillometric blood pressure (BP) monitors are currently used to diagnose hypertension both in home and clinical settings. These monitors take BP measurements once every 15 minutes over a 24 hour period and provide a reliable and accurate system that is minimally invasive. Although intermittent cuff measurements have proven to be a good indicator of BP, a continuous BP monitor is highly desirable for the diagnosis of hypertension and other cardiac diseases. However, no such devices currently exist. A novel algorithm has been developed based on the Pulse Transit Time (PTT) method, which would allow non-invasive and continuous BP measurement. PTT is defined as the time it takes the BP wave to propagate from the heart to a specified point on the body. After an initial BP measurement, PTT algorithms can track BP over short periods of time, known as calibration intervals. After this time has elapsed, a new BP measurement is required to recalibrate the algorithm. Using the PhysioNet database as a basis, the new algorithm was developed and tested using 15 patients, each tested 3 times over a period of 30 minutes. The predicted BP of the algorithm was compared to the arterial BP of each patient. It has been established that this new algorithm is capable of tracking BP over 12 minutes without the need for recalibration, using the BHS standard, a 100% improvement over what has been previously identified. The algorithm was incorporated into a new system based on its requirements and was tested using three volunteers. The results mirrored those previously observed, providing accurate BP measurements when a 12 minute calibration interval was used. This new system provides a significant improvement to the existing method allowing BP to be monitored continuously and non-invasively, on a beat-to-beat basis over 24 hours, adding major clinical and diagnostic value.
BACKGROUND: People with neurological disease have a much higher risk of both faecal incontinence and constipation than the general population. There is often a fine line between the two conditions, with any management intended to ameliorate one risking precipitating the other. Bowel problems are observed to be the cause of much anxiety and may reduce quality of life in these people. Current bowel management is largely empirical with a limited research base. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of management strategies for faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases affecting the central nervous system. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialised Trials Register (searched 26 January 2005), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Issue 2, 2005), MEDLINE (January 1966 to May 2005), EMBASE (January 1998 to May 2005) and all reference lists of relevant articles. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised or quasi-randomised trials evaluating any types of conservative or surgical measure for the management of faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases were selected. Specific therapies for the treatment of neurological diseases that indirectly affect bowel dysfunction were also considered. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers assessed the methodological quality of eligible trials and two reviewers independently extracted data from included trials using a range of pre-specified outcome measures. MAIN RESULTS: Ten trials were identified by the search strategy, most were small and of poor quality. Oral medications for constipation were the subject of four trials. Cisapride does not seem to have clinically useful effects in people with spinal cord injuries (three trials). Psyllium was associated with increased stool frequency in people with Parkinson's disease but did not alter colonic transit time (one trial). Prucalopride, an enterokinetic did not demonstrate obvious benefits in this patient group (one study). Some rectal preparations to initiate defaecation produced faster results than others (one trial). Different time schedules for administration of rectal medication may produce different bowel responses (one trial). Mechanical evacuation may be more effective than oral or rectal medication (one trial). There appears to be a benefit to patients in one-off educational interventions from nurses. The clinical significance of any of these results is difficult to interpret. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is still remarkably little research on this common and, to patients, very significant condition. It is not possible to draw any recommendation for bowel care in people with neurological diseases from the trials included in this review. Bowel management for these people must remain empirical until well-designed controlled trials with adequate numbers and clinically relevant outcome measures become available.
BACKGROUND: People with neurological disease have a much higher risk of both faecal incontinence and constipation than the general population. There is often a fine dividing line between the two conditions, with any management intended to ameliorate, one risking precipitating the other. Bowel problems are observed to be the cause of much anxiety and may reduce quality of life in these people. Current bowel management is largely empirical with a limited research base. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of management strategies for faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases affecting the central nervous system. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Group Trials Register, the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, MEDLINE, EMBASE and all reference lists of relevant articles. Date of the most recent searches: May 2000. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised or quasi-randomised trials evaluating any types of conservative, or surgical measure for the management of faecal incontinence and constipation in people with neurological diseases were selected. Specific therapies for the treatment of neurological diseases that indirectly affect bowel dysfunction have also been considered. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: All three reviewers assessed the methodological quality of eligible trials and two reviewers independently extracted data from included trials using a range of pre-specified outcome measures. MAIN RESULTS: Only seven trials were identified by the search strategy and all were small and of poor quality. Oral medications for constipation were the subject of four trials. Cisapride does not seem to have clinically useful effects in people with spinal cord injuries (two trials). Psyllium was associated with increased stool frequency in people with Parkinson's disease but not altered colonic transit time (one trial). Some rectal preparations to initiate defecation produced faster results than others (one trial). Different time schedules for administration of rectal medication may produce different bowel responses (one trial). Mechanical evacuation may be more effective than oral or rectal medication (one trial). The clinical significance of any of these results is difficult to interpret. REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: It is not possible to draw any recommendation for bowel care in people with neurological diseases from the trials included in this review. Bowel management for these people must remain empirical until well-designed controlled trials with adequate numbers and clinically relevant outcome measures become available.
RACIONAL: Pacientes com constipação funcional que não melhoram com suplementação de fibras dietéticas, representam importante problema clínico. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as relações entre as quantidades de fibras ingeridas, intensidade da constipação e o tempo de trânsito colônico em pacientes com constipação funcional. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 30 pacientes constipados funcionais, sem melhoras após suplementação dietética com fibras e 18 pessoas controle, sadias, sem queixas digestivas, utilizando inquéritos individuais quanto à ingestão de fibras e a intensidade da constipação e, por meio da técnica dos marcadores radiopaco, o tempo de trânsito colônico, total e segmentar. RESULTADOS: Apesar da maior ingestão diária de fibras (26,3 ± 12,9 g, constipados x 9,3 ± 5,2 g, controles), os sintomas da constipação mostraram-se intensos nos constipados (escore médio = 21,3 ± 4,07). O tempo normal para o trânsito colônico foi de 58,8h. O trânsito colônico total, em média, foi mais lento nos constipados (41,0 ± 22,8h, constipados x 21,8 ± 18,5h, controles). Constipados com trânsito lento (>58,8h) apresentaram inércia colônica (oito), obstrução de saída (um) e lentificação no cólon esquerdo (um). Constipados com trânsito normal (<58,8h), apresentaram lentificações isoladas no cólon direito (nove), no cólon esquerdo (três) e no segmento retossigmoideano (oito). Não houve correlação entre a quantidade ingerida de fibra, intensidade da constipação e tempo de trânsito colônico nos constipados funcionais. CONCLUSÕES: em constipados funcionais a gravidade da constipação não depende apenas da ingestão de fibras, que, também não é a única contributiva para as variações no tempo de trânsito colônico. Este diferencia os pacientes normais dos constipados e nestes, aqueles com trânsito alterado que exigem abordagens diferentes da suplementação de fibras.
Drug delivery systems based on natural polysaccharides, such as chitosan (CS) and pectin (PC), rather than on synthetic polymers, have been widely studied. Some reasons for that are low toxicity and costs and high biodegradability of the formers. A multiparticulate system based on CS and PC was developed in our laboratories, including the addition of an enteric polymer, cellulose acetate phtalate (CAP). Such improvement promoted stronger gastric and enteric resistances, as assessed in vitro, making the systems more selective to enzymatic degradation in the colon. Although in vitro dissolution tests can simulate some properties concerning the gastrointestinal transit (GT), collaborating to characterize the systems behavior in the biological fluids, frequently they do not result in satisfactory in vitro/in vivo correlations. The objective of this work was to follow in vivo the GT of the particles developed by means of AC biosusceptometry (ACB), a non-invasive and of low cost methodology. The particles containing ferrite in powder form were prepared by complex coacervation using an ideal 3:1:1 mass ratio for PC:CS:CAP. The magnetic particles were administered to healthy volunteers by oral route. The GT was monitored by using multi-sensor ACB system and the signal acquisition was performed every IS min until the colonic region was reached. By means of ACB technique, it was possible to acquiring images generated by the magnetic particles within the whole gastrointestinal tract including the colonic region. Variable particles transit times were observed among the volunteers, but without interference on the mapping of the particles until the colonic region. The particles were able to produce magnetic field strong enough to generate signals adequate for mapping the particles. The results suggest that integral particles reached the colon, after they resisted against gastric and enteric media. Studies associating transit time and in vivo drug release are in development in order to confirm the efficiency of the systems.
The oral administration is a common route in the drug therapy and the solid pharmaceutical forms are widely used. Although much about the performance of these formulations can be learned from in vitro studies using conventional methods, evaluation in vivo is essential in product development. The knowledge of the gastrointestinal transit and how the physiological variables can interfere with the disintegration and drug absorption is a prerequisite for development of dosage forms. The aim of this work was to employing the ac biosusceptometry (ACB) to monitoring magnetic tablets in the human gastrointestinal tract and to obtain the magnetic images of the disintegration process in the colonic region. The ac biosusceptometry showed accuracy in the quantification of the gastric residence time, the intestinal transit time and the disintegration time (DT) of the magnetic formulations in the human gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, ac biosusceptometry is a non-invasive technique, radiation-free and harmless to the volunteers, as well as an important research tool in the pharmaceutical, pharmacological and physiological investigations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports an example of the application of pharmaceutical technology to wildlife management, specifically the design of an oral delivery system for the common brushtail possum in New Zealand. Designing an oral delivery system requires a knowledge of the time taken for particulates to reach target sites within the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The transit time for fluid and indigestible particles of two different size ranges was determined in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Technetium-labelled (Tc-99m) anion exchange resin particles (75-125 or 500-700 mu m diameter) or solution (Tc-99m-labelled diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, Tc-99m-DTPA) was administered orally. At predetermined times after dosing (3, 6, 12, 24 or 32 h), the distribution of radioactivity throughout excised gastrointestinal tracts was determined by gamma scintigraphy. The transit profile was similar for the three formulations investigated. Unlike other closely related hindgut fermenting marsupials, there was no evidence to support the presence of a colonic separating mechanism in the common brushtail possum. Gastrointestinal transit was independent of body mass, gender and time of day that the dose is given. To target the hindgut for oral delivery of protein and peptide biocontrol agents, the formulation Would need to protect the bioactive for approximately 12 h prior to release. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Predicted area under curve (AUC), mean transit time (MTT) and normalized variance (CV2) data have been compared for parent compound and generated metabolite following an impulse input into the liver, Models studied were the well-stirred (tank) model, tube model, a distributed tube model, dispersion model (Danckwerts and mixed boundary conditions) and tanks-in-series model. It is well known that discrimination between models for a parent solute is greatest when the parent solute is highly extracted by the liver. With the metabolite, greatest model differences for MTT and CV2 occur when parent solute is poorly extracted. In all cases the predictions of the distributed tube, dispersion, and tasks-in-series models are between the predictions of the rank and tube models. The dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions yields identical predictions to those for the distributed tube model (assuming an inverse gaussian distribution of tube transit times). The dispersion model with Danckwerts boundary conditions and the tanks-in series models give similar predictions to the dispersion (mixed boundary conditions) and the distributed tube. The normalized variance for parent compound is dependent upon hepatocyte permeability only within a distinct range of permeability values. This range is similar for each model but the order of magnitude predicted for normalized variance is model dependent. Only for a one-compartment system is the MIT for generated metabolite equal to the sum of MTTs for the parent compound and preformed metabolite administered as parent.
It is recognized that vascular dispersion in the liver is a determinant of high first-pass extraction of solutes by that organ. Such dispersion is also required for translation of in-vitro microsomal activity into in-vivo predictions of hepatic extraction for any solute. We therefore investigated the relative dispersion of albumin transit times (CV2) in the livers of adult and weanling rats and in elasmobranch livers. The mean and normalized variance of the hepatic transit time distribution of albumin was estimated using parametric non-linear regression (with a correction for catheter influence) after an impulse (bolus) input of labelled albumin into a single-pass liver perfusion. The mean +/- s.e. of CV2 for albumin determined in each of the liver groups were 0.85 +/- 0.20 (n = 12), 1.48 +/- 0.33 (n = 7) and 0.90 +/- 0.18 (n = 4) for the livers of adult and weanling rats and elasmobranch livers, respectively. These CV2 are comparable with that reported previously for the dog and suggest that the CV2 Of the liver is of a similar order of magnitude irrespective of the age and morphological development of the species. It might, therefore, be justified, in the absence of other information, to predict the hepatic clearances and availabilities of highly extracted solutes by scaling within and between species livers using hepatic elimination models such as the dispersion model with a CV2 of approximately unity.
Aims We have characterized the relative dispersion of vascular and extravascular markers in the limbs of three patients undergoing isolated limb perfusions with the cytotoxic melphalan for recurrent malignant melanoma both before and after melphalan dosing. Methods A bolus of injectate containing [Cr-51] labelled red blood cells, [C-14]-sucrose and [H-3]-water was injected into an iliac or femoral artery and outflow samples collected at 1 s intervals by a fraction collector. The radioactivity due to each isotype was analysed by either gamma [Cr-51] or beta [C-14 and H-3] counting. The moments of the outflow fraction-time profiles were estimated by a nonparametric (numerical integration) method and a parametric model (sum of two inverse Gaussian functions). Results The availability, mean transit time and normalised variance (CV2) obtained for labelled red blood cells, sucrose and water were similar before and after melphalan dosing and with the two methods of calculation but varied between the patients. Conclusions The vascular space is not well-stirred but characterized by a CV2 similar that reported previously for in situ rat hind limb and rat liver perfusions. A flow-limited blood-tissue exchange was observed for the permeating indicators. Administration of melphalan did not influence the distribution characteristics of the indicators.
The aim of this paper was to verify whether AC biosusceptometry (ACB) is suitable for monitoring gastrointestinal (GI) contraction directly from smooth muscle in dogs, comparing with electrical recordings simultaneously. All experiments were performed in dogs with magnetic markers implanted under the serosa of the right colon and distal stomach, and their movements were recorded by ACB. Monopolar electrodes were implanted close to the magnetic markers and their electric potentials were recorded by electromyography (EMG). The effects of neostigmine, hyoscine butylbromide and meal on gastric and colonic parameters were studied. The ACB signal from the distal stomach was very similar to EMG; in the colonic recordings, however, within the same low-frequency band, ACB and EMG signals were characterized by simultaneity or a widely changeable frequency profile with time. ACB recordings were capable of demonstrating the changes in gastric and colonic motility determined by pharmacological interventions as well as by feeding. Our results reinforce the importance of evaluating the mechanical and electrical components of motility and show a temporal association between them. ACB and EMG arecomplementary for studying motility, with special emphasis on the colon. ACB offers an accurate method for monitoring in vivo GI motility.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study aims to determine whether perfusion computed tomographic (PCT) thresholds for delineating the ischemic core and penumbra are time dependent or time independent in patients presenting with symptoms of acute stroke. METHODS: Two hundred seventeen patients were evaluated in a retrospective, multicenter study. Patients were divided into those with either persistent occlusion or recanalization. All patients received admission PCT and follow-up imaging to determine the final ischemic core, which was then retrospectively matched to the PCT images to identify optimal thresholds for the different PCT parameters. These thresholds were assessed for significant variation over time since symptom onset. RESULTS: In the persistent occlusion group, optimal PCT parameters that did not significantly change with time included absolute mean transit time, relative mean transit time, relative cerebral blood flow, and relative cerebral blood volume when time was restricted to 15 hours after symptom onset. Conversely, the recanalization group showed no significant time variation for any PCT parameter at any time interval. In the persistent occlusion group, the optimal threshold to delineate the total ischemic area was the relative mean transit time at a threshold of 180%. In patients with recanalization, the optimal parameter to predict the ischemic core was relative cerebral blood volume at a threshold of 66%. CONCLUSIONS: Time does not influence the optimal PCT thresholds to delineate the ischemic core and penumbra in the first 15 hours after symptom onset for relative mean transit time and relative cerebral blood volume, the optimal parameters to delineate ischemic core and penumbra.
BACKGROUND: Direct colonic electrical stimulation may prove to be a treatment option for specific motility disorders such as chronic constipation. The aim of this study was to provoke colonic contractions using electrical stimulation delivered from a battery-operated device. METHODS: Electrodes were inserted into the caecal seromuscular layer of eight anaesthetized pigs. Contractions were induced by a neurostimulator (Medtronic 3625). Caecal motility was measured simultaneously by video image analysis, manometry and a technique assessing colonic transit. RESULTS: Caecal contractions were generated using 8-10 V amplitude, 1000 micros pulse width, 120 Hz frequency for 10-30 s, with an intensity of 7-15 mA. The maximal contraction strength was observed after 20-25 s. Electrical stimulation was followed by a relaxation phase of 1.5-2 min during which contractions propagated orally and aborally over at least 10 cm. Spontaneous and stimulated caecal motility values were significantly different for both intraluminal pressure (mean(s.d.) 332(124) and 463(187) mmHg respectively; P < 0.001, 42 experiments) and movement of contents (1.6(0.9) and 3.9(2.8) mm; P < 0.001, 40 experiments). CONCLUSION: Electrical stimulation modulated caecal motility, and provoked localized and propagated colonic contractions.