981 resultados para cineturismo,cineturismo italiano,blockbuster,blockbuster statunitensi,hollywood


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"El Circo Máximo es su templo, su hogar, su asamblea y la esperanza de todos sus deseos" (AmmiAnvs mArc., Res gest., XXVIII, 4, 29: eisque templum et habitaculum et contio et cupitorum spes omnis Circus est maximus). De este modo describió el historiador Amiano Marcelino, hacia el 382/397, la pasión que la plebe de Roma sentía hacia los espectáculos, especialmente hacia los ludi circenses. Se trata de una afición que se fue incrementando a lo largo de toda la historia del Imperio Romano, hasta el extremo que a mediados del siglo iv, según el calendario de Filócalo (CIL, I2, 1, p. 256-278), se alcanzaron los 177 días de juegos anuales. Y evidentemente tal apasionamiento no fue exclusivo de la ciudad de Roma, sino que se vivió de un modo común en todo el Imperio, sobre todo en las ciudades más grandes, entre las que destacó de una manera especial la capital de Oriente, Constantinopla, la nueva Roma fundada por Constantino I.


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This article presents a panoramic view of the development of the so-called serliana or Serlian motif throughout the Italian Renaissance, focusing on the most relevant examples in the architecture of that period. The use of this motif during the Early Renaissance was pioneered by Filippo Brunelleschi in religious buildings. As its employment become widespread in a range of different settings, architects frequently incorporated local building traditions. It was only during the last twenty years of the Quattrocento that Giuliano da Sangallo and Leonardo da Vinci adopted the Serlian arch in residential architecture designed for the ruling elites. Thanks to Bramante and other artists such as Raphael, Baldassare Peruzzi, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger and Giulio Romano, the motif was extraordinarily popular during the High Renaissance period. Ever-increasingly complex and monumental compositions eased the adaptation of the serliana to both exterior and interior spaces, and in works such as the design by Galeazzo Alessi in Genoa, the imperial connotation of the motif is clear. This process illustrates the progressive transfer from the religious to the courtly sphere, and, at the same time, the permeability between the sacred and the profane. During the sixteenth century, Spain too was at the European avant-garde, due to its contacts with Italy and the latest fashions, such as the employment of the serliana in residential architecture, were followed in the fortified palace at La Calahorra, the Vich palace in Valencia, or the palace of Charles V in Granada, as part of a complex iconography of power. Throughout the sixteenth century, the serliana featured in that specifically-Spanish typology, the monumental altarpiece or retablo, as well as in monumental tombs. Italy was certainly the leading force in the process and had an indisputable influence on Spanish art, but the latter would develop its own original solutions in the sixteenth century, which matched the innovative character of Italian creations.


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This dissertation argues that the Government of the People’s Republic of China, when it made the decision to import a quota of Hollywood films in 1994 to revive the failing domestic film industry, had different possible criteria in mind. This project has studied four of them: first, importing films that gave a negative image of the United States; second, importing films that featured Chinese talent or themes; third, importing films that were box office hits in the United States; and fourth, importing films with a strong technological innovation ingredient. In order to find out the most important criteria for the Chinese Government, this dissertation offers a dataset that analyzes a population of 262 Hollywood films released in the PRC between 1994 and 2010. For each unit, a method has been developed to compile data that will determine whether the film reflects any of the four criteria, and findings in the form of yearly percentages have been drawn. Results show that, out of the four studied criteria, the two predominant reasons for China to import films were technological innovation and box office hits. This tells us that, at this point, the Chinese Government shows more interest in obtaining big revenues and learning from technically innovative American films than in delivering underlying political messages. This dissertation contributes to the existing literature by analyzing the content of all the films imported by China between 1994 and 2010, while integrating in the analysis variables based on the existing knowledge.


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Es objeto del presente estudio un análisis de los sistemas de colaboración social en el procedimiento de recaudación tributaria italiano, legislados en el ordenamiento jurídico italiano a partir de la construcción del reino de Italia. En primer lugar se estudia el 'Modello essattoriale' (1872-1987). Se analizan antecedentes, finalidades, competencias y sistema de acceso de tales agentes recaudadores. En jurídica, la doctrina de la Corte Costituzionale en la materia, las causas del fracaso del modelo, así como un estudio estadístico sobre la recaudación real segundo lugar está el 'Modello concessionale' (1988/89-2005). Amén del régimen jurídico de este modelo de recaudación se analizan cuestiones como la naturaleza obtenida a través de este sistema. El tercer modelo es el 'Modello misto', público/privado. Consiste en la creación de una sociedad anónima encargada de la recaudación tributaria. Inicialmente se llamó 'Riscossione s.p.a.' para pasar un año más tarde a llamarse 'Equitalia s.p.a' (2005-hasta hoy). Igualmente se analiza su régimen jurídico.


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Musiken som hördes i de finländska filmerna vid skiftet av 1950- och 1960-talet var mycket varierande. Det fanns till exempel jazzschlager, modern konstmusik som innovativt kombinerats med Hollywood-klichéer, dodekafonisk musik och mainstream jazz. Gällande stilval, kompositionssätt, instrumentering, harmonisering och användningssätt av filmmusik rådde det då möjligen en större frihet än någonsin i Finland. Anu Juvas avhandling behandlar musiken till fyra filmer genom filmmusikens funktionsanalys och i sitt kulturhistoriska sammanhang. Näranalyserna har gjorts av Lasisydän ( Glashjärtat 1959) och Komisario Palmun erehdys ( Mysteriet Rygseck [sic!] 1960), som Matti Kassila har regisserat, Maunu Kurkvaaras Yksityisalue ( Privatområde 1962) och Erkko Kivikoskis Kesällä kello 5 ( Klockan 5 denna sommar 1963). Musiken till dessa filmer har komponerats av Jaakko Salo, Osmo Lindeman, Usko Meriläinen och Pentti Lasanen. Regissörerna och kompositörerna till dessa filmer var alla på olika sätt förnyare av sin tids konventioner. Funktionsanalysen avslöjar, hur musiken i filmerna fungerar, dvs. vilka dess uppgifter är i dessa filmer som låter mycket olika. Vidare granskas det, hur musik valdes till olika filmer samt de olika genrernas ställning inom det kulturella fältet. Undersökningen öppnar en utsikt över en av de mest intressanta tidpunkterna inom finländsk filmmusik.


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O consumo de produtos cárneos fatiados tem aumentado nos últimos anos, particularmente os produtos curados como o salame. Os vários tipos de salame existentes são fatiados pelas indústrias de carne e/ou pelos supermercados, sem levar em conta as possíveis alterações que possam vir a ocorrer com tal procedimento. As alterações que ocorrem nos pigmentos cárneos totais e nitrosos repercutem na cor, que é detectada pelo consumidor e influencia diretamente no consumo de produtos desta natureza. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito da intensidade de luz, do oxigênio e da temperatura na conversão dos pigmentos cárneos em nitrosos, na quantidade de pigmentos cárneos totais e nitrosos e no índice de cor vermelha, nas fatias de salame tipo italiano. Tais fatias foram acondicionadas em quatro modelos de embalagens diferentes quanto à permeabilidade à luz e ao oxigênio e armazenadas durante 32 dias em temperaturas de 10 °C e 15 °C sob 930 LUX, continuamente, sendo estas condições similares às empregadas em gôndolas de supermercados. A quantidade dos pigmentos cárneos totais e nitrosos, o índice de cor vermelha (a*), determinado pelo método CIE* Lab, foram mensurados nas fatias no zero, 4º, 6º, 12º, 14º, 19º, 25º, 27º e 32º dia de armazenamento. Os resultados obtidos foram avaliados estatisticamente por análise de variância e teste de Tukey, adotando nível de confiança de 95% (p < 0,05). Observou-se, pela análise global dos parâmetros, que o oxigênio diminui a quantidade de pigmentos cárneos totais, a conversão para pigmentos nitrosos e o índice de cor vermelha nas fatias de salame, enquanto que a temperatura potencializou essas reações. Verificou-se, também, que a luz influenciou na quantidade de pigmentos totais, na conversão dos pigmentos nitrosos e no índice de cor vermelha, porém com menor intensidade. Deste modo, o acondicionamento das fatias em embalagens com alta barreira ao oxigênio e à luz retardam significativamente a perda de cor vermelha e a oxidação dos pigmentos cárneos e nitrosos.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi elaborar salame tipo italiano, substituindo parcialmente o NaCl por solução de lactato de potássio a 60% na razão de 0,75 e 1,5%, e acompanhar, durante a etapa de permanência do produto dentro da câmara (zero, 2º, 7º, 14º, 21º e 30º dia), algumas características físico-químicas (TBARS, pH, umidade, a w, NO2) e microbiológicas (bactérias lácticas, Micrococcaceae, Staphylococcus xylosus) na superfície do salame. Observou-se que nas superfícies dos salames que continham 1,5% de lactato de potássio os valores de TBARS e o número de colônias das bactérias lácticas, Micrococcaceae e Staphylococcus xylosus, foram menores, enquanto os valores de umidade, a w e pH, foram maiores do que os valores encontrados nas superfícies dos salames contendo 0,75% de lactato de potássio. A concentração de 1,5% de lactato de potássio apresentou ação antioxidante e tamponante, enquanto a concentração de 0,75% favoreceu o processo de desidratação e o desenvolvimento das bactérias lácticas, Micrococcaceae e Staphylococcus xylosus.


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A pesquisa teve como objetivo acrescentar culturas starters nativas em salame tipo Italiano e avaliar o desempenho frente a culturas comerciais quanto às características microbiológicas, físico-químicas e sensoriais. As culturas utilizadas foram Staphylococcus xylosus, isolado de salames coloniais, e Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, isolado de um produto lácteo e fermentado em meio de cultura de plasma suíno. Elaboraram-se os seguintes tratamentos: T1 - adição de starters comerciais (Staphylococcus xylosus e Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis); T2 - mistura de Staphylococcus xylosus isolado mais Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis comercial; T3 - mistura de Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis isolado mais Staphylococcus xylosus comercial; e T4 - Staphylococcus xylosus e Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, ambos isolados. Os tratamentos apresentaram uma queda de pH significativa e também uma redução na Aw, garantindo uma segurança microbiológica aos produtos. Em relação à oxidação lipídica, os tratamentos que continham Staphylococcus xylosus isolados de salames artesanais apresentaram valores menores que os outros tratamentos. Os salames elaborados com Staphylococcus xylosus e Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, ambos isolados, apresentaram melhores resultados sensoriais quando comparados com salames elaborados com culturas starters comerciais. Portanto, a adição de culturas starters nativas pode ser utilizada na elaboração de salames, proporcionando produtos seguros e com flavor diferenciado.


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My doctoral thesis may be placed within the branch of studies on the history of international relations and it examines the development of Italian-Finnish bilateral relations during the mandate of Attilio Tamaro, the plenipotentiary Minister (1929-1935). The research is based exclusively on Italian sources, on the private documentation of the diplomat and on his “Memoriale”, which have been critically analysed, using theories, such as those on the policies of power, on the soft power and on foreign trade. This research aims to draw attention to the bilateral dynamics, and to bridge the gaps of the specific historiography, paying attention to the relations between the Lapua movement and Italian fascism, and to the role that the Minister Tamaro played. The 1929-1935 period is the most intense one in the bilateral relations, and it expands those already begun in the Twenties, thereby replacing the idea of a poor and backward Italy with that of a modern, strong and orderly country that fascism had been capable of building. The need for Finland to solve its internal problems led to the development of the lappist movement in the first few months of 1930 which, with its anticommunism and anti-parliamentarism, led conservative Finland to look towards the Italian political model with particular fondness. The Italian diplomacy, at least during the Grandi ministry, distinguished itself for its moderate involvement in its connections with lappism. After 1932, with the spread of universal fascism, opposing national-socialism, the relationships between fascism and the lappist movement intensified and led the IKL (Patriotic People’s Movement) into the Italian sphere. Actually, especially after 1933, what was the most effective instrument of Tamaro’s political action was culture: the Italian Readership, the cultural associations, and the use of the cinematic arts and art were the channels for the expansion of a cultural imperialism which abounded in political propaganda. With the War of Ethiopia in 1935, the good Italian-Finnish relationships partly cooled down because Italy appeared to be a dangerous nation for the stability of the security system of Finland. The research results are stimulating: they bring to light the ambitions of great power of monarchist-fascist Italy; they show the importance of the Italian example in inspiring the conservative Finnish right-wing; they allow one to hypothesize that there was at least an indirect influence of the Italian model on the development of Finnish events. The aspiration of our research is to stimulate further studies on diplomatic, military and trade relations between Italy and the Scandinavian countries from 1919 to today.


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This thesis examines the processes through which identity is acquired and the processes that Hollywood :films employ to facilitate audience identification in order to determine the extent to which individuality is possible within postmodem society. Opposing views of identity formation are considered: on the one hand, that of the Frankfurt School which envisions the mass audience controlled by the culture industry and on the other, that of John Fiske which places control in the hands of the individual. The thesis takes a mediating approach, conceding that while the mass media do provide and influence identity formation, individuals can and do decode a variety of meanings from the material made available to them in accordance with the text's use-value in relation to the individual's circumstances. The analysis conducted in this thesis operates on the assumption that audiences acquire identity components in exchange for paying to see a particular film. Reality Bites (Ben Stiller 1994) and Scream (Wes Craven 1996) are analyzed as examples of mainstream 1990s films whose material circumstances encourage audience identification and whose popularity suggest that audiences did indeed identify with them. The Royal Tenenbaums (Wes Anderson 2001) is considered for its art film sensibilities and is examined in order to determine to what extent this film can be considered a counter example. The analysis consists of a combination of textual analysis and reception study in an attempt to avoid the problems associated with each approach when employed alone. My interpretation of the filmmakers' and marketers' messages will be compared with online reviews posted by film viewers to determine how audiences received and made use of the material available to them. Viewer-posted reviews, both unsolicited and unrestricted, as found online, will be consulted and will represent a segment of the popular audience for the three films to be analyzed.


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