999 resultados para buenos aires
Sunflower crop was based, as yet, on high linoleic cultivars, but in the last years request for oil with higher content of oleic acid has increased, due to their dietary characteristics. At the beginning, high oleic cultivars were used to be sown in warm regions, but then the concern about growing it in temperate areas, as the south-east of Buenos Aires Province, was posed. In this region, early sowings are recommended, so that grain filling matches with a period of appropriate hydric and light conditions, as to result in greater yields. However, early sowings are limited by low soil temperature, that delays seedling emergence, resulting in heterogeneous stand establishment. The aim of this work was to evaluate seed performance of four high oleic cultivars in the southern area of Buenos Aires Province, by means of vigor tests and field trials. Germination, cold, tetrazolium viability, tetrazolium viability with cold, accelerated ageing tests and three field sowings at different soil temperatures were performed. Data were analyzed by Anova using generalised linear models, and tests and cultivars were contrasted among themselves. Similar seedling emergence under optimal and suboptimal temperatures for high oleic and high linoleic cultivars was recorded. The success of seedling establishment does not appear to be related to the acidic composition of seeds.
Cet extrait a été fait, d'après une note du fol. 1, en 1710, « par le sr Deslandes. »
Gestión del conocimiento
Graffiti, Memory and Contested Space: Mnemonic Initiatives Following Periods of Trauma and/or Repression in Buenos Aires, Argentina This thesis concerns the popular articulation ofmemory following periods or incidents of trauma in Argentina. I am interested in how groups lay claim to various public spaces in the city and how they convert these spaces into mnemonic battlegrounds. In considering these spaces of trauma and places of memory, I am primarily interested in how graffiti writing (stencils, spray-paint, signatures, etchings, wall-paintings, murals and installations) is used to make these spaces transmit particular memories that impugn official versions of the past. This thesis draws on literatures focused on popular/public memory. Scholars argue that memory is socially constructed and thus actively contested. Marginal initiatives such as graffiti writing challenge the memory projects of the state as well as state projects that are perceived by citizens to be 'inadequate,' 'inappropriate,' and/or as promoting the erasure of memory. Many of these initiatives are a reaction to the proreconciliation and pro-oblivion strategies of previous governments. I outline that the history of silences and impunity, and a longstanding emphasis on reconciliation at the expense of truth and justice has created an environment of vulnerable memory in Argentina. Popular memory entrepreneurs react by aggressively articulating their memories in time and in space. As a result of this intense memory work, the built landscape in Buenos Aires is dotted with mnemonic initiatives that aim to contradict or subvert officially sanctioned memories. I also suggest that memory workers in Argentina persistently and carefially use the sites of trauma as well as key public spaces to ensure official as well as popular audiences . The data for this project was collected in five spaces in Buenos Aires, the Plaza de Mayo, Plaza Congreso, La Republica Cromanon nightclub, Avellaneda Train Station and El Olimpo, a former detention centre from the military dictatorship.
L’objectif général de notre projet est d’étudier l’interrelation entre espaces intérieurs, temporalité et sociabilités dans la littérature dite « mémorialiste » de Buenos Aires de la période 1880-1910. Notre recherche privilégie l’analyse des textes d’inspiration mémorialiste parus à Buenos Aires entre 1881 et 1904: Buenos Aires, desde setenta años atrás (José A. Wilde); La Gran Aldea (Lucio V. López); Las beldades de mi tiempo (Santiago Calzadilla); Memorias de un viejo (Víctor Gálvez) et Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla). Plus spécifiquement, nous essayons de définir notre concept de « dimension intérieure », à partir de l’intersection entre espace et temps perceptible chez les auteurs mémorialistes dès le commencement de leurs récits évocateurs. Parallèlement, nous cherchons à prouver que ce concept s’exprime comme la progression graduelle, à partir de la pensée des auteurs (c’est-à-dire, le premier espace intérieur, le plus intime), jusqu’à la conquête des espaces plus vastes, comme la maison de l’enfance, le quartier, la ville, la Nation. En même temps, nous explorons la relation problématique entre mémoire et espace intime, d’un côté, et les complexes relations entre mémoire et histoire nationale, de l’autre côté. Parallèlement, nous analysons la transition historique de la période coloniale à la période moderne -ce qui José Luis Romero appelle les ères « créole » et « alluviale »- depuis la perspective des sociabilités de la « haute société » et des « secteurs populaires ». Pour ce faire, nous analysons, en premier lieu, les espaces domestiques des grandes maisons coloniales de la « haute société » de Buenos Aires, dans Memorias. Infancia y adolescencia (Lucio V. Mansilla), avant de nous consacrer à d’autres sites qui nous permettent d’identifier les variables sociabilités historiques: « tertulias », magasins, « pulperías », cafés et clubs.
Resumen de los autores. Res??menes en espa??ol e ingl??s
Alejandro Casona (Alejandro Rodr??guez ??lvarez) es uno de los autores que particip??, desde la direcci??n del Teatro del Pueblo, en Las Misiones Pedag??gicas creadas, en 1931, e impulsadas por el ideario de Manuel Bartolom?? Coss??o. Exiliado en 1937, se analiza su obra destinada espec??ficamente al p??blico infantil y su trayectoria vital: su adolescencia murciana, su paso por Madrid cursando los estudio de Magisterio, donde tiene contacto con la vanguardia esc??nica y el teatro independiente, tan decisivos en su concepci??n del teatro popular, en la que, tan significativo como el texto literario resulta la m??sica o el gesto; su estancia en el Valle de Ar??n, con su primera experiencia teatral con los ni??os de Les, pueblo donde ejerce como maestro; su paso por las Misiones pedag??gicas y su periplo en el exilio, que le llevar??, con la Compa????a teatral de Josefina D??az y Manuel Collado, por M??xico, Cuba, Puerto Rico y Venezuela, para recabar, finalmente, en Argentina donde se encuentra en los a??os cuarenta. Aqu??, en tierras americanas, entre 1937 y 1939, escribir?? sus farsas infantiles: El gato con botas, Pinocho y Blancaflor, El hijo de Pinocho y ??A Bel??n, pastores!; y en 1949, en Buenos Aires, publicar?? su Retablo jovial.
Evaluación del papel de la migración voluntaria en la forma en que los colombianos perciben al sistema político colombiano desde la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Con el nacimiento de la globalización y su idea de integración de naciones para crear un solo mercado, se crea la necesidad en las empresas de expandir sus productos hacia nuevas fronteras para crear así empresas multiculturales que se adapten a los cambios constantes del entorno. Es allí donde nace el concepto de Unidad Estratégica de Negocio (UEN), la cual se puede definir como una subdivisión de una empresa, es una unidad de la empresa que tiene misión y objetivos aparte que se pueden planear con independencia de los demás negocios de la empresa1 . La panela es un producto Colombiano que nace de la extracción del jugo de la caña de azúcar, se consume fría o caliente de acuerdo a la preferencia del consumidor; hoy en día Doña panela, una de las empresas productoras de panela más grande del país, ha sacado al mercado una presentación de panela instantánea en cubos y sobres de diferentes sabores. Doña panela es una empresa que cuenta con todos los estándares legales establecidos para exportar y desde hace algunos años exporta hacia países como Corea del sur, ecuador y Estados Unidos; Siendo así, y gracias a la experiencia vivida en Argentina, se establece la idea de crear una Unidad Estratégica de Negocio de Doña panela en el bello país de Argentina.
Reseña del libro Kessler, Gabriel. El sentimiento de inseguridad: sociología del temor al delito.Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores; 2009, 288 p.
This article describes the housing policies displayed historically in B.A. that affected the processes of configuration and of giving hierarchy to the urban space. Since the process of modernization of B.A., at the end of the XIXth century, housing measures, urbanistic projects and political decisions have influenced the building of the city and the space distribution of their inhabitants: in this way, they have integrated some people and excluded others. No wonder, that, historically, popular sectors have established themselves in the South of the city (and in outskirt villages). These zones have been disregarded by the state, which has invested less in these areas. We will see how the connection between state housing policies and the population redistribution in the city, confirms the persistence of a strong process of urban and residential segregation that tends to expel the inhabitants of popular sectors and to attract the ones of the middle-class and high class sectors.
The current housing problems in the city of Buenos Aires revolves around two phenomena, the precariousness and the evictions, in a context that is conceived like housing emergency. In response to this situation, some institutional organisms and certain social organizations with territorial roots in the south of the city, began to take forward actions of resilience opposing to the massive evictions, which take place as consequence of the real-estate pressure, and were concerning to the hotels, pensions, tenancies, and usurped houses of this zone of the city. It will be analyzed the actions of resilience displayed by them in their individual and collective dimensions and their relation to housing policies.