815 resultados para change management risorse umane processi


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This article reports a longitudinal study that examined mergers between three large multi-site public-sector organizations. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis are used to examine the effect of leadership and change management strategies on acceptance of cultural change by individuals. Findings indicate that in many cases the change that occurs as a result of a merger is imposed on the leaders themselves, and it is often the pace of change that inhibits the successful re-engineering of the culture. In this respect, the success or otherwise of any merger hinges on individual perceptions about the manner in which the process is handled and the direction in which the culture is moved. Communication and a transparent change process are important, as this will often determine not only how a leader will be regarded, but who will be regarded as a leader. Leaders need to be competent and trained in the process of transforming organizations to ensure that individuals within the organization accept the changes prompted by a merger.


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Change management theorists largely overlook using the brand as a vehicle for change. Similarly, while branding has become an increasingly popular research and business topic, the branding literature appears to neglect change management. Our research bridges this gap through the development of brand identity as the main driver of organizational renewal. In the article we provide insights into brand-driven leadership for change which have been develope by collaborative action research with CEOs and owners of retail firms over a twenty year period. In contrast to the usual planning of change attempting to fit the firm to external trends and considering internal resources our brand-driven approach is based on resonance with consumers by the use of external socio-cultural meanings in society. We highlight phases in the development of brand identity by reference to a prototypical retail case study and presenta framework to help managers with brand-driven leadership for change.


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Purpose The aim of the study is to explore the role of confluent learning in supporting the development of change management knowledge, skills and attitudes and to inform the creation of a conceptual model based upon a priori and a posteriori knowledge gained from literature and the research. Design/methodology/approach The research adopts qualitative approach based on reflective inquiry methodology. There are two primary data sources, interviews with learners and the researchers’ reflective journals on learners’ opinions. Findings The confluent learning approach helped to stimulate affective states (e.g. interest and appreciation) to further reinforce cognitive gains (e.g. retention of knowledge) as a number of higher order thinking skills were further developed. The instructional design premised upon confluent learning enabled learners to further appreciate the complexities of change management. Research implications/ limitations The confluent learning approach offers another explanation to how learning takes place, contingent upon the use of a problem solving framework, instructional design and active learning in developing inter- and trans-disciplinary competencies. Practical implications This study not only explains how effective learning takes place but is also instructive to learning and teaching, and human resource development (HRD) professionals in curriculum design and the potential benefits of confluent learning. Social implications The adoption of a confluent learning approach helps to re-naturalise learning that appeals to learners affect. Originality/value This research is one of the few studies that provide an in-depth exploration of the use of confluent learning and how this approach co-develops cognitive abilities and affective capacity in the creation of a conceptual model.


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Die Einführung von Notebooks an einer Universität bringt zunächst keine grundlegende Innovation mit sich. Die Potenziale, die mit dem Einsatz von Notebooks in der Präsenzlehre verbunden sind, sind vielfältig. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, welche Vorteile der Notebook-Einsatz auf den unterschiedlichen Ebenen Individuum, Gruppe und Organisation beinhaltet. Am Beispiel des eCampus-Projektes der Universität Duisburg-Essen zeigt sich, dass dieser Mehrwert sich jedoch nicht von selbst einstellt, sondern an bestimmte Bedingungen auf den verschiedenen Ebenen geknüpft ist. Es sind Maßnahmen notwendig, um die intendierten Veränderungsprozesse in Gang zu setzen, damit Notebooks im Alltag von Lehre und Forschung verankert werden können. Dazu sind Maßnahmen in den Bereichen Infrastruktur, didaktische Reform, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung sowie Medienproduktion und -distribution zu ergreifen und in einem angemessenen Gleichgewicht umzusetzen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Un problema comune agli Ingegneri Gestionali è quello legato alla necessità di dover sempre spiegare in cosa consista veramente il proprio campo di studi. Amici, conoscenti e parenti non dimostrano mai, infatti, familiarità con il termine. Chi scrive è costretto addirittura ad ammettere di avere una madre che, a pochi giorni dalla discussione dalla Tesi Magistrale, continui ad affermare di non aver ancora capito quale lavoro andrà poi a fare il figlio. Medicina, Giurisprudenza ed Economia sono concetti facili da comprendere; “studiare con approccio quantitativo l'organizzazione e i processi produttivi delle imprese costruendo e applicando modelli per la soluzione dei loro problemi” in effetti lo è un po’ meno. Accade così che si debbano quindi aggiungere altri termini, spiegando l’ingegneria gestionale come insieme di altre discipline: produzione, logistica, marketing, economia aziendale, risorse umane, gestione, progetti... Si dà il caso che questo insieme di altre discipline coincida in larga parte con una branca ancora più oscura ai più: l’event management. Questo lavoro di Tesi è incentrato proprio sulla gestione di un evento: gli FPA Worlds 2012, i Mondiali di Frisbee Freestyle 2012 tenutisi a Riccione dal 2 al 5 agosto. L’autore, nell’ambito del suo percorso di Tirocinio, ne è stato l’event manager, ovvero il massimo responsabile e organizzatore, andando a far confluire esperienze, conoscenze e passioni personali con la coronazione degli studi universitari. L’intero progetto lo ha coinvolto dal luglio 2010 al settembre 2012, all’interno di un’azienda riminese con cui già collaborava dal 2009. La Tesi, di carattere prettamente sperimentale, va quindi ad esporre i processi gestionali “nascosti” dietro ad un evento che ha riscosso successo di pubblico e mediatico, affiancando in ognuno dei capitoli tematici modelli teorici e risultati pratici. La vastità di conoscenze, competenze e strumenti utilizzati ha reso quest’esperienza altamente stimolante, così come le numerose sfide che si sono succedute nel difficile percorso per organizzare il miglior Mondiale di Frisbee Freestyle di sempre.


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Il lavoro tratta l’applicazione di due progetti di Reengineering, in un caso l’obiettivo era quello di ottimizzare il processo di fatturazione passiva di un’azienda operante nel settore della ceramica, nell’altro quello di supportare un Gruppo, operante nel settore logistico, nella valutare l’opportunità di accentramento dei servizi ICT, mitigando gli impatti derivati dai possibili cambiamenti. Questo lavoro è stato preparato durante un periodo di Stage della durata di sei mesi effettuato presso la società di consulenza Revision SRL. Nella prima parte della tesi, attraverso un’analisi della letteratura di riferimento, si sono indagati i principali fattori che interagiscono in un processo di Change management, si è anche effettuato un approfondimento delle tematiche di Business Process Reengineering, i cui principi hanno guidato l’intervento effettuato. La ricerca ha teso ad evidenziare da un lato le radici e gli elementi innovativi che contraddistinguono questo approccio metodologico e dall’altro a sottolineare le possibili cause di insuccesso di un progetto di BPR. La sezione si conclude con la formalizzazione delle metodologia e degli strumenti utilizzati nella conduzione dei progetti. Nella seconda parte del lavoro, insieme alla descrizione del primo caso vengono presentate le varie fasi della riprogettazione, dalla analisi della situazione iniziale, effettuata tramite un questionario e delle interviste dirette al personale addetto, alla identificazione delle criticità, fino alla presentazione e alla valutazione delle nuove configurazioni del processo. Il lavoro è arricchito dall’analisi e dall’applicazione delle tecnologie informatiche/informative di supporto alla nuova configurazione descritta. Nella terza parte, a completamento dell’elaborato, viene presentato il secondo progetto analizzato dove, dopo una fase di analisi della situazione iniziale ancora tramite questionario ed interviste dirette, si riportano le considerazioni fatte in merito alla possibilità di accentramento dei servizi ICT del gruppo analizzato.


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Rumors collected from a large public hospital undergoing change were content analyzed, and a typology comprising the following five broad types of change-related rumors was developed: rumors about changes to job and working conditions, nature of organizational change, poor change management, consequences of the change for organizational performance, and gossip-rumors. Rumors were also classified as positive or negative on the basis of their content. As predicted, negative rumors were more prevalent than positive rumors. Finally, employees reporting negative rumors also reported more change-related stress as compared to those who reported positive rumors and those who did not report any rumors. The authors propose that rumors be treated as verbal symbols and expressions of employee concerns during organizational change.


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This study utilized the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to understand employee change readiness. The extent to which attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control predicted employees’ intentions to carry out activities that were supportive of a change event were investigated. The impact of group norm was examined as a further predictor of change-related intentions. The context of the research was a sample of 82 employees in the early stages of a re-brand. Results indicated that direct measures of attitude and subjective norm, as well as group norm, emerged as significant predictors of employees’ intentions to perform re-brand behaviors. To capture the indirect beliefs underlying attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, participants also provided an assessment of their behavioral, normative, and control beliefs in regards to the change event, respectively. A series of MANOVAs revealed significant differences between moderate and high intenders on a range of underlying beliefs. Findings are discussed in terms of the application of the TPB for effective change management.


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Change management research has largely ignored the effects of organizational change management history in shaping employee attitudes and behavior. This article develops and tests a model of the effects of poor change management history (PCMH) on employee attitudes (trust, job satisfaction, turnover intentions, change cynicism, and openness to change) and actual turnover. We found that PCMH, through PCMH beliefs, led to lower trust, job satisfaction and openness to change, and higher cynicism and turnover intentions. Also, PCMH beliefs predicted employee turnover over 2 years.


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Purpose – The aim of this paper is to examine the process of change in an Australian not-for-profit organization, from a cash-based to an accrual-based accounting system. Its particular focus is the relationship between the image portrayed by accrual accounting adoption and the technical realities of the new system. Design/methodology/approach – Data were gathered from interviews, documents and meetings, and were contextualized and interpreted using institutional theory. Findings – The decision to change to accrual accounting was made at the top of the organizational hierarchy in response to institutional pressure to present a corporate image. The implementation of the new system was poorly conceived, inadequately resourced, and hampered by an authoritarian structure that effectively ignored the technical incompetence and training needs of many accounting staff. This resulted in an accounting system half way between cash and accrual, and very different from the system as it had been promoted. The process caused conflict at all levels of the organizational hierarchy. Research limitations/implications – Accounting in not-for-profit organizations is an under-researched area offering potential for fruitful research in a changing institutional landscape. This institutional approach, while offering just one interpretation of the qualitative data gathered in this project, provides valuable insights about the process of change. Practical implications – Not-for-profit organizations play a vital economic and social role, and need carefully to assess their responses to ongoing institutional pressures. In implementing change, they face the challenge of balancing the promotion of an institutionally acceptable image and the need for technical efficiencies. Originality/value – The examination of change in an organization provides a rich context for the exploration of the dynamic, problematic process by which a new accounting practice is embedded and institutionalized. Keywords Institutional theory, Not-for-profit organizations, Accrual accounting, Change process, Qualitative research, Change management, Decision making, Training needs, Australia Paper type Research paper


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This study examined if organizational identification can account for the mechanisms by which two-change management practices (communication and participation) influence employees’ intentions to support change. The context was a sample of 82 hotel employees in the early stages of a re-brand. Identification with the new hotel fully mediated the relationship between communication and adaptive and proactive intentions to support change, as well as between participation and proactive intentions.