908 resultados para cell nucleus membrane
Amb la finalitat d'aprofundir en les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, es van construir variants derivades de l'HP-RNasa seguint dues estratègies. En la primera, es van generar variants de l'enzim resistents a l'acció de l'inhibidor proteic de les ribonucleases (hRI), substituint residus implicats en la interfície de contacte entre la ribonucleasa i l'hRI. En la segona, es va addicionar el motiu RGD en regions de superfície de la proteïna implicades en la formació del complex amb l'hRI, a fi de promoure la seva interacció amb la membrana plasmàtica de les cèl·lules i a la vegada disminuir l'afinitat de les variants per l'hRI. Es va comprovar que només les variants portadores de substitucions múltiples adquirien la capacitat de resistència a l'hRI. L'estudi del percentatge d'inhibició de la síntesi proteica en cèl·lules incubades amb cadascuna de les variants va mostrar que només dues de les variants construïdes havien adquirit propietats citotòxiques. La citotoxicitat més elevada la va presentar una variant que no era resistent a l'hRI, amb valors que eren només entre 5 i 15 vegades inferiors als de l'onconasa. Aquest resultat demostrà que la sensibilitat a l'hRI no és necessàriament un paràmetre limitant per a la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases. Cap de les variants que incorporava un motiu RGD presentà citotoxicitat, evidenciant que aquest motiu no és efectiu a fi de dotar les ribonucleases pancreàtiques de propietats citotòxiques. Es van estudiar les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de la variant més citotòxica. En primer lloc, l'anàlisi de la internalització per marcatge radioactiu d'aquesta variant en relació amb l'onconasa i amb altres variants de l'HP-RNasa no citotòxiques, va posar en evidència que només l'onconasa era internalitzada eficientment. Es descartava així la possibilitat que l'acció citotòxica de l'enzim estudiat fos conseqüència d'una major eficiència d'endocitosi. També es va comprovar que l'addició del motiu RGD no era capaç de promoure la internalització de les proteïnes amb més eficàcia. Per microscòpia confocal de fluorescència, les variants humanes només es van començar a detectar a l'interior de la cèl·lula a partir de les 24 h d'incubació. Totes les variants generades van presentar una eficiència catalítica superior al 50 % de l'activitat de la seva proteïna parental, PM5, indicant que probablement l'estructura del centre actiu no havia estat afectada de manera dràstica per les substitucions introduïdes. No obstant, en tots els casos es va produir una disminució en la termoestabilitat respecte a PM5. Aquest resultat indicà que la correlació descrita a la bibliografia entre l'increment de termoestabilitat i l'increment de citotoxicitat per les ribonucleases no sempre es compleix. Per microscòpia confocal es va comprovar que tant la proteïna més citotòxica, com una variant no citotòxica resistent a l'hRI, així com la proteïna parental, seguien la via de degradació lisosomal. Aquesta ruta de trànsit no va ser afectada per l'addició de drogues que alteren les vies de trànsit retrògrad (monensina i brefeldina A), però sí per l'addició de la bafilomicina A1, una droga que neutralitza el pH endosomal i que va actuar alentint el trànsit de les proteïnes als lisosomes. D'acord amb aquests resultats, els valors de citotoxicitat de les variants es van incrementar de manera significativa només en presència de bafilomicina A1, suggerint que les ribonucleases transloquen al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via de trànsit endosomal. Es va comprovar que l'acció de la variant més citotòxica era deguda a que l'addició d'un segon motiu de tres Arg en PE5 dota a aquesta proteïna amb un senyal de transport nuclear. La fracció d'enzim que aconsegueix translocar al citoplasma a partir d'algun punt de la via endosomal previ als lisosomes, és conduït ràpidament al nucli de la cèl·lula per mitjà del mecanisme clàssic de transport actiu. Per la seva afinitat amb l'rRNA, l'enzim es concentra en el nuclèol, on probablement duu a terme la seva activitat catalítica. La interacció d'aquesta variant amb els receptors nucleocitoplasmàtics, les importines, impediria per altra banda el bloqueig de l'enzim per part de l'hRI. Els resultats obtinguts presenten una nova estratègia de disseny de ribonucleases citotòxiques, basada en l'addició de segments NLS a fi de promoure el transport nuclear dels enzims. Aquesta estratègia podria permetre superar limitacions que fins al moment han estat descrites com a limitants de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques, com la sensibilitat a l'hRI o la baixa eficiència d'internalització.
For enveloped viruses, genome entry into the target cell involves two major steps: virion binding to the cell-surface receptor and fusion of the virion and cell membranes. Virus-cell membrane fusion is mediated by the virus envelope complex, and its fusogenicity is the result of an active virus-cell interaction process that induces conformation changes within the envelope. For some viruses, such as influenza, exposure to an acidic milieu within the cell during the early steps of infection triggers the necessary structural changes. However, for other pathogens which are not exposed to such environmental stress, activation of fusogenicity can result from precise thiol/disulfide rearrangements mediated by either an endogenous redox autocatalytic isomerase or a cell-associated oxidoreductase. Study of the activation of HIV envelope fusogenicity has revealed new knowledge about how redox changes within a viral envelope trigger fusion. We discuss these findings and their implication for anti-HIV therapy. In addition, to compare and contrast the situation outlined for HIV with an enveloped virus that can fuse with the cell plasma membrane independent of the redox status of its envelope protein, we review parallel data obtained on SARS coronavirus entry.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Atualmente, muito se discute a respeito da natureza pré-maligna do líquen plano bucal. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as alterações das células epiteliais presentes no líquen plano bucal, comparando-as com aquelas observadas no carcinoma epidermóide. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Cortes histológicos de líquen plano bucal e carcinoma epidermóide, corados com hematoxilina-eosina, foram analisados por meio da microscopia de luz. RESULTADO: As alterações mais frequentemente observadas no líquen plano bucal foram aumento da relação núcleo/citoplasma (93,33%), espessamento da membrana nuclear (86,67%) e bi-ou multinucleação (86,67%). O teste t de Student (alfa=5%) revelou haver diferença estatisticamente significante entre o número médio de alterações celulares no líquen plano bucal (5,87±1,57) e no carcinoma epidermóide (7,60±1,81). Quanto aos tipos de alterações, o teste de qui-quadrado também revelou haver diferença estatisticamente significante entre as lesões avaliadas em relação às seguintes alterações celulares: hipercromatismo nuclear, mitoses atípicas, pleomorfismo celular e diferenciação celular anormal (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de que, em alguns casos, alguns patologistas possam fazer confusão no diagnóstico histopatológico do líquen plano bucal, os resultados obtidos neste estudo mostram que as alterações presentes no líquen plano bucal diferem consideravelmente daquelas observadas no carcinoma epidermóide, evidenciando o quão distintas são estas duas doenças.
The duct of the swine sweat gland crosses the dermis and epidermis in sequence. The cells of the dermic segment seem to be related with cellular secretion and absorption. In the epidermic segment of the duct the whole morphology of the cells resembles the cellular morphology of the epidermic cells.
Morphological changes of coagulating gland of Wistar rats submitted to the experimental chronic alcoholism were noted. Ultrastructurally, it was observed reduction of the granular endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and nuclei with basal position and irregular shape. The epithelial cells presented pycnotic nuclei and the mitochondrial cristae disappeared, characteristic of cellular degeneration.
A case of peripheral ameloblastoma in a 57-years-old woman is presented, along with a discussion of the clinical and histological characteristics of the lesion. After clinical and radiographic examinations, and with a differential diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma, an excisional biopsy was performed and the material collected was sent for histological examination. On the basis of the histopathological diagnosis, a second operation was performed with a wide safety margin, including bone tissue, which did not show any involvement with the odontogenic neoplasm.
The spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon ultrastructure of Sorubim lima were studied. Our observations showed that early spermatids are round-shaped cells, have spherical nucleus with diffuse chromatin, small quantity of mitochondria and large amount of vesicles in the cytoplasm. During the differentiation process in the nucleus, chromatin compacts in a progressive and homogeneous way, and the flagellum is formed. In the cytoplasm the vesicles, that have double membranes, aggregate and fuse on the plasma membrane. The spermatozoa of 5. lima have no acrosome and show spherical nucleus with homogeneous and highly compacted chromatin, intermediary piece with mitochondria and double wall vesicles contiguous to the plasma membrane, as well as a flagellum formed by a basic axoneme (9 + 2).
After filling root canals, the healing process depends on the chemical composition or physical-chemical properties of the material used, among other factors. All root canal sealers, whether solid or plastic, are foreign matter for the body if they remain in permanent contact with apical and periapical tissues. As a result, the first organic reaction that occurs is an attempt to phagocytize the material. During phagocytosis, macrophages release a large number of cell mediators into the area, among which are cytokines that are essential in intercellular communication and in many physiological and pathophysiological processes. One of these cytokines is tumor necrosis factor-alfa (TNF-α), which acts through links to specific receptors on the cell membrane initiating a cascade of events leading to induction, activation, or inhibition of numerous cytokine-regulated genes in the cell nucleus. The release of TNF-α in a cell culture of mouse peritoneal macrophages incubated with three concentrations (25, 50, and 100 mg/ml) of two endodontic sealers was measured. The solutions containing the calcium hydroxide-based root canal sealer (Sealapex) released fewer units of TNF-α than solutions containing the zinc oxide and eugenol-based sealer (Endomethasone).
This study investigates the presence and the localization of acid phosphatase and ATPase in the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus female ticks during feeding. Semi-engorged females showed a larger amount of acid phosphatase compared to those at beginning of feeding, localized mainly in the apical portion of the secretory cells, and in the basal labyrinth of the interstitial cells. Ultrastructural observations also demonstrated its presence in secretion granules and inside some nuclei of secretory cells at beginning of feeding. Acid phosphatase in a free form probably has a hemolymph and/or ribosomal origin and participates in salivary gland secretion control. ATPase was detected in basal membrane of all types of acini and/or in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells at both feeding stages. The enzyme activities found strongly suggests that cell death by apoptosis occurs during the degenerative process. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The cationic polysaccharide chitosan has been widely used for non-viral transfection in vitro and in vivo and has many advantages over other polycations. Chitosan is biocompatible and biodegradable and protects DNA against DNase degradation. However following administration the ChitosanDNA polyplexes must overcome a series of barriers before DNA is delivered to the cell nucleus. This paper describes the most important parameters involved in the chitosan-DNA interaction and their effects of on the condensation, shape, size and protection of DNA. Strategies developed for chitosanDNA polyplexes to avoid non-specific interaction with blood components and to overcome intracellular obstacles as the crossing of die cell membrane, endosomal escape and nuclear import are presented. © 2006 American Chemical Society.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The morphology of the parotid and submandibular glands in the marten, a carnivore, were studied and analyzed under a transmission electron microscope. The nature of the granules in both glands, as well as in the acini and in the secretory tubules, is rather mucous. The structure of the secretory tubules is very characteristic, especially the striated ones. The myoepithelial cells are close to the acini and tubules and covered by the basement membrane separating them from the connective tissue, which enhances its epithelial origin. The cytoplasm of the basal parts of the acinar and tubular cells is abundant and separates the nucleus from the secretion granules. Although the morphology of the salivary glands of many carnivores is known, those of the parotid gland of the marten present peculiar characteristics, since they produce a rather mucous saliva and the granules, when forming, are far from the base as well as from the apex of the secretory cells. The submandibular gland contains granules of different densities, an aspect that in general resembles that of other animals.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)