932 resultados para classroom practices
Nas últimas décadas, investigações têm destacado o papel da história e filosofia da ciência (HFC) na educação científica. O reconhecimento da pluralidade e complexidade da ciência tem originado estudos, os quais apontam que o ensino sobre ciências deve levar em conta as diferenças entre as disciplinas científicas. Assim, tem-se discutido a importância da consideração de elementos da história e da filosofia da química no aprimoramento do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dessa ciência. Apesar disso, investigações têm constatado que pouco ou nada se discute acerca desses assuntos nas aulas de ciências. Diante disso, esta dissertação tem como intuito investigar a concepção de professores de química sobre a inclusão de elementos da HFC no ensino, com foco nas características inerentes às práticas e aos conhecimentos químicos. Foram investigadas as concepções de cinco professores de química, que atuam em diferentes escolas públicas da região metropolitana de São Paulo, acerca de cinco temas, elaborados com base em estudos da área de ensino de ciências e em diretrizes curriculares oficiais: relações com a sociedade, modelos e modelagem, experimentação, desenvolvimento histórico e reducionismo. Por meio da análise qualitativa dos dados, as concepções docentes, para cada tema, foram classificadas em dois subeixos temáticos: prática docente e relevância. Ademais, foram identificados fatores externos e internos que influenciam as práticas e concepções dos sujeitos concernentes a considerações filosóficas, históricas e sociológicas sobre a química. Os resultados evidenciam que, de modo geral, os sujeitos consideram relevantes determinados assuntos relacionados à natureza da química e, em certa medida, buscam inseri-los em suas práticas cotidianas. Contudo, mostraram também que os motivos pelos quais os docentes conferem importância a algumas discussões, e o modo como as desenvolvem, podem limitar a compreensão dos estudantes sobre a complexidade da construção do conhecimento científico. Além disso, foram raras as referências a aspectos específicos da química, à importância de evidenciar e discutir esses aspectos com os estudantes, assim como à preparação de situações didáticas próximas à prática química autêntica.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This research project explores learner’s representations of strategic L1 use in the foreign language classroom and highlights both the positive or negative roles attributed to the L1 in the language learning process - particularly with respect to language assessment - continuing to explore the relatively understudied domain of student representations within a scholarly context. Surveying a population of Australian (N=18) and French students (N=25), this study uses both questionnaire and interview responses in order to analyse the roles allocated to the L1 with respect to learning outcomes. The results indicate that students have a very balanced view of the L1 with respect to the learning of grammar, vocabulary and social aspects, yet its use in assessment aspects appears much more advantageous. The importance of this study and its findings is in recognizing the complex nature of learner representations in order to facilitate a discussion that is based more on the reality of language teaching, with the hope of renewing classroom practices.
Curriculum innovation is challenging and, as several commentators have reported, moves to introduce communicative language teaching in many contexts internationally have resulted in mixed outcomes, or even failure. In an effort to shed some light on this complex problem, this article focuses on curriculum change through the introduction of new communicative textbooks in an engineering college (kosen) in Japan. First, three key factors that inhibit change are considered and then other factors that specifically hindered change in the kosen environment are identified. A study investigating the attitudes and classroom practices of four Japanese teachers of English highlighted a culture of pedagogical uncertainty and lack of professional support. Suggestions for supporting teachers to implement curriculum change more effectively, both in Japan and elsewhere, are drawn out.
É amplamente reconhecida a relevância crescente da leitura no século XXI, enquanto requisito fundamental para um exercício de cidadania responsável e crítico. Por outro lado, tal como acontece com outros aspetos da vida social, a investigação reconhece a influência exercida pelas representações sociais sobre a nossa compreensão do caráter multifacetado das práticas de leitura. Tal peso assume particular relevo no que diz respeito aos estudantes do Ensino Superior, nomeadamente aos futuros profissionais da Educação, pela sua responsabilidade acrescida na formação de leitores autónomos e críticos, privilegiando a sua motivação para a leitura e o seu desempenho em compreensão na leitura. No entanto, em Portugal, poucos estudos focam as representações sobre a leitura destes estudantes e sua influência em práticas educativas futuras. Nesse sentido, realizámos um estudo cujos objetivos de investigação foram: i) Identificar e caracterizar as representações de estudantes a frequentar um primeiro ciclo de estudos de Bolonha sobre: a sua motivação para a leitura; o seu desempenho em compreensão na leitura; os fatores que os influenciariam; as competências em leitura do seu futuro público; estratégias didáticas orientadas para a motivação para a leitura e o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura no seu futuro público; ii) determinar a influência das representações sobre estes aspetos nas suas práticas futuras relacionadas com a motivação para a leitura e o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura; iii) conceber, implementar e avaliar um plano de formação em Didática do Português, visando a promoção da competência didática dos estudantes, orientada para a motivação do seu futuro público para a leitura e o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura. Neste estudo, participaram 53 estudantes, inscritos na unidade curricular de Iniciação à Leitura e à Escrita, integrada no 3.º ano do plano de estudos da Licenciatura em Educação Básica da Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, no 1.º semestre do ano letivo de 2012/2013. Foram objeto de uma intervenção didática, integrada no módulo programático consagrado à leitura, que durou quatro semanas. Face aos objetivos traçados, optámos por uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico o estudo de caso único. Foram utilizados vários instrumentos de recolha de dados: para os relativos às representações, usámos um questionário, uma reflexão escrita individual e duas fichas de trabalho; para os relacionados com o desempenho, recorremos a um relatório escrito de um trabalho prático de planificação e fundamentação de atividades, com uma componente individual e outra realizada em grupo. Todos os dados recolhidos foram objeto de análise de conteúdo, complementada por uma análise estatística descritiva (frequências absolutas e relativas). O nosso estudo permitiu-nos concluir que as representações sobre a leitura destes estudantes podem ser encaradas como um constructo multifacetado e complexo, no qual assume centralidade o conhecimento, associado à valorização da leitura em contexto escolar, sendo relegada para segundo plano uma dimensão mais afetiva da leitura. Tais representações seriam influenciadas por múltiplos fatores. No que respeita à motivação para a leitura, tais fatores incluiriam o género, o estatuto sociocultural, as práticas de literacia familiar e académica, os hábitos de leitura, o gosto pela leitura e preferências de leitura. O desempenho em compreensão na leitura, de caráter multidimensional, seria influenciado pelas estratégias que os estudantes mobilizariam durante a leitura, pela sua atitude de persistência quando confrontados com dificuldades e pela facilidade com que leriam com fins informativos, académicos e recreativos. Concluímos igualmente que tais representações sobre a leitura se repercutiriam nas práticas educativas futuras dos estudantes relacionadas com a motivação para a leitura e com o desenvolvimento da compreensão na leitura. A intervenção didática realizada teria concorrido para os dotar de algumas competências didáticas relacionadas com o ensino explícito da compreensão na leitura e fazer evoluir as representações, contribuindo também para algumas alterações ao seu perfil de leitor, em termos de motivação e de desempenho. Inferimos que tal evolução se repercutiu no modo como encaravam as suas futuras práticas educativas, no que se referia à competência didática para a motivação para a leitura e desenvolvimento de competências em compreensão na leitura no seu futuro público. Da investigação realizada decorrem algumas sugestões pedagógicodidáticas com vista a contribuir para o aprofundamento das representações sobre a leitura dos estudantes futuros profissionais da Educação e sua influência em práticas educativas.
Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprüft
En este trabajo se presenta un estudio exploratorio sobre prácticas de aula, relacionadas con las magnitudes longitud, tiempo y masa, llevadas a cabo en Educación Primaria en Portugal. El estudio fijó como objetivos determinar qué objetos y procesos matemáticos están implicados en esas prácticas y qué funciones ejecutan profesor y alumnos durante la realización de las mismas. Los resultados han evidenciado el predominio del conocimiento procedimental y algorítmico y el uso de situaciones extramatemáticas o de la vida cotidiana. El profesor es el gestor sistemático del trabajo de los alumnos así como de los tiempos, espacios y materiales disponibles en el aula.
This research was devoted to gaining information on teachers? use of technology, specifically SMARTBOARD technology, for teaching and promoting learning in the classroom. Research has suggested that use of technology can enhance learning and classroom practices. This has resulted in administrators encouraging the use of SMARTBOARDS, installing them in classrooms and providing training and support for teachers to use this technology. Adoption of new technology, however, is not simple. It is even more challenging because making the best use of new technologies requires more than training; it requires a paradigm shift in teachers? pedagogical approach. Thus, while it may be reasonable to believe that all we need to do is show teachers the benefits of using the SMARTBOARD; research tells us that changing paradigms is difficult for a variety of reasons. This research had two main objectives. First, to discover what factors might positively or negatively affect teachers? decisions to take up this technology. Second, to investigate how the SMARTBOARD is used by teachers who have embraced it and how this impacts participation in classrooms. The project was divided into two parts; the first was a survey research (Part 1), and the second was an ethnographic study (Part 2). A thirty-nine item questionnaire was designed to obtain information on teachers? use of technology and the SMARTBOARD. The questionnaire was distributed to fifty teachers at two EMSB schools: James Lyng Adult Centre (JLAC) and the High School of Montreal (HSM). Part 2 was an ethnographic qualitative study of two classes (Class A, Class B) at JLAC. Class A was taught by a male teacher, an early-adopter of technology and a high-level user of the SMARTBOARD; Class B was taught by a female teacher who was more traditional and a low-level user. These teachers were selected because they had similar years of experience and general competence in their subject matter but differed in their use of the technology. The enrollment in Class A and Class B were twenty-three and twenty-four adult students, respectively. Each class was observed for 90 minutes on three consecutive days in April 2010. Data collection consisted of videotapes of the entire period, and observational field notes with a graphical recording of participatory actions. Information from the graphical recording was converted to sociograms, a graphic representation of social links among individuals involved in joint action. The sociogram data was tabulated as quantified data. The survey results suggest that although most teachers are interested in and use some form of technology in their teaching, there is a tendency for factors of gender and years of experience to influence the use of and opinions on using technology. A Chi Square analysis of the data revealed (a) a significant difference (2 = 6.031, p < .049) for gender in that male teachers are more likely to be interested in the latest pedagogic innovation compared to female teachers; and, (b) a significant difference for years of experience (2 = 10.945, p < .004), showing that teachers with ?6 years experience were more likely to use the SMARTBOARD, compared to those with more experience (>6 years). All other items from the survey data produced no statistical difference. General trends show that (a) male teachers are more willing to say yes to using the SMARTBOARD compared to female teachers, and (b) teachers with less teaching experience were more likely to have positive opinions about using the SMARTBOARD compared to teachers with more experience. The ethnographic study results showed differences in students? response patterns in the two classrooms. Even though both teachers are experienced and competent, Teacher A elicited more participation from his students than Teacher B. This was so partly because he used the SMARTBOARD to present visual materials that the students could easily respond to. By comparison, Teacher B used traditional media or methods to present most of her course material. While these methods also used visual materials, students were not able to easily relate to these smaller, static images and did not readily engage with the material. This research demonstrates a generally positive attitude by teachers towards use of the SMARTBOARD and a generally positive role of this technology in enhancing students? learning and engagement in the classroom. However, there are many issues related to the SMARTBOARD use that still need to be examined. A particular point is whether teachers feel adequately trained to integrate SMARTBOARD technology into their curricula. And, whether the gender difference revealed is related to other factors like a need for more support, other responsibilities, or a general sense of anxiety when it comes to technology. Greater opportunity for training and ongoing support may be one way to increase teacher use of the SMARTBOARD; particularly for teachers with more experience (>6 years) and possibly also for female teachers.
This chapter reports on the Portuguese trial of the Environmental Rating Scale for Sustainable Development in Early Childhood (ERS-SDEC) scale which was carried out in the context of the initial training of pre-school teachers at the University of Évora and during their practicum in local pre-schools. The particular context of this trial in initial teacher education provides a particular focus on the professional development of the students, and the cooperating teachers provided by their engagement in a collaborative action-research project that was focused upon Education for Sustainable Development. After providing some Portuguese contextual elements related with ESD, we will report on the trial of the scale in Évora and its results in terms of improving the quality of classroom practices and students and teachers professional development provided by their participation in the project. Finally we will share some reflections on the project, the format and use of the scale and on some critical issues that we learned to be critical in terms of ESD in Early Childhood.
Mentors (cooperating classroom teachers) have a shared responsibility with universities for developing preservice teachers’ pedagogical practices, particularly towards becoming reflective practitioners. Preservice teachers need to participate actively in their own learning, by reflecting and acting on the mentor’s constructive feedback provided during planning and feedback dialogue sessions. This case study uses feedback practices outlined within a five-factor mentoring model to analyse dialogue between a mentor and her respective mentee during different stages in their school-based programs (first practicum). This investigation uses multiple data sources such as video and audio-recorded interviews, archival documents from participants such as lesson plans, reflections and reports to examine preservice teacher’s reflections and implementations of practice as a result of her mentor’s feedback (e.g., establish expectations, review lesson plans, observe teaching then provide oral and written feedback, and evaluate progress). Findings indicated that reflective thinking was more apparent when the mentor did not dominate conversations but instead asked astute pedagogical knowledge questions to facilitate the mentee’s reflections on practice.
Despite an ostensibly technology-driven society, the ability to communicate orally continues to feature as an essential ability for students at school and university, as it is for graduates in the workplace. Pedagogically, one rationale is that the need to develop effective oral communication skills is tied to life-long learning which includes successful participation in future work-related tasks. One tangible way that educators have assessed proficiency in the area of communication is through prepared oral presentations. While much of the literature uses the terms 'oral communication' and 'oral presentation' interchangeably, some writers question the role more formal presentations play in the overall development of oral communication skills. However, such formal speaking tasks continue to be a recognised assessment practice in both the secondary school and academy, and, therefore, worthy of further investigation. Adding to the discussion, this thesis explores the knowledge and skills students bring into the academy from previous educational experiences. It examines some of the teaching and assessment methods used in secondary schools to develop oral communication skills through the use of formal oral presentations. Specifically, it investigates criterion-referenced assessment sheets and how these tools are used as a form of instruction, as well as their role and effectiveness in the evaluation of student ability. The focus is on the student's perspective and includes 12 semi-structured interviews with school students. The purpose of this thesis is to explore key thematics underpinning oral communication and to identify tensions between expectations and practice. While acknowledging the breadth and depth of material available under the heading of 'communication theory', this study specifically draws on an expanded view of the rhetorical tradition to fully interrogate the assumptions supporting the practice of assessing oral presentations. Finally, this thesis recommends reconnecting with an updated understanding of rhetoric as a way of assisting in the development of expressive, articulate and discerning communicators.
Change is something that both pre-service and practising teachers face regularly throughout their professional lives. Curriculum change and consequential implementation is a case in point. This paper investigates the perspectives of a number of school-based stakeholders in regard to the implementation of the C2C materials in Queensland schools and how this has potential consequences for teacher education programs. It shows that often contradictory spaces emerge in regard to curriculum enactment and argues that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is not the most effective way to implement new curriculum. A transformative third space is offered whereby teachers are accorded with a voice in the way in which implementation occurs; ultimately allowing pre-service teachers to learn important skills required to be effective teachers.
This narrative case study describes an English as an Additional Language teacher’s struggle to understand her young adult learners’ apparent resistance toward multiliteracies pedagogical practices in a college setting. Multiliteracies Pedagogy (New London Group, 1996) advocates the use of digital media, and home languages and culture, to engage diverse youth in designing personally meaningful multimodal texts that can significantly impact learner identity, voice, and agency. This arts-based study uses an innovative sonata-style format to document the making of a class documentary, accompanied by teacher reflections on the video project in the form of poetry, journal excerpts, and classroom dialogue. The sonata form provides a unique methodology for teacher inquiry, allowing the teacher-researcher to explore the ways in which curriculum, pedagogy, and sociocultural influences intersect in the classroom. The study does not end with a clear resolution of the problem; instead, the process of inquiry leads to deeper understandings of what it means to teach in the complex worlds of diverse learners.